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It has been proved by Supervisor,

NIP. 19630216 198903 1 003 Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum.

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Study, University of North Sumatera In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

Approved by

Head of Diploma III English Study Program,

NIP. 19521126198112 1 001 Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A.

Approved by the Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Cultural Study, University of North Sumatera As a Paper for the Diploma (D-III) Examination


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Study, University of North Sumatera.

The examination is held on April 2013

Faculty of Cultural Study, University of North Sumatera Dean,

NIP. 19511013197603 1 001 Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.

Board of Examiners Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP) 2. Drs. Parlindungan Purba. M.Hum. (Supervisor)



I am Lara Rizqy Yoriza, that I am the sole authors of this paper expect where refrence is made in the text of this paper. This paper contains no material published elsewhere or or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgment in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :………….. Date : July , 2015




Title of Paper : The Description Between Humbert And Lolita’s Love In Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel Lolita

Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Culture Studies USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of Republic of Indonesia.

Signed : ……… Date : July, 2015



Makalah berjudul “The Description Between Humbert and Lolita’s Love in Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel Lolita” yang membahas tentang pria paruh baya, Humbert Humbert yang menyukai putri tirinya, gadis 12 tahun bernama Dolores. Lolita telah diakui sebagai salah satu karya klasik sastra dunia. Penulis membahas upaya yang Humbert lakukan untuk mendapatkan cinta dari Lolita. Usahanya dapat dilihat dari pengorbanan, kepedulian, dan tanggung jawab, oleh karena itu penulis makalah ini sangat tertarik untuk menganalisis upaya yang dilakukan karakter utama untuk mendapatkan cinta. Untuk menyempurnakan penulisan itu, hal pertama yang penulis lakukan adalah membaca novel Lolita dan penulis melakukan pencarian tambahan melalui internet untuk mendukung penulisan ini. Dan penulis juga melakukan studi pustaka yang menggunakan beberapa buku sastra.



The paper entitled “The Description Between Humbert and Lolita’s Love in Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel Lolitadiscusses a middle-aged man, Humbert Humbert who liked his stepdaughter, 12-year-old girl named Dolores. Lolita has been recognized as one of the classic works of world literature. The author discusses the love efforts that Humbert do to get Lolita’s love. His love efforts can be seen from the sacrifices, care, and responsibility, therefore the authors of this paper are very interested to analyze the love efforts made the main character to get love. To enhance the writing, the first thing to do is read a novel Lolita and the authors do an additional search through the internet to support the writing of the content. And the authors also conducted a library research using several literature books.



First of all, I would like to express my special thank to Almighty God, Allah SWT, my power, for blessing me in completing this paper since the beginning up to its completion. A great appreciation and deepest gratitude are also dedicated to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, his family and beloved friends.

Secondly, I would like to thank the people who play great role to help me finishing this paper. They are:

• My dearest parents, my mother Yusniarti Piliang, for all of her support, either in material or spiritual, and her prayers during my study in the Universitas of Sumatera Utara.

Prof. Syaifuddin, M.A, Ph.D, the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Universitas of Sumatera Utara.

Drs. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A as The Head of Diploma III English Study Program, who has shared his time to guide me in the process of my study.

advices, suggestions, encouragements, constructive, criticism and for guiding me in finishing this paper.


• All lectures in English Diploma Study Program for giving me advices and a lot of knowledge.


• My dearest sisters, Adinda Yayank Dwirana and my dearest brother, Tahta Tri Abiyoza who always support me to do best in my life.

• My best friends ever, Nagomed team: Zeze, Tirsyong, Radja, Wahyu, Kak Agin, and others.

• The Alumni of English Diploma Program: Bang Ripa, Bang Rizki and Kak Febi.

• My entire junior.

• My best friends in in English Diploma Study : Nanda Yustika (Bunda) , Yuni Asyifah ( Bou) , Wardhah Munawaroh (Adek ), Alfi Navais ( Etek) and especially Shella Novianti ( Mbak). Thanks for being my best friends in last three years. Thanks for understand me so well, and flourishing my life with jokes, motivation and advices. Budi, Ferdinan, Jefry, Fuad, Gilang, Kaka, Lisha, Ira, Hanny and all people who have helped me either directly or indirectly that I cannot mention here.Thanks a lot for your help.

