Business Segment General a. Pendirian Perusahaan

PT IMPACK PRATAMA INDUSTRI Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN Lanjutan Per 31 Maret 2016 Tidak Diaudit dan 31 Desember 2015 Diaudit serta Untuk Periode 3 Bulan yang Berakhir pada 31 Maret 2016 Tidak DIaudit dan 2015 Tidak Diaudit Dalam Rupiah Penuh PT IMPACK PRATAMA INDUSTRI Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Continued As of March 31, 2016 Unaudited and December 31, 2015 Audited For the 3 Month Period Ended March 31, 2016 Unaudited and 2015 Unaudited In Full Rupiah 116 Rp Rp 31 Maret 2016 March 31, 2016 31 Desember 2015 December 31, 2015 Jumlah Liabilitas Total Liabilities Manufaktur Manufacturing Dalam Negeri 470.292.257.360 51,09 449.392.086.312 52,46 Domestic Luar Negeri 67.685.377.332 7,35 68.640.313.764 8,01 Overseas Distribusi Distribution Dalam Negeri 204.447.125.617 22,21 174.872.936.290 20,41 Domestic Luar Negeri 32.507.768.492 3,53 32.232.378.148 3,76 Overseas Real Estate 145.649.072.966 15,82 131.553.536.667 15,36 Real estate 920.581.601.767 100,00 856.691.251.181 100,00 Eliminasi 320.303.833.200 278.338.520.975 Elimitation Jumlah 600.277.768.567 578.352.730.206 Total Laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain konsolidasian Consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income Manufaktur Distribusi Real Estate Eliminasi Konsolidasian Manufacture Distribution Real Estate Elimination Consolidation Penjualan 252.334.323.743 179.386.392.910 13.920.495.120 181.796.045.493 263.845.166.280 Sales Beban Pokok Penjualan 158.348.202.596 7.394.293.354 177.633.047.910 173.371.514.911 Cost Of Goods Sold Laba Bruto 6.526.201.766 4.162.997.583 90.473.651.369 Gross Profit Beban Lain-lain - Neto 21.916.906.978 7.374.608.858 54.300.485.544 Other Expenses - Net Laba Sebelum Pajak 878.716.664 848.407.092 2.135.752.719 Profit Before Income Beban Pajak Penghasilan 9.262.691.998 26.431.671 -- -- Income Tax Expense Laba Tahun Berjalan 30.773.350.302 852.284.993 848.407.092 2.135.752.719 26.936.905.498 Profit for The Year Pendapatan Komprehensif Other Comprehensive Lain 577.414.845 462.297.528 -- -- 1.039.712.373 Income Total Laba Komprehensif Total Comprehensive Income Tahun Berjalan 31.350.765.147 389.987.465 848.407.092 2.135.752.719 27.976.617.871 for The Year Kepentingan Non Pengendali 18.601.547 667.566 416.152.094 -- 398.218.113 Non-Controlling Interests Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan Comprehensive Income for yang Diatribusikan Kepada Pemilik the Current Year Attributable Entitas Induk 31.332.163.600 389.319.899 432.254.998 2.135.752.719 28.374.835.984 to Owners of the Parent 31 Maret 2016 March 31, 2016 Manufaktur Distribusi Real Estate Eliminasi Konsolidasian Manufacture Distribution Real Estate Elimination Consolidation Penjualan 785.948.997.107 649.023.950.038 265.770.217.518 552.904.785.897 1.147.838.378.766 Sales Beban Pokok Penjualan 627.949.715.004 565.002.036.531 116.645.393.298 532.581.639.225 777.015.505.608 Cost Of Goods Sold Laba Bruto 157.999.282.103 84.021.913.507 149.124.824.220 20.323.146.672 370.822.873.158 Gross Profit Beban Lain-lain - Neto 105.630.919.304 77.534.702.856 748.833.032 223.618.006.822 Other Expenses - Net Laba Sebelum Pajak 52.368.362.799 6.487.210.651 107.923.606.526 19.574.313.640 147.204.866.336 Profit Before Income Beban Pajak Penghasilan 2.236.668.800 -- -- 17.445.790.361 Income Tax Expense Laba Tahun Berjalan 4.250.541.851 107.923.606.526 19.574.313.640 129.759.075.975 Profit for The Year Pendapatan Komprehensif Other Comprehensive Lain 5.634.198.257 606.516.159 8.694.637 6.187.618.735 Income Total Laba Komprehensif Total Comprehensive Income Tahun Berjalan 31.525.042.981 4.857.058.010 106.772.364.526 19.583.008.277 123.571.457.240 for The Year Kepentingan Non Pengendali 20.017.536 4.911.449 52.937.599.439 569.374.788 52.393.153.636 Non-Controlling Interests Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan Comprehensive Income for yang Diatribusikan Kepada Pemilik the Current Year Attributable Entitas Induk 31.505.025.445 4.852.146.561 53.834.765.087 19.013.633.489 71.178.303.604 to Owners of the Parent 31 Desember 2015 December 31, 2015