Specification of the SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform

SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 168 of 233 following properties: Transport Protocol and Message Format: SOAP 1.2 HTTP binding as defined in SOAP Part 1: Message Framework, Version 1.2 W3C, 2003 and Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP, Version 1.1 W3C, 2006. The message style that shall be used is documentliteral non- wrapped since it is the most widely accepted and interoperable message style. Security The common security aspects of the different SensorSA Service Platforms are discussed in section 9.3.1. The following aspects, however, are specific to the SensorSA W3C Web Services Platform: Session Information: The transport of session information may be accomplished by using platform specific mechanisms, such as the inclusion of a session key in the SOAP header. Encryption: Optional encryption of SOAP messages shall be accomplished by Web Services Security: 4 SOAP Message Security 1.1 OASIS, 2006. - Schema Language The general schema language used to define the SOA-RM Information Models is the eXtensible Markup Language XML 1.0 XML, 2006. Section 9.3.2 will list further XML-based schema and modelling languages. - Information Model Constraints There are currently no immediate constraints on information models themselves.

9.2.2 Specification of the SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform

The SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform is specified on the basis of the OpenGIS® Web Service Common Implementation Specification OGC, 2007. The OGC Common Specification “specifies many of the aspects that are, or should be, common to all or multiple OGC Web Service OWS interface Implementation Specifications” OGC, 2007. The SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform adopts the most general aspects of the OWS Common Specification and extends it by SensorSA specific aspects to ensure compatibility with existing OGC Web Services and facilitate the specification of new SensorSA services. OGC Web Services offer the following options regarding the transport protocol, the request and response schema and the protocol bindings: Topic Options Transport HTTP Request KVP Key Value Pair XML plain XM Response HTML SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 169 of 233 XML plain XML Binary any MIME Type Protocol binding HTTP GET and POST Table 9-3: Options for the SensorSA OGC Web Service Platform The SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform is characterized by the following properties: - Platform Name The name of the platform is “SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform”. - Reference Model The SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform is based on the OpenGIS® Web Service Common Implementation Specification OGC, 2007. - Interface Language The formal language that is used to define the SOA-RM Service Interfaces is the Web Service Description Language WSDL, Version 1.1 W3C, 2001. Note: If required and supported by the tools used, WSDL 2.0 W3C, 2007 may also be used. - Execution Context The execution context of the SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform is defined by the following properties: Transport Protocol and Message Format: Operations are invoked by HTTP requests. In the case of HTTP POST the requests are XML-encoded, whereas in the case of HTTP KVP encoding of parameters shall be used. The response shall be either an XML document or a binary document e.g. an image. In any case the format of the response has to be made transparent to the requestor, for example in the interface description or in a capabilities document of the service. An XML response shall be described by a corresponding XML-Schema, and a binary response by a MIME-Type e.g. imagepng. The complete rules are defined in the chapter entitled “Operation request and response encoding” of the OGC Common Implementation Specification OGC, 2007. Security The common security aspects of the different SensorSA Service Platforms are discussed in section 9.3.1. The following aspects, however, are specific to the SensorSA OGC Web Services Platform: Encryption: Optional transport-layer encryption of HTTP requests and responses shall be accomplished by SSL 3.0 Netscape, 1996. - Schema Language The general schema language used to define the SOA-RM Information Models is the SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 170 of 233 eXtensible Markup Language XML 1.0 XML, 2006. Section 9.3.2 will list further XML-based schema and modelling languages. - Information Model Constraints There are currently no immediate constraints on information models themselves.

9.2.3 Specification of the SensorSA RESTful Web Services Platform