A Description of Interference in Language Used at Political Debate Between Golkar and PKS

1 Universitas Sumatera Utara




Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, SH, MA Siregar, MA

Drs. M. Syafi’ie

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Deparment of English


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Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, MS NIP: 195411171980031002 195904191981022001

Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M.Hum NIP:

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Signed : Date : July 23th, 2012
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Signed Date

: : July 23th, 2012

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All praises to Jesus Christ since He has fulfilled His promise to never leave me nor forsake me. My sincerest gratituted to Jesus for everything He has done in my life, for His blessing and His love especially in completing this thesis. I realize that I am nothing without You.
I would like to thank to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies Dr. Drs. Syahron Lubis, M.A, the head of Depatrment of English Dr. Drs. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, the the secretary Dr.Hj. Nurlela M.Hum and all lecturers that have given me such useful knowledge in my thesis and my study. Thank you for guidance. I would like to thank to my supervisor Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, SH, MA. Under his guidance I successfully overcame many difficulties and learned a lot. He patiently reviewed my thesis progress, gave his valuable suggestions and made corrections. I will always remember your merit. I also thank to my co supervisor Drs. M. Syafi’ie Siregar, MA for guidance and support so I can do this thesis well. May God bless you. And thank to Bg Am for helping me in my all administration during my study.
I gratefully acknoledgment my beloved parents, my late father Asterius Samosir and my mother Repina Manalu, especially my mom for her support financially and morally. You have proved that everything is possible. I am so proud for having a chance become your daughter. I also delivere my greatest thanks to my younger sisters Agustina, Triwati, and Udur and my only brother Asido for their endless love, prayers, and encouragement. Do believe that all of the struggle that we have experienced will end in beautiful God’s plan.
My thanks are due to all of my friends for giving me support, motivation and help to complete my thesis. They are ‘MarkA’ and ‘Serenity’ (Juli, Melita, Inta, Mia, and Disa). Guys, finally we can achieve this degree, my old small group ‘INEFUS’

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(K’Natalia, Yuli, and Junita), and my new small group ‘IMAGODEI’ (B’Juntriman, Uli, and Marta), my classmates the class of 2008, and my juniors and seniors in English Department. At last but not least I thank to ACC Ladies Camp and KMKS for being my family in growing up in Jesus Christ.

God bless you.

Medan, 30th July 2012 The Writer

Fenny Samosir Reg. No. 080705027

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Skripsi berjudul “A description of interference in language used at political debate between Golkar and PKS” merupakan suatu uraian tentang interferensi yang terjadi dalam debat politik antara partai Golkar dan PKS. Landasan teori yang digunakan adalah teori Weinrich (dalam Aslinda dan Lenni, 2007:66) yang menjelaskan tentang pembagian interferensi ke dalam empat bagian yaitu interferensi fonologi, interferensi leksikal, interferensi morfologi, dan interferensi sintaksis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kepustakaan untuk mencari berbagai teori yang mendukung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengunduh data atau acara debat politik tersebut dari internet, sedangkan untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan dari pembahasan skripsi ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis- jenis interferensi dan jenis interferensi yang paling dominan dalam debat politik antara Golkar dan PKS serta menemukan bahasabahasa dan bahasa yang paling dominan yang menginterferensi bahasa debat politik tersebut, Adapun objek kajian dalam pembahasan skripsi ini adalah keseluruhan ujaran baik oleh narator, moderator, dan bintang tamu dalam debat politik antara Golkar dan PKS edisi 18 Februari 2009 yang terdiri dari dua sesi. Setelah mendeskripsikan data, hasil penemuan dari analisis ditemukan empat jenis interferensi yang terdapat dalam debat politik antara Golkar dan PKS, yakni 9 (8,91%) interferensi fonologi, 73 (72,27%) interferensi leksikal, 12 (11,88%) interferensi morfologi, dan 9 (6,94%) interferensi sintaksis. Bahasa-bahasa yang menginterferensi data yaitu bahasa Indonesia dialek Jakarta 61(51,26%), bahasa Inggris 19(15,97%), bahasa Jawa 37(31,09%), Bahasa Sunda 1(0,84%), dan Bahasa Melayu 1(0,84%). Kesimpulannya, interferensi yang paling dominan digunakan yakni interferensi leksikal dan bahasa yang paling dominan menginterferensi bahasa debat politik antara Golkar dan PKS adalah bahasa Indonesia dialek Jakarta . Penulis menyarankan bahwa kita sebagai orang Indonesia harus benar-benar memperhatikan kaidah bahasa yang kita gunakan saat memproduksi bahasa tersebut sehingga tidak membuat interferensi yang mengakibatkan kerusakan pada bahasa tersebut. Kerusakan bahasa ini erat kaitannya dengan pemertahanan bahasa. Jadi jika kita ingin melihat bahasa Indonesia punah dalam beberapa tahun kedepan, sebaiknya hindarilah melakukan interferensi terhadap bahasa Indonesia baik yang berasal dari bahasa daerah maupun bahasa asing.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................ ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................

