The Relationship between Students Enrollment in English Course and Students' English Achievement (A Correlational Study in the Ninth Grade Students of 293 Junior High School Jakarta Selatan)







(A Correlational Study in the Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 239 Jakarta Selatan)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to Faculty of Educational Sciences in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education


Ditta Fidia Anggiarini NIM. 1111014000092







Case Study in the Ninth Grade Students of 293 Junior High School Jakarta Selatan), Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayarullah State Islamic


Keywords: English Course, Students’ Achievement.

This study aims to know the relationship between students enrollment in

English course and students’ achievement. This research used quantitative method

with correlational design. The samples were taken from students of class 9E of SMPN 239 which located in the Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa. The data were collected from questionnaires and documentation. The type of questionnaire were an opened and closed questionnaire. Meanwhile the document used in this reseach was students’ English achievement score. The questionnaire distributed to find out if students join the English course or not and to obtain data about their reasons of joining or not joining the course. The data were analyzed using Point Bisserial Correlation formula. With the significant level 5%, the writer got the significance

correlation of the test is0.008. Since 0.008 is lower than 0.005 (0.008<0.005), it

means that there is a correlation between students enrollment in English course

variable and students’ English achievement variable. Moreover, from the data

analysis, it found that the Pearson Correlation is 0.506, which means the correlation is modderate according to correlation interpretation table. Dealing with the research result. The null hypothesis was rejected. It means that there was a significant relationship between students enrollment in English course and




Ditta Fidia Anggiarini. 1111014000092. “The Relationship between Students’ Enrollment in English Courses and Students’ English Achievement (A Case Study in the Ninth Grade Students of 293 Junior High School Jakarta Selatan), Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayarullah State Islamic


Keywords: English Course, Students’ Achievement.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara keikutsertaan siswa dalam bimbingan belajar bahasa Inggris dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel diambil dari siswa-siswa kelas 9-E SMP Negeri 239 Jakarta Selatan yang berlokasi di Tanjung Barat Jagakarsa.Penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner dan dokumentasi data. Jenis kuesioner yang di gunakan adalah kuesioner terbuka dan kuesioner tertutup. Dokumen yang di gunakan adalah data hasil belajar siswa. Pertama, kuesioner di bagikan untuk mengetahui apakah para siswa mengikuti bimbingan belajar bahasa Inggris atau tidak. Selanjutnya, siswa yang mengikuti bimbingan belajar bahasa Inggris di harapkan untuk mengisi kuesioner terbuka berisi alasan mereka mengikuti bimbingan bahasa Inggris dan. Dari hasil analisa, setelah mengumpulkan data dengan perhitungan menggunakan rumus Point Bisserial Correlation dengan level signfikansi, penulis mendapatkan signifikansi

korelasi sebesar0.008. Hasilnya adalah 0.008 < 0.05. Karena 0.008 lebih rendah

dari 0.005 (0.008 < 0.05), itu berarti bahwa ada korelasi antara variabel keikutsertaan siswa dalam bimbingan belajar dan variabel prestasi bahasa Inggris siswa. Selain itu, dari analisis data, ditemukan bahwa Korelasi Pearson adalah 0.506, yang berarti korelasinya adalah modderate atau pertengahan menurut korelasi tabel interpretasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian hipotesis nol ditolak. Hal ini berarti ada signifikasi hubungan keikutsertaan siswa dalam bimbingan belajar bahasa Inggris dan hasil belajar siswa.


Alhamdulillah, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Allah SWT, the Greatest and the Most Merciful for giving many chances to study and gain the knowledge, giving guidance and enabling her to complete this thesis; the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his families, his relatives and his followers, may Allah bless them all until the end of the world and life after this life.

The writer would like to dedicate this skripsi to her beloved parent,

Sugianto and Diana Triwardhani. Their love and support are very important in maintaining her morale when she had difficulties in her research. The writer would also like to thank her brother for his constant support, encouragement and love.

The writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to many individuals who have supported her in this study, they are:

1. Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl. Ed dan Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd., the

skripsi supervisors, for them who have made possible the expansion of

writer’s knowledge and professional development. Without their guidance and

support, this thesis would have been impossible.

2. All lectures and officers, especially those of Department of English Education

(DEE) lectures and officers, many thanks for their inspiration and valuable advice.

3. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department.

4. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. the secretary of Departement of English Education,

and all staffs of Departement of English Education

5. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd., the academic advisor, for guiding writer during

the times in university.

6. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA, the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and


7. Mr. Sugianto S.Pd for providing the documentation of study purposes.

8. State Islamic University of Jakarta.

9. All 3rd grade students of 239 Junior High School for their kindness to be

participants of this study.

10.Classmates in DEE C 2011. All of them are good friends who are supporting

and encouraging.

11.Her beloved close friends (Predas); Ajeng, Dessi, Esti, Dwi, Niki, & Nunky

and (Melons); Diandra, Opal, Yudho, Nurul, Dpd, Bali, Farah, Yanu, Dewa

and Mamat. Also Fazhar, Sari, Ocka and Dayu, for sustaining and helping writer during tough times.

12.People whose names cannot be mentioned one by one for contributing and

helping writer conducted her study.

May Allah bless them. Amiiin.

Last of all, hopefully this study can be useful and become the input for the parties in need.

Depok, 2016












Chapter I: Introduction...1

A. Background of the Study...1

B. Identification of Problem ...3

C. Limitation...3

D. Research Question...4

E. Objective of Study...4

F. Significance of Study...4

Chapter II: Theoritical Framework...5

A. Learning Languages...5

B. Non Formal Education...6

1. Definition...6

2. Characteristic...7

3. Types...8

C. Course...11

1. Definition...11

2. Purposes of Course...13

D. Achievement...14



2. Types of Achievement Test...16

3. Factors of Achievement...17

E. Relevant Study...19

F. Thinking Framework...21

G. Research Hypothesis...21

Chapter III: Research Methodology...23

A. Place and time of study...23

B. Method of Research ...23

C. Population and Sample...24

D. Data Source...24

E. Technique of Data Collecting...25

F. Technique of Data Analysis...25

G. Statistical Hypothesis ...26

Chapter IV: Result and Discussion...27

A. Data Description...27

B. Data Analysis...31

C. Test of Hypothesis...34

D. Interpretation...35

Chapter V: Conclusion and Suggestion...38








Table 4.2 Students Who Join the Course’s Score... 28

Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution Students’ Score ...29

Table 4.4 Group Statistic ...33

Table 4.5 Correlation Test Result ...33









A.Background of the Study

People use language in their lives, language need to be taught when the children in their active or productive age, so the percentage of language in the brain will receive better and greater. English becomes the international language used in many countries, therefore most of countries in this world teach English as their second language from the elementary to the university level. The learners are also expected to master the four skills namely writing, speaking, listening and reading in schools. Sometimes, formal schools do not teach students the four skills

