1. Theoretical Review 1. 1 Theory of Critical Approach

10 and Wood 1971: 20, characterization is the process by which the author creates a character. This is used by the author to decide the characters of the story. Kenney 1988: 34 in his book How to Read and Write about Fiction also defines characterization as “the method by which the characters will be presented to the readers”. Characterization in the novel helps us to know what the character in the story like. Characterization is used in order to give better understanding about the character of the story. The readers of the literary work will experience the course of the story or it seems that he reads the story of a person not an imaginary person. Rohrberger and Wood 1971: 20 state there are two principal ways the author can characterize. He can use direct means to describe physical appearance and dramatic means that place the character in the situation to show what the character is through behavior or speaking. The characterization itself according to Perrine 1974: 68-69 can be presented in two ways, direct and indirect. It is called direct presentation because the author tells the reader about the characters in his story directly using some expositions. The author describes the characters physical appearance. For example, the character is fat, slim, black, white, handsome, beautiful, ugly, etc. or the author explains the personality of the character. For example, he is shy, obedient, fearful, mercenary, etc. However, in indirect presentation method, the author tells the reader about the character through character’s behavior or speaking. Then, the readers infer what they are like from what they think, they say, or they do. 11 Murphy 1972: 161-173 mentions nine methods of how the author reveals the characters traits. They are personal description, character as seen by another, the characters speech, the characters past life, conversation of others, the characters reaction, the direct comment from the author, the characters thoughts and mannerism. There are some important points according to Perrine 1974: 69 to make the characterization more convincing. The characters should show attitude that is not changing as they want or easily change. It means that the characters may not develop their characteristic until they gain a clear reason for their changes. The characters should have a clear reason of their action so the reader will understand why the characters act in that way or why they do the action. The last point is that the characters must be drawn as human beings. It means that the characters have similarities to human being such as feeling, appearance, way of thinking, etc. If the characters have the aspect of human, the reader will feel that they are alive or the readers experience the course of the story. To analyze Okonkwos personality, besides the theory of characterization, the writer will need some theories of personalities to help understanding his personalities in the novel. These theories will be useful to know the factors can be use to personalize somebody. Allport as quoted in Hurlocks, defines that personality development is a stage in growth of a constantly changing and evoking process within an individual. The process becomes more complex, in the patterning of one self-concept, habits, attitudes, emotional states, sentiments, and motives. Furthermore, it determines his or