vii ix x


INTRODUCTION.............................................. 1.1 Background of Study .................................. 1.2 Problem of Study ........................................ 1.3 Objective of Study ...................................... 1.4 Scope of Study............................................ 1.5 Significance of Study..................................

1 1 3 3 4 4


REVIEW OF LITERATURE............................ 2.1 Sociolinguistics........................................... 2.2 Language Contact ....................................... 2.3 Bilingualism ............................................... 2.4 Diglossia..................................................... 2.5 Code Switching .......................................... 2.6 Code Mixing............................................... 2.7 Interference................................................. 2.7.1 Definition of Interference............................ 2.7.2 Types of Interference ..................................

5 5 6 7 8 8 10 12 12 13


Method of Research ........................................... 3.1 Research Design ........................................

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3.2 Data and Source Data.................................. 3.3 Technique of Collecting Data...................... 3.4 Technique of Analyzing Data......................

19 19 19


DESCRIPTION AND FINDING....................... 21 4.1 Data Description ......................................... 21 4.1.1 The Type of Interference Found in Political debate
Between Golkar and PKS............................ 21 Interference.......................... 21 Lexical Interference.................................. 25 Morphological Interference ...................... 59 Syntactical Interference ............................ 67 4.1.2 The Frequency of Interference .................... 71 4.2 Finding ....................................................... 73


CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION............... 5.1 CONCLUSION .......................................... 5.2 SUGGESTION ...........................................

74 74 75


............................................................................ ............................................................................