more deeply. In the writer’ experience, some teachers only teach the students the

basic of English Language in schools. The teachers only give some steps to make a good writing; moreover, some teachers in formal school do not teach students to speak with right pronunciation. Some teachers claimed they do not teach the students more deeply because of limited time that school gives, only about two hours a day and other reason is because of big number of students in each class. In formal schools especially in the public schools there are about 30 to 40 students in each class.

Furthermore, the students who are already in the 9th grade of Junior High

School need to study English more to face the national exam or UN where English

Language is included as an important subject in the national exam. The requirement of high school graduation is passing the national exam. The existence

of UN makes schools and teachers need strategy to be able to graduate their

students. One of the strategies is tutoring strategy called Pendalaman Materi or

PM starts from the beginning of the semester. The materials in Pendalaman


implemented only in the first half of tutorship, in the second half there is no

tutoring activity. Beside that, based on writer’s experience, students also have a

problem with the school environment. They cannot learn English well because their school has lack of English sources. For example, the school does not have a tape recorder nor English book for listening and reading skills. It made students have less interest to learn English. For that reason, some parents usually send their children to the English course. Parents think that their children need some extra hours to learn English beside those given in schools. An English course contains about 10 students each class. It makes teacher able to pay attention more and communicate to each students. Moreover, the teachers in English course use some new technology like smartphone or an iPad to teach that is really interesting for

students. So, the students can learn the course easily. For the 9th students, with the

English course, can ask the tutor about some questions that will appear in the national exam.

Furthermore, there is a researcher already took this problem about Non-formal education or English course for their research. The research title is “The

Influence of English Course as Non-Formal Education upon Students’ English

Achievement” by Muhammad Irdo. The researcher took a research in SMPN 3 Depok. The sample of the research is secondary grade’s students. First, the researcher observed the school and interviewed the headmaster, and then he gave the questionnaire to the students. The questionnaire contain about whether the student takes a course or no. The researcher also collected the score of the latest English score from the teacher. After getting the data, the researcher used a statistic calculation of t-test. The result of the research is there is a significant

influence of English Course as Non-Formal Education upon Students’ English



Therefore, the writer as the student of Department of English Education interested in verifying and re-analyzing this phenomena in another place and time. This research will focus on English course that help students’ English score or

achievement with the title “The Relationship between Students’ Enrollment in

English Courses and Students’ English Achievement”. The result of this research help the writer to teach English better in the class especially with the method that used in class.

B.Identification of Problem.

From the background study, the writer identified the problem of this research. Which are;

1. The students need extra time to learn English outsides school because

of the limited time in school.

2. How far English course help students to learn English outsides school?


The writer limit the study in searching any significant correlation or

relationship between Students’ Enrollment in English Courses and Students’

English Achievement. The participant of this study is the Junior High School students’ in one of Junior High School in Jakarta. The reason of the choosing participants is because learning English is the most effective in this stage and the participant is preparing the national exam with tryouts. Besides that, the writer knows the situation of place and the participant.


D.Research Question

From the background of the study, the writer conclude the research question in this research which is:

Is there any significant relationship or correlation between Students’

Enrollment in English Courses and Students’ English Achievement? E.Objective of Study

The objective of this study is to find out whether Students’ Enrollment in

English Courses has a significant correlation to their English achievement gained by students of 239 Junior High School.

F. Significance of Study

The result of the study will help the teacher, schools, students, and parents. This study will help the teacher in their teaching class; the teacher will pay more attention on the teaching method that they used when they teach in class. School also gets information to improve the awareness of students' in English class. This study also motivates students to improve their English.






A. Learning Languages

As the international languages, English is really important in this global era. But there are some reasons that people want to learn English as their foreign languages. Jeremy Hermer in his book explained some reasons people want to

learn English. The first one is because the school’s curriculum, they need to learn English. The next reason is because of advancement, people think that they will get a good job if they can understand English. Other reasons are some students or learners need to learn English to survive from their community, learners need to understand English because some purposes, sometimes it is because the learners

want to know the culture or they want to travel around the world.1

Moreover, David Nunan in his book stated that some educational psychologists commonly refer to two types of motivation in studies:

extrinsic/instrumental and intrinsic/integrative. “Extrinsic motivation is the drive

to do or learn something for an external reward, such as good school grades.

Intrinsic motivation is the drive to do or learn something for its own sake.”2 In the

language learning, both kind of motivation really affect the learners when they learn foreign language. The extrinsic motivation of learning language is also from the environment of the learners learn the languages. M.E.S Elizabeth and

Digumarti Bhaskara in their book ‘Method of Teaching’ stated the full class and

the noise of the other sound or the facilities for the study can be a problem to the learning activity. The teacher cannot give more attention to each student in the overcrowded classes. In such situations, the noises from the neighboring class


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching. (London and New York: Longman, 1996), pp. 1-2.


David Nunan, Teaching English To Young Learners. (USA: Anaheim University Press. 2011)



both disturb the teacher and the students not able to concentrate properly. They also stated that in the absence of these aids or facilities to learn the language like

an audio tape, the sound of English and correct pronunciation cannot be taught.3

B. Non Formal Education 1. Definition

Non formal education defines as any organized educational activity outside the established formal system whether operating separately or as an important feature of some broader activity that is intended to serve identifiable learning clienteles and learning objectives.

