An Analysis Of Unit Shift In Harry Potter And The Order Of Phoenix Movie Subtitles Into Bahasa Indonesia








Reg. No. 070705025








Praise to Jesus Christ , the Almighty for all his bounties and blessings and for enabling me to accomplish writing my thesis one of the requirements to achieve scholar degree for undergraduate level, in English Department , the Faculty of Letters , University of Sumatera Utara. May Jesus by his guidance to human being who can be finally be in current condition that is better than the previous condition.

In this occasion , my sincere gratitude goes to the persons below who have already contributed their great involvement and support so that I can finish my study .

First of all, I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Letters Dr. Drs.

Syahron Lubis M.A and all his staffs, my supervisor Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl. Tran,

M.Hum, who always guides me and provides the time to assist me. I would also like to thank my co. supervisor Drs. Perdamen Perangin-angin, M.A who support me in writing this thesis. I realize that I will not be able to finish writing this thesis without guidance and help from both of them . My highest respect and grateful goes to Dr. Drs.

Muhizar Muchtar , M.S and Dr. Dra. Nurlela, M.Hum who give me a memorable

chance as a student of this faculty. To all my beloved lectures, I cannot put a word as the compensation for what they have given to me. It was their contributions so that I know that it is not as simple as I see.

Secondly , my deepest gratitude goes to my beloved father Drs. Pahala

John Walter Simanjuntak and my beloved mother Dra. Siti Naomi Nuraini Lubis

who have continuously , mentally, and materially given me their patience and support so that I can be a person as I am now. I would also like to thank my beloved sister Cindy Tania Simanjuntak for her unforgettable love that always support and guide me.


Thirdly, I would also to thank all my friends in English Department especially Rinandes, Elisabeth, Theresia, Liana, Vita, Maya, Dewi, Evy, Eva, and Debora for their friendship and ideas. In addition, for all English Literature Department students of 2007 , my seniors and my yuniors whose names cannot be mentioned one by one.

Medan, March 2011 The writer,


Reg. No. 070705025




Skripsi berjudul “ An Analysis of Unit Shifts in Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix Movie Subtitles into Bahasa Indonesia” merupakan suatu analisis tentang pergeseran pada tataran unit yang terjadi pada penerjemahan teks bahasa sumber (English) dari sebuah film Harry Potter and The order of Phoenix ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran (bahasa Indonesia) subtitle film Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix. Landasan teori yang digunakan adalah teori J.C. Catford (1965) dalam Hatim (2000) yang menjelaskan tentang pembagian shift. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kepustakaan untuk mencari berbagai teori yang mendukung . Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode catat sedangkan untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode kualitatif , akan tetapi tidak semua data dianalisis, oleh karena itu data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode purposive, kemudian untuk mencari pergeseran pada tataran unit yang paling sering digunakan dalam subtitle ini digunakanlah formula Bungin. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa pergeseran pada tataran unit terjadi pada morfem dari morfem ke kata seperti un , dis , im , non , il, est, -ly, –less, dan morfem ke frase seperti un-….-able, in-…..-ible, –less, frase dari frase ke klausa dan frase ke kata, kalimat dari kalimat ke frase, dan kalimat ke klausa , kata dari kata ke frase, klausa dari klausa ke kata dan klausa ke frase.




: Source Language


: Target Languange


: Receptor Languange


: Source Text


: Target Text


: Translation Equivalence









1.1 Background of the Analysis...1

1.2 Scope of the Analysis...4

1.3 Problem of the Analysis...4

1.4 Objective of the Analysis...4

1.5 Significance of the Analysis...5

1.6 Method of the Analysis...5

1.7 Review of Related Literature...6



2.1 Definitions of Translation...7

2.2 Functions of Translation...9

2.3 Process of Translation...9

2.4 Types of Translation...10

2.5 Shifts...12

2.5.1 Level Shifts...12

2.5.2 Category Shifts...13 iv

(7) Structure Shifts...16 Class Shifts...16 Unit Shifts...17 Intra-System Shifts...17



3.1 Library Research...19

3.2 Data Source...19

3.3 Data Collecting Method...20

3.4 Data Analysis Procedure...20





5.1 Conclusions...42

5.2 Suggestions...43







Skripsi berjudul “ An Analysis of Unit Shifts in Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix Movie Subtitles into Bahasa Indonesia” merupakan suatu analisis tentang pergeseran pada tataran unit yang terjadi pada penerjemahan teks bahasa sumber (English) dari sebuah film Harry Potter and The order of Phoenix ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran (bahasa Indonesia) subtitle film Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix. Landasan teori yang digunakan adalah teori J.C. Catford (1965) dalam Hatim (2000) yang menjelaskan tentang pembagian shift. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kepustakaan untuk mencari berbagai teori yang mendukung . Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode catat sedangkan untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode kualitatif , akan tetapi tidak semua data dianalisis, oleh karena itu data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode purposive, kemudian untuk mencari pergeseran pada tataran unit yang paling sering digunakan dalam subtitle ini digunakanlah formula Bungin. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa pergeseran pada tataran unit terjadi pada morfem dari morfem ke kata seperti un , dis , im , non , il, est, -ly, –less, dan morfem ke frase seperti un-….-able, in-…..-ible, –less, frase dari frase ke klausa dan frase ke kata, kalimat dari kalimat ke frase, dan kalimat ke klausa , kata dari kata ke frase, klausa dari klausa ke kata dan klausa ke frase.





1.1 Background of the Analysis.

Languange as a means of communication has been used by human for thousands years. The role of language is very important in human being to help them in conveying thoughts, ideas, and even to do transactions, commerce and international cooperation. One thing that cannot be denied is the diversity of languanges. This diversity can be a barrier to international communications. This barrier is definitely a problem needing solution that can be transfer the language. It is translation.

Munday (2001 : 4) states that the term translation itself has several meanings: it can refer to the general subject field, the product ( the text has been translated) or the process ( the act of producing the translation), otherwise known as translating. Scholars have many opinions about the translation meaning. However it is, they have the same purposes, transfer one language to another language.

“Translation functions as a means to transfer equivalent message from one language to another, so that the communication of human keeps going on, especially in international communication. Translation plays great role in human life. It engages people around the world since it enables people with different languanges to understand one text, such as history of pyramid, governmental system of one’s country,

Einstein’stheory, etc

December, 1st 2010; 07:00 PM).


Nida (1964) in Venuti (2000 : 126) says that there can be no absolute correspondence between languanges since no two languanges are identical. Hence, it can be concluded that due to no two identical languanges, shifts may occur in translation.