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Skripsi berjudul “A description of interference in language used at political debate between Golkar and PKS” merupakan suatu uraian tentang interferensi yang terjadi dalam debat politik antara partai Golkar dan PKS. Landasan teori yang digunakan adalah teori Weinrich (dalam Aslinda dan Lenni, 2007:66) yang menjelaskan tentang pembagian interferensi ke dalam empat bagian yaitu interferensi fonologi, interferensi leksikal, interferensi morfologi, dan interferensi sintaksis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kepustakaan untuk mencari berbagai teori yang mendukung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengunduh data atau acara debat politik tersebut dari internet, sedangkan untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan dari pembahasan skripsi ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis- jenis interferensi dan jenis interferensi yang paling dominan dalam debat politik antara Golkar dan PKS serta menemukan bahasabahasa dan bahasa yang paling dominan yang menginterferensi bahasa debat politik tersebut, Adapun objek kajian dalam pembahasan skripsi ini adalah keseluruhan ujaran baik oleh narator, moderator, dan bintang tamu dalam debat politik antara Golkar dan PKS edisi 18 Februari 2009 yang terdiri dari dua sesi. Setelah mendeskripsikan data, hasil penemuan dari analisis ditemukan empat jenis interferensi yang terdapat dalam debat politik antara Golkar dan PKS, yakni 9 (8,91%) interferensi fonologi, 73 (72,27%) interferensi leksikal, 12 (11,88%) interferensi morfologi, dan 9 (6,94%) interferensi sintaksis. Bahasa-bahasa yang menginterferensi data yaitu bahasa Indonesia dialek Jakarta 61(51,26%), bahasa Inggris 19(15,97%), bahasa Jawa 37(31,09%), Bahasa Sunda 1(0,84%), dan Bahasa Melayu 1(0,84%). Kesimpulannya, interferensi yang paling dominan digunakan yakni interferensi leksikal dan bahasa yang paling dominan menginterferensi bahasa debat politik antara Golkar dan PKS adalah bahasa Indonesia dialek Jakarta . Penulis menyarankan bahwa kita sebagai orang Indonesia harus benar-benar memperhatikan kaidah bahasa yang kita gunakan saat memproduksi bahasa tersebut sehingga tidak membuat interferensi yang mengakibatkan kerusakan pada bahasa tersebut. Kerusakan bahasa ini erat kaitannya dengan pemertahanan bahasa. Jadi jika kita ingin melihat bahasa Indonesia punah dalam beberapa tahun kedepan, sebaiknya hindarilah melakukan interferensi terhadap bahasa Indonesia baik yang berasal dari bahasa daerah maupun bahasa asing.
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1.1 Background of the Study The progress of globalization in our life gets language has dynamic
characteristic. Language always changes along with the change of the activities of the society. Because of the progress of the era, the society is demanded to be able to know two or more languages, even the people that live in rural area at least should master two languages, mother tongue and target language. The situation actually makes the change of language in the form of not only developing and broadening but also lowering. Indonesian is more likely to use the idiom ‘no smoking’ rather than the idiom ‘dilarang merokok’. In a period of time, the new vocabularies appear and the old vocabularies will be lost. It is the effect of what we call interference.
Interference occurs because of bilingualism or multilingualism which is caused by language contact. Language contact comprises all of contact event between two or more languages causes the change of language elements by the speaker in social context related to the language contact. The prominent characteristic of language contact is bilingualism or multilingualism. It makes code switching and code mixing appearance. If two or more languages used by the speaker from the same language community, there will be a transferring of the certain elements from the source language to the target language. As a consequence of the language adopting, interference emerges then known as phonological interference, lexical interference, morphological interference and syntactic interference. The process of interference is in accordance with the process of culture diffusion known in sociology.
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Interference is considered as a disturbance because it taints the system of a language in one side but in another side, interference is the most important and dominant mechanism to develop a language that still needs progress. Interference enriches the vocabularies of the target language. At the beginning it is assumed as word borrowing but later it will integrate to be a part of the receiver language. In contrast, there is also a great disadvantage to the maintanance of the target language in which the words which are replaced with the words absorbed will die.
Interference usually occurs in an informal situation however interference can also occur in a formal situation in which in this case it occurs in a political debate program held by TVOne. Political debate is one-hour program which goes on TVOne within the talk show format that invites two parties who will discuss the themes in each episode related with the vision and the mission of every party, hold ordered discussion between two speakers which represent each parties as well as give chances to give opinions.
Political debate which is selected as the data in this thesis is the disussion held by TVOne on 18th February 2009 in which the guest stars are both Golkar and PKS and the moderators are Tina Talisa and Rahma Sarita. Both of them are big parties in Indonesia and the moderators are also experienced presenter to put this data into my thesis since there are so many interference cases that occurs between the speakers and the moderators who are actually educated people. It probably occurs because the speakers prioritize the idea rather than the grammatical of the language used. In fact this material is rarely included as prominent subject in education institution partiularly in university. There are so many highly educated people do not realize or even do not know that they frequently interfere the language when they produce a language.
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The importance of the natural language in a society and the less of the action of society particularly the academic components to use standard language become the main point of the writer to take this subject matter to be the title of the thesis. This data using the Bahasa Indonesia that interfered by both local and foreign languages. It means that the elements of the local and foreign languages have been polluting the Bahasa Indonesia grammatically.
1.2 Problem of Study The problems of the study are formulated below:
1. What is the type of interference found in political debate between Golkar and PKS on 18th February 2009.
2. Which type of interference is dominantly found in political debate between Golkar and PKS on 18th February 2009?
3. What languages that interfere the language of political debate between Golkar and PKS on 18th February 2009?
4. Which language that interfere the language of the data which is dominantly found in political debate between Golkar and PKS on 18th February 2009?
1.3 Objective of Study Related to the problems of the study above, this study is aimed at: 1. To find out the types of interference found in political debate between Golkar and PKS on 18th February 2009. 2. To find out the type of interference which is dominantly found in political debate between Golkar and PKS on 18th February 2009. 3. To find out the languages that interfere the language of political debate between Golkar and PKS on 18th February 2009.
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4. To find out the language that interferes the language of the data which is dominantly found in political debate between Golkar and PKS on 18th February 2009.
1.4 Scope of Study To reach a deep and complete work, the writer makes the scope of the
analysis. In this research, the writer focuses on describing the interference in political debate between Golkar and PKS and the languages that interfere the data.
1.5 Significance of Study This study will be useful for:
1. It’s expected that the finding will be useful for further researcher to make a more positive contribution to the theory information.
2. To give a better understanding about interference and the components of language involved there especially for the academic importance.
3. Through this research hopefully people give their contribution for language maintenance by reducing interference both in written and oral language.
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2. 1 Sociolinguistics Hudson (in Hudson, 1996: 1) defines sociolinguistics as the study of