According to Joesoef’s book, Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Luar Sekolah,

non-formal education is “Pendidikan yang teratur dengan sadar dilakukan tetapi tidak terlalu mengikuti peraturan-peraturan yang tetap dan ketat”. In addition, Joesoef said that non-formal education also helps individual qualities in the ability to create some changes and progress of the country later. Therefore, the task of the

non-formal education has also been outlined in national education.4 Furthermore,

there is Haim Eshach in his journal with the title “Bridging In-School and

Out-of-School Learning: Formal, Non-Formal, and Informal Education”, Haim Eshach

stated that Non-formal learning occurs in a planned but highly adaptable manner in institutions, organizations, and situations beyond the spheres of formal or informal education. It shares the characteristic of being mediated with formal education, but the motivation for learning may be wholly intrinsic to the learners.5


M.E.S Elizabeth and Digumarti BhaskaraRao, Method of Teaching English. (New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2007), pp.41-42


Soelaiman Joesoef, Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Luar Sekolah. (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1992), p. 79.


Haim Eshach, Bridging In-School and Out-of-School Learning: Formal, Non-Formal, and Informal Education, Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2007. p.173


According to Novosadova et al, “Non-formal education gives young people the possibility to develop their values, skills and competencies others than

the ones developed in the framework of formal education”.6 It means that young

people have more chances to develop their skills outside their schools. 2. Characteristic

Non-formal education has some characteristics based on Joesoef’s book.

There are four important characteristics of non-formal education, which are;7

a. Some forms of Non-Formal Education characterized to reach various


b. The responsibility of the institutions of Non-Formal Education divided by

general supervision or the community, supervision personal or combination to most.

c. Some Non-Formal Education’s institutions should be disciplined with time

teaching, use modern technology, and have lot of reading books for students.

d. The teaching methods are also different kinds such as face-to-face between

teachers and learning groups, the use of television audio, demonstrations, visual aids and classroom discussions.


Monika Novosadova. et al., Non Formal Education Book: The impact of Non Formal Education on young people and society, (Belgium: AEGEE-Europe), p. 9




3. Types

In the book of Non - Formal Education and Basic Education Reform: A Conceptual Review by Wim Hooper defined some types of non-formal education.

The types are the following;8

a. Para-formal Education,

Para-formal education originated from Argentina that is used as educational activities among the formal programmers that follow to highly-organized, structured and full time out-of-school provisions. Para-formal education is programs that provide a substitute for regular full-time schooling and offer a

second chance to who for some reason that couldn’t benefit in the regular school

system. Some of examples of Para-formal education are an evening classes, distance education programs and private tutoring. Para-formal education usually run by non-government organization and with the help from some agencies.

b. Popular Education

Popular education is located at the other extreme of the educational field. Those are activities that explicitly try to stand aloof from the formal school system. The main characteristics of popular education were seen as concentration on the poor, a learning-by-doing approach, high level of structural flexibility and a constant pre-occupation to adapt learning activities to the changing needs of the users. Popular education sometimes becomes a collective label for a variety of educational activities, often carried out by local authorities or social movements, promoting the management of lifestyles and living conditions at both individual and community levels, and raising awareness on socio-political issues.


Wim Hooper, Non-Formal Education and basic education reform: a conceptual review. (Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning, 2006), p. 23-27


c. Personal Development,

Personal development is defined as education programs covering a range of learning practices organized by cultural institutions that promote leisure-time activities. The most typical types of personal development are residential short courses, study visit, sports club, heritage center or self-therapy program.

d. Professional and vocational training

Non-formal professional and vocational training covers all training outside the formal or non-formal forms of initial skills training leading to recognized national diplomas. Non-formal vocational training programs have been very important for young people who, with any level of basic education, have attempted to make a transition from school to employment.

Moreover, Joesoef also stated about the types of Non-Formal education in

his book “Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Luar Sekolah”. He divided into seven types

of non-formal education. 9

a. Study Group

Study group institutions are teaching and learning activities that are

implemented in a particular period depending on the students’ need. Learning

program may include several packages to learn which can be arranged between the learning resources and students. Learning resources act as tutor, facilitator and also as an educator.

b. Apprenticeship center

Apprenticeship center is an institution of teaching and learning which is a center of learning while working at the same time so that students can learn and work before they become employee.




c. Learning Center

Learning centers in Soelaiman Joesoef’s book is like a boarding school, a

library, an art gallery or house of worship. At these institutions, students can obtain the learning process in accordance with what they want.

d. Family

A family was first and a main institution experienced by a person. The learning process is not structured and its implementation is not bound by time. In the family, someone can learn about the values of social-cultural, social-political, religion, ideological, and self-defense.

e. Self-Study

Each individual can learn on their own anywhere and anytime through the scientific literature books, modules, textbooks studied and other books.

f. Other activities

Many other activities can support educational activities outside of formal education. For example, activities such as counseling, seminars, preaching,

workshops, panel discussions and etc.

g. Course or Tutoring

Course or tutoring is a teaching and learning institution that implemented within a specified period. Courses or tutoring still comply learning elements such as students, learning resources, course of study, a place to learn, and learning facilities. The teaching system can be lectures, discussions, exercises, practice and

assignments. There is an evaluation in the end of the course to measure students’


The form of private tuturing or course may be varied. From the one to one private course at home, course in small group or big class with a blackboard or


video screen, some course or tutoring provides the students via mail or video call. 10

The types of Non-Formal education also listed in Undang-Undang Sistem

Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No.20 Tahun 2003. In chapter 26 verse four about Non-formal education stated that Non-formal education consists of course institution. training institution, study club. mass activity center, Islamic learning society, and the other same kinds (tutoring). It also said that the result of

the non-formal education is equivalent with the formal education. 11

From some definitions, the writer can conclude that an extra course is a help given to each individual children, adolescents or adults which means guidance for all ages, the guidance is not only done in the formal school environment but also in the public. The private tutor also has to be a reliable person to guide the learners.