Catford (1965) in Venuti (2000 : 141) states that shifts mean the departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from SL to TL. Catford says that there are two major types of shifts occur. They are level shifts and category shifts.

Level shifts is a shifts from grammar to lexis. It means that a grammatical unit in English, such as noun, affix, etc, has a lexical unit in Bahasa Indonesia as its translation equivalent (Machali, 1998 : 14). For example, John has stopped crying and its translation John sudah berhenti menangis. The form “has” as a unit in English grammar is translated into Bahasa Indonesia by the lexis “sudah”.

Category shift is about unbounded and rank-unbounded translation. In unbounded translation equivalences are not tied to a particular rank and may additionally find equivalences at sentence clause and other levels, while in rank-unbounded translation an equivalent is sought in the target language (TL) for each word or for each morpheme encountered in the source language (SL) .

This thesis focuses on category shifts. These category shifts have four kinds, namely structure shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts. However, in order to avoid the exccessive discussion of category shifts, the shift becoming the main focus in this thesis is unit shifts. Unit-shift is simply defined as changes of rank. It is about departures from formal correspondence wherein the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the source language (SL) is a unit at a dissimilar rank in the target languange



(TL). For instance , adjective in the source language (SL) is translated into a clause in the target language (TL).

The source of data in this thesis is the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order Of Phoenix movie, which taken from DVD. The source language (SL) of the movie subtitles is English and the target language (TL) is Bahasa Indonesia. The unit shift which occur in the movie will be analyzed in this thesis.

An example of unit shifts is :

SL (English) TL (Bahasa Indonesia) Understanding minds Pemikiran yang memahami

Adj clause

From the example above , it is clearly seen that there is a change of rank in unit shifts, namely the adjective “understanding” turning into a clause “yang memahami” .

In doing this thesis, the data which is chosen is the subtitle of movie. “Subtitles are textual versions of the dialog in films and televison programs, usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. They can either be a form of written rendering of the dialog in the same language, with or without added information to help viewers who are deaf and hard-of-hearing to follow the dialog, or people who cannot understand the spoken dialogue or who have accent recognition problems. Television teletext subtitles, which are hidden unless requested by the viewer from a menu or by selecting the relevant teletext, always carry additional sound representations for deaf and hard of hearing


viewers. Teletext subtitle language follows the original audio, except in multi-lingual countries where the broadcaster may provide subtitles in additional languanges on other

teletext pages. st

2010; 10.00 PM).

The unit shift is chosen as the main topic of this thesis because in the translation, many shifts are found. Sometimes in translating the text from different language is very difficult and every language has its own rules. So that to translate the language we use shifts to get the equivalence meaning in order to make the reader understand the product of the translation.

1.2 Scope of the Analysis

In order to avoid excessively large discussion, the analysis of this thesis is focused on unit shifts. The data that are going to analyze is the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie in a DVD by all of scenes.

1.3 Problem of the Analysis

From the background, the problem of the analysis in this thesis is how the unit shifts occur in Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie subtitles.

1.4 Objective of the Analysis

Based on the problem of the analysis above, the objective of the analysis in this thesis is to analyze the unit shifts in the Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie subtitles.



1.5 Significances of the Analysis

This thesis is intended to be helpful theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this thesis is expected to enlarge the knowledge of translation to the readers or the students of English department. This thesis may also be a reference for those who are interested in learning translation studies.

Practically, this thesis is expected to be helpful for people especially by a student who wants to be a translator or currently works as a translator , to learn how the way to understand the process of translation when the readers watch movie.

1.6 Method of The Analysis

The analysis in this thesis uses library research. Some related references, such books and DVD ,are used to support the theory. The data are obtained from DVD containing the subtitles of Harry potter and The Order of Phoenix Movie, by all of scenes. The length of the movie is about 2 hours 18 minutes; the movie has 34 scenes, each of scenes is about 5 to 6 minutes in length.

This analysis deals with descriptive qualitative method. It refers to a research explaining the analysis or a hyphothesis of a research. The formula dealing with calculating data is only used to support the analysis the data. The formula is not intended to be the main focus on the research.

The data is gathered by transcript the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie. Which is the source language (SL) is English and the Target Languange (TL) is Bahasa Indonesia. Then, the process will be analyzed to figure out the unit shifts occurred in the subtitles.


1.7 Review of Related Literature

This thesis is referred to some books and thesis related to translation and shifts in order to support this analysis :

Juliana (2009) in Translation of Collen Mc Cullough’s “The Thorn Birds” into “Burung-Burung Semak Berduri” by Lanny Murtihardjana. The analysis discussed about the morphemic shift. The result of the analysis found out that morphemic shift occurred from morpheme to word and morpheme to phrase. From morpheme to word occurred in morpheme dis, un, in, im, re, ly, less, ing, er, est, s, ful, ‘s, -hood, -ed, -ness, in-...-able, in -...-ible, un-...-able, un-...-ed, dis-...-ed, un-...-ing, re-...-ed and the morphemic shift from morpheme to phrase occurred in morphemic dis-, un-, mis-, -estmis-, -ermis-, -fulmis-, in-...-ablemis-, in-...-iblemis-, un-...-edmis-, dis-...-ed.

Anesthesia (2009) in Unit shifts in the interpreting of reverend’s English sermon into Bahasa Indonesia. The thesis discusses about the changes rank in unit shifts found in the interpreting of reverend’s sermon and the most dominant change rank of unit-shifts which occurred in the interpreting of reverend’s sermon. The unit shifts that found out in this thesis are shifts from morpheme to word, shifts from word to phrase, shifts from phrase to sentence and shifts from one category to another category ( pronoun to adjective, word to adjective and preposition to verb ).





2.1 Definitions of Translation

As it is generally stated in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000 : 1382), translation is the process of changing something in written or spoken into another language. Nevertheless, the definition of translation is not that simple. Further elaboration is needed to make it obvious. Many experts in translation theory define translation in different ways.

In universal point of view, translation is a matter of transferring something from one language to another language. As Newmark (1981 : 7) states, “Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language”.

However, translation is not limited only about transferring matter but it also deals with the equivalence. Catford (1969 : 20) says, “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)”.

