This chapter presents the process of data gathering, data display and the conclusion drawing processes. The first part of this chapter describes the process of data gathering and data reduction techniques. The second part of this chapter elaborates the coding scheme and elaborated themes according to the research questions. The third part of this chapter elaborates the conclusions drew based on the data analysis.

A. Data Gathering Process

The researcher used three different data gathering techniques; interview, classroom activity video observation, and document analysis. The reason why the researcher used more than one data source was to be able to have a fuller understanding about the case being studied Bogdan Biklen, 2003. The use of multiple data sources was the first principle of data collection according to Robert K. Yin Yin, 2009; this principle was called triangulation Yin, 2009. In this study, the researcher used data triangulation in order to develop the converging lines of inquiry and address the potential construct validity problems Yin, 2009. In addition to those three sources of data, informal observations were done in the interview and the classroom activity recording day. 32 The first thing the researcher did in conducting this case study research was contacting MFC 5’s teacher as one of the respondents of this research to be the interviewee. The researcher contacted MFC5’s teacher for an hour interview and she agreed as long as the interview conducted in the morning. We agreed that the interview would be conducted on May 21, 2014. One day before the interview conducted, the researcher contacted her again for the meeting point and she suggested in her house. The researcher agreed to come to her house and conduct the one-hour interview successfully. The researcher discussed the time for classroom activities video recording time with MFC 5’s teacher and she suggested the researcher to call the director of Alpha English course. Later, the researcher called the English course office and the researcher was suggested to meet and talk directly to the director on the recording day. The researcher came to the English course and talked to the director to confirm and inform the consent form the researcher had made. The director agreed and the director invited the researcher to prepare the tools inside the classroom. The researcher also discussed about the document needed for this research with MFC 5’s teacher. We agreed that the researcher could borrow the teaching media but not for the lesson plan. It was because of the course’s regulation that the researcher was not allowed to copy the lesson plan outside of the course, but the researcher was allowed to take a specimen of the lesson plan.