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Supported By ADB, 2006-2008 Route 3 Northern Economic Corridor remote rural areas + NPA + new road = rapidly changing land use patterns 6 Mostly forest Upland agriculture forest Grassland Intensive agriculture Land use land cover mostly mixed forestupland production systems Agricultural potential Land under 5 slope Flat land is very limited… 7 Land under 5 slope Agricultural potential Flat land is very limited… Land under 5 slope Agricultural potential 8 Land under 5 slope Land 5–25 slope Agricultural potential Nonetheless, land for productive uses exists if development interventions take account of ecological conditions. 16 Typical village area – land types Forest 70 Agricultural Land 21 Land reserved for flexible use 5 Grazing Areas 4 Settlement of total area 9 17 Forest Types and Land Use protected 38 conservati on 26 productio n 25 regenerati on 11 cemetry of total forest area Paddy 14 Upland 64 Cash_crop s 9 Orchard 1 tree plantation s 12 Agricultural land use in All in all, only 19 of HHs have access to Paddy land 18 Availability of Agricultural Land per District 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 Agricultural land per HH The availabilty of land per HH is very different for different Districts, ranging from less than 1 ha per HH to over 12 10 II. Project Objective: bring livelihood systems from poverty to adequacy 10 20 Subsistence level = 12.2 M kip per family Income level at which families can meet food, clothing, shelter needs, plus occasional – but insufficient – education, medical tax expenses Average output = 8 M kip per family Estimated poverty line Adequacy level = 17.5 M kip per family Income level at which families can meet food, clothing, shelter needs, plus education, medical tax expenses, plus small savings Current conditions Project objective M il li o n ki p 1 1. Please see Appendix 1. POVERTY ADEQUACY 11 III. Project Approach The strategy – allocate Temporary Land use Certificates TLCs to farmers for plots of land that have been brought under land use regimes that are suitable to local ecological conditions – entails three steps: 1. Observation 2. Assessment 3. Intervention Step 1. Observation • Present land use map • Socioeconomic surveys 12 a Forest b Bush fallow c Rice paddy d Swidden e Other agriculture Present land use map a b c d e Socioeconomic surveys 1 1. Please see Appendix 2. 13 Step 2. Assessment • Suitability criteria for each land use option • Land Suitability Matrix • Tentative Land Use Zones Suitability criteria 14 Suitability criteria Land use options Irrigated paddy Rainfed paddy Rainfed agriculture Pasture Orchard plantation Production forest Suitable terraced and irrigated terraced terraced or bunded and cleared 12.5 slope and adequate soil depth 35 slope and adequate soil depth 45 slope and adequate soil depth, forested Moderately suitable 5 slope and access to water and adequate soil depth 5 slope and adequate soil depth 25 slope and adequate soil depth NA NA 45 slope and adequate soil depth, cleared Unsuitable 5 slope, no access to water, or inadequate soil depth 5 slope or inadequate soil depth 25 slope or inadequate soil depth 12.5 slope or adequate soil depth 35 slope or inadequate soil depth 45 slope or inadequate soil depth Land Suitability Matrix + 1 S S S S S S 2 U U U U U S 3 U U M S M M 4 M S S S U U 5 U U U U U U 6 U U M U M S 7 U U S S S M 8 U U U U U U 9 U U M U M M Plot number … S = suitable M = moderately suitable suitable with intervention U = unsuitable Native ecotype soil quality indicator Slope class plots Example plots shown in matrix: Plot 1 is already irrigated rice paddy. Plot 2 is 35–45 slope with good soil. Plot 3 is 12.5 slope with good soil and is already cleared. Plot 4 is already rainfed rice paddy and is on wet ground. Plot 5 is flat but too rocky for production. Plot 6 is 12.5–25 with good soil and is already forested. Plot 7 is already terraced and cleared. Plot 8 is over 45 slope. Plot 9 is 25–35 slope with good soil. 1 1. Please see Appendix 3. 15 Tentative Land Use Zones + 1 S S S S S S 2 U U U U U S 3 U U M S M M 4 M S S S U U 5 U U U U U U 6 U U M U M S 7 U U S S S M 8 U U U U U U 9 U U M U M M … Native ecotype soil quality indicator Slope class plots + Land Suitability Matrix Conservation status     Step 3. Intervention • Begin demonstration projects with resident technicians. 1 1. Please see Appendix 4. 16 Step 3. Intervention • Begin demonstration projects with resident technicians. • Issue Temporary Land use Certificates TLCs for all current land uses that are already suitable according to the Land Suitability Matrix LSM. 1 1. Please see Appendix 4. Issue Temporary Land use Certificates TLCs 1 S S S S S S 2 U U U U U S 3 U U M S M M 4 M S S S U U 5 U U U U U U 6 U U M U M S 7 U U S S S M 8 U U U U U U 9 U U M U M M

1. Start with present land use.