Research Design Units of Analysis Source of Data Technique of Data Collection

3. For the university Hopefully, the result can give a contribution and provide a perception about the problems of the novel that analyzed by the writer as the references in Dian Nuswantoro University’s library, particularly English Department.

1.6 Method of the Study

1.6.1 Research Design

Based on the subject of analysis, the writer uses the qualitative descriptive method. It is able to give a description of the subject research based on the data that variable from the subject analyzed. Related to this novel, the method can be used to analyze cause and effect in each event that happen in the story to determine the plot as follow: In this qualitative descriptive method aimed to give a description about the subject research base on the data that variable from the subject analyzed and does not aimed for hypothesis testing Harsono, 1999: 114. In accordance to Endraswara’s statements that the important features from qualitative research are: a. Researcher is the key instrument who will read accurately the literary work. b. The research is done descriptively; it means explaining in the form of word or picture if needed, not numeral formed. c. Qualitative research prioritizes more on process than the result. 62 d. The analysis is inductive.

1.6.2 Units of Analysis

The writer focuses on the intrinsic elements only, such as character, conflict, setting and theme.

1.6.3 Source of Data

The writer uses source of data as a material in composing the research which related to the topic. First data is called primary data. It can be taken from in novel The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The second data is literary theories that is obtained from books and internet which related to the topic.

1.6.4 Technique of Data Collection

In getting the data, the writer needs many materials to strengthen the research. The writer uses the library research to collect the data. According to Semi “ The data for this were collected through library research in a working room library, where the needed data and all or some information about the subject matter are acquired through book or, and audio visual means 1993: 81. The most important data is The Five People You Meet in Heaven’s novel. To understand the story, the writer also needs some technique, they are: 1. Read the whole story using close reading method to understand it deeply. 2. Get the important text and information dealing with the subjecct discussed as the quotation and data. 3. Classify the data according to the statement of the problem. 4. Write the research report.

1.6.5 Technique of Data Analysis