Research Questions Significance of the Study



This chapter consists of three parts; They are review of related theories, context of the song, and theoretical framework. The review of related theories presents the theories and approaches that are used in this study. The context of the study presents the review of the object of the study and the subject matter in it. While, theoretical framework consists of the contribution of the theories and reviews applied in this study to answer the problem formulations.

A. Review of Related Theories

This part presents the theories that are employed in this study. They are decorum, theory of poetry, post-structuralism approach, theory of deconstruction, and theory of ambiguity. These theories are applied in order to achieve the goal of this study which aims for th e meaning of “M.I.A”.

1. Decorum

In the world of poetry, decorum is an essential thing that needs to be considered. Cuddon 1992 states that decorum is “a matter of behavior on the part of the poet qua his poem, ” p. 212. While, Simpson 1967 states that decorum is “the principle of suiting the style to the subject” p. 10. Based on these statements, decorum is the principle about what is suitable or proper in the relationship between form and substance. Cuddon 1992 adds that “action, character, thought and language all need to be appropriate to each other ” p. 212. Based on this statement, a poet should modify the style e.g. action, character, thought, and language and tone to fit the subject matters in hisher poem. Thus, the style fits hisher purpose in writing the poem. Simpson also adds that “the style is also determined by the necessity to make the reader see and feel” p. 10. It means that the style should be appropriate to the speaker, the circumstance, and the subject matter. In this study, this principle is used to clarify Matthew Sanders’ decorum in suiting “M.I.A.” song lyrics.

2. Theory of Poetry

Perrine 1969 states that “poetry is as universal as language and almost as ancient” p. 3. While, Klarer 1999 states that “poetry is one of the oldest genres in literary history” p. 28. Based on those statements, poetry has existed since long time ago. Therefore, it is difficult to define poetry into a single fixed definition due to its age. Klarer suggests that “in spite of this long tradition, it is harder to define than any other genres” p. 28. Therefore, the researcher searches some definitions of poetry in order to reach better understanding about what poetry is. Wordsworth as cited in Barnet, Berman, and Burto, 1963 defines poetry as “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” p. 306. Drew 1959 in Poetry: A Modern Guide to Its Understanding and Enjoyment states that poetry is “the most concentrated and intense form of communication among the arts of language” p. 15. While, Perrine 1969 defines poetry as “a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than does ordinary language” p. 3. In short, poetry is a genre in literature that emphasizes the word-play as