The Understanding of STAD

solve the problem and also could train them on facing the world. It is one of the important aspect of Cooperative Learning that is to promote behavior and better group relations among students.

2. The Characteristic of STAD

Robert Slavin proposes the characteristic of STAD. He states that STAD consists of five major components; class presentation, teams, quizzes, individual improvement scores, and team recognition. 41 The description of those characteristics is presented as follows: a. Class presentation Firstly, the teacher should introduce the material in class presentation. Mostly, the teacher conducts a direct instruction or a lecturer-discussion, but could include audiovisual presentation. Class presentation in STAD must clearly focus on the STAD unit, it is not same with the usual teaching. The teacher has to manage the students that they have to pay attention to the presentation. It is because in the class presentation, the teacher would give the material which would be asked in the quizzes. Students have to do well on the quizzes, and their scores determine their team scores. b. Teams After students listen to the teacher presentation, they would have team session. But firstly, the teams are composed of four or five members who present a cross-section of the class in terms of academic performance, sex, and race or ethnicity. Making sure that all the team members are learning and prepare its member to do well on the quizzes is the major function of the team. On the team session, the students would to learn and do worksheets from the teacher. Moreover, the session involves students discussing about problem in the team, answering the answer of the worksheet then comparing, and correcting 41 Slavin, 1995, op. cit., p. 71. any misconceptions if teammates make mistakes. In the team, students could support for the other academic performance which is essential for learning. It also presents the common concern and respect that are essential for such product as intergroup relations, confidence, and reception of ordinary students. c. Quizzes After the students are having a team, they are permitted to move back to their own seat before having a team to do quizzes. Quizzes are taken after roughly one or two periods of teacher presentation and also one or two periods of team practice. During the quizzes, students are not permitted to have a discussion or helping each other. Therefore, in this quizzes every student is individually responsible for comprehending the material. d. Individual Improvement Scores Giving the individual performance score that achieve after quizzes then compared with the past score is the main idea of individual improvement scores. The scores is depend on the students’ work during the class, whether it is better than the score in the past or not. The past scores are the scores that are given to the students as a “base” score. Base scores derived from the students’ average performance on similar quizzes. Any student can give greatest points to his or her team in this scoring system, but no student can do so with no doing his or her best effort. e. Team Recognition This is the last components of STAD, which is derived from the average of individual improvement scores on teams. Teams may receive certificates or other rewards if their average scores go over a definite standard. Another expert proposes the characteristic of STAD as Donald R. Cruickshank proposed. He explains that there are three main characteristics of STAD; preparation, delivery, and closure. 42 The description of those characteristics as follows: a. Preparation. In this characteristic, teacher has to prepare the presentation of the material that would be learned by the students. After that, the teacher may divide the students into the heterogeneous group to learn and master the material. b. Delivery. According to Donald R. Cruickshank, delivery of STAD involves two steps; the presentation and initiation and monitoring of the teamwork. In the teamwork, the teacher should do some steps such as, set the team goals, prepare students for teamwork, give the teams the assignment, monitor the teams, quiz the students, score the quizzes, and recognize team accomplishment. c. Closure. In the closure, the students should be reminded of what they have just learned and attached to what they already know or what they will learn next, and they should have the opportunity to apply the information in some way. Those are the characteristic of STAD from Robert Slavin and Donald R. Cruickshank that arose in this paper. The writer elaborates that the characteristic of STAD includes the preparation of information, the team work, individual student quizzes, team scoring and recognition. Those characteristic of STAD is implemented to make the students work together and master the material.

3. The Purpose of STAD

The Students Teams-Achievement Divisions was developed for some purposes. The main purpose is of course to make students comprehend with the material and show the improvement. Robert Slavin highlights that, “The main idea behind Student Teams-Achievement Divisions is to motivate students to 42 Donald R. Cruickshank, et al., The Act of Teaching, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006, pp. 242-6.

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