Kak Putri who always stay in English Departement office.

Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper. I hope this paper will be a worthwhile for the readers.

Medan, July 2015 The writer,






ABSTRAK ... iii





1.1Background of the Study ... 1

1.2The Problem ... 2

1.3Scope of the study ... 2

1.4Purpose of the Study ... 3

1.5Method of the Study ... 3


2.1 Intrinstic Aproach... 4

2.2 Novel ... 5

2.2.1 Character ... 5

2.2.2 Setting ... 7

2.2.3 Plot ... 8

2.2.4 Point of View ... 9

2.2.5 Theme ... 10

2.3Effort ... 10

2.3.1 Sacrifice... 11

2.3.2 Care ... 11

2.3.3 Responsibility ... 12

2.4Love... 12


3.1 Humbert Humbert ... 14

3.2 Dolores Haze (Lolita) ... 21


4.1 Conclusion ... 24

4.2 Sugestion ... 24






Makalah berjudul “The Description Between Humbert and Lolita’s Love in Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel Lolita” yang membahas tentang pria paruh baya, Humbert Humbert yang menyukai putri tirinya, gadis 12 tahun bernama Dolores. Lolita telah diakui sebagai salah satu karya klasik sastra dunia. Penulis membahas upaya yang Humbert lakukan untuk mendapatkan cinta dari Lolita. Usahanya dapat dilihat dari pengorbanan, kepedulian, dan tanggung jawab, oleh karena itu penulis makalah ini sangat tertarik untuk menganalisis upaya yang dilakukan karakter utama untuk mendapatkan cinta. Untuk menyempurnakan penulisan itu, hal pertama yang penulis lakukan adalah membaca novel Lolita dan penulis melakukan pencarian tambahan melalui internet untuk mendukung penulisan ini. Dan penulis juga melakukan studi pustaka yang menggunakan beberapa buku sastra.



The paper entitled “The Description Between Humbert and Lolita’s Love in Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel Lolitadiscusses a middle-aged man, Humbert Humbert who liked his stepdaughter, 12-year-old girl named Dolores. Lolita has been recognized as one of the classic works of world literature. The author discusses the love efforts that Humbert do to get Lolita’s love. His love efforts can be seen from the sacrifices, care, and responsibility, therefore the authors of this paper are very interested to analyze the love efforts made the main character to get love. To enhance the writing, the first thing to do is read a novel Lolita and the authors do an additional search through the internet to support the writing of the content. And the authors also conducted a library research using several literature books.


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study

There has been a long debate of definition what Literature is. The pessimistic opinion would have looked at it as imaginative realm that cannot be studied at all. Literature can only be enjoyed for it tends to offer subjective element rather than objective one. Yet, the rest are more optimistic to value literature as a kind of knowledge then can be studied objectively. It has its medium language which is materially systematic. Therefore, literature is broadly applicable knowledge which is both subjective and realistic.

Literature may be classified into four categories or genres: Prose fiction, poetry, drama and nonfiction prose. Originally, fiction meant anything made up, crafted, or shaped. Fiction includes myths, parables, romances, novels, and short stories.

In this paper, the writer is going to analyze a novel. Taylor (1981:46) says that Novel is a prose work of quite some length and complexity, which attempts to reflect and expresses something of the quality or value of human experience or conduct. It means novel as a genre of literature is not merely an irrational imagination but it is a reflection of human experience to learn the value of human experience itself.

Effort is an exertion of strength or power, whether physical or mental, in performing an act or aiming at an object; more or less strenuous endeavor; struggle directed to the accomplishment of an object; as, an effort to scale a wall. Earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something.


The explanation above becomes the reason why the writer choose Humbret’s efforts to love Lolita found in Vladimir Nabokov’s novel “Lolita” as the object of analysis. Actually many topics can be discussed from these novel but efforts as the sacrifice and struggle to get love as reflected in selected Novel by Vladimir Nabokov’s “Lolita” is the most interesting for the writer.

