Authentication Using Biometrics

9.6.2 Authentication Using Biometrics

The third authentication method measures physical characteristics of the user that are hard to forge. These are called biometrics (Boulgouris et al., 2010; and Campisi, 2013). For example, a fingerprint or voiceprint reader hooked up to the computer could verify the user’s identity.

A typical biometrics system has two parts: enrollment and identification. Dur- ing enrollment, the user’s characteristics are measured and the results digitized. Then significant features are extracted and stored in a record associated with the user. The record can be kept in a central database (e.g., for logging in to a remote computer), or stored on a smart card that the user carries around and inserts into a remote reader (e.g., at an ATM machine).

The other part is identification. The user shows up and provides a login name. Then the system makes the measurement again. If the new values match the ones sampled at enrollment time, the login is accepted; otherwise it is rejected. The login name is needed because the measurements are never exact, so it is difficult to index them and then search the index. Also, two people might have the same char- acteristics, so requiring the measured characteristics to match those of a specific user is stronger than just requiring them to match those of any user.

The characteristic chosen should have enough variability that the system can distinguish among many people without error. For example, hair color is not a good indicator because too many people share the same color. Also, the charac- teristic should not vary over time and with some people, hair color does not have this property. Similarly a person’s voice may be different due to a cold and a face may look different due to a beard or makeup not present at enrollment time. Since later samples are never going to match the enrollment values exactly, the system designers have to decide how good the match has to be to be accepted. In particu- lar, they hav e to decide whether it is worse to reject a legitimate user once in a while or let an imposter get in once in a while. An e-commerce site might decide that rejecting a loyal customer might be worse than accepting a small amount of fraud, whereas a nuclear weapons site might decide that refusing access to a gen- uine employee was better than letting random strangers in twice a year.

Now let us take a brief look at some of the biometrics that are in actual use. Finger-length analysis is surprisingly practical. When this is used, each computer

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has a device like the one of Fig. 9-20. The user inserts his hand into it, and the length of all his fingers is measured and checked against the database.


Pressure plate

Figure 9-20.

A device for measuring finger length.

Finger-length measurements are not perfect, however. The system can be at- tacked with hand molds made out of plaster of Paris or some other material, pos- sibly with adjustable fingers to allow some experimentation.

Another biometric that is in widespread commercial use is iris recognition. No two people have the same patterns (even identical twins), so iris recognition is as good as fingerprint recognition and more easily automated (Daugman, 2004). The subject just looks at a camera (at a distance of up to 1 meter), which pho- tographs the subject’s eyes, extracts certain characteristics by performing what is called a gabor wavelet transformation, and compresses the results to 256 bytes. This string is compared to the value obtained at enrollment time, and if the Ham- ming distance is below some critical threshold, the person is authenticated. (The Hamming distance between two bit strings is the minimum number of changes needed to transform one into the other.)

Any technique that relies on images is subject to spoofing. For example, a per- son could approach the equipment (say, an ATM machine camera) wearing dark glasses to which photographs of someone else’s eyes were attached. After all, if the ATM’s camera can take a good iris photo at 1 meter, other people can do it too, and at greater distances using telephoto lenses. For this reason, countermeasures may

be needed such as having the camera fire a flash, not for illumination purposes, but to see if the pupil contracts in response or to see if the amateur photographer’s dreaded red-eye effect shows up in the flash picture but is absent when no flash is

SECURITY CHAP. 9 used. Amsterdam Airport has been using iris recognition technology since 2001 to

enable frequent travelers to bypass the normal immigration line.

A somewhat different technique is signature analysis. The user signs his name with a special pen connected to the computer, and the computer compares it to a known specimen stored online or on a smart card. Even better is not to compare the signature, but compare the pen motions and pressure made while writing it. A good forger may be able to copy the signature, but will not have a clue as to the exact order in which the strokes were made or at what speed and what pressure.

A scheme that relies on minimal special hardware is voice biometrics (Kaman et al., 2013). All that is needed is a microphone (or even a telephone); the rest is software. In contrast to voice recognition systems, which try to determine what the speaker is saying, these systems try to determine who the speaker is. Some systems just require the user to say a secret password, but these can be defeated by an eavesdropper who can record passwords and play them back later. More advanced systems say something to the user and ask that it be repeated back, with different texts used for each login. Some companies are starting to use voice identification for applications such as home shopping over the telephone because voice identifi- cation is less subject to fraud than using a PIN code for identification. Voice recognition can be combined with other biometrics such as face recognition for better accuracy (Tresadern et al., 2013).

We could go on and on with more examples, but two more will help make an important point. Cats and other animals mark off their territory by urinating around its perimeter. Apparently cats can identify each other’s smell this way. Suppose that someone comes up with a tiny device capable of doing an instant urinalysis, thereby providing a foolproof identification. Each computer could be equipped with one of these devices, along with a discreet sign reading: ‘‘For login, please deposit sample here.’’ This might be an absolutely unbreakable system, but it would probably have a fairly serious user acceptance problem.

When the above paragraph was included in an earlier edition of this book, it was intended at least partly as a joke. No more. In an example of life imitating art (life imitating textbooks?), researchers have now dev eloped odor-recognition sys- tems that could be used as biometrics (Rodriguez-Lujan et al., 2013). Is Smell-O- Vision next?

Also potentially problematical is a system consisting of a thumbtack and a small spectrograph. The user would be requested to press his thumb against the thumbtack, thus extracting a drop of blood for spectrographic analysis. So far, nobody has published anything on this, but there is work on blood vessel imaging as a biometric (Fuksis et al., 2011).

Our point is that any authentication scheme must be psychologically ac- ceptable to the user community. Finger-length measurements probably will not cause any problem, but even something as nonintrusive as storing fingerprints on line may be unacceptable to many people because they associate fingerprints with criminals. Nevertheless, Apple introduced the technology on the iPhone 5S.

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