C. Course 1. Definition

Syamsul Yusuf and Juntika Nurihsan in their book Landasan Bimbingan dan

Konseling mentioned that course is a directed guidance to assist learner or students in solving the academic problems by developing teaching and learning

atmosphere conducive to stay away from learning difficulties.12 Moreover, based

on Daryanto and Farid’s book, course is services that help learners develop the ability to learn in order to assist learning in school. Course helps students develop


Mark Bray, The Shadow Education System: Private Tutoring and Its Implications for Planners, (Paris: UNESCO, 2007), pp. 21-22


Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Undang-Undang Repulibik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003, (Jakarta: Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Islam Departemen Agama RI, 2006), p.19


Dr. Syamsu Yusuf, L.N. and Dr. A. Juntika Nurihsan, Landasan Bimbingan dan Konseling. (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006), p. 11



good study habits to comprehend knowledge and skills, and also prepare them to

continue their education at higher education level.13

Course should have the specific objective of their students to what kind of skill the students will be brought or what skill they will really need in daily life. As Hutchinson and Waters stated that a course is an integrated series of teaching and learning experience whose ultimate aim is to lead the learners to a particular state of knowledge. Student has specific subject to learn in the course. In English course, they have motivation to speak English fluently or use English in daily life. The course needs a syllabus to help teaching activities. Teachers should use

syllabus to make what material, contents and activities that students’ need.

A syllabus design is a part of course development and course is a part of

curriculum. Syllabus order the courses’ content with specification.14 The course has ultimate aims that make syllabus an important role to achieve the aims. It also help teacher as guidelines in teaching activities in class. Syllabus is an important part of making a course and teaching. It also make a course a considered the

students’ position. Which material, contents and activities that students or learner

need in the course. Like the Woodward stated in his book Planning Lesson and Courses, syllabus begun by planning, the planning include the considering the students, thinking of the contents, materials and the activity that is included into the courses, or everything that help the teacher to construct the good material and

planning in teaching course.15 Because of that, syllabus is an important part to

make a course.

In constructing the course, teacher also need think about students need and condition besides the materials. Furthermore, Woodward also stated that teacher also can plan learning activities by considering the past learning experiences,


Daryanto and Mohammad Farid, MT, Bimbingan Konseling: Panduan Guru BK dan Guru Umum, (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Gava Media, 2015), pp. 59-60,


Kathleen Graves (ed.), Teacher as Course Development, (Cambridge: The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1996), p. 3.


Tessa Woodward, Planning Lessons and Courses, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 1.


using a course book, and learning as a teacher teach.16 Students’ condition is important during learning activities. Teacher should make the class productive and fun. It can be a suggestion to teacher about what kind of learning that they need in the class.

2. Purposes of Course

After we know the definition of the course, some experts also gave their perception about the purpose of the course. Djumur and Surya in their book stated that the purpose of course is to assist students in facing and solving problems in

learning. Sutirna in his book ‘Bimbingan dan Konseling: Pendidikan Formal, NonFormal, dan Informal’ divided the purposes of course to six points, which are;17

a. Course will make students have awareness of the self-potential in aspects of

learning and understanding the various obstacles that may appear

b. To make students have the positive attitude and study habits such as the habit

of reading books, learning discipline, have attention to all subjects, and actively participates in all activities of learning program.

c. Students will have a higher motive for lifelong learning.

d. Students will have the skills or effective learning techniques, such as the

skills of reading, using a dictionary, taking notes, and preparing for examinations.

e. Course make students get skills to set goals and educational planning, like

making study schedules, doing the tasks, establishing themselves in deepening particular subject, and trying to obtain information about various things in order to develop greater insight.




Dr. H. Sutrina, M.Pd, Bimbingan dan Konseling: Pendidikan Formal, Non Formal, dan Informal, (Yogyakarta: CV. Andi Offset, 2013), pp. 19 - 20



f. Students also will have a mental preparation and ability to face the test. 18

D. Achievement 1. Definition

Achievement is knowledge that children’s has already learned. 19 It means an

accumulated knowledge in particular field that children learned in the past.

Some experts stated some explanations about definition of achievement,

Norman stated that achievement is what pupil has learned.20 In other words,

achievement is a students’ result after they were through the teaching and learning

process. Furthermore, different from another expert, achievement is the moment when students master the subject with signed by alphabeitcal like an A to F or

numeral like 10 to 100, like Sukmadinata stated in his book Landasan Psikologi

Proses Pendidikan. He stated that achievement can be seen from students mastering the subject that taken up. The achievement itself can be signed by

numeral or alphabetical measurement.21

Additionally, achievement also something that people needs to reach with the effort. People need to master something to gain an achievement. Julian Stanley stated that achievement means all things that people obtained from their effort. Furthermore, in education, achievement means the result of test design to

determine a students’ mastery of a given academic area. 22 Learning chievement are the abilities of the students after receiving their learning experience. Individuals who learn will gain from what was learned during the learning process. Arikunto also mentioned that achievement is also an educational


I. Djumhur and Drs. Moh. Surya, Bimbingan Belajar dan Penyuluhan di Sekolah,

(Bandung: Percetakan Angkasa), p. 36. 19

Louis J. Karmel. Testing in Our School. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966), p. 38.


Norman G.E. Norman, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, (New York; Mc.Milan Publishing Co.,inc, 1976), p. 331


Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2003), p. 103.

22 Julian C Stanley, Measurement in Todays’s School, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc, 1964), p. 2


evaluation. A collecting data process to know how far the purpose of education

achieved is.23 It means learning achievement is a transformation that occurs in

individuals who learn, not only transfromation in their knowledge, but also in skills, habits, understanding in a person who learns.

Meanwhile, Achievement is something that students are going to achieve when they are learning. Every school has a standard of the study. The standard is different in each schools. For example, some schools let students who have score 75 pass the school examination, but there is school which let students with score above 80 to pass the school examination.

Achievement is also not about the score or number. As Myra Pollack and

David Miller writes on their book, “Teachers, Schools, and Society” that learning

achievement is when they are competent in academic subject, traditional skill and also through their actions such as disciplined minds and adhere to traditional

morals and behavior.24.

As Torsten Husen write on his book, standard is the average of achievement, and

it is the minimum of requirement to pass.25 That mean that standard in learning is

very important, if there is no standard, teacher will not know how far the students have achieved.

Connected to the factor of achievement itself, the interinsic factor can also improve the students achievement itself. One of outside factor is a motivation from the other, students can motivated by the standard score. They need to learn

the material for the test to pass the school’s score standard. It will inderctly


Sukarsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Sinar Grafika Offset, 2013), p. 3.