language in relation to society, implying (intentionally) that sociolinguistics is part of the study of language. Thus, the value of sociolinguistics is the light which it throws on the nature of language in general, or on the characteristics of some particular language. Like other subjects, sociolinguistics is partly empirical and partly theoritical – partly a matter of going out and amassing bodies of fact and partly of sitting back and thinking
Bernard (in Bernard, 1998:3) states that sociolinguistics is a field of study that studies the relation between language and society, between the usage of language and the social structures in which the users of language live. It is a field of study that assumes that human society is made up of many related patterns and behaviours, some of which are linguistics. Sociolinguistics has been recognized as a branch of the scientific study of language, sociolinguistics has grown up into one of the most important of the hyphenated fields of linguistics.
Basically, sociolinguistics consists of two words, socio and linguistics. Socio is derived from word “social” means related to society meanwhile linguistics is a study of language. Sociolinguistics considers language as the social system and communication system that become a part of society. An individual can not be seen as an individual that separated from others but he or she is a member of a social group. It causes the language and the use of language are not observed from the individual but they always connect to the activity of the individual in the society. Therefore, sociolinguistics is an interdicipline study that study the problems of language related to social aspects, situational, and culture. By studying
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sociolinguistics we are able to minimize inaccuracy of language usage in the social context. By understanding the principles of sociolinguistics, each of speakers will realize the importance of the accuracy of choosing language variation that must be suitable with the social context.
2.2 Language Contact Language contact is a sociolinguistic circumstance where two or more
languages, elements of different languages, or varieties within a language, used simultaneosly or mixed one over the others. Forms of language contact have been also described to result from spontaneous acts of the speakers. The study of language contact has developed since 1940s and 1950s that analyses the forms of the contacts as well as suggest different reasons behind the phenomenon. The causal factor of language contact can be divided into two they are direct contacts that happen because the speakers of the languages meet person through travelling activities or exploration and distant contacts that happen through the mass media
Sociolinguists use different ways to identifying, naming, and classifying the phenomenon and the people involved in languages contacts. The term bilinguals according to some linguists may be used to include multilinguals while others may use with a sharp difference.
A situation of languages in contact, particularly one characterized by large amount of bilingual interaction, inevitably leads to the influence of one language upon the other. Such an influence generally occurs in both directions, but when one of two languages represents a majority and prestige language, it is most frequent for this language to exert a more profound influence on the minority languages. In such cases, it is usual to speak of linguistic interference, borrowing, and the numerous – isms (e.g. Anglicisms, etc) characterizing studies of bilingual transfer.
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2.3 Bilingualism Bloomfield defines bilingualism as the native like control of two lanaguages.
Titone (1972) for whom bilingualism is the individual’s capacity to speak a second language while following the concepts and structures of that language rather than paraphrasing his or her mother tongue. (http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/samples/cam032/99012600.pdf). Meanwhile Mackey, (in Aslinda 2007:24) states that bilingualism is not just owned by an individual but also community because the language is also used as the communication tool among communities. According to Mackey, bilingualism involves in some cases such as degree, function, code- switching, code- mixing, interference, and integration. People who are having or using two languages especially as spoken with the fluency characteristic of a native speaker; a person using two languages especially habitually and with control like a native speaker called bilinguals.
Bilingualism is usual in many parts of the world and that people in those parts would view any other situation as strange and limited. Bilingualism is sometimes seen as a personal and social problem, not something that has strong positive connotation. One unfortunate consequence is that some western societies go to great lengths to downgrade, even eradicate, the languages that immigrants bring with them while at the same time trying to reach foreign language in schools. In many parts of the world, it is just a normal requirement of daily living that people speak several languages : perhaps one or more at home, another in the village, still another for purposes of trade, ad yet another for contact with the outside world of wider social or political organization.
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2.4 Diglosia Diglosia is derived from France diglossie, that known by C.A Ferguson
in 1958 in a symposium of “urbanization and standard languages” in Washington DC. He states that diglosia is a relatively stable language situation in which, in addition to the primary dialects of the languages (which may include a standard or regional standards), there is a very divergent, highly codified superposed variety, the vehicle of a large and respected body of written literature, either of an earlier period or in another speech community, which is learned largely formal education and is used for most written and formal spoken purposes but is not used by any sector of the community for ordinary conversation. Simply diglosia is a condition of society in which there are two variations of a language that live side by side and each of them has their own role.
2.5 Code Switching There is a situation where speakers deliberately change a code being used,