Furthermore, translating a text deals with the meaning too. Translation with correct structure is useless without meaning. Larson (1984 : 3) states that translation means transferring the meaning of the source language into receptor language. Moreover, Newmark presents further view towards the transferring meaning in a translation. He says (1988 : 5), “Translation is rendering the meaning of one text into another language in the


way that the author meant the text”. Simatupang (2000 : 2), is an expert in translation theory, says that translation is transferring meaning in SL into TL and restructuring the meaning into TL in as natural as possible according to valid rules of TL. Hence, structure is not the one that is transferred, but meaning is. He states the previous statement in his book :

“menerjemahkan adalah mengalihkan makna yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran dan mewujudkan kembali di dalam bahasa sasaran dengan bentuk-bentuk yang sewajar mungkin menurut aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam bahasa sasaran. Jadi, yang dialihkan adalah makna bukan bentuk”

Moreover, translation also deals with semantic and culture aspects. Hatim and Mason (1997 : 1) say, “Translating ... as an act of communication which attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another act of communication (which may have been intended for different purposes and different readers/hearers)”. Kridalaksana, an Indonesian expert in translation theory, supports their statement. On his book (1983 : 128), he states that translation is transferring message among cultures or among languanges in grammatical and lexical point by preserving the message, effect or structure as possible as i can be. In his book, he writes, “Terjemahan ialah pengalihan amanat antarbudaya dan/atau antarbahasa dalam tataran gramatikal dan leksikal dengan maksud, efek atau ujud yang sedapat mungkin tetap dipertahankan”. In brief, he views translation as transferring message which across culture among languanges. Regarding to the semantic case in translation, Bell (1991 : 5) says, translation is the expression in another language ( or target language ) of what has been expressed in another, source languange, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences.



2.2 Functions of Translation

Basically, translation functions as a medium of communications. As Nida (1981 : 2) states, “Translation means communication because it has three essential elements to form a process of communication. The three essential elements are source, message, and receptor, and these elements must be found in all communication activities”. In brief words, translation means inter-lingual communication by involving two different languanges.

Moreover, Duff (1989 : 5) says, “ As a process of communication, translation functions as the medium ‘across the linguistic and cultural barriers’ in conveying the messages written in the foreign languanges”. In other words, the function of translation is as a bridge, that is, to carry the messages (meanings) from the SL to the TL. Translation is very helpful for people facing a barrier in understanding a text written in a foreign language, for example.

2.3 Process of Translation

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000 : 1008), process is a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result. In relation to process of translation, Larson says (1984 : 17), when translating a text, the aim of the translator is an idiomatic translation making each effort to communicate their meaning of the source language (SL) text into the natural forms of the receptor language. In addition, he says that translation is concerned with a lexicon study,grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the SL text, which is analyzed to determine its meaning.


The discovered meaning is then re-constructed or re-expressed using grammatical structure and the lexicon that are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context.

Furthermore, Nababan (2003 : 25) states three steps in the process of translation. He says that process of translation consists of three steps, namely 1) the analysis of SL text, 2) transferring the message, 3) restructuring. In Teori Menerjemahkan Bahasa Inggris (2003 : 25) , he writes, “Proses penerjemahan terdiri atas tiga tahap, yaitu 1) analisis teks bahasa sumber (BSu), 2) pengalihan pesan, 3) restuktursasi.”

2.4 Types of Translation

Catford (1965 : 21) formulates categories of translation into three parts, namely extent, levels, and rank of translation. Based on the extent, he categorizes translation into a full translation and a partial translation. Based on levels of translation, he classifies translator in terms of total and restricted translation whilst on the ranks there are bound and unbounded translation.

In the case of full translation, the whole text is submitted to the process of translation, namely each part of the SL text is submitted by text material. According to Catford (1965 : 21), text is any stretch of language, spoken or written, which is under discussion and according to circumstances, a text may be a whole library of books, a single volume, a chapter, a paragraph, a sentence, a clause, etc. In contrast with full translation, a partial translation is some parts of the SL text are left untranslated. They are merely transferred to the target language text. In a literary translation, it is unusual for some SL lexical items to be trated that way.



There are total translation and restricted translation based on the levels of translation. A total translation is a replacement of SL grammar and lexis by equivalent grammar in TL and lexis with important replacement of SL phonology/graphology by non-equivalent TL graphology/phonology. Nonetheless, a restricted translation is a replacement of textual material in SL by equivalent textual material in TL at only one level, i.e. translation that is performed only at the graphological or at the phonological level, or at only one of the two levels of lexis and grammar.

Rank bound translation is a translation wherein the selection of TL equivalents is intentionally restricted to one rank or few ranks in the hierarchy of grammatical units, typically at word or morpheme rank, namely setting up word-to-word or morpheme-morpheme equivalence. On the contrary, normal translation wherein the equivalence shifts freely up and down the rank scale is identified as unbounded translation. It occasionally tends to be at the higher ranks and sometimes between larger units that the sentences.

As stated by Larson (1984 : 15), translation is classified into two major types. They are form-based and meaning-based translation. Form-based translation is known as literal translation since it makes every effort to follow the SL form. On the other hand, meaning-based translation attempts to communicate the meaning of SL text in natural forms of the receptor language. This kind of translation is called idiomatic translation.


2.5 Shifts

There can be no absolute correspondence between languanges (Nida (1964) in Venuti (2000 : 126)). Consequently, shifts may occur in translation. Shifts occur in either translation or interpreting. As stated by Catford (1965) in Venuti (2000 : 141), shifts are departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the source language (SL) to the target language (TL). He also classifies the shifts into two major types, namely level shift and category shift.

2.5.1 Level Shift

In brief, Catford (1965) in Venuti (2000 : 141) means level shift as a shift from a grammatical unit in SL to a lexical unit in TL. For instance, in the case of English and Bahasa Indonesia, a grammatical unit in English (i.e. affixes, noun, verb, etc) has a lexical unit in Bahasa Indonesia. The followings are the examples of level shift :

1. (a) Ricky and Tanaka have accomplished the assignment. (b) Ricky dan Tanaka telah menyelesaikan tugas tersebut 2. (a) Ayah pun tidak suka berbelanja di pusat perbelanjaan

(b) Even father dislikes shopping at shopping centre.

In example (1), it can be seen that in English if ‘have’ comes together with past participle of ‘accomplish’ then it indicates the act of ‘accomplishing’ has begun before the time of speaking and the effect of the action still resumes at the time of peaking. The



form ‘have + past participle’ in English is translated into ‘sudah’, a lexis in Bahasa Indonesia. Similarly, ‘pun’ in (2 a), a unit (morpheme) in Bahasa Indonesia grammar is translated into ‘even’ a lexis in English.

