Kinds of Data Source of Data

This research focuses on the novella written by Ernest Hemingway entitled “The Strange Country”. It was published in London by the publisher David Campbell Publishers Ltd. It consists of 3 chapters covering in 53 pages.

B. Variables

Commonly, variables are observable in the title of the research. Variables can be defined as the object or phenomena that are being observed. Fraenkel mentions that, “a variable is a concept-a noun that stands for variation within a class of object…” 2000: 66. Variable become the center of researcher’s interest. By having variable, the title of the research will become more specific. Since the research problem can be analyzed by using the certain concept of theory. Based in the topic, the title of the research is “An Analysis of Frustration and Self-Adjustment as Experienced by Roger Hancock in the Novella ‘The Strange Country’ by Ernest Hemingway A Psychological Approach” and Its Implication for Teaching Reading. It can be said that the word frustration and self-adjustment become a variable of the research. The theories which are mostly relevant to the analysis are frustration proposed by Floyd L. Ruch and self-adjustment by Hubert Bonner.

C. Kinds of Data and Source of Data

1. Kinds of Data

The data plays an important role because they become the center of the research. Literary research belongs to the descriptive qualitative study, because it deals with verbal data. Descriptive study is used to describe situations, events or phenomena. Further, Fraenkel and Wallen state that, “descriptive study is a research to describe existing conditions without analyzing relationships among variables” 2000: 663. Conducting the research, it has done by such activities as collecting, arranging, and then interpreting the data naturally. There are two divisions in source of data namely primary data source and secondary data source. a. Primary Data Source Fraenkel and Wallen 2000: 699 point out that, “primary data is first hand information such as testimony of an eyewitness, an original document or relic or a description of a study written by the person who conducts it”. The primary data are taken from the novella “The Strange Country” written by Ernest Hemingway as the main source of data. They describe as follows : 1 Event as number of fact, of course it has taken from the behavior and act of the characters. 2 Dialogue between the major character and other characters in a novella. 3 Narration as the explanation of the author about the character and the situation. b. Secondary Data Source The secondary data are taken from another reference outside of the novella. Fraenkel and Wallen mention that, “secondary data is the second hand information such as a description of historical events by someone not present when the events occurred” 2000: 669. The secondary data consist of websites article, journal and criticism about Hemingway’s works that are closely related to the study. This research doesn’t use the secondary data because this study only uses making conceptual coherence to ascertain or determine the quality of data. Consequently, this study only uses the primary one, namely the novella “The Strange Country”.

2. Source of Data

An important thing for every researcher to gain the data is what kinds of data a researcher intends to collect. This research uses documents as source data. From the previous page, it is clear that there are two kinds of data namely primary data source and secondary data source. The first data emphasizes on the novella itself namely “The Strange Country” written by Ernest Hemingway while the second refers to other references namely websites article, criticism about Hemingway’s works, journal, etc. However, this study doesn’t use the secondary data source because it only focuses on making conceptual coherence.

D. Sample and Sampling