Regular and Irregular Verbs Achievement Regular and Iregular Verbs Integrated with Reading

Teaching vocabulary especially regular and irregular verbs in past form is as important as teaching recount text to eighth grade students of Junior High School. The students should know the different form between infinitive and past form moreover whether the verbs regular or irregular. By mastering regular and irregular verbs the students will be able to comprehend the recount text if they are familiar with the meaning of the words in the text. Moreover, the students can put forward events in the past using appropriate past verbs correctly. Accordingly, this research done to improve the eighth C students’ achievement on regular and irregular verbs. Based on the data of preliminary study done in the grade of MTs N 1 Jember , the students’ scores in diagnostic test did not reached the requirement of minimum score in that school. Moreover, most of their mistakes were in the regular and irregular verbs items. Therefore teaching regular and irregular verbs was important for them.

2.5 Regular and Irregular Verbs Achievement

In teaching and learning, we need to know whether the process runs effectively or not. The information about that can be the measurement of the teachers ’ success in teaching, and the students in learning. We can know the information by examining the students’ achievement. Achievement is knowledge that is gained by the students as the result of teaching and learning process. The idea is supported by Hughes ’ opinion 2003:13 that says achievement is the individual student or a group of students’ success in reaching the teaching learning objectives. In brief, vocabulary achievement is how successful the students can understand the vocabulary taught by the teacher. In this research, regular and irregular verbs achievement indicated the students’ ability in understanding the regular and irregular verbs after joining the teaching learning process by using a picture file as the teaching media. Vocabulary achievement is indicated based on the scores of vocabulary test in each cycle that covers regular and irregular verbs used in the recount text.

2.6 Regular and Iregular Verbs Integrated with Reading

Vocabulary is one of the English components so that it should be taught integrated with English skills. According to Pigada and Schmitt 2006:1, a number of studies have confirmed that second language learners can acquire vocabulary through reading. Through reading, the students can find many vocabulary and read them contextually. In this research, regular and irregular verbs was taught integrated with teaching reading. In this case, the text used is recount text. It was hoped that teaching regular and irregular verbs integrated with reading could give benefit to the students because integrating regular and irregular verbs with teaching reading could give the illustration about the use of the regular and irregular verbs contextually in sentences or phrases. The researcher used recount text to present regular and irregular verbs. Recount text is the type of the text about past experience, events, and incidents chronologically Goatly, 2000:30. Verbs used to desribe past experience, events and accidents happen in recount text are in past form. Teaching of regular and irregular verbs through recount text was accomplished by a picture files as the media. It was expected that the media could help the students master the regular and irregular verbs used in recount text. Therefore, the students were able to understand what happened in recount text.

2.7 Theory of a Picture File