2.5.2 Category Shift

The second type of shift, category shift, deals with unbounded and rank-unbound translation. The term “rank-bound” translation simply refers to particular cases where equivalences is intentionally limited to ranks below the sentences. Meanwhile, unbounded translation means the translation equivalences may take place in any appropriate rank whether it is a sentence, clause, phrase (group), word, or morpheme.

Halliday (1985) in Machali (1998 : 13) identifies five units representing ranks in English, namely sentence,clause, group (or phrase), word, and morpheme.

1) Sentence

Sentence is a group of words conveying a question, a statement,etc. E.g. ‘Quinn will visit me this coming December’

2) Clause

Clause is a group of words having a subject and a verb.

E.g. ‘Quinn will visit me this coming December and bring me a present.’ Example above consists of two clauses based on the verbs used.


3) Group (phrase)

Group (phrase) means a group of words which do not have a finite verb. Phrase forms a part of a sentence. In some cases, phrase is a group of words containing a certain meaning if they are used together. There are five kinds of phrase, namely noun phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, verb phrase, and prepositional phrase.

3.1) Noun phrase

Noun phrase is a word group with a noun or pronoun as its head and the noun head can be accompanied by modifiers, determiners (as, the, a), or complements.

E.g. ‘A new brown wooden table ’

Example above is an illustrations of noun phrase where a noun ‘table’ is modified by three adjectives ‘new’, ‘brown’, and ‘wooden’.

3.2) Adjective phrase

Adjective phrase is the adjective in a group of words. E.g. ‘ the police arrested a man ofcriminal nature

3.3) Adverb phrase

Adverb phrase is the work of a adverb can be done by a group of words. E.g. ‘ clinton ran with great speed



3.4) Verb phrase

Verb phrase is a combination of a verb and a particle ( auxiliaries, complements, or modifiers).

E.g ‘ no one gets away with murderer ’ 3.5) Prepositional phrase

Prepositional phrase is a phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun , pronoun, gerund or clause, and the “object” of the preposition . The object of preposition will often have one or more modifiers to describe it.

E.g. ‘ from my grandmother’ prepositional modifier noun 4) Word

Word is a letter or a group of letters which have meaning. E.g. ‘brown’

5) Morpheme

Morpheme means a smallest unit of meaning which a word can be separated into.

E.g. the suffix ‘ence’ in the word ‘correspondence’ indicates that the word is a noun in English.


Those units of language are found in Bahasa Indonesia as well (Machali, 1998 : 13). The recognition of their distribution, status, and meaning are not similar in Bahasa Indonesia.

In the group of category shift, there are four shifts. They are structure-shifts, class-shifts, unit-shifts, and intra-system-shifts. Structure-Shifts

Structure-shift deals with a grammatical change between the structure of the SL and that of the TL. Moreover, in grammar, this type of shift is able to take place at all ranks.

An illustration of this shift is :

(a) That pretty doll is bought by my cousin yesterday Adj N

(b) Boneka yang cantik itu dibeli oleh sepupuku kemarin. N which+modifier Class-shifts

In brief, Catford (1965) in Venuti (2000 : 145) views class-shifts as shifts occurred when the equivalent translation of a SL item is a component of a different class in TL. For instance :



(a) corridor development Adj N (b) Membangun koridor

Verb N Unit-shifts

Unit shift refers to changes of rank. it is about departures from formal correspondence wherein the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the SL is a unit at a different rank in the TL. In brief, unit shift engages with changes of rank. For instance, adjective in SL translated into modifier ( a clause) in TL.

(a) understanding mind Adj N

(b) pemikiran yang memahami N a clause Intra-system-shifts

The last shifts, intra-system-shifts, are the shifts occurring internally within the system of the language concerned. The system involves a selection of a non-corresponding word in the system of TL. An example of this is :


(a) a pair of scissors N (+plural) (b) sebuah gunting

N (singular)

It is obviously seen from the example above that though we have a corresponding plural form of ‘scissors’ (e.g. through repetition of the word ‘gunting’ in Bahasa Indonesia), system in Bahasa Indonesia needs the use of the singular form of ‘a pair’.





3.1 Library Research

Library research is the method used in doing the analysis. It is applied by reading and studying some books concerned with the topic of the problem. As Nawawi (1991 : 31) says :

“Penelitian Kepustakaan (Library Research) , kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literatur, baik di perpustakaan maupun di tempat-tempat lain. Literatur yang dipergunakan tidak terbatas hanya pada buku-buku, tetapi dapat juga berupa bahan-bahan dokumentasi, majalah-majalah, Koran-koran, dll.”

3.2 Data Source

The data source of this thesis is the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie, which taken from the DVD. This movie has 34 scenes, each of scenes is about 5 to 6 minutes in length. The source language (SL) of the movie subtitles is English and the Target Languange (TL) is Bahasa Indonesia.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

Dede Oetomo (in Suyanto, 1995 : 186) says “There are three methods of collecting data such as interview, observation, and analysis on written documents such as quotation, notes, memorandum, publications, and official reports, diaries, and written answer to questioner and survey”.


Since the data of this analysis are collected from Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie and also from the subtitle of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie , so the method of collecting the data is the written documents.

The data will be taken by using purposing sampling. It means the samples of which are concerned with the purpose of this study that will be taken. As Sutopo states (2004 : 64) :

“Karena pengambilan cuplikannya didasarkan atas berbagai pertimbangan tertentu, maka pengertiannya sejajar dengan jenis teknik cuplikan yang dikenal sebagai purposive sampling,dengan kecenderungan peneliti untuk memilih informannya berdasarkan posisi dengan akses tertentu yang dianggap memiliki informasi yang berkaitan dengan permasalahannya secara mendalam dan dapat dipercaya untuk menjadi sumber data yang mantap.”

The movie has 34 scenes. The subtitle of movie itself has 34 scenes. The data to be analyzed will be taken purposively. It can be 10,20,30,40 from each of unit shifts from morpheme into word, morpheme into phrase, phrase into clause, phrase into word, sentence into phrase, sentence into clause, word into phrase, clause into word, and clause into phrase. Each sample has already been on the homogeny data.

3.4 Data Analysis Method

In this thesis, Qualitative method is applied to analyze data. Qualitative method is applied by describing or explaining the data from subtitle of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix. Qualitative method means an analysis which uses some instruments for collecting the data. As Sutopo (2006 : 257) says :



“ Dalam penelitian kuantitatif proses pengumpulan data dan analisinya terpisah secara jelas, dan analisisnya dilakukan pada tahap akhir pengumpulan data selesai. Tidak demikian halnya dalam penelitian kualitatif yang proses analisisnya harus dilakukan sejak awal bersamaan dengan proses pengumpulan data.”

