Research teams’ forecasts for the next 25 years

4. Research teams’ forecasts for the next 25 years

Finally, I would like to look at the possible development possibilities that can be found at the moment. When the life span is towards its end, there is a feeling that development will stop when we stick to old and acquired benefits. New development paths can always be found, you just have to grab them.

From time to time, the World Future Society has made lists of the concepts of various research teams as to

The world after financial crisis

where to expect breakthroughs in sectors of life and science. Hydrogen based fuels are expected to become competitive in the coming few years already: competitive in household, traffic and industrial use. This would turn development of investment activities upside down, because companies that have invested in oil would lose their privileged position. Product development should be focused on finding alternatives. This would be the decisive step in repairing global warming, pollution and climate changes.

Another revolutionary thought is the idea that we live at dawn of a cyborg age where bio computers would be able to use living cells based on DNA instead of silicone chips. This would enable computers to be connected directly into brain. This would open the way for intuition becoming harnessed for the use of information technology.

The third development target is to enhance traffic on the globe in an effective way without contaminants. It is believed that already during the next decade New York, Tokyo and Frankfurt operate as centres for big super jets. Aircraft would fly from one continent to another in the same space of time as they do at the moment within a country.

In the educational sector, it is believed that teaching in classes in schools will become outdated. Via a virtual world subjects can be experienced in a concrete way. A personal and interactive guide will answer your questions and will put new and supplementary questions to you.

Hydrogen energy reserves create an investment bubble similar to that of the Internet around year 2000 as soon as investors realise its unlimited possibilities and promising technology. Development could mean a crisis or

a possibility. Hence, there are possibilities everywhere. You just have to surf on the waves of change of development and realise what the trends of development are. Then it is easy to become rich. Interesting in this will

be the innovation centre where breakthroughs attained. Oceanic currents are believed to be a bigger source of energy than wind force. It is believed that they produce

a quadruple amount of energy compared with the wind. It is believed that on the French coast the amount of energy in oceanic currents equals the production potential of 3 nuclear plants. On the other hand, harnessing oceanic currents could have a huge impact on the condition of nature on the globe.

Danger of terrorism is an increasing threat in the developing world, because it is easier than before to manufacture and obtain mass destruction weapons in the world. Terrorists may move to bombs in cell phones and assaults in the data stream where it is easy to cause chaos and make use of it. Future weapons, genetic know-how and nanotechnology no longer need large resources and lots of material.

As the tenth trend, it is believed that robots and a so called wise environment of action would be the answer for improving the care of the aged. Intelligent vehicles will help the elderly to move and guiding sensors will monitor their movements and report of their vital power. In this way, the aged could move around in the city and they could remain independent and active as long as possible.

The World Future Society has drafted the following breakthroughs concerning nanotechnology: In the coming 2 to 5 years time, tyres in your car will need to be inflated only once a year. A complete medical diagnostics can be done with the help of a plain computer chip. An equipment concentrating water enables you to produce water out of air whenever and where-ever you want.

Within the next 5 to 10 years, you can carry in your wallet a computer containing a huge amount of data. Intuition can be harnessed for the use of data transmission and development activities. Antidotes for AIDS and cancer have been discovered. Intelligent buildings will be able to calibrate themselves during and after earthquakes and bombings.

When we look at the next 10 to 15 years, we believe that artificial intelligence (artificial voice) is so sophisticated that you cannot tell if you are speaking on phone with a human being or with a machine. Computers

The world after financial crisis

and entertainment videos work by painting the subject matter. In the field of surgery, it is believed that operations will no longer be necessary but human body can be mended by monitoring.

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