Myra Pollack and David Miller Sadker, Teachers, Schools, and Society, (New York: The McGraw-Hills Companies, Inc., 2005), p. 330.




motivate them to learn. Yelon also said “The need to achieve can become a

motivating factor in learning, in any kind of classroom”.26

Achievement can be meaning result which acquisition because there islearning activity which doing. Achievement is the matter that cannotseparate from learning activity, because learning activity is process and achievement is result from learning process. English learning achievement is result of learning activity to get certain aim or new ability, while achievement in its relation with English language. It is result of the ability and skill processed by students because of learning English language.

2. Types of Achievement Test

To achieve the achievement of learning, there are some ways to achieve the result. Student achievement can be measured by the passing grade they achieved on each subject. Based on the some research, anxiety can bother achievement in the wide range of cognitive function include of attention, memory, concept formation, and problem solving. Achievement can perfect if fulfill three aspects that are cognition, affective, and psychomotor have fulfill target. Some expert stated some types of achievement test to measure the progress of the learning. First expert is Julian C Stanley stated in his book that the purpose of achievement

test is to measure progress in school up to particular point in time27. The main

uses of achievement testing are divided into three types, which are;

a. Progress Test – to see how students are getting on in a course.

b. End of Course Test – to see how well students have learnt what the course

set out to teach them.

26 Stephen L. Yelon and Grace W. Weirstein, A Teacher’s World, (Mac Graw-Hill: International Book Company, 1997), p. 303



c. Course Evaluation – to see where the course is more or less successful. 28 Besides the test above, there is another types of test. According to Thoha, Achievement tests are divided into some kinds, which are;

a. Placement Study

This test is to measure the basic skill of the learners. The basic skills are used to guide learners. This test is also to measure what kind level of learners will be entered.

b. Formative Test

This test is to determine the success and failure of the learning process. So, the learning process can be improved later. In this test, teacher also will know the result of their teaching process.

c. Summative Test

This test is to measure the success of learners during a semester. Learners’

understanding of the material that has been given was also tested in this test. 29

3. Factors of Achievement

Students’ achievement is affected by some factors, it could be from the

internal or external factor. Munadi in his book divided several factors, which are;30


Julian Edge, Essential of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman, 1999), p. 123.


Drs. M. Chabib Thoha, M.A., Teknik Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada, 1996), pp. 43 – 48.


Yudhi Munadi, Media Pembelajaran (Sebuah Pendekatan Baru), (Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press, 2008), pp. 24-35.



a. Internal factors which are divided into two kinds;

1) Physiological factor

This factor is about the physic of the learner during the learning activity. Physical factor means learner in the good health, not in a weary and tired, not the physical disabilities.

2) Psychological factor

This factor means every students has different psychological factors such as interest, motivation, intellegent, apptitude and attention that will affect them in their achievement.

b. External factor

1) Environment factor

This factor connected with the natural enivironment around the learners like the temperature of the room, the humidity or stuffiness. The noisy around the class also can be a important factor. Students can not learn effectively in the noisy classroom. It will distract their concertation.

2) Instrumental factor

Instrumental factor consist of the curriculum, the instructor or teacher, facilities, the material and the media of learning. The instructor or the teacher is the most important factor in instrumental factor. Teacher need to prepare a good presentation and media of learning.


E. Relevant Study

There are some research about the same problem with the writer, which are;

The Influence of English Course as Non-Formal Education Upon Students’

English Achievement by Muhamad Irdo.31 The researcher took a research in

SMPN 3 Depok. The sample of the research is secondary grade’s students. First,

the researcher observed the school and interviewed the headmaster, and then he gave the questionnaire to the students. The questionnaire contain about whether the student takes a course or no. The researcher also collected the score of the latest English score from the teacher. After getting the data, the researcher used a statistic calculation of t-test. The result of the research is there is a significant

influence of English Course as Non-Formal Education upon Students’ English


Next reseracher is “The Effectiveness of Tutoring on Developmental English

Grades” by Nicholas Vick, Rebecca A. Robles-Piña, Nara M. Martirosyan, and

Valerie Kite32 The research is a comparison study. It was conducted to investigate the benefits of tutoring on the final grades for developmental English students who participated in tutoring versus those students who did not. The final grades for three consecutive semesters were analyzed to determine tutoring efficacy at a community college in northeastern North Carolina. Results indicated that students who received tutoring were more successful than students who did not receive tutoring.

Next study is The Influence of Joining English Course Towards English Acheivement of The Second Grade Students of State Islamic Junior High School


Muhamad Irdo, The Influence of English Course as Non-Formal Education Upon Students’ English Achievement, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2004)


Nicholas Vick, et. al, The Effectiveness of Tutoring on Developmental English Grades,



(MTs N) of Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2009/2010.33 The populations of

this research are all the second grades students of State Islamic Junior High School (MTs N) of Salatiga in the academic year of 2009/2010 with the total numbers are 280 students. The writer takes 42 students as the subject. She uses random sampling, which each individual has the opportunity to be the sample of the research. Finally, her analysis is there is an influence joining English course

towards students’ English achievement.

Moreover, there is a researcher who have a resarcher with the title “Assessing

Academic Support: The Effects of Tutoring on Student Learning Outcomes” by

Sharon Ishiki Hendriksen, Lifen Yang, Barbara Love, and Mary C. Hall.34

The researchers took a the research in Learning Center at Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The researcher decided to gather both quantitative and qualitative data to track student performance as well as their perceptions. For our quasi-experimental study, they compared the final grades (n=1,385) that students earned in the course(s) for which they received tutoring with the final grades (n=6,879) earned by non-tutored students enrolled in the same course sections for the fall 2003 semester. Tutored students passed their courses with a grade of C- or better at a rate of 75% compared to 71% for non-tutored students. In fact, the performance of non-tutored students was slightly better than non-tutored students. They used student self-reports to determine progress on

our goal of “helping students develop awareness, direction, and

self-confidence.” At the end of the fall 2003 semester, 88% of students responding to an Learning Center survey (n=130) reported that they believed their grade(s) improved because of tutoring. Twelve percent were unsure. Both the quantitative and qualitative data indicate that, overall, the LC is meeting its student learning goals, and that current tutoring efforts should be continued. That tutored students


Yunani. The Influence of Joining English Course Towards English Acheivement of The Second Grade Students of State Islamic Junior High School (MTs N) of Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2009/2010. (Salatiga: State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga, 2010)


Sharon Ishiki Hendriksen, et. al, Assessing Academic Support: The Effects of Tutoring on Student Learning Outcomes, Journal of College Reading and Learning, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2005. Pp. 56-65.


achieve higher grade point averages, course passing rates, course completion rates, and short-term retention rates is significant. That tutored students say tutoring was useful and that they are able to use what they learned is positive.

