1. 3 Theory of Characterization REVIEW OF LITERATURE

12 her uniqueness in speech, in reactions to people and things, in mannerism, in fantasy, and in other ways directed toward the specific goal to adjust his or her environment Hurlock, 1974: 7. To make it understandable and clearer about personalities, Hurlock has eight determinants, which can determine ones personality pattern 1974: 137-354. These determinants are very useful when the writer analyzes the personalities of Okonkwo. Yet, it is also important because Okonkwos personality traits also influence his decision to commit suicide. The first determinants of personalities is physical determinant that shows physic and body functioning are obviously responsible for personality development. The physical factor influences self-concept when the person compares his physique with his ideal and the standard in his social group, especially when he is conscious of the other reaction. The second determinant is intellectual determinant that shows intellectual capacities influence on persons adjustment to his environment, to people, to himself. When one intellectual capacity develops, the person will be aware of the worlds and his perceptions of people, of situation, and of himself. There are many conditions that can determine ones intellectual growth, such as motivation, physical condition, education and emotional states. The third is emotional determinant where the intensity and duration of an emotion determines how it will affect the personality. Emotion affects the individuals physical and mental functioning and his attitudes, interests, and values. With advancing age, the affects of the emotions on physical well being increase. 13 Then the fourth determinant is social determinant that indicates that a person can earn in accordance with his developmental level because the social group sets developmental tasks or learning experiences, which expect the person to master them at a certain age. Social rates one learned and internalized by the person to become self-expectations as well as social expectations. It implies that when we enter a society and let ourselves plunge into its internalization we have to be ready to determine our steps in deciding whether we will take or leave that society expectations, norms and idealisms. The fifth is aspiration and achievement determinants that include the ego- involved goals of a person and the success or failure of a person related with his training, experience, past achievement, flexibility, independence, risk taking, and motivation. The aspirations and achievement certainly can result good or bad effects in ones self-concept or even ones personality. Next is sex determinant that shows the attitude of the society toward sex differences, and awareness of sex differences can determine a person to show his or her academic abilities, interests and aptitudes. The direct influence of sexuality on personality comes from the effects of the sex hormones, which influence body form and functioning and the quality of a persons behavior. The indirect influence is from the effect of cultural influences on the sex drive, the attitudes of significant people, and their treatment toward the person cause of his sexuality. The seventh is educational determinant that considered as an important determinant in affecting ones personality, because parents, schools and colleges, and 14 teachers have great roles in shaping ones early personality. The emotional climate of an institution affects ones self evaluation and the evaluation of others made on him. The last is family determinant that shows the relationship a person has with his family is the most important factor in his personality development. The child- training method and the communication of interests, attitudes, values between family members, persons identification with a family member he admires, respects, and loves can highly influence ones personality development.

2. 1. 4 Theory of Motivation

When a person is doing something there must be a reason to do it, which is called motivation. The motivation will influence someone to behave in a specific way. There are some definitions of motivation from different experts. Motivation, according to Smith 1982:282, is defined as “an internal process that influences the direction, persistence, and vigor of goal directed behavior”. Motivation can be seen as an internal factor that moves human beings and animals to the achieved goal. Motivation also leads human to behave in specific behavior which can support them in the process of achieving their goal. Therefore motivation always influences someones behavior. An individual always behaves in certain manners, because of his motivation, in order to adapt to the condition or to gain something. Wright, Taylor, Davies, Sluckin, Lee and Reasor 1975: 206 also say that Motive is a particular class of reasons for doing something as when we talk about motives for a crime. In a broader or looser sense the word 15 motive simply refers to that which causes an individual to behave in anyway at all. Bootzin, Loftus, Zajonc Black, La Piccolo and Holahan 1983: 367 state that motive is the dynamic property of behavior that gives it organization over time and that defines its end states. Someones behavior is conducted by some purpose and it leads to some end state, which may be goal or the satisfaction of some need. They 1983:368 also divide motivation into two kinds; they are external motivation and internal motivation. The external motivation called incentils, motivation that comes because of the environment influences. The internal motivation called drives that come from the person himself. They also called extrinsic motivation for the behaviour that is motivated by external reward, while behaviour, which is motivated by an individuals established persons, called intrinsic motivation 1983: 383. Everybody is always motivated when they are going to do something whether it is good or not in any condition of life. Motivations also influence ones life in different way. Related with that, In McClelland’s book, Abraham Maslow states that motivation has a close relation with basic human needs. He also says that man is initially motivated by a series of basic needs; as these are satisfied, he moves toward the higher level of needs and becomes motivated by them. There are five basic needs according to him 1985:42. a. Psychological needs need for food, water, and sex. b. Safety needs need for security and protection from pain, fear, anxiety and disorder; need for order, lawfulness and discipline. 16 c. Needs for belongingness and love need for love, tenderness, and togetherness. Maslow 1970 as quoted in Petri 1979: 303 states that when the physiological needs and the safety needs are satisfied, needs for love, affection, and belongingness emerge. He also says that the evidence that we need love is the same as we need iodine or vitamin C. The lack of love stifles the growth and the development of potential. d. Esteem needs need for achievement, respect, and approval. According to Maslow 1970 as quoted in Petri 1979: 303, there are two esteem needs. They are self-esteem and respect from other people. He says that self-esteem includes needs such as desire for confidence, and freedom. Person who has self-esteem, usually more confident, capable and thus, more productive, but if it is absent, the individual has feelings of inferiority and helplessness, which may result in discouragement and possible neurotic behavior. The second esteem needs is self-respect from others includes such concepts as prestige, recognition, acceptance, attention, status reputation, and appreciation. e. Self-actualization needs need for self-fulfillment, for realizing one’s potential, for understanding and insight. Maslow 1970 as quoted in Petri 1979: 301 states that it is the desire to become more and more what one is to become everything that one is capable of becoming. Self actualizing people do not feel anxiety-ridden, insecure, unsafe, do not feel alone, ostracized, rootless, or isolated, do not feel unlovable, rejected or 17 unwanted, do not feel despised and looked down upon, and do not feel deeply unworthy, nor do they have crippling feelings or inferiority or worthlessness. This theory of motivation of basic needs is needed in order to help the writer in analyzing Okonkwos reasons to commit a suicide since there are some of his basic needs that are not fulfilled.

2. 1. 5 Theory of Suicide

It is shocking to know Okonkwo commits suicide although nowadays that action is not a new thing anymore. Many people do that action as the way out of their problems. Therefore, suicide is considered as one of the easiest ways to get out of problem. Redestam as quoted by Sue 1986: 403 states that suicide is the taking of ones own life, with repugnance, and there are strong religious sanctions against it as well. Suicide is both a sin in canonical law and an illegal act according to the laws of most countries. However, Smith 1982: 129 defines suicide as the act of intentionally destroying oneself, a violent self-inflicted destructive action resulting in death. Based on the findings of modern psychology, Baumeister 1990 as quoted in Baron 1995: 558 suggests that suicide is the result of efforts by individuals to escape themselves, to escape from awareness their own faults and shortcomings. Suicide has many categories, according to Durkheim 1897 as quoted in Sue 1986: 408 there are three categories of suicide. The first is egoistic suicide, which