Roger’s Personal Frustration

From the above table, Roger’s frustration is reflected in many reactions of defense mechanism that the main cause of his frustration was resulted from the loss of his greatest stories. For the further explanation, it describes in the following section of this chapter.

2. Roger’s Personal Frustration

Theoretically, an individual suffers personal frustration when someone prevented from realizing an ambition by some personal limitation-either real or imagined. It frequently builds up feelings of inferiority and felt lack of personal worth, which serve to increase the frustration Ruch, 1971: 4762. Roger, the major character of the novella “The Strange Country”, was experienced this kind of frustration. In the novella, he suffered from personal frustration because the loss of his greatest stories kept his ambition from writing a better novel. He realized that his ambition to write should be fulfilled but he had no spirit to write again. However, his feeling of despair was developed alongside strength against his weaknesses. He was very desperate because the loss of his stories was almost being recorded at that time. The narration when he was in a bad despair can be observed as follows : ‘So I lay there without moving with the pillow for friends and I was in despair. I had never had despair before, true despair, nor have I ever had it since. My forehead lay against the Persian shawl that covered the bed, which was only a mattress and springs set on the floor and the bed cover was dusty too and I smelt the dust and lay there with my despair and the pillows were my only comfort’ The Strange Country: 740. From the above narration, it reveals that his personal ability causing him unable to write again, namely he had true despair because of his lost stories. In other words, he failed to realize his ambition in a right way. He has a goal to write a better novel and become a great writer, but there is something in himself that failed him to reach it. In this case, his personal limitation reflected that he had lost his spirit to write. It can be concluded that Roger faced personal frustration.

3. The Causes of Roger’s Frustration