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Chapter 7

A Index C

Abe, Y., 37

Cairo, environmental conditions of, 1

acid, in cellulose, 9

Calmes, A., 10

acridine orange, 23

carbon dioxide fumigation, 18

Actinomyces sp., 20, 21f, 24, 25f


"Action of Light on Water Colors" (Russell and

deterioration of, 8-9

Abney), 7

oxygen-free environment for, 7-8

activated carbon, 50

Cerambycidae, 18

aerobic organisms, control of, 20-21

Charters of Freedom of the United States,

Ageless, 35-37, 39f, 40, 57

storage of, 7-8, 10

reaction rates of, 3

chromatography, 10

Agnew, N., 5

cigarette beetle, 18

Ajie, H., with Sobel, 10

climate controls, 31

alcohol, 17


Algueró, M., 19

deterioration of, 9-10

with Valentín, 17

and humidity, 12

aluminized polyethylene, 34

oxygen-free environment for, 7-8

aluminum rods, in display case construction, 33

preservation of, 9

aluminum-plastic bellows, 39f color fading, 9 ammo acid analysis, 10

light and, 7

anaerobic organisms, 21-23

Constitution of India, 53f

description of, 53 Anobiidae, 18 display case for, 53-58, 55f, 56f, 57f

animal skin. See parchment

Anobium punctatum,

18, 19f, 20f

backplate of, 56f and collaboration between NPL and GCI,

Argemí Torras, M., with Aromí Folch, 60 54-55 argon anoxia, 18, 20f, 24, 26, 62

construction of, 54

Arney, J. S., 9

design of, 55-56

Aromí Folch, J. R., 60

fabrication of, 55-56

Artsorb, 37

installation of, 56-57

Aspergillus flavus,

20, 21f

with O-ring seal, 55f

Aspergillus niger,

20, 21f

Constitution of Puerto Rico, storage of, 8

Aspergillus sp., 24, 25f

Constitution of the United States, storage of,


18, 19f

7-8, 10 Cryptotermes brevis, 18

Bacillus sp., 20, 21f, 24, 25f

bacterial growth, 17

Daedalea biennis Fries, infestation of

control of, 19-23

Ramses II mummy, 1

Bailey, S. W., 17

Daniel, V.

Banks, H. J., with Bailey, 17

with Hanlon, 18

Barraco, R. A., 11

with Lambert, 37

Belascoain, R., 59

David, A. E., 8

bellows, 3-4, 31, 34-35, 39f, 43

Dead Sea Scrolls

Biblioteca-Museu Víctor Balaguer,

deterioration of, 10-11

Spain, 23

preservation of, 10

mummy display case for, 59-64

Declaration of Independence, storage of,

Bogaard, J., with Whitmore, 8

7-8, 10

Bolívar, E., 59, 60

Dermestidae, 18

Bose, Shri N. L, 53

Derrick, M., 10

Bouchard, J., with Zou, 8


Brommelle, N. S., 7

case studies of, 9-12

Brown, D., with Passaglia, 8, 31

causes of, 1

Bulst, W. A., 8

of cellulose, 8-9

Burton, D. M. B. E., 10

extent of, 10-11

butyl, 31

inert gases for control of, 17-29

Filmpak 1193, 34

protection from, by oxygen reduction, 7-15

Fleurat-Lessard, F., 17

of Whatman filter paper, 8

Florian, M. L. E., 17

Dickens, B., with Passaglia, 8, 31

France-Lanord, A., 8

display and storage case, hermetically sealed

with Salins, 8

bellows of, 34-35

fumigants, 17

bottom plate of, 38f

Fundació Joan Miró, 63

construction of, 33-39

fungal growth, 17

corner assembly, 36f

control of, 19-23

corner element, 35f

furniture beetle, 18

design and construction of, 31-45 design concepts for, 32

display section of, 33-34

Gallo, F., 21

evaluation of, 40-41

gamma radiation, 17

extrusion end, 36f

gasket technology, 31

extrusion profile, 34f

Gates of Paradise, preservation of, 8

general description of, 32-33

GCI. See Getty Conservation Institute

hermetic seal of, 37f

Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)

installation of, 40-41

biodeterioration studies, 17 collaboration with National Physical

leak testing of, 40 materials and suppliers for, 42-43

Laboratory, 54-55

for Nesi, 59-64

and Egyptian Mummy Collection, 2, 3 and fungal/bacterial control, 20-21

oxygen scavengers in, 35-37

and parchment preservation, 10

passive control agents, 35-39

Ghiberti, Gates of Paradise by, 8

pollution sorbent of, 39

Gifford, J., with Pääbo, 17

prototype of, 32f

Gil-Av, E., with Weiner, 10

purging of, 40-41, 41 f

Gilberg, M., 18

recommendations for, 49-50

Ginell, W. S., with Schilling, 10

relative humidity buffer of, 37-39

Grosjean, D., with Parmar, 39

retention strip of, 38f

guanches mummies, 60

for Royal Mummy Collection, 47-52

Guell, E.T., 59

di-tyrosine, in parchment, 10

Gurnagul, N., with Zou, 8

Donahaye, E., 17

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