Background of the Study



1.1 Background of the Study

Abrams in Nurgiyantoro 2010: 2 states that : “The definition of prose in the world of literature is also called fiction, narrative text, and narrative discourse”. Based on the word, the definition of fiction is an imagination. Abram said, fiction involved narrative work which is not direct into the truth of history. Novel is considered as a very effective way in carrying significant problems of human life. The author usually puts the problems of life in the story of the novel. Samekto 1976: 61 states that, “ The nature of literature usually describes the life as the way it is and reveals how the life is supposed to be. Therefore, it can be said that a novel represents the natural life of human being”. Love, sacrisfice, loyality, disappointed is one of human’s problems are usually used by author as topic in a story. Mitch Albom’s The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a meaningful book which tells about a man named Eddie who is travelling after he died. He meets some people in his journey to heaven dealing with the life before his death. There, he meets five people who teach him lessons of life. The main character gets five lessons from five people who remains him that those lessons give more benefits during his life. By those lessons Eddie then thinks that life is short. Life is also brings us lessons that we can bring to heaven after death. Life gives us many lessons, eventhough sometimes we feel bored with it but something we suggest useless and boring can make the other live. Something always connected with other things. From the story, the writer wants to know deeply about the theme described in the story because there are so many lessons which benefits to us in our real life. This novel is full of lessons about life. How is life supposed to be. It can be said that this novel represents the actual life of human being. Many problems faced by human being, are reflected in this novel. The problem faced by the main character in the story usually face also in a real life. Through this story, it can be seen clearly that there are so many sides and lessons which indirectly reflect our real life. Based on the explanation above the writer tried to discuss lessons of life experienced by Eddie as the main character in Mitch Albom’s The Five People You Meet In Heaven as a tittle.

1.2 Statements of the Problems