Purpose of this document

SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 13 of 233

2. Introduction

2.1. Purpose of this document

This document specifies the Sensor Service Architecture SensorSA of the SANY project. The SensorSA belongs to the family of service-oriented architectures SOA with additional support of event processing but has a particular focus on the access, management and processing of information provided by sensors and sensor networks. As such, it contains sensor-specific services. However, in order to provide a higher-level, functionally and semantically richer interface to environmental risk management applications it also has to abstract from the peculiarities of sensors and to encompass generic information processing functionality. Thus, there is a sliding passage to the functionality of a generic service infrastructure. The service-oriented architecture specified by the European Integrated Project FP6- 511678 ORCHESTRA 1 Open Architecture and Spatial Data Infrastructure for Risk Management in its Reference Model for the ORCHESTRA Architecture RM-OA, 2007 has been chosen as the foundation for the conceptual architectural work in the SANY project. A major cornerstone for a SANY application environment as part of an implementation architecture is the Service Support Environment ESA SSE, 2007. SSE is currently mainly used in the domain of earth observation sensors. The architectural work in the SANY project distinguishes between - a platform-neutral specification SensorSA, and - an implementation specification for the SANY application projects SANY Implementation Architecture. This approach is illustrated in Figure 2-1. The present document only specifies the conceptual SensorSA, which for simplicity is sometimes just called the SensorSA SensorSA or the SANY Architecture. Figure 2-1: Scope of the Architectural Work in SANY 1 http:www.orchestra.eu.org SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 14 of 233 The objective of the SensorSA is to motivate and specify the basic design decisions derived from user requirements and generic architectural principles. It provides the basic concepts and their interrelationships conceptual models and abstract specifications. By abstract it is meant that the specification is independent of the specifics of a particular service platform. Such an abstract specification comprises service specifications, information models and interaction patterns between the major architectural components. The specification of the SensorSA is structured according to the viewpoints of the Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing RM-ODP as defined in ISOIEC 10746- 1:1998 E. The RM-ODP viewpoints are interpreted in the context of a service-oriented architecture SOA in analogy to the interpretation of the RM-ODP in the Reference Model for the ORCHESTRA Architecture RM-OA, 2007. After the illustration of the architectural design process in section 3, the specification of the business context and related requirements are described in section 4 , “Enterprise Viewpoint”. Section 5 provides the specification of the “Sensor Model” used in the SensorSA. Further major concepts of the SensorSA are presented in section 6, followed by the core conceptual specification of the SensorSA, the specification of the Service and Information Viewpoints. Technological choices such as requirements and constraints about underlying Web service platforms are covered in the Technology Viewpoint in section 9. Engineering guidelines and recommendation how to use and compose the service and information models are covered in the Engineering Viewpoint in section 10. Note 1: If concepts and models of the RM-OA are re-used without change, they are just referenced, sometimes accompanied by a short summary in order to enable a self-contained specification of the SANY Architecture. In cases where RM-OA concepts and models have been refined and even replaced for SANY purposes, they are specified in the present document, but using the style and the templates of the RM-OA. This approach ensures consistent editorial maintenance and review of both documents. Note 2: The present version of the SensorSA continues and refines the work of the so- called ORCHESTRA Architecture Services OA Services with a focus on replacing the original Sensor Access Service as defined in the RM-OA, 2007. In a subsequent version, this architecture specification intends to provide more application-oriented services, which are referred to in the RM-OA as ORCHESTRA Thematic Services. Then, the SensorSA will also define elements of an Application Architecture.

2.2. Intended Audience