Review of Related Literature Intrinsic Approach

its kinds of one another. And the last, combine all the related data to describe clearly the analysis. A part from the method of research above, in analyzing the thesis, I also use intrinsic approach leads to understand more about language, style, symbols, images, contrasts, structure and development of plot in a literary work.

1.7 Review of Related Literature

In this thesis, I collect several books in supporting the data of analysis. the books contain some information, which design to assist the thesis. Some of them can be mentioned as follows: 1. Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren, 1997 This book provides the explanation about the theory of literature. 2. Understanding Elements of Literature by Richard Taylor, 1982 In this book, Richard Taylor explain there are branches of literature such Prose, drama and poetry. 3. Metodology Penelitian Kualitatif by Lexy J. Moleong, 2000. In this book, explain about descriptive method. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW

2.1 Intrinsic Approach

In analyzing a literary work, such as a novel, we need to apply some approaches to get the better ideas of understanding of how to analyze this literary work. These approaches can be applied to analyze a literary work from the inside, outside, or from the both sides of aspects of literary work itself. In this case, the writer applies intrinsic approach, as the only one literary approach she consult, to analyze a novel from the inside of its text. Intrinsic approach is introduced by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in their book “Theory of Literature” 1977:139-141. They define intrinsic approach as an approach of literary analysis that builds a literary work from the inside of the text. Intrinsic approach uses no other material of information from the outside of field of study, but the literary work itself. When we study a novel, for example, we focus the analysis only from the text of the novel. Thus, the analysis of intrinsic approach purely uses the information contained inside of the text which deals with the analysis of the content which implies some elements of form: plot, character, setting, theme, point of view, and style. These elements support each other to create a story, e.g. the events told in a novel are parts of the content while the way in which they are arranged into a plot is a part of the form.

2.2 Character