1.2 The Problem

It is the main character as the focus of the writer analysis in this paper. The central point, the writer wants to propose the efforts as expressed in the novel Lolita written by Vladimir Nabokov’s. In reference to this, the problem of the writer wants to analyze is:

What are Humbert’s Efforts to get Lolita’s love? 1.3 Scope of the Study

A study in desperate need of limitation problem that the study focused and not too wide so that the research objectives can be achieved. As for the limitation this research problem is to analyze the Humbert’s efforts to get Lolita’s love in Vladimir Nabokov's novel entitled Lolita that can be seen from care, sacrifice and responsibility. This analysis starts from Humbert marries a widow who is known as the mother of Lolita until finally Lolita escape from Humbert and after 3 years of searching, Lolita was found pregnant and already married and asked Humbert to give money for reasons of economic necessity.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

This paper presents the idea of the love of a widower who has the phedopilia disease and liked his stepdaughter, 12-year-old girl named Dolores


(Nabokov). Based on the problem it can be seen that the purpose of this study is that the reader knows what Humbert’s efforts to get Lolita’s love and could become comparative material to the student of literature who wants to conduct a literary work's research.

1.5 Method of the Study

The technique of collecting data is better known as library or referential techniques for all data are attained from books. The primary resource of data in completing this paper is the Novel Lolita written by Vladimir Nabokov. Through internet, the writer browsed the information that can enrich information and which are relevant to the topic.


2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Intrinsic Approach

Based on Theory of Literature, (Wellek, 1997) intrinsic approach concern with interpretation and analysis of the works of literature itself. Rene Wellek try to explain that a literary work should be examined from the internal elements. The study of literature with intrinsic approach usually concern with the content and the form of the works itself. According to Rene Wellek (1997: 158) many novel studies not only see the relations of literature with the social structure, but also study of the artistic, perspective or point of view and narrative techniques. The basic elements to analyzing literary works are theme, point of view, plot, character, characterization, dramatic, conflict. These elements will help the student in analyzing literary works based on intrinsic approach.

Not much different from Wellek, Edgar. V Robert and Henry E. Jacob in their book An Introduction to Reading and Writing About Literature says that they are some aspects of fiction (novel), there are : character (the people that goes along in the story), plot ( the development and the organization of stories), structure (the way a plot is assembled), theme (the meaning and the whole idea of the story), point of view ( the position or stance of the narrator), and style (the words that tells the story).

2.2 Novel

The word “novel” comes from the Italian, Novella, which means the new staff that small. The novel was originally developed in the region from other forms or narrative nonfiction, such as letters, biographies, and history. But with a


shift in society and development time, the novel is not only based on data nonfiction, author of novel can change according to the desired imagination.

Basically, fiction meant anything made up, crafted, or shaped, but today the word refers to prose stories based in the author imagination (Edgar V. Robert and Henry E. Jacob, 1995:2). Ress’ ( 1973:106 ) stated that novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerate length in which characters and action representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. While according to Reeve (1975: 26) novel is a picture of real and manners and of the time in which it was written.

2.2.1 Character

Characters are the persons presented in works of narrative (such as a novel, drama, or film) who convey their personal qualities through dialogues and actions by which the reader or audience understand their thoughts, feelings, intentions and motives.

Character is a human being in the fiction who plays action in the novel. The character does the action like making conversations or doing activities. By understanding there would have been required as a manifestation of the human figure and his life to be told.

Karl (1967:238) defines that a character is interest in the very personal reason that we want to see how other people live, how they make decision and react to responsibility, how they pursue their goal.


a human. Specifically, the quality was in him and that determine how humans act in a variety of conditions or attempt to deal with the surrounding environment”.

Roberts (1995: 131) says, “As in a life, the figure could be lazy or ambitious, agitates or calm, like fighting or timid, assertive or shy, confident or doubtful, very brave or scared, noisy or quiet, can be trusted or liked to lie, conscientious or careless, unreasonable or irritable, biased or unfair, or fraudulent blunt, "winner" or "loser" and so on

Abram (1981:76) says that character is people who are appeared in a narrative prose or novel and it is interpreted by the readers as a person who has moral quality and certain tendency such as being expressed in what they say and what they do.