F. Thinking Framework

Achievement or test scores are the result of the end of an assessment of an education; it can reach high and low numbers depending on the students' learning process. In the learning processes, besides in the formal school, students can take a course or learn by themselves at home.

From the different choices of learning, it can see the differences in the

students’ test score and take the conclusion which is the better score of the test. If the students who take a course have a better score than the students who don’t

take a course, it means there are big contributions from the course.

The result of this research could become an advice for the other students in order to choose the best learning process that can help them improve the achievement or their test scores.

G. The test of Hypotehesis

This study is to answer such a question “Is there any significant relationship

or correlation between Students’ Enrollment in English Courses and Students’

English Achievement?”.

To get an answer the writer proposed Altenative Hypothesis (Ha) and Null Hypothesis (Ho) as follows:



1. Ha: There is significant relationship or correlation between Students’

Enrollment in English Courses and Students’ English Achievement

2. Ho: There is no significant relationship or correlation between Students’


23 A. Place and Time of study

To collect the data, the research took a place in the SMPN 239 Jakarta. This

school is located in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. The writer chose this school

because the writer already knew the students’ knowledge about English. The writer started the research on October 2015. The writer held the research in the English class.

B. Method of Research

This study involves two variables namely joining English Course and

students’ English achievement. In this study, the writer used a quantitative method with the correlation method. The writer used Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient which is a correlation measure of the strength of association between a continuous-level variable (ratio or interval data) and a binary variable. Binary variables are variables of nominal scale with only two values. The writer used SPSS to analyze the research with the formula;


rpbi = point-biserial correlation coefficient.

Mp = whole-test mean for students answering item correctly. Mq = whole-test mean for students answering item incorrectly.



St = standard deviation for whole test.

p = proportion of students answering correctly. q = proportion of students answering incorrectly.

C. Population and Sample

The writer took the population of the third grade students of SMPN 239

Jakarta with about 360 students. The writer chose the third grade class E of this

school that consists of 34 students as the sample. In the students’ distribution, the

writer distributed students randomly or used simple random sampling, and it is not

based on the level of students’ competency. Based on Creswell, in simple random sampling, the researcher selects participants (or units, such as schools) for the sample so that any individual has an equal probability of being selected from the

population,1 the writer chose the sample because they are already in the third

grade of junior high school and will face a national exam in few months ahead.

D. Data Source

The writer used open-ended and close-ended questionnaire for the English

Course variable. The variable students’ achievement obtained from the score of

English examination in order to prepare the national exam made by school teachers of English as the secondary data.


Creswell, John W. Educational research : planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research / John W. Creswell. (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), p. 143.


E. Technique of Data Collecting

Techniques of collecting data in this research are using documentation and

questionnaire. Variables of ‘English course’ used a questionnaire and variables of

students’ English achievement is students’ score of English test. The further explanations of them are as mention below;

1. Documentation

The students’ English test score is needed for the documentation data. The

result of the test was already conducted by the English teacher in the school.

2. Questionnaire

The writer used a closed-ended questionnaire. Open-ended questions provide an opportunity to the respondents to answer according to what they want. While in

the closed questions, respondents chose the ‘yes or no’ answers that have been

provided in the questionnaire, the respondents could not provide the answer freely.2

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The next step the writer does is analyzing the data. The writer analysis the data by using statistic calculation of Point Bisserial Correlation. The Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient is a correlation measure of the strength of association between a continuous-level variable (ratio or interval data) and a binary variable. Binary variables are variables of nominal scale with only two values. The writer used SPSS software for analyze the data. The writer also used

Sugiyono’s Correlation Interpretation Table (see Table 3.1).




Table 3.1. Correlation Interpretation

Correlation Interpretation according to Sugiyono3

G. Statistical Hypothesis

From the formulation above. the writer followed some assumptions as below:

a. If the result of calculation of significance of the correlation is higher than

0.05. the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected.

b. If the result of calculation of significance of the correlation is lower than

0.05. the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif Dan R&D. (Bandung: Alfabeta). p.192.

Coefisien Interval Correlation

0.00-0.199 Very Weak

0.20-0.399 Weak

0.40-0.599 Modderate

0.60-0.799 Strong





The methodology described in the previous chapter provided the value for data gathering. In this chapter, the data presented systematically linked to format of the constructed questionnaire attached in the appendix. The following was used to analyze data: data description from documentation, result of obtained questionnaire, along with discussion of data analysis and interpretation.The analysis and interpretation of data focused as data collected, they were collected and followed by processing in response to the problems posed in Chapter I. The purpose of analyzing and interpreting data are to reduce them to an intelligible and interpretable outline so that the relations of research problems can be executed, proven, and drawn as conclusion. This chapter consists of three parts: A. Data description, B. Data analysis, C. Test of Hypothesis and . D. Interpretation.

A. Data Description

Participants of this research are some students from the 9th grades of 239

Junior High School in Jakarta.239 Junior High School is located in Jalan Nangka 58, Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. This school has about 924 students,

divided into grade 1,2, and 3. The 3rd grade itself is divided into 9 classes: class

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. In each class consists of 35 students, except for the C class that has only 26 students. In this research, the writer used class 9-E as a research participant. In the class 9-E, there are 26 students which consist of 10 male students and 16 female students. For student achievement variable, the writer

used the average score of English students. The writer obtained the students’

average score of English subject from the English teacher in their school. For the score, the teacher gave the writer the average score that obtained from the



term examination and final-term examination. In this research, the writer distributed 26 set of questioner to the students. The writer got 13 set of questioner that stated the students joined the English course and 13 set of questioner stated that they do not join the English course.