Following are the steps done in collecting and analyzing the data : 1. Obtaining the texts from the subtitles of the DVD.

2. Comparing the transformed texts, the movie subtitle in English text (SL) and its translation in Bahasa Indonesia (TL) .

3. Contrasting the words in SL and TL in order to figure out the unit- shifts. 4. Listing the unit shifts occurred as the data findings.

5. Identifying phrase of unit shifts occurred in the data. 6. Calculating the unit shifts.

7. Making some conclusions based on the result of analysis.

Calculating the data by applying Bungin’s formula. The following formula is :

N = X/Y x 100 %

Where, X = the number of unit shift found in the movie Y = the total number of all unit shift

N = Percentage of unit shift




After collecting the data from the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie into Bahasa Indonesia. Unit shifts that occur in the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix will be described in this chapter.

4.1 Unit shifts in the subtitles of Harry Potter and The order of Phoenix movie

Unit shifts in the subtitles of Harry Potter and The order of Phoenix movie are Unit shifts from morpheme into word, unit shifts from morpheme into phrase, unit shifts from phrase into clause, unit shifts from phrase into word, unit shifts from sentence into phrase, unit shifts from sentence into clause, unit shifts from clause into word, and unit shifts from clause into phrase.

4.1.1 Unit shifts from morpheme into word

Unit shifts from morpheme into word are shifts from morpheme level in Source Text (ST) into word level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from morpheme into word occur in morpheme un , dis , im , non , il, -est, -ly, and –less with the total of 19 shifts (15%).

1. ST : With the hottest hits on your FM dial.

TT : Dengan lagu paling populer di saluran FM anda. 2. ST : Unnatural

TT : Tidak alami.



3. ST : It's completely unfair. TT : Itu sangat tidak adil.

4. ST : He's been recruiting heavily, and we've been attempting to do the same.

TT : Dia telah dengan banyak merekrut dan kami dianggap melakukan hal yang sama.

5. ST : And in full awareness of the illegality of his actions...

TT : Dan dengan penuh kesadaran melakukan perbuatannya yang tidak sah. 6. ST : Clearly.

TT : Jelas sekali

7. ST : Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. TT : Kemajuan demi kemajuan pasti tidak diperbolehkan

8. ST : Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. TT : Instruksi sebelumnya dalam subjek ini benar-benat sangat tidak pantas. 9. ST : Obtain hours of pleasure from unprofitable boredom.

TT : Menerima berjam-jam kesenangan dari kebosanan yang tidak berguna. 10.ST : Unfortunately, all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared

TT : Sayangnya, semua sepatuku secara misterius tidak muncul. 11.ST : Unfortunately, all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared TT : Sayangnya, semua sepatuku secara misterius tidak muncul. 12.ST : And one day, one of her spells went badly wrong.

TT : Dan suatu hari, salah satu sihirnya berjalan dengan buruk. 13.ST : But you were unsuccessful?

TT : tapi kau tidak berhasil.


14.ST : Any student in noncompliance will be expelled. TT : Murid yang tidak mematuhi akan dihukum.

15.ST : Whether he is,as yet, aware of this connection is,for the moment,unclear. TT : Apa dia, tahu ikatan ini,sementara ini, tidak jelas.

16.ST : In fact, I mightn’t bother unpacking at all. TT : Nyatanya,aku mungkin tidak berkemas.

17.ST : Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember.

TT : Jadikan itu ingatan yang kuat,yang paling bahagia yang dapat kau ingat. 18.ST : Naturally.

TT : Secara alami.

19.ST : He’s completely harmless,just like I said.

TT : Dia benar-benar tidak berbahaya,seperti yang aku katakan.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English morpheme dis-, un-, il-, non-, less-, are translated into the word tidak in Bahasa Indonesia, morpheme –est is translated into the word paling in Bahasa Indonesia,and morpheme –ly is translated into the word secara,sekali atau dengan in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there are morphemes from morpheme into word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.



4.1.2 Unit shifts from morpheme into phrase

Unit shifts from morpheme into word are shifts from morpheme level in Source Text (ST) into phrase level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from morpheme into phrase occur in morphemes un-….-able, in-…..-ible, and –less with the total of 3 shifts (2%).

1. ST : Mess was unbelievable

TT : Sayang sekali tidak bisa dipercaya

2. ST : The evidence that the Dark Lord has returned is uncontrovertible TT : Kejadian yang mengatakan bahwa Raja Kegelapan telah kembali tidak dapat dibantah.

3. ST : I’m hopeless

TT : Aku tidak ada harapan.

From the above,it can be concluded that :

The English morpheme un-…-able, in-….-ible are translated into the phrase tidak dapat in Bahasa Indonesia, morpheme –less is translated into the phrase tidak ada in Bahasa Indonesia. It means that there are unit shifts from morpheme into phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

4.1.3 Unit shifts from phrase into clause

Unit shifts from phrase into clause are shifts from phrase level in Source Text (ST) into clause level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from phrase into clause with the total of 6 shifts (5%).


1. ST : So, please, remember to cover up and stay cool

TT : Jadi , tolonglah, ingat pakai pelindung dan tetaplah tenang. 2. ST : Here we are.

TT : Sudah sampai.

From the above,it can be concluded that :

The English phrase “to cover up” and “here we are” are an adverb phrase. They are translated into the clause “pakai pelindung” dan “sudah sampai”. It means that there are unit shifts from phrase to clause. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

3. ST : Straight Upstairs, first door on the left.

TT : Langsung naik ke atas,pintu pertama sebelah kiri.

From the above,it can be concluded that :

The English phrase “straight upstairs” is noun phrase.It is translated into the clause “langsung naik ke atas”. It means that there is unit shifts from phrase into clause. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

4. ST : Seamus was bang out of order,mate. TT : Seamus tidak bisa diterima ,kawan. 5. ST : Winter is definitely on the way.

TT : Musim dingin sudah tiba.



6. ST : Only when he had the literally begging for death, would be finally kill them.

TT : Hanya ketika mereka memohon ampun lalu dia akhirnya membunuh mereka.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English phrase “bang out of order”, “ definitely on the way”, “begging for death” are prepositional phrase.They are translated into the clause “tidak bisa diterima”, “sudah tiba”,and “memohon ampun”. It means that there are unit shifts from phrase into clause. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

4.1.4 Unit shifts from phrase into word

Unit shifts from phrase into word are shifts from phrase level in Source Text (ST) into word level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from phrase into word with the total of 46 shifts (35%).

