Place and Time of study Method of Research

E. Technique of Data Collecting

Techniques of collecting data in this research are using documentation and questionnaire. Variables of ‘English course’ used a questionnaire and variables of students’ English achievement is students’ score of English test. The further explanations of them are as mention below; 1. Documentation T he students’ English test score is needed for the documentation data. The result of the test was already conducted by the English teacher in the school. 2. Questionnaire The writer used a closed-ended questionnaire. Open-ended questions provide an opportunity to the respondents to answer according to what they want. While in the closed questions, respondents chose the ‘yes or no’ answers that have been provided in the questionnaire, the respondents could not provide the answer freely. 2

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The next step the writer does is analyzing the data. The writer analysis the data by using statistic calculation of Point Bisserial Correlation. The Point- Biserial Correlation Coefficient is a correlation measure of the strength of association between a continuous-level variable ratio or interval data and a binary variable. Binary variables are variables of nominal scale with only two values. The writer used SPSS software for analyze the data. The writer also used Sugiyono’s Correlation Interpretation Table see Table 3.1. 2 ibid., p. 220 Table 3.1. Correlation Interpretation Correlation Interpretation according to Sugiyono 3

G. Statistical Hypothesis

From the formulation above. the writer followed some assumptions as below: a. If the result of calculation of significance of the correlation is higher than 0.05. the null hypothesis Ho is accepted and the alternative hypothesis Ha is rejected. b. If the result of calculation of significance of the correlation is lower than 0.05. the null hypothesis Ho is rejected and the alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted. 3 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif Dan RD. Bandung: Alfabeta. p.192. Coefisien Interval Correlation 0.00-0.199 Very Weak 0.20-0.399 Weak 0.40-0.599 Modderate 0.60-0.799 Strong 0.80-1.000 Very Strong