After getting back the questionnaire, there are 13 students who stated not join the English course. Moreover, the writer got 13 students stated join an English course in some English courses. Then, the writer was redistributing the scores of students in the following table:

Table 4.1. StudentsWho do not Join

the Course’s Score

No Score

1 77

2 76

3 76

4 75

5 75

6 75

7 74

8 73

9 73

10 72

11 71

12 70

13 70

Table 4.2. Students Join the

Course’s Score

No Score

1 96

2 93

3 82

4 82

5 81

6 77

7 77

8 76

9 76

10 76

11 74

12 73


According to the students’ average score in documentation, there are 2 students who has score 100-90, 3 students who has score 89-80, 21 students got score about 79-70.

After the writer got back the questionnaire, the writer divided the students’

“Join or Not Join” statement according to the students’ score. There are 48% students who join the English Course and 52% students who not join the course. As the writer mentioned before, first thing that the writer did was divided the score into 3 sections with the score from 0 to 20, 21 to 40, 41 to 60, 61 to 80, and

81 to 100. After that, the writer divided the students’ score (see table 4.1. and

table 4.2.) with the students’ “Join or Not Join” statement from the questionnaire

that already given to them before. The result of the students’ statement can be

found in the following frequency distribution of students’ score table and chart


Table 4.3. Frequency Distribution of Students’ Score


F Join F Not Join

0 - 20



21 - 40



41 - 60



61 - 80





Figure 4.1. Students’ Score

According to the chart, the score 80 to 100 has 5 student who join the English course. Moreover, the 61 to 80 score has 8 students who said join the course and there is 13 students stated not joined the English course. The total is students who joined the English course are 13 students and who do not join the course is 13 students.

Students’ Score Based on ‘Join or Not Join’ Statement

0 0 0



0 0 0

13 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

0 - 20 21 - 40 41 - 60 61 - 80 81 - 100

N u m b e r o f Stu d e n ts Students' Score

Students’ Score

F Join


B. Data Analysis

All participants were asked about the reason why they join or not join the

English course in the questionnaire. The writer divided the participants’

questionnaire into two groups which are the participant who join the English course and the others who do not join the English course.

The participants who join the English course have several reasons why they joined the English course. First, their parents asked them to join the English course to improve their English. Second, the students themselves feel insecure with their English skills and need to improve it. The third reason is they need extra time to study because they want to face the national exam. And the last reason is the place of the English course is near their home. As the participants stated, their parents think the study time in school is not enough. So, their parents asked them to join the course even though they do not want to join the course. Moreover, the participants will face National exam in few month, so their parents think they need extra time to study. Besides that, some participants also stated that they need to improve their English because they think they lacked in some English skill like speaking and writing skills. Participants also stated that their parents chose the English course based on the location. Parents usually chose the nearest English course from home.

Based on participants’ questionnaire, the English course taught them about

four English skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. Furthermore, they are also learning about English grammar. The participant stated they learned about tenses, introduce oneself, text report, advertisement, procedure, and etc. English course also gave them new efficient and effective ways to study. The activities of English course also helped the participants in identifying learning difficulties and motivated them to keep learning.



The participant also stated their understanding in English increase after they joined the course because the class situation in course is fun to learn. First, the teacher always gives them new questions to answer then they discussed the answer together. Some questions also helped them in answering the National

Exam’s practice. The period of participant joined the course is very diverse. From 1 month to 6 month.In the course, the participants learn English for 2 to 3 hours

per day. According to documentation of participants’ score, the highest score

achieved by students who joined the English course with a range of score from 90 to 100. Furthermore, students who join the course have a low score in the range of score about 70 to 80.

Different from the participants who joined the English course,students who do not join the English courses have the highest score in the range of 70-80 while the lowest score of students who do not join the English courses is 70.The reasons of participants who do not join the course are they think they do not need extra time

to study, and family’s economic factor. Some participants think they do not need

to join English course because they have enough time in school. They stated they can study English by themselvesat home. Moreover, they have extra time in

schools’ extra material session.

Besides that reason, the family’s economic factor is also important. Some

English courses have expensive cost for the middle-lower economic family. It became the significant reason to not join the course.

The writer used SPSS software to analyze the data. The result of the data is in the table below;


Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistic

Descriptive Statistics Mean


Deviation N

Score 76,65 6.125 26

Details .50 .510 26

Table 4.5. Correlation Test Result

Significance can be determined by the line Sig. tailed). If value Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, then relationships are at r considered significant. Results of tests of

significance (in differences) are the result of signicance of the correlationis0.008

with significance level of 0.05. The result is 0.008 < 0.05. That means that there is

a significant correlation with a between Students’ Enrollment in English Courses

and Students’ English Achievement.



Join or Not Join a Course

Score Pearson


1 .506**

Sig. (2-tailed) .008

N 26 26

Join or Not Join a Course

Pearson Correlation

.506** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .008

N 26 26



Coefisien Interval



Very Weak








Very Strong

The degree of the correlation is then interpret using Sugiyono Correlation Interpretation Table. It shows that the Pearson Correlation of 0.506. (see Table 4.5) is in the range of modderate or between 0.40 to 0.599 (see Table 4.6). So, the result is 0.40 > 0.506 < 0.599 which means there is a modderate correlation.

Table 4.6. Correlation Interpretation Table

Sugiyono’s Correlation Interpretation Table

C. Test of Hypothesis

To prove the result of hypothesis the writer calculates the obtain data as follows:

a. Formulating the alternative hypothesis (Ha): There is significant

correlation between Students’ Enrollment in English Courses and

Students’ English Achievement.

b. Formulating the null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant correlation

between Students’ Enrollment in English Courses and Students’ English


From the formulation above. the writer followed some assumptions as below:

a. If the result of calculation of significance of the correlation is higher than

0,05. the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected.

b. If the result of calculation of significance of the correlation is lower than

0,05. the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

According to the result of statistical calculation, it is obtained the value of

signicance of the correlationis0.008 with significance level of 0.05. It means that

value of signficance of correlation is higher than the significance level or 0.008 < 0.05. The writer concludes that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It means that there is a correlation betweeen

English Course or non-formal education and students’ English achievement.

D. Interpretation

From the explanation above the analysis of the result on the table 4.5 we can see that there is a significant correlation of English course as non-formal

education upon students’ English achievement. It also has clearly explained that

English course gave participants a lot of benefits and also helped participant increase their score or achievement.