1. ST : Come on, love, off you get. TT : Ayolah, pergi

2. ST : Are you barking mad? TT : Apakah kau gila?

3. ST : I’ll have a go at anyone calling me a liar.

TT : Alu marah kepada siapa saja yang menyebutku pembohong. 4. ST : I suspect Nargles behind it.

TT : Aku curiga Nargles mengambilnya.


5. ST : When you’re a second away from being murdered. TT : Ketika kau hampir menjadi terbunuh.

6. ST : Over the next few days, we should each come up with a couple of possibilities of places we can practice.

TT : Beberapa hari lagi,kita harus dapatkan beberapa tempat untuk berlatih.

7. ST : It was completely intentional. TT : Itu sengaja.

8. ST : So that’s it for this lesson.

TT : Jadi cukuplah untuk latihan hari ini.

9. ST : What’s more, the Dark Lord failed to acquire it. TT : Ditambah, Raja Kegelapan gagal mendapatkannya. 10. ST : You are so very much alike.

TT : Kau sangat mirip.

11. ST : As gamekeeper, fresh air must be difficult to come by. TT : Sebagai pengawas, udara segar pasti sulit didapat. 12. ST : They told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves.

TT : Mereka menyuruhku menyingkir dan makan banyak. 13. ST : Now, let’s everybody just calm down.

TT : Sekarang, semuanya, tenanglah.

14. ST : That children stood a chance against us? TT : Anak-anak bisa melawan kami?

15. ST : You’ve got to mean it,harry. TT : Kau bersungguh-sungguh,harry.



16. ST : The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. TT : Hal yang hilang akan kembali pada kita akhirnya.

17. ST : I’ll go easy on you TT : Aku akan perlahan

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English phrases above ,they are an adverb phrase.They are translated into the clause . It means that there are unit shifts from phrase into clause. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

18. ST : Don’t put away your wand , harry.

TT : Jangan singkirkan tongkat sihirmu , harry. 19. ST : Tonight I say it’s time to take action.

TT : Malam ini, waktunya untuk beraksi. 20. ST : Get off it.

TT : Hentikan. 21. ST : Get it up.

TT : Naikkan.

22. ST : Voldemort wiped out her entire family. TT : Voldemort membantai seluruh keluarganya. 23. ST : Keeps away the Nargles.

TT : Menjauhkan Nargles.


24. ST : Do you believe the rubbish he’s come out with about You-Know-Who.

TT : Apakah kau percaya omong kosong yang diceritakan tentang You- Know-Who.

25. ST : But he’ll come through, you’ll see.

TT : Tapi dia akan menyelesaikannya,kau akan lihat.

26. ST : A Theoritical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations.

TT : Pengetahuan teoritis akan cukup untuk lolos dari ujian kalian. 27. ST : I’d want you to feel cut off from everyone else

TT : Aku ingin tahu merasa jauh dari semua orang.

28. ST : I’m not gonna talk about Cedric, so if that’s why you’re here, clear out now.

TT : Aku tidak akan membahas tentang Cedric, jadi jika itu alasan kalian ada disini,maka pergilah.

29. ST : Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once. TT : Tahun ketiga, dia mengusir ratusan Dementor sekaligus.

30. ST : First we need to find a place to practice where Umbridge won’t find out.

TT : Pertama kita harus menemukan tempat untuk berlatih dimana Umbridge tidak tahu.

31. ST : Who wants to see me take off snivelly’s trousers?

TT : Siapa yang mau melihatku lepaskan celana panjang snivelly?



32. ST : How’d you get away? TT : Bagaimana kau bisa lolos?

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English phrases above ,they are verb phrase.They are translated into the word . It means that there are unit shifts from phrase into word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

33. ST : Good Lord, boy. TT : Astaga,nak. 34. ST : Bloody hell,harry.

TT : Astaga,harry.

35. ST : Nasty brat, standing there as bold as brass. TT : Pengganggu, berdiri saja disana.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English phrases above ,they are an adjective phrase.They are translated into the word . It means that there are unit shifts from phrase into word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

36. ST : This is the last I’m gonna take of you and your nonsense.

TT : Ini yang terakhir aku akan mendengarkanmu dan omong kosongmu.


37. ST : In you go, son. TT : Masuklah,nak.

38. ST : That a certain dark wizard is at large once again. TT : Bahwa ahli sihir hitam tertentu bebas sekali lagi. 39. ST : But for now,at least,it looks like you’re on your own.

TT : Tapi untuk sekarang,setidaknya, kau kelihatan sendirian. 40. ST : Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once.

TT : Tahun ketiga, dia mengusir kira-kira seratus Dementor sekaligus.

41. ST : Because if we’re going to have any chance at beating Voldemort TT : Karena jika kita ingin mengalahkan Voldemort

42. ST : Away with you! TT : Pergilah!

43. ST : Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance. TT : Umbridge memantau cerobong asap.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English phrases above ,they are prepositional phrase.They are translated into the word . It means that there are unit shifts from phrase into word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

44. ST : Don’t break ranks if one of us is killed.

TT : Jangan berpisah jika salah satu dari kita terbunuh.



45. ST : They’re in the far carriage. TT : Mereka di kereta.

46. ST : Friend of Mudbloods and blood-traitors alike. TT : Teman dari Mudbloods dan penghianat.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English phrases above ,they are noun phrase.They are translated into the word . It means that there are unit shifts from phrase to word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

4.1.5 Unit shifts from sentence into phrase

Unit shifts from sentence into phrase are shifts from sentence level in Source Text (ST) into phrase level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from sentence into phrase with the total of 10 shifts (8%).

1. ST : I’m not doing anything. TT : Tidak kok.

2. ST : The odds are astronomical. TT : Aneh sekali.

3. ST : And it’s so silly of me, but it sounded for a moment as though you were suggesting that ministry had ordered the attack on this boy. TT : Dan konyol sekali,tapi itu sesaat kedengarannya seperti kau menganggap menteri memerintahkan penyerangan terhadap anak ini. 4. ST : You keep it.

TT : Simpan saja.


5. ST : Care for another? TT : Mau lagi?

6. ST : We’ve got to make sure,wherever it is, there’s no chance she can find us.

TT : Kita harus pastikan , dimanapun itu,akan aman.