Novelist try to create fictional people whose situations affect the reader as the situation of real people. Authors describe the more simple characters in novels with no more than few phrases that identify the character’s most important traits. In their book An Introduction to Reading and Writing about Literature, Roberts and Jacobs describe that in analyzing a literary character, the writer begins to determine the character’s outstanding traits. A trait is a quality of mind or habitual mode behavior, such as never repaying borrowed money, avoiding eye contact, or always thinking oneself the center of attention. Sometimes, of course, the traits we encounter are minor and therefore negligible. But often a trait may be a person’s primary characteristic (not only in fiction but also in life). Thus, characters may be ambitious, lazy, serene or anxious, aggressive or fearful, thoughtful or inconsiderate, open or secretive, confident or self-doubting, kind or cruel, quiet or


noisy, visionary or practical, careful or careless, impartial or biased, straightforward or underhanded, “winner or loser”, and so on (1995: 132).

E.M. Foster (1927) says, “There are two basic types of characters “round character” and “flat character.”

Round character is a major character in a work of fiction who encounters conflict and is changed by it. Round characters tend to be more fully developed and described than characters you most love in fiction, they probably seem as real to you as people you know in real life. This is a good sign that they are round characters. A writer employs a number of tools or elements to develop a character, making him or her round, including

Flat character is a minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as "two-dimensional characters" or supporting role to the main character, which as a rule should be round. Though we don't generally strive to write flat characters, they are often necessary in a story, along with round characters.

2.2.2 Setting

Rene and Austin (1982:131) say that setting refers to geographical location of the story, time priod, daily lifestyle of the characters and climate of the story.

The setting provides the historical and cultural context for characters. It often can symbolize the emotional state of characters. Stories actually have two types of setting: Physical and Chronological. The Physical setting is of course


where the story takes place. Likewise, the chronological setting, the “when” can be equally general or specific.

2.2.3 Plot

Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence. The structure of a novel depends on the organization of events in the plot of the story.

Plot is known as the foundation of a novel or story which the characters and settings are built around. It is meant to organize information and events in a logical manner. When writing the plot of a piece of literature, the author has to be careful that it does not dominate the other parts of the story.

There are five main elements in a plot. The first is the exposition or the introduction. This is known as the beginning of the story where characters and setting are established. The conflict or main problem is introduced as well. The second element of a plot is known as the rising action which occurs when a series of events build up to the conflict. The main characters are established by the time the rising action of a plot occurs and at the same time, events begin to get complicated. It is during this part of a story that excitement, tension or crisis is encountered. The third element of a plot is known as the climax or the main point of the plot. This is the turning point of the story and is meant to be the moment of highest interest and emotion. The reader wonders what is going to happen next. The fourth element of a plot is known as falling action or the winding up of the story. Events and complications begin to resolve and the result of actions of the


main characters are put forward. The last element of a plot is the resolution or the conclusion. It is the end of a story and ends with either a happy or a tragic ending. 2.2.4 Point of View

Point Of View is the angle of considering things, which shows us the opinion, or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation. In literature, point of view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers “hear” and “see” what takes place in a story, poem,

There are four basic of point of view, they are:

• The omniscient point of view, in which the author himself tells the story in the third person. The narrator knows everything about everyone in the story and can bring into plays as much of that knowledge as he chooses. • The first of point of view, the writer must whether the “I” is to be major or

minor character, protagonist or observer, or someone merely repeating a narrative he has heard at second hand.

• Observer’s point of view, in a modification of omniscient point of view, there is the narrative related from the vision of the single character used by the author as a central observer or central intelligence through whom anything cleared.

• The objective point of view, though it is the third person narrative, like the omniscient point of view, the author using this technique refrains from making a side, commenting on the action, or addressing the reader. The author becomes a seeing eye that reports but does not interpret.


2.2.5 Theme

The theme in a story is its underlying message, or 'big idea.' In other words, what critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a novel, play, short story or poem? This belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers. It is usually universal in nature. When a theme is universal, it touches on the human experience, regardless of race or language. It is what the story means. Often, a piece of writing will have more than one theme.

According to Wikipedia, theme is a broad idea, message or moral of a story. The message may be about life, society or human nature. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and are almost implied rather than stated explicitly.

Theme, according to Stanton (1965:20) and Kenny (1966:88) is the meaning contained by a story. But there are many meanings conceived and offered by the story (the novel), then the problem is a special meaning which can be expressed as the theme.