Furthermore, significance can be determined by the line Sig. (2-tailed). If value Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, then relationships are at r considered significant. The result is the value of signficance correlation is lower than the significnce level with the value of significance correlation in 0.008 and the significanct correlation is 0.05. Moreover, the result of Pearson Correlation is about 0.506 which means the correlation is a modderate correlation.



Almost all participants who joined course think they need courses because courses can help to assist them in learning English. Participants also taught the new ways of learning more efficient and effective in the courses that they can apply in learning activities at school. As for the students who joined English courses, some students joined courses because their parents told them to join, their friends joined the courses and need to attend extra classes.

Moreover, students who join the course are also learning about English grammar. The participants gave their thought about the English course. Many participants agreed that the course activity is fun and provides a lot of benefits to them. English course taught them about four English skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing Such as, participants can easily learn English, improve the score of the English subjects, and easily identify and overcome the difficulties of learning English. Participants also got a new effective and efficient way learning English like course activities beginning with practice on the questions and followed by discussion and reinforcement material. But, sometimes courses also commenced with reinforcement material first in advance, so students do not get bored in learning. This helps the students face national exam and school exams. English course gave participants a lot of benefits and also helped participant increase their score or achievement.

Students who do not join English courses also have several reasons why they do not join a course, which are learning in school are good enough for them to understand the English language, they also thought that they do not need the help of the course yet because of they can learn English in home with their parents. Another reason of why some students do not join the course is economic factors of their families that are not helping them to join English courses.


Based on evidence above the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Therefore, it can be inferred that there is a

significance correlation of English Course or non-formal education and students’





This chapter reports the conclusion and suggestions that resulted from this research. The overriding purpose of this research was to find out whether

Students’ Enrollment in English Courses has a significant correlation to their English achievement gained by students of 239 Junior High School. The writer conducted quantitative correlation research method in this research. This study

involves two variables namely enrollment of English Course and students’

English achievement. 1. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis and the interpretation of the result, it can be concluded that there is a significance correlation between enrollment English

course as non formal education and students’ English achievement at third grade

of 239 Junior High School in Jakarta Selatan. The result is 0.008 < 0.05 with the Pearson correlation is 0.506. It is in the range of modderate or between 0.40 to 0.599. It means the alternative hypothesis or Ha is accepted. It can be seen that the result of correlation significant is lower than the significant level. Furthermore, based on the questionnaire, there are some reasons why the participants joined the course: Parents asked them to join the English course, the participants feel insecure with their English skills, preparation for National examination through practice and the English course is near their home.


2. Suggestion

Based on the data described previously, the writer gives some suggestions as follows:

a. For teacher.

Teacher should develop their activities in class to give the students new way of learning English. Teacher also need to give the students motivation to improve their ability.

b. School

School needs to improve their facilities of learning English such as an audio for listening, dictionaries, or English books.

c. Parents and Students

Parents should give a chance to their children to join the English course outside their school. For students, they should continue to improve their learning achievements with how to be more active in learning both in the classroom and outside the classroom.

d. Future Research

The researcher would like to suggest other researchers to conduct further researches on this subject matter. Similar research needs to be done with the broader population and involve other factors using the other data collecting methods, for example the interview method so the data will be obtained further and more variety.





Kuesioner ini diberikan untuk pengambilan data penelitian skripsi mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta (UIN Jakarta) dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui keikutsertaan peserta didik dalam mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan kalian mengisi instrumen ini DENGAN

JUJUR dengan cara memberikan centrang (√) di pilihan yang sesuai.

Nama :

Sekolah :

Umur :

Jenis Kelamin :

1. Berikan centrang (√) di pilihan yang sesuai.

1. Apakah kalian pernah mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?

o Ya

o Tidak

2. Jika Ya, dimana kalian mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?

o EF




o Wall Street

o English Quantum


o Lainnya


3. Sebutkan alasan kalian kenapa memilih lembaga bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris



4. Sudah berapa lama kalian mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?

o < 1 bulan

o 3 4 bulan

o 5 6 bulan

o > 6 bulan

5. Darimana kalian mengetahui tempat bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris tersebut?

o Dari TV

o Dari teman

o Dari keluarga / orangtua

o Dari sekolah (guru)

o Dari brosur

o Dari majalah

o Lainnya


6. Sebutkan alasan kalian sehingga merasa perlu untuk mengikuti bimbingan belajar

Bahasa Inggris

7. Materi apa saja yang telah kalian pelajari di bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?

8. Bagaimana cara guru di bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris memberikan materi


9. Dalam sehari, berapa jam kalian mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?


belajar? Kalau iya jelaskan alasan kalian

11.Menurut kalian, fasilitas apa saja yang diperlukan pada suatu bimbingan belajar






Kuesioner (Questionnaire)

Kuesioner ini diberikan untuk pengambilan data penelitian skripsi mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta (UIN Jakarta) dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui keikutsertaan peserta didik dalam mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan kalian mengisi instrumen ini DENGAN

JUJUR dengan cara memberikan centrang (√) di pilihan yang sesuai.

Nama :

Sekolah :

Umur :

Jenis Kelamin :

1. Berikan centrang (√) di pilihan yang sesuai.

1. Apakah kalian pernah mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?

o Ya

o Tidak

2. Jika Ya, dimana kalian mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?

o EF o ILP



o Wall Street

o English Quantum


o Lainnya


3. Sebutkan alasan kalian kenapa memilih lembaga bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris



4. Sudah berapa lama kalian mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?

o < 1 bulan o 3 4 bulan o 5 6 bulan o > 6 bulan

5. Darimana kalian mengetahui tempat bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris tersebut?

o Dari TV

o Dari teman

o Dari keluarga / orangtua

o Dari sekolah (guru)

o Dari brosur

o Dari majalah

o Lainnya


6. Sebutkan alasan kalian sehingga merasa perlu untuk mengikuti bimbingan belajar

Bahasa Inggris

7. Materi apa saja yang telah kalian pelajari di bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?

8. Bagaimana cara guru di bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris memberikan materi


9. Dalam sehari, berapa jam kalian mengikuti bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?



10.Apakah menurut kalian bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris membantu kalian dalam

belajar? Kalau iya jelaskan alasan kalian

11.Menurut kalian, fasilitas apa saja yang diperlukan pada suatu bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris?