Focus of Study Research Question Objective of the Research Significant of the Research Discourse Analysis

There is discourse in communication. Discourse stretches of language perceived to be meaningful, unified and purposive. 7 Without discourse, there is no social reality and without understanding discourse, people cannot understand our reality, our experience, or us. And discourse brings the spoken language, the written language and the context within which the language is used. Discourse analysis involves the study of language in use. 8 This research is only focused on Analysis Implicature in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. This movie is a famous movie directed by David Yates, written by Steve Kloves based on the novel by J.K. Rowling in 2010. This movie was the last episode from the novel of the adventures of a young wizard, Harry Potter, the titular character, and his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This Reasearch explain about what maxims are violated in the dialogue, how the implicature generated and the meaning of implicature occur in the diaoluge.

B. Focus of Study

In this study it focused on the discussion of the pragmatics of conversational implicature. Examining conversational implicatures which contain cooperative principles in the dialogue of the movie “Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallows part I and II”. 7 David Nunan. 1993. Introducing Discourse Analysis. London: Penguin English p. 6 8 Ibid.p.7

C. Research Question

In this thesis the research question is proposed questions as follows: 1. What are the maxim that violated in the dialogue of the film “Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows part I and II”? 2. How are the implicatures generated in the dialogue? 3. What is the meaning of the implicature that occur in the dialogue ?

D. Objective of the Research

The objectives this research are : 1. To know the types of implicature that used in the dialogs of the film Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part II. 2. To know and to analyze the implicature in the dialogue how the characters use implicature in their conversation. 3. To know the meaning from the implicature in their conversation.

E. Significant of the Research

This study is expected to provide additional knowledge about the function of language in a conversation. Where language itself is a communicative tool for people to interact. In this study is illustrated the use of language. In conversational implicature this study is expected to give contribution for the development of language study in relation to pragmatics study especially in the conversational implicature.

F. Research Methodology

This research methodology includes some aspects of the research such as :

1. The Method of Research

This research uses qualitative case study method in conversation analysis on Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part I and II. Qualitative case study can be defined as an intensive, holistic description and analysis of a single entity, phenomenon or social unit. 9 Case study is particularistic, descriptive and heuristic and relies heavily on inductive reasoning in handling multiple data sources. 10 This method has purpose to find out how the mechanism of Implicature mostly occur.

2. The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

To collect data, this research uses bibliography technique. Biblioghraphy technique means using written sources to get data. Written sources are chosen which describe synchronic language used. 11 The synchronic is a study which formulates indications of language which is produced by speaker at the certain time past or present. 12 Technique of data collecting follows some steps: First, using the video Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part I and II as a secondary object. Second, using the transcription of conversation as a primary object. 9 David Nunan. 1992. Research Methods in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p.77 10 Ibid. 11 D. Edi Subroto. 1992. Pengantar Metoda Penelitian Linguistik Struktural. Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press. p.42 12 Roekhan and Martutik. 1991. Kebahasaan I LinguistikUmum. Malang: YA3 Malang. p.13

3. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research is data card. data card is a card which is used to put relevant data with data sources at the end of line 13 . After collecting data, data is put in data card and choose some of data findings and analyze one by one the conversations that occured on Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow Part I and II using Implicature analysis according to Grice.

4. Unit Analysis

As a unit of Analysis, this research uses transcriptas a primary object and video of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow Part I and II as a secondary object. 13 D. Edi Subroto. Op Cit. p.43 7


In this chapter, the writer describes some theories which are related to the study. Theories are very important because they will be used as the basic foundation in conducting the analysis of the research. These supporting theories described as under.

A. Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis is thus interested in ascertaining the constructive effects of discourse through the structured and systematic study of texts Hardy, 2001. 14 Texts are not meaningful individually; it is only through their interconnection with other texts, the different discourse on which they drae, and the nature of their production, dissemination, and consumption that they are made meaningful. Discourse analysis explores how texts are made meaningful through these processes and also how they contribute to the constitution of social reality by making meaning Philips Brown, 1993. 15 Discourse Analysis rests on a powerful theory detailing and explaining how the social world is undertood. The empirical materials of discourse consist of sets of texts and the practices that surround their production, dissemination, and reception. As a domain of study, discourse analysis concerns not only selected 14 Nelson Philips and Cynthia Hardy. Discourse Analysis Investigating Processes of Social Contruction.United State of America: Sage Publicatios, 2002, p.4 15 Ibid texts but the history and context associated with these texts. How such texts can be unpacked and understood as “reality constructors” id the point and purpose of this volume. Both are worthly, timely, and well served. 16 The connectiona between language form and social and cultural patterns. People detect these indexical meanings because speakers provide verbal and nonverbal, behavioural ‘cues’ that suggest a fit between utterances and contextual spaces in which they become meaningful. 17

B. Pragmatics