Mutu Integritas Innovation Prime Services Responsiveness Strategic Partnership Collaborations Learning Organization Long-term improvements Facts Data are better Worry about solutions not Total involvement is the

agar dihormati dan dijadikan rujukan

1. Mutu

: Quality Commitment, Quality First, CQI

2. Integritas

: Kejujuran, keadilan,keobyektifan

3. Innovation

: Ingenuity,advocate creativity through innovative policiesprocess sbg katalis

4. Prime Services Responsiveness

5. Strategic Partnership Collaborations

6. Learning Organization

PT VALUES ACTIONS 1. Customer-First Attitude

1.1. Share customer survey results with all employees

1.2. Recognize and reward exceptional customer service

2. Teamwork Cooperation

2.1. Utilize quality teams extensively 2.2. Reward employees via special

recognition events 3. Internal Customer support is vital

3.1. Utilize unit-level quality 3.2. Encourage interaction among

supporting units 4. Customer delight drives all other indicators

4.1. Communicate this clearly 4.2. Make customer satisfaction the

indicator of corporate performance VALUES ACTIONS

5. Long-term improvements

are better than quick fixes

5.1. Train teams to follow fact- based problem solving

5.2. Reject “quick fixes not by data”

6. Facts Data are better


6.1. Train teams to follow fact- based problem solving

6.2. Provide diagnostic support and help

7. Worry about solutions not

about finding out

7.1. Praise those who find problems work to fit

them 7.2. Do not kill the messenger

8. Total involvement is the


8.1. Closely monitor number of people

8.2. Make it easy to join quality effort

8.3. Recognize involvement in appraisal

8.4. Require management’s involvement

Core Values and Concepts Core Values diatas dirajut dalam Konsep-konsep yg saling terkait: 1. visionary leadership 2. Stakeholders-centered planning 3. organizational and personal learning 4. valuing staff, and partners 5. agility 6. focus on the future 7. managing for innovation 8. management by fact 9. social responsibility 10.focus on results and creating value perspective  These values and concepts are embedded beliefs and behaviors found in high-performing BAN-PT as a service organization. They are the foundation for integrating key performance and operational requirements within a results-oriented framework that creates a basis for action and feedback .

1. Efektif 2. Systematik