Executive Summary Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture (SensorSA)

SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 12 of 233

1. Executive Summary

This document specifies the Sensor Service Architecture SensorSA of the European Integrated Project FP6-033564 Sensors Anywhere SANY. In its present Version 3 it corresponds to the SANY deliverable D2.3.4. The SensorSA belongs to the family of service-oriented architectures SOA but has a particular focus on the access, the management and the processing of information provided by sensors and sensor networks. As such, it contains sensor-specific services, however, in order to provide a higher-level, functionally and semantically richer interface to environmental risk management applications it also has to abstract from the peculiarities of sensors and to encompass generic information processing functionality. Thus, there is a sliding passage to the functionality of a generic service infrastructure. The SensorSA foresees mechanisms to generate events and distribute them as notifications to interested consumers. This enables spontaneous distribution of information about changing configurations in underlying sensor networks, e.g. the dynamic addition or removal of sensor devices, which is a pre-requisite for the support of the “plug-and-measure” type of operation. Furthermore, the SensorSA relates the basic concepts of a resource-oriented architecture ROA such as resources and their representations to the SOA concepts in order to gain flexibility in discovery tasks and the mapping to underlying mainstream Web service environments. The foundation for the conceptual architectural work for SANY has been taken from the OGC Best Practices Document 07-097 which corresponds to the Reference Model for the ORCHESTRA Architecture RM-OA as specified by the European Integrated Project FP6- 511678 ORCHESTRA Open Architecture and Spatial Data Infrastructure for Risk Management. The RM-OA provides a platform-neutral abstract specification of a geospatial service-oriented architecture that responds to the requirements of environmental risk management applications. It comprises generic architecture services and information models based on and extending existing specifications of the Open Geospatial Consortium OGC. The objective of the SensorSA is to motivate and specify the basic design decisions derived from user requirements and generic architectural principles. It is structured according to the viewpoints of the Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing RM-ODP as defined in ISOIEC 10746-1:1998 E. The RM-ODP viewpoints are interpreted in the context of an SOA in analogy to the interpretation of the RM-ODP in the RM-OA. The SensorSA provides the basic concepts, their interrelationships conceptual models and abstract specifications of implementation models, services and interfaces. By abstract it is meant that the specification is independent of the specifics of a particular service platform. The specification of the SensorSA follows an iterative design approach. Each version builds on the results of the former versions. Topics described in former versions are refined andor new topics are taken up and specified. Four versions V0-V3 of the SensorSA specification have been foreseen. The roadmap for the individual versions has been continuously adapted according to the analysis of the user requirements and their prioritisation as well as the technological challenges that SANY aimed to solve. The focus of the final version 3 lies on refinements and enhancements of the event-based architectural style and the use of events for cascades of Sensors Observation Service instances and catalogue harvesting. SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 13 of 233

2. Introduction