Accessing large data blocks

SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 204 of 233 - use of graphic filters e.g. blurring as a generic mechanism for localised colour manipulation. Note: Currently, the SensorSA suggests that the use of colour, transparency and texture are the best candidates for representing uncertain information for static maps in an efficient manner. Therefore, these techniques will be further researched in the context of the Map and Diagram Service. The other techniques will remain only as concepts due to the complexity of implementing such graphically demanding techniques in the Map and Diagram Service.

10.6.4 Unit conversion

Unit conversion in a SANY sensor network can be handled in two ways: 1. Each service offers a set of units in which it is able to provide its values andor perform its operations. The clients can select one of the offered units if multiple are provided, and then must do all remaining unit conversions if necessary on their own. 2. All of the functionality described in 1 above, plus a dedicated Processing Service see section 8.4.2 that can be used by client applications and services acting as clients to perform unit conversions that they are not able to do on their own. Note: Unit conversion is considered to be part of the pre- or post-processing steps in a processing chain see section

10.7. Handling of large data sets

Data access in the SensorSA is provided mainly through instances of Sensor Observation Services. Depending on the application scenario fairly large amounts of data may be needed and thus handled by those services. When working with large amounts of data, the following scenarios can be distinguished: - Accessing a large block of data all at once - Accessing a smaller piece of a large data set

10.7.1 Accessing large data blocks

The Sensor Observation Service see section 8.2.2 and its accompanying Observation and Measurement data model see section 7.3 provide multiple mechanisms for transporting the actual observation data in response to a request, specified in the responseMode parameter. While some of them e.g. inline are only suitable for smaller sets of data, the observation data can also be transported separately from the getObservation result out-of-band, which in this case only provides a description of the data and a pointer e.g. an URL to the data themselves. The data themselves can be transported in any form andor encoding that is suitable for the specific application scenario. An example would be offering the data binary encoded with SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 205 of 233 NetCDF http:www.unidata.ucar.educontentsoftwarenetcdfindex.html and transported using OPeNDAP as shown below section 5.4 of Cox, 2007. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? om:Observation gml:id=timeSeries1 ... references omitted ... gml:descriptionObservation test instance - time seriesgml:description gml:nameTime series 1gml:name om:samplingTime gml:TimePeriod gml:id=ts1t gml:beginPosition2005-06-17T09:00:00+08:00gml:beginPosition gml:endPosition2005-06-21T09:00:00+08:00gml:endPosition gml:TimePeriod om:samplingTime om:procedure xlink:href=urn:ogc:object:feature:Sensor:BOM:t_2a om:observedProperty xlink:href=http:sweet.jpl.nasa.govontologyproperty.owlTemperature om:featureOfInterest xlink:role=urn:ogc:def:featureType:OGC:Station xlink:href=http:my.big.orgfeature?type=station26name=st1 om:parameter swe:Quantity definition=http:sweet.jpl.nasa.govontologyproperty.owlElevation swe:uom xlink:href=urn:ogc:def:uom:UCUM:m swe:value3.45swe:value swe:Quantity om:parameter om:result xlink:href=http:www.flakey.orgopendap378.cdf om:Observation

10.7.2 Accessing small pieces of a large data set