7. ST : Working hard is important, but there’s something that matters even more:

TT : Kerja keras itu penting, tapi ada yang lebih penting : 8. ST : It was foolish you to come here tonight , Tom.

TT : Bodoh sekali datang kesini malam ini, Tom. 9. ST : It’s how you are not.

TT : Tapi sebaliknya. 10. ST : Oh, it’s all good fun.

TT : Oh, tidak apa.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English sentences above are translated into the phrase . It means that there are unit shifts from sentence into phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

4.1.6 Unit shifts from sentence into clause

Unit shifts from sentence into phrase are shifts from sentence level in Source Text (ST) into clause level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from sentence into clause with the total of 7 shifts (5%).



1. ST : Expect someone will be in touch soon. TT : Akan ada yang menghubungimu. 2. ST : You’ve finally driven him loopy.

TT : Kau akhirnya membuatnya mabuk. 3. ST : Now, you stay out of this,Snivellus.

TT : Sekarang, jangan ikut campur,Snivellus.

4. ST : You sure you’re all alright,harry? Gave us quite a turn. TT : Kau yakin kau tidak apa-apa,harry? Menyulitkan sedikit. 5. ST : Cho couldn’t take her eyes off you,could she?

TT : Cho melihatmu terus,iya kan? 6. ST : It’s fading already.

TT : Sudah menghilang.

7. ST : Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. TT : Ramalan hanya bisa diambil oleh orang yang dituju.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English sentences above are translated into the clause . It means that there are unit shifts from sentence into clause. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

4.1.7 Unit shifts from word into phrase.

Unit shifts from word into phrase are shifts from word level in Source Text (ST) into phrase level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from word into phrase with the total of 15 shifts (12%).


1. ST : Don’t put away your wand,harry.

TT : Jangan singkirkan tongkat sihirmu ,harry. 2. ST : There’s stifling

TT : Ada rasa sesak.

2. ST : We’re going to have to take him to a hospital. TT : Kita harus membawanya ke rumah sakit.

3. ST : The ministry has received intelligence that at 6:23 this evening. TT : Kementrian telah meneriman berita intelijen pada pukul 6:23 sore ini.

4. ST : Mudbloods,werewolves,traitors,thieves.

TT : Mudbloods,manusia serigala,penghianat,pencuri.

5. ST : Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon,just like his godfather. TT : Mungkin Potter akan tumbuh menjadi penjahat,seperti bapak baptisnya.

6. ST : It’s been twisted and warped by fear.

TT : Dibelitkan dan dilengkungkan oleh rasa takut. 7. ST : Witches and wizards of the Wizengamot.

TT : Penyihir dan ahli sihir Wizengamot.

8. ST : You’ll be learning about defensive spells in a secure,risk free way.

TT : Kalian akan belajar tentang sihir pertahanan dalam cara yang aman dan bebas resiko apapun.

9. ST : No,not with your quill.

TT : Tidak,tidak dengan bulu ayammu.



10. ST : Pity. TT : Kasihan.

11. ST : I offered it to Dumbledore as headquarters for the Order.

TT : Aku menawarkan ini kepada Dumbledore sebagai kantor pusat untuk Orde.

12. ST : That’s private. TT : Itu masalah pribadi.

13. ST : And not to the Dark Lord, if you don’t improve. TT : Dan juga Raja Kegelapan ,jika kau tidak semakin ahli. 14. ST : Don’t you want to know the secret of your scar?

TT : Tidakkah kau mau tahu rahasia tentang bekas lukamu? 15. ST : Get away from my godson.

TT : Menjauhlah dari putra baptisku.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English words above are translated into the phrase . It means that there are unit shifts from word into phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

4.1.8 Unit shifts from clause into word

Unit shifts from clause into word are shifts from clause level in Source Text (ST) into word level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from clause into word with the total of 15 shifts (12%).

1. ST : Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you. TT : Dumbledore memintaku untuk menjagamu.


2. ST : Did you expect him to let you go wandering on your own? TT : Apa kau berharap padanya untuk membiarkanmu sendirian? 3. ST : You’ve finally done it.

TT : Kau telah berhasil.

4. ST : I’m surprised the Ministry’s still letting you walk around free. TT : Aku terkejut Kementrian tetap membiarkanmu berkeliaran. 5. ST : I’ve been away for me health.

TT : Aku istirahat.

6. ST : If I were you, I shouldn’t get too used to being back. TT : Jika aku jadi kau,aku pastinya tidak akan terbiasa. 7. ST : Oh,go on, you have it,then, you dozy dog.

TT : Oh, ambillah,anjing pengantuk. 8. ST : I’ll make short work of this.

TT : Aku akan percepat ini.

9. ST : I thought we might hit this little snag. TT : Ku pikir kita mungkin berhasil. 10. ST : Yeah,we talked you into it.

TT : Ya, kami membujukmu. 11. ST : Oh, I will.

TT : Oh, nanti.

12. ST : When are you going to get it into your head? TT : Kapan kau akan mengerti?

13. ST : I’m afraid you’ve used up all my stores interrogating students. TT : Sepertinya sudah habis semua kau pakai untuk menginterogasi murid.



14. ST : If you do anything to us,I’ll break it.

TT : Jika kau macam-macam,aku akan hancurkan.

15. ST : And these disappearances are just how it started before. TT : Dan semua yang hilang ini merupakan permulaan.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English clauses above are translated into the word . It means that there are unit shifts from clause into word. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.

4.1.9 Unit shifts from clause into phrase

Unit shifts from clause into phrase are shifts from clause level in Source Text (ST) into phrase level in Target Text (TT). Unit shifts from clause into phrase with the total of 8 shifts (6%).

1. ST : Witness for the defense. TT : Saksi pembela.

2. ST : Now , let me make this quite plain. TT : Sekarang, biarkan aku permudah ini. 3. ST : Move those mouths.

TT : Ayo bicara.

4. ST : Give it your best shot. TT : Cobalah sebisamu.

5. ST : Only after extracting the last exquisite ounce of agony TT : Hanya setelah mengeluarkan rasa sakit


6. ST : I shall be needing some more of that. TT : Aku mau lagi.

7. ST : I’ll likely be getting the sack any day now. TT : Aku bisa diusir kapan saja sekarang.

8. ST : After all these years,after all you’ve suffered. TT : Selama ini,setelah semua penderitaanmu.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English clauses above are translated into the phrase . It means that there are unit shifts from clause into phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.









