10.1.2 PDP-11 UNIX

Thompson’s work so impressed his colleagues at Bell Labs that he was soon joined by Dennis Ritchie, and later by his entire department. Two major develop- ments occurred around this time. First, UNIX was moved from the obsolete PDP-7 to the much more modern PDP-11/20 and then later to the PDP-11/45 and PDP-11/70. The latter two machines dominated the minicomputer world for much of the 1970s. The PDP-11/45 and PDP-11/70 were powerful machines with large physical memories for their era (256 KB and 2 MB, respectively). Also, they had memory-protection hardware, making it possible to support multiple users at the same time. However, they were both 16-bit machines that limited individual proc- esses to 64 KB of instruction space and 64 KB of data space, even though the ma- chine may have had far more physical memory.

The second development concerned the language in which UNIX was written. By now it was becoming painfully obvious that having to rewrite the entire system for each new machine was no fun at all, so Thompson decided to rewrite UNIX in

a high-level language of his own design, called B. B was a simplified form of BCPL (which itself was a simplified form of CPL, which, like PL/I, never worked). Due to weaknesses in B, primarily lack of structures, this attempt was not suc- cessful. Ritchie then designed a successor to B, (naturally) called C, and wrote an excellent compiler for it. Working together, Thompson and Ritchie rewrote UNIX in C. C was the right language at the right time and has dominated system pro- gramming ever since.

In 1974, Ritchie and Thompson published a landmark paper about UNIX (Ritchie and Thompson, 1974). For the work described in this paper they were la- ter given the prestigious ACM Turing Award (Ritchie, 1984; Thompson, 1984). The publication of this paper stimulated many universities to ask Bell Labs for a copy of UNIX. Since Bell Labs’ parent company, AT&T, was a regulated monopoly at the time and was not permitted to be in the computer business, it had no objection to licensing UNIX to universities for a modest fee.

In one of those coincidences that often shape history, the PDP-11 was the com- puter of choice at nearly all university computer science departments, and the oper- ating systems that came with the PDP-11 were widely regarded as dreadful by pro- fessors and students alike. UNIX quickly filled the void, not least because it was supplied with the complete source code, so that people could, and did, tinker with it endlessly. Scientific meetings were organized around UNIX, with distinguished

CHAP. 10 speakers getting up in front of the room to tell about some obscure kernel bug they


had found and fixed. An Australian professor, John Lions, wrote a commentary on the UNIX source code of the type normally reserved for the works of Chaucer or Shakespeare (reprinted as Lions, 1996). The book described Version 6, so named because it was described in the sixth edition of the UNIX Programmer’s Manual. The source code was 8200 lines of C and 900 lines of assembly code. As a result of all this activity, new ideas and improvements to the system spread rapidly.

Within a few years, Version 6 was replaced by Version 7, the first portable ver- sion of UNIX (it ran on the PDP-11 and the Interdata 8/32), by now 18,800 lines of

C and 2100 lines of assembler. A whole generation of students was brought up on Version 7, which contributed to its spread after they graduated and went to work in industry. By the mid-1980s, UNIX was in widespread use on minicomputers and engineering workstations from a variety of vendors. A number of companies even licensed the source code to make their own version of UNIX. One of these was a small startup called Microsoft, which sold Version 7 under the name XENIX for a number of years until its interest turned elsewhere.