Significance of Study Methodology of Research


. 2.1 Plot “The most importance in any work of fiction is the plot. The plot is the plan of action. It tells what the characters do and what happens to them. The action is usually beyond the capabilities of the characters and becomes sensational. In other well plotted books, the climax develops naturally from the interaction of characters and events. Plot is an element of good writing. When the readers refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, the readers are referring to narrative structure which has always been divided up into three natural parts: the beginning, the middle, and the end.” 3 Plot can also spread to every part of a story or the entire story as a whole. It is also a plan or a main story and built a story because it develops such as what happen first, what happen next, what happen after that, what are the conflicts, what are the resolutions, what is the rising action, the climax of the story, the falling action and what happen at the end. “Plot is the central aspect of all short stories, which is primarily concerned with what happen. “Plot” is basically another term for structure. 3 Polking, K. Writing A to Z. Cincinnati, OH: Writers Digest Books. 1990, p 9 When the writer discuses plot we more or less are committed to discussing everything that happens on the text. It’s not always a straight line from the beginning to the end of a short story, the shifting of time is the way we learn what happened and why, and need us to interest in the story.” 4 Plot is the literary element that describes the structure of a story. It shows a casual arrangement of events and actions within a story. The writer always explains the connection of events to lives, that tasks is quite often left to the reader, its like the puzzle that the writer tries to solve as the reader and draws us more deeply into the world of the story and also the material is shaped to affect the reader. “The beginning or exposition shows the reader the situation in general. Usually it will introduce the characters, describe their background, describe the place and time of the events and will suggests the basic lines of the conflict. The middle or rising action, is supposed to describe all the troubles in the conflict. Here that the incidents of the action are dramatized into scene. Each scene in theory rising above the one that came before in dramatic intensity until after crises a climax is reached, this point marking the end of the middle and the beginning of the end. The end or resolution is supposed to make clear all the consequences of the action: it will tell what finally happened to all the character in the story, perhaps it will point out the moral of the story, and it will knit up any of loose ends of plotting.” 5 4 http:litera1no4.tripod.complot_frame.html 5 L. James Colderwood and Harold E.Toliver. Form of Drama,New York: Pretince. Hall, Inc, 1969, p. 7 It is certainly true that every story must have the beginning, in the sense of the first sentence with a capital letter, but the beginning of a modern literary story is not likely to do all the things that the books on writing say a beginning ought to do. Robert. C. Meredith in his book named The Professional Story Writer and his art proposes seven requirements or aims to make a good short story and several ways to make an easy read short story: 1. The beginning must be placed and in time as close to the ending as possible 2. If the complication itself is not immediately presented, a minor problem leading to the complication must be given 3. The scene must be set 4. The principal characters must be introduced with an indication of the approximate ages and the point of view must be established 5. The tone of the prose must let the reader know what type of story he is reading 6. The beginning must imply what ending is desired 7. The reader must be trapped into reading the story through the use of a Narrative hook” 6 “Complication” and “development” the middle are two terms are related to the role of the middle of the story. Terms used in the theory of prose fiction 6…kliping070902pameran_pustaka_dan_sastra.pdf