Thinking Framework The Effectiveness Of Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (Stad) Technique On Students’ Reading Comprehension (A Quasi Experimental Study At Second Grade Students Of Smp Islam Ruhama Ciputat)

35 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Place and Time of the Research This research was conducted at second grade students of SMP Islam Ruhama Ciputat South Tangerang. It is located on Jln. Tarumanegara No. 67 Cirendeu East Ciputat. It took about a month research, started on November 5 th 2013 to December 4 th 2013. B. The Method of Research In this research, the writer used a quasi-experimental research which is one kinds of experimental research design. In the quasi experimental design, there are two groups that should be compared; controlled group and experimental group. Controlled group is a group which has no treatment, while experimental group is a group which has a treatment. Therefore, the writer took two classes on this research, experiment class and controlled class. In the experimental class, the writer used Cooperative Learning with STAD technique and in the controlled class the writer taught in Conventional method, in the sense, the students learned reading in the same way as they usually did. C. Population and Sample The populations of research were the second grade students who were distributed into four classes. The writer took two classes – VIII 1 and VIII 4 each with 31 students as the samples of the research employing cluster sampling technique. The VIII 1 was used as the experimental class, while VIII 4 was the controlled class. D. The Technique of Data Collecting One important thing in the research is the technique of data collecting that can determine the results of the research. The techniques of collecting data which are used in this research are pre-test and post test: a. Pre-test The pre-test was given by the writer in the beginning of attending class VIII to know the students’ knowledge of the material that will be taught. b. Post-test The writer gave the students post-test for the class after lesson finished. The test was consisted of 30 questions, they are multiple choice. Before the writer giving the pre-test to the classes, she did the validity the test to other object. The validity of a test is the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure. The test must aim to provide a true measure of the particular skill which it is intended to measure, to the extent that it measures external knowledge and other skills at the same time. To analyze the validity, the writer has to give the test to the tester to take the score. After getting the score, the writer has to make the ranking from the highest up to the lowest score and make the group of upper, middle, lower. The respondent that would be analyzed is the upper and lower with 27 respondent of both. After getting the respondent, the writer would use instrument of validity as follows: 1. Item Discriminating Power Discriminating power used to differentiate between intelligent and unintelligent students. The good item question is item which is answered truly by the upper students and false by the lower students. The more upper students answer truly, the more lower answer falsely, the better the item will be. The formulation to know the discriminating is:

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