namely by switching from one to another. The change is called code- switching. Among the several definitions of code-switching, the following two should give clarity needed to understand the concept. Hymes (in Made, 2010: 74) states that code switching has become a common term for alternate us of two or more language, varieties of language, or even speech styles. Appel defines code switching as the indication of the use of language switching because of the change of the situation. For example there are two speakers that make a dialogue in Bataknese language, and then the third speaker comes. The third one is the third speaker does not understand Bataknese so the first speaker and the second speaker switch their language into Bahasa Indonesia.
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There are several reasons why bilinguals and multilinguals do code – switching, they are: a. The speaker.
The speakers do code – switching to get the advantage or benefit. It is usually done by the speaker to ask for help of her or his partner of speak. b. The listener or the partner of speak. It is caused by the speaker wants to keep his or her capability equal to that of the partner of speak. c. The change of situation because of the presence of the third speaker. The third speaker does not have the same language background to the language used by the first and the second speakers. d. The change of situation from formal to informal and vice versa. It is may caused by the change of topic discussion.
The grammatical classification results in three types of code switching, namely tag-code-switching, inter-sentential code-switching and intra-sentential codeswitching.
1. Tag-code-switching A tag code-switching happens when a bilingual inserts short expressions (tag) from different language at the end of his/her utterances. For example an Bahasa Indonesia bilingual switches from English to Bahasa Indonesia, e.g. it’s okay, no problem, ya nggak?
2. Inter-sentential code switching Inter-sentential code switching happens when there is a complete sentence in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language. For example an Bahasa Indonesia bilingual switches from Bahasa Indonesia to English, e.g. ini lagu lama, tahun 60an. It’s oldies but goodies, they say.
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3. Intra-sentential code-switchin Intra-sentential code-switching is found when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of a foreign language is found within the sentence in a base language. For example, an English bilingual switches from English to French, e.g. The hotel, il est grand, is really huge and unbelievably majestic.
2.6 Code – Mixing The concept of code-mixing is used to refer to a more general form of
language contact that may include cases of code-switching and the other form of contacts which emphasizes the lexical items. Pieter Muysken (in Made, 2010:78) states that I am using the term code-mixing to refer to all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages appear in one sentence.
There are some differences between code-mixing and code-switching. First in code - mixing , bilingual speakers seem to apply some foreign words s while the other language functions as the base. Second bilingual speakers are said to mix codes when there is no topic that changes, nor does the situation. Another says if it involves changing into a foreign clause or a sentence, it should be define as code-switching, but if it involves use of foreign phrases or group op words, it is code-mixing. Another view considers the formality of the situation, in which mixing is said to be found in formal one and vice versa.
Chaer and Agustina ( in Chaer and Agustina 2004: 151) state why bilinguals and multilinguals do code – mixing, they are:
a. Identification of role. The measurement of role are social, register, and education.
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b. Identification of variations. Identification of variations is determined by language in which a speaker does code – mixing, he or she will take a place in a social hierarchy.
c. Code – mixing is a sign of the relationship among the speakers. There are several types of code mixing, they are:

1. Intra-sentential code mixing This kind of code mixing occurs within a phrase, a clause or a sentence boundary, as when a French-English bilingual says: “I started going like this. Y luego decla (and then he said), look at the smoke coming out my fingers.” Another example is from Wardaugh (2009:108) “Estaba training para pelar” : “He was training to fight.”
2. Intra-lexical code mixing This kind of code mixing which occurs within a word boundary, such as in shoppã (English shop with the Panjabi plural ending) or kuenjoy (English enjoy with the Swahili prefix ku, meaning ‘to’).
3. Involving a change of pronunciation This kind of code mixing occurs at the phonological level, as when Bahasa Indonesia people say an English word, but modify it to Bahasa Indonesia phonological structure. For instance, the word ‘strawberry’ is said to be ‘stroberi’ by Bahasa Indonesia people.
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2.7 Interference 2.7.1 Definition of Interference
Hartmann and Stork (in Made, 2010:95) define interference as the error by carrying over the speech habits of the native language or dialect into a target language or dialect. Based on the definition above, the term is originally used to refer to the deviation from the norm of using a language that occurs in the speech of bilinguals and multilinguals as the effect of their familiarity with two or more languages. The deviation includes cases of using a single word, phrase, or clause that belong to a language into another language, as well as the sound of a language which influenced by the sound found in another language, or the spelling system usually used in a language which is then used in another language. With such a scope, the concept of interference must be overlapping with code – switching, code – mixing, and word borrowing. Weinreich (in Aslinda, 2007:66) states that interference is those instance of deviation from the norm of either language which occur when speak in bilinguals as a result of their familiarity with more than one language, i.e. as a result of language contact.
Actually, if we see from the aspect of the importance of Bahasa Indonesia, the influence of first language or local language brings advantage and disadvantage. Selection present on the need consideration enrichs the Bahasa Indonesia. Selection based on the desire for style and to disguise word felt not rather desirable to the ear are in fact not very favourable although maybe from certain aspects of life not very unfavourable. Example: the word butuh “needed” has caused many troubles for a certain ethnic group, that is, not very tasteful. And Indonesia is already has the word for ‘need’ namely ‘memerlukan’, and whenever the speaker wants something very expressive, he can use ‘membutuhkan’.
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Concerning errors having the character of interference is indeed rather difficult to avoid. The question is that it is not easy to control a habit that has become flesh and blood. Interference is present at all levels of linguistic elements : the way to pronounce a word or a sentence, the way to construct a word , the way to construct a phrase and a sentence, the way to assign the meaning of a certain word .
Language contact occurs between Bahasa Indonesia and local languages obtains a kind of contradiction. The one side is obliged to foster and develop Bahasa Indonesia which is the language of unity and the official language. The task to foster and to develop Bahasa Indonesia is a national task that must be able to cope with all matters that are calculated to cause harm to Bahasa Indonesia. As an Indonesian that have to show our loyalty to our national culture, we are obliged to maintain, to salvage and to perpetuate those parts of the national culture where in are included the local language.
The role and the function of Bahasa Indonesia has gradually become more steady. Its role as a communication tool between the ethnic groups who possess their own local language aside from the Bahasa Indonesia language will be smoother. As a technical language and as an instruction language (instruction medium) the role of Bahasa Indonesia language is increasing especially in official meetings and state events.
2.7.2 Types of Interference Based on the form of interference, Weinreich (in Chaer and Agustina,
2004:120) devides it into four types, they are phonological interference, lexical interference, morphological interference and syntactic interference.
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1. Phonological Interference

Phonology studies how sounds are organized in particular languages,

estimologically consists of two words, phone means sound and logos means science.

The sound is called phoneme. Phoneme is the smallest unit of sound can differentiate

meaning, in another word it can be defined as the smallest and functional language


Phonological interference happens when the phoneme of the native language

or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect. Some experts define

phonological interference as the transferring sound or sound pattern from one

language into another language.

When we encounter a foreign language, our natural tendency is to hear it in

terms of the sounds of our own language. We actually perceive it rather differently

from the way native speakers do. Equally, when we speak a foreign language we

tend to attempt to do so using the familiar sounds and sound patterns of our mother

tongue. We make it sound, objectively, rather differently from how it sounds when

spoken by native speakers.

For example: based on British pronounciation, there are some words that are

not pronounced in right manner such as:


Error pronounciation

Good pronounciation

Car /kar/ /ka:/

Dear /diər/ /diə/




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2. Lexical Interference Lexical intereference occurs when the lexis of the native language or dialect
carries over into the target language. Lexis means the vocabulary of a language. Here are some examples of lexical interference:
a. Semalam gua ke rumah Santi tapi dia enggak di rumah. The sentence above uses Bahasa Indonesia but the speaker carries over the lexis of Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta ‘gua’ and ‘enggak’. It means that Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta on that utterance above interferes Bahasa Indonesia.
b. Mereka akan married bulan depan. The sentence above uses Bahasa Indonesia but the speaker carries over the lexis of English ‘married’. It means that English on that utterance interferes Bahasa Indonesia.
c. Sudah lima kali awak datang ke rumahnya tapi dia tidak ada. The sentence above uses Bahasa Indonesia but the speaker carries over the lexis of Minangkabaunese ‘awak’. It means that Minangkabaunese on that utterance interferes Bahasa Indonesia.
3. Morphological Interference Morphology is a branch of linguistics that studies morpheme. Morpheme is
the smallest meaningful unit of language which is devided into free morpheme and bound morpheme. In morphology, we analize how the process of forming word such as afixation, reduplication, compounding and infixation.
Weinreich (in Aslinda, 2007:75) states that Morphological interference occurs when the the morpheme of the native language or dialect carry over into the target language or dialect.
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For example: 1. Karena begadang dia ngantuk di ruang kelas. The sentence above uses Bahasa Indonesia but the speaker carries over prefix N- (Javanese) into the sentence.in the word ‘ngantuk’. The rightest form is mengantuk. 2. Dia menanya kapan ujian akan dilaksanakan. The sentence above uses Bahasa Indonesia but the speaker carries over prefix men- into the word ‘menanya’. This case frequently happens in Sundanese. The rightest form is ‘bertanya’. 3. Neonisasi jalan-jalan protokol sudah hampir selesai. The speaker above carries over sufix –sasi (English) in the word ‘neonisasi’ which has function as a noun marker. The rightest form in Bahasa Indonesia is ‘peneonan’.
5. Syntactic interference Weinreich (in Aslinda, 2007:82) defines Syntactic interference as carrying
over the syntactic pattern of the native language or dialect into the target language or dialect. There is also another definition of syntactic interference. Chaer (in Chaer 2004:124) states that syntactic interference is the use of word, phrase, and clause of one language into another language. It is similar with the case of code mixing. Syntactic is a branch of linguistics that study about the forming of words in a sentence.
We can see the interference from this example. The Bahasa Indonesia sentence ‘Saya punya Bapak sakit’ has influenced by Ambonese. We know that the syntactic pattern is transferred from the sentence ‘Kita pe papa sakit’.
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Bataknese also frequently do this interference. The pattern of sentence “ na naeng ro hian do au nangkin” is transfered into Bahasa Indonesia becomes “yang mau datang kian nya aku tadi”. The pattern in Bataknese that places the verb in front of the sentence actually is different with Bahasa Indonesia that places the verb after the subject. Another sentence that also contain interference is “ aku pergi belanja tadi pagi” in which the syntactic pattern is transfered from the sentence “lao au maronan nangkin pagi”. The syntactic pattern ‘pergi+verb’ is not efective in Bahasa Indonesia because it gets over meaning.
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3.1 Research Design The method that imply to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative. Bogdan
and Taylor (in Moleong 2006:4) states qualitative method is defined as the research procedure that produce descriptive data in the form of written words or spoken words of people and behaviour that can be observed. Straus and Corbin give the definition of Qualitative research namely it is aimed for the research which the discovery is not obtained through statistic procedure or any other calculation form ( in Syamsudin, 2007:73). Nevertheless, the collected data in the qualitative research is possible to analyze through calculation, however it does not stress on its hypotesis analysis but on the effort to answer the question of the research through the way of formal and argumentative thought.This method is possible to analyze something from the aspect of the process. Descriptive means that this thesis will contain quotation of data to give the description of serving the thesis. The qualitative data guide us to obtain the unexpected discovery and to create the new theory plan. Descriptive qualitative research does not focus on the result, but prioritizes the process of research rather than result. Descriptive qualitative method is used in writing this thesis by giving a description of interference found in political debate between Golkar and PKS.
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3.2 Data and Source of Data The data were taken from a program of TVOne which is titled ‘debat politik’
goes on every Wednesday at 7.30pm. The writer selects the episode of political debate on 18th February 2009 in which the guest stars are Priyo Budi Santoso, Ferry Mursyidat Baldar, Mahmudz Sidik, and Fahri Hamzah. The discussion goes on in two sessions. The writer takes the whole dialogues that occur among the speakers (narator, moderators and guest stars) as the data in that two sessions. The data is downloaded from youtube on 12th April, 2012 at 1pm.
3.3 Technique of Collecting Data The data were acquired by using documentary technique. Documentary
technique is a technique of collecting data used in social research methodology to seek for historical data such as writing, picture and monumental works.
The research was started by selecting the episode of political debate, finding and downloading the video from youtube, watching the video then writing the whole dialogues of all speaker, and identifying and writing the sentences that contain interference and finally identifying the languages that interfere the data.
3.4 Technique of Analyzing Data In this study, the data were analyzed in the following steps:
1. Identifying and classifying the sentences contain interefence. 2. Classifying interference into the more specific types, they are phonological
