Resource representation Resource name

SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 119 of 233 - providesView optional : list of feature instances that provides the underlying data of the resource. - linkedTo: list of zero or more resource types to which representations of this resource types may be potentially linked. This link is further described by the association class ResourceLink see section - representedBy : List of identifiers of possible representations of this resource. One resource may have one or more possible representations. This property is modelled by the type ResourceRepresentation see section - defaultRepr : identifier of the default representation of the resource. Resource representation

The representation of a resource comprises any useful information about the current state of a resource. A resource may have and usually has several representations. It has the following properties: - id: unique identification of the resource representation. - definition : Human-readable description of the purpose of the resource representation. - format : MIME-type format in which the information is presented to the client. - representation : Information that is returned to the client when the representation is retrieved. - supports : Provides a list of those methods of the uniform interface that are supported by the resource see section - linkedTo : identifier of zero or more resource representations to which may be navigated from the resource representation. Resource name

The resource name denotes the resource. It shall indicate the intended purpose of the resource to a human user. It has to be distinguished from the identifier of the representations of the resources which also provide an address a path by which to access the resource see section It has the following properties: - name: Provides the name of the resource. - id-scheme : Defines the ways how identifiers for representations of the resource may be built. Note: The resource model just assumes that the identifiers are built hierarchically. The namespace attribute ns-id see below shall define the scope of the identifier such that all identifiers of representations are unique. SANY D2.3.4 Specification of the Sensor Service Architecture V3 Doc.V3.1 Copyright © 2007-2009 SANY Consortium Page 120 of 233 - ns-id optional : Defines the namespace for the identifiers of the representations of the resource. It may but need not be the same as the name of the resource. Note: When mapping to a service platform, the relationship between the identifier of the resource and the identifierss of its representations has to be defined. This is done in an identifier scheme and has to be defined as part of the Engineering Viewpoint of the system‟s design. In the case of RESTful Web Services, a typical identifier scheme is to combine the ns-id into one hierarchical URI such that the start of the URI denotes the resource name and the rest denotes the identifier. The boundary between the start and the rest is specific to the resource. Resource link