Critical Approach Review of Related Theories

character’ personality through the way the character says and puts forward an opinion to other characters. The fourth is past life. The author reveals the characteristics of a character from his or her life past. The reader may know the clues from the direct comment by the author, through the person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person. The fifth is conversation of others. The characteristics of a character in a story can be seen through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him or her. The sixth is reaction. The author shows the readers how a character reacts to various situations and events. This is related to a character’s emotion that triggers actions. For example, when a character is happy, he or she may laugh, sing a song, and hug somebody else. The seventh is direct comment. The author describes or comments on a person character directly. It means that the author speaks about his or her personal comment or description of a character directly in a story. The eighth is thoughts. The author describes a character’s personality and position through what the character is thinking about in his or her mind. The ninth is mannerisms. The author helps the reader understand a character by illustrating a person’s mannerisms, habit, or modes of behavior in dealing with something or someone in a story.

2. Critical Approach

Literature, as one of works of art, contains of esthetic value. The readers’ evaluative judgment is given to it as an esthetic response. In order to have a reasonable judgment, a means called a critical approach is needed Rohrberger and Woods Jr. 3. A critical approach can guide the readers to understand literature’s nature, function, and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI positive values. Rohrberger and Woods Jr. 6-13 mentions there are five approaches to analyze literary works. The first approach is the formalist approach. This approach deals with the total integrity of literary works. The involvement of each esthetic part to the whole is seen as a harmony to the complete work. Thus, the beauty of the literary works lies on the author’s works such as novels, dramas, or play. The second approach is the biographical approach. The proponents of this approach believe that by knowing the author’s personal life, the readers are led to a better understanding and appreciation of the author’s works. The third approach is the sociocultural-historical approach. This approach concerns with the social, cultural, and historical environment in the literary work. The proponents of this approach say that literary works can not be separated from its society, culture, and time. The fourth approach is the mythopeoic approach. This approach is used to find out certain universally recurrent patterns of human thoughts in literary works. The recurrent pattern is related to the certain belief of the certain people mind. The recurrent pattern can be found in ancient myths, folk rites, and theological aspects of some doctrines that basically have meaning for all people. The fifth approach is the psychological approach. This approach is used to identify any psychological aspects lies on a certain element of a literary work. The proponents of this approach come up with an idea that each character’s behavior may refer to the psychology of human being. Therefore, this approach can be used to analyze the character’s behavior and thought deeply. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3. Motivation