1 Morpheme into Word 19 15

2 Morpheme into Phrase 3 2

3 Phrase into Clause 6 5

4 Phrase into Word 46 35

5 Sentence into Phrase 10 8

6 Sentence into Clause 7 5

7 Word into Phrase 15 12

8 Clause into Word 15 12

9 Clause into Phrase 8 6

TOTAL 129 100




5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the data from the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie, it can be concluded that :

Firstly, the best translation is the translation that uses the natural language forms of the receptor language, communicates as much as possible to the receptor language speakers and has the same meaning that is understood with the speakers of the source language. Besides, it also must maintain the dynamics of the original source language text . Maintainng the “dynamics” of the original source text means that translation is presented in such a way that it will hopefully , evoke the same response as the source text attempted to evoke.

Secondly, to find the same equivalent and the exact structure (form) between the two different of language systems is the difficult thing in translation. Therefore, a translator should be able to do adjustments either in meaning or structure to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. One of the possible ways is by making shifts. As, Catford (1965 : 80) says “Shift is needed to produce natural translation and establish translation equivalence between SL and TL”.


Thirdly, there are five units representing ranks in english which are described in this translation. They are morpheme from morpheme into word such as un , dis , im , non , il, -est, -ly, –less, and morpheme into phrase such as un-….-able, in-…..-ible, –less, phrase from phrase into clause and phrase into word, sentence from sentence into phrase,and sentence into clause , word from word into phrase, clause from clause into word and clause into phrase.

In short, it can be seen that morpheme from morpheme into word is in the total of 19 shifts (15%), and morpheme into phrase is in the total of 3 shifts (2%), phrase from phrase into clause is in the total of 6 shifts (5%), and phrase into word is in the total of 46 shifts (35%), sentence from sentence into phrase is in the total of 10 shifts (8%) and sentence into clause is in the total of 7 shifts (5%), word from word into phrase is in the total of 15 shifts (12%) and clause from clause into word is in the total of 15 shifts (12%), clause from clause into phrase is in the total of 8 shifts (6%).

5.2 Suggestions

The suggestions to the readers especially the student of English Literature Department are to learn and analyze translation as deeply as possible because it is very important in every science fields that uses English and also suggest the readers to do the further research about unit shifts in translation of books, articles, or journals.




Anesthesia , Dhany Novi. 2009. Unit shifts in the interpreting of reverend’s English sermon into bahasa Indonesia. Medan : Faculty of letters USU.

Catford , J.C . 1969. A linguistic theory of translation. London : Oxford University Press. Juliana. 2009. Morphemic Shifts in Translation of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn

Birds into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri. Medan : Faculty of Letter USU. Kintsch, W. 1983. Strategies of discourse comprehension. New York : Academic Press Lorsher , W.1991. Translation performance,translation process,and translation

strategies.Tubingen : Narr.

Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies. London : Routledge Newmark , P. 1988. A Textbook of translation. New york : Prentice hall.

Nida, Eugene and Charles .R. Taber . 1969. The theory and practice of translation. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.

Shuttleworth, M. and M. Cowie. 1997. Dictionary of translation studies. Manchester : St.jerome.

Steiner, E. 2004. Translated texts : properties,variants,evaluations. Oxford : Peter lang Venuti, Lawrence .2000. The translation studies reader. London : Routledge

st, 2010).


6. ST : I shall be needing some more of that. TT : Aku mau lagi.

7. ST : I’ll likely be getting the sack any day now. TT : Aku bisa diusir kapan saja sekarang.

8. ST : After all these years,after all you’ve suffered. TT : Selama ini,setelah semua penderitaanmu.

From the above, it can be concluded that :

The English clauses above are translated into the phrase . It means that there are unit shifts from clause into phrase. It is done to keep the meaning constant so that messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively.








1 Morpheme into Word 19 15

2 Morpheme into Phrase 3 2

3 Phrase into Clause 6 5

4 Phrase into Word 46 35

5 Sentence into Phrase 10 8

6 Sentence into Clause 7 5

7 Word into Phrase 15 12

8 Clause into Word 15 12

9 Clause into Phrase 8 6




5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the data from the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order of

Phoenix movie, it can be concluded that :

Firstly, the best translation is the translation that uses the natural language forms of the receptor language, communicates as much as possible to the receptor language speakers and has the same meaning that is understood with the speakers of the source language. Besides, it also must maintain the dynamics of the original source language text . Maintainng the “dynamics” of the original source text means that translation is presented in such a way that it will hopefully , evoke the same response as the source text attempted to evoke.

Secondly, to find the same equivalent and the exact structure (form) between the two different of language systems is the difficult thing in translation. Therefore, a translator should be able to do adjustments either in meaning or structure to keep the meaning constant so that the messages can be conveyed naturally and communicatively. One of the possible ways is by making shifts. As, Catford (1965 : 80) says “Shift is needed to produce natural translation and establish translation equivalence between SL and TL”.


Thirdly, there are five units representing ranks in english which are described in this translation. They are morpheme from morpheme into word such as un , dis , im , non , il, -est, -ly, –less, and morpheme into phrase such as un-….-able, in-…..-ible, –less, phrase from phrase into clause and phrase into word, sentence from sentence into phrase,and sentence into clause , word from word into phrase, clause from clause into word and clause into phrase.

In short, it can be seen that morpheme from morpheme into word is in the total of 19 shifts (15%), and morpheme into phrase is in the total of 3 shifts (2%), phrase from phrase into clause is in the total of 6 shifts (5%), and phrase into word is in the total of 46 shifts (35%), sentence from sentence into phrase is in the total of 10 shifts (8%) and sentence into clause is in the total of 7 shifts (5%), word from word into phrase is in the total of 15 shifts (12%) and clause from clause into word is in the total of 15 shifts (12%), clause from clause into phrase is in the total of 8 shifts (6%).

5.2 Suggestions

The suggestions to the readers especially the student of English Literature Department are to learn and analyze translation as deeply as possible because it is very important in every science fields that uses English and also suggest the readers to do the further research about unit shifts in translation of books, articles, or journals.



Anesthesia , Dhany Novi. 2009. Unit shifts in the interpreting of reverend’s English

sermon into bahasa Indonesia. Medan : Faculty of letters USU.

Catford , J.C . 1969. A linguistic theory of translation. London : Oxford University Press. Juliana. 2009. Morphemic Shifts in Translation of Colleen Mc Cullough’s The Thorn

Birds into Burung-Burung Semak Berduri. Medan : Faculty of Letter USU.

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