interference, lexical interference, morphological interference, and syntactic interference. 3. Analizing the data related to the theory and identifying the languages that interfere the data
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4. Calculating each types of interference and the languages that interfere the data.
5. Determining the most dominant type of interference and languages that interfere the data.
6. Converting to percentages by using this formula n=Fx /N x 100%
Where: n= Percentage of interference type Fx= individual frequency of interference type N= Total number of all types 100%= Standard percentage 7. Drawing some calculations based on the results of analysis
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4.1 Data Description 4.1.1 The Type of Interference Found in Political debate Between
Golkar and PKS There are three types of interference found in the political debate, they are phonological interference, lexical interference, morphological interference, and syntactic interference. Phonological Interference 1. Data 19 : “Nah sekarang inilah kita ingin mau tau berani ngga, percaya diri ngga Golkar yang katanya akan mencapai target suara yang sangat besar maju sebagai capres biar kita ini jelas gitu”. Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker above does the deletion of phoneme /h/ in the word ‘tau’ (Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta). According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in which the phoneme of Bahasa Indonesia carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘tahu’.
2. Data 34 : Ini maksudnya... baik! Ada bang Fahri di belakang. Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker does the 32
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deletion of phoneme /a/ in the word ‘bang’ (Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta). According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in which the phoneme of Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘abang’.
3. Data 38 : “Ada yang salah kaprah. Yang tau Golkar itu adalah kami yang memimpin Golkar, bukan orang lain”.
Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker above does the deletion of phoneme /h/ in the word ‘tau’ (Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta). According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in which the phoneme of Bahasa Indonesia carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘tahu’.
4. Data 64 : Tapi kalau kemudian memang, kalau kemudian bursa capres ini hanya didominasi oleh dua tokoh, Pak SBY dengan Bu Megawati, lalu masyarakat tidak punya pilihan alternatif, PKS pun dalam posisi siap untuk mengajukan capres nya.
Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker above the deletion of phoneme /i/ in the word ‘Bu’ (Javanese). According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in
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which the phoneme of Javanese carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘Ibu’.
5. Data 69 : “Kalau kami didesak terus jangan salahkan kalau kami benerbener umumkan kebeneran malam ini”.
Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker does the substitution of phoneme /a/ becomes /e/ in the root word ‘bener’ (Javanese). ). According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in which the phoneme of Javanese carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘benar-benar’ and ‘kebenaran’.
6. Data 78 : “Pak Fahri, ini kalau tadi mendengarkan penjelasan Pak Mahmud, kok kesannya justru Pak Mahmud ini ngomporngompori nunggu untuk diajak sama Golkar. Emang pengen diajak Golkar ya?”
Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker does the deletion of phoneme /m/ in the word ‘emang’ (Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta). According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in which the phoneme of Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘memang’.
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7. Data 79 : “Kalau tadi itukan lebih banyak bicara konkret nya Golkar mau apa, kan kira-kira gitu. Daripada kita menunggu-nunggu kita dorong aja gitu ya.”
Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker does the deletion of phoneme /s/ in the word ‘aja’ (Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta. According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in which the phoneme of Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘saja’.
8. Data 136 : “Karena ini ditonton oleh jutaan pemirsa mas Mahmudz saya juga disini adalah ketua dewan bimbingan pusat partai, dengan demikian dengan segala hormat presiden-presiden yang kami hormat itu, kalau bener real mewakilkan juga mendapat dorongan sedahsyat ini, kami mungkin akan berubah pikiran terhadap itu semua”.
Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker does the substitution of phoneme /a/ becomes /e/ in the word ‘bener’ (Javanese). ). According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in which the phoneme of Javanese carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘benar’.
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9. Data 147 : “Dan yang terpenting adalah bahwa pemilu ini bareng, jadi kita akan adu cepat aja nanti. Pemilu kan cuma sampai bulan april”.
Description: Based on what Weinreich says that phonological interference occurs when phoneme of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker does the deletion of phoneme /s/ in the word ‘aja’ (Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta. According to the theory above, the data contain phonological interference in which the phoneme of Bahasa Indonesia with dialect of Jakarta carries over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia. The rightest form is ‘saja’. Lexical Interference 1. Data 1 : “Di sisi kanan audience dan pengurus partai Golkar, dengan pembicara ketua fraksi partai Golkar DPR RI, Priyo Budi Santoso dan fungsionaris partai Golkar Ferry Mursyidat Baldar”. Description : Based on what Weinreich says that lexical interference occurs when the lexis of the native language or dialect carries over into the target language or dialect, the speaker above carries over the word ’audience’ which is actually an English lexis. According to the theory the data contain lexical interference in which the English lexis is carried over into the data which use Bahasa Indonesia.
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2. Data 5 : “Kalau bilang jelas tidak jelas, Hidayat Nurwahid pun dari PKS belum jelas menerima pinangan PDIP, artinya sama nggak jelasnya juga dong?”
Description: Based on what Weinreich says