Theme is also a general basic idea that supports a literature, and it implies in the text as semantic structure and connects with similarities and differences. Themes become basic development of the whole story, so it must represent the whole part of novel.

2.3 Effort

Effort has to do with how much work you're putting into something. A great achievement can also be considered a great effort. Effort has to do with how hard you're trying. If something is easy, it doesn't take much effort. If it's hard, it


takes a lot of effort. Effort is about trying to get something done, even if it doesn't always work out.

2.3.1 Sacrifice

A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause. Though no longer used only in a religious context, sacrifice comes from the Latin sacra and facere, meaning "to perform sacred rites." If we've studied ancient cultures like the Incas, we've probably heard of "human sacrifice," where a person is killed in a sacred ceremony to please the gods. But those kinds of sacrifices don't happen anymore.

Sacrifice is a gift that is based on sincere moral consciousness solely. Sacrifice is the result of devotion. Sacrifice handed over willingly selflessly, without any agreement, without any transactions, whenever needed.

Devotion more points to sacrifice more action while pointing to the administration. In the court of always demanded sacrifice, but not necessarily sacrifice demanded devotion.

Life is a struggle that must always be done by every creature in order to survive. Sacrifice itself can be shaped material (which can be seen, held) and immaterial form (only be felt). and the sacrifices made by sincere and noble purpose will definitely provide exceptional results (not vain or useless).

2.3.2 Care

Care is a basic values and attitude of attention and act proactively to conditions or circumstances around us. Care is an attitude of partiality us to engage in issues, circumstances or conditions that occur around us.


People care about are those who are called to do something in order to inspire, change, kindness to the surrounding environment. When he saw a certain situation, when he witnessed the condition of the people then he would be moved to do something. What is done is expected to help repair or surrounding conditions.

2.3.3 Responsibility

Responsibility according to Indonesian dictionary is, the state ought to bear everything. Thus responsible under Indonesian general dictionary is obliged to bear, carry, bear everything, and suffer the consequences.

The responsibility is the human's consciousness behavior or actions that intentionally or not on purpose. Responsibility also means doing as the embodiment of awareness of the obligation.

Responsibility it is natural, meaning that has become part of human life, that every human being on overload with responsibility. Responsibility is the hallmark of civilized the human. The human felt responsible because he or she realized due to the good or bad deeds, and also aware that the other party or the court requires sacrifice.

2.4 Love

Love has unlimited power and plays an important role in human’s life. Love does not need the formula of scientific studies. It is needed understanding, honor, respect and tolerance. The term love is also applied to the state of feeling and love is also part human life. Love makes life sweeter, stronger, and fuller. All


of us have had love since we were young and will have it till someday we leave the world also we experience love from our earliest moment.

Love is described as an abstract thing found in every man and woman’s life. It cannot be separated from human life. Love has been old already and even historians do not know how long it will live.


3. THE DESCRIPTION OF LOVE 3.1 Humbert Humbert

Humbert is a pseudonym that becomes the narrator in a novel titled Lolita in 1955, written by Russian author, Vladimir Nabokov. Humbert is a professor who was born in Paris, 1910. He is the son of an owner a luxury resort hotel on the Riviera and he was always surrounded by people rich in. Humbert had white skin and handsome face. He attended English school near his home, then a lycée (the second stage of secondary education in France) in Lyon, before attending college in London and Paris. First in psychology and then he studies English literature and he is a master of language.

“I was born in 1910, in Paris. My father was a gentle, easy-going person, a salad of racial genes: a Swiss citizen, of mixed French and Austrian descent, with a dash of the Danube in his veins. I am going to pass around in a minute some lovely, glossy-blue picture-postcards. He owned a luxurious hotel on the Riviera.” (Nabokov, 2003:3)

Humbert is a highly educated, mentally unstable, literarily gifted European man with an uncontrollable desire for young girls, whom he calls “nymphets.”

Humbert Humbert is extraordinarily charming, sarcastic, and seductive to both his readers and the other characters. With his book—which he writes in prison—he wants to immortalize Lolita, and to justify his perverse desires as artistic necessities.

Humbert is also a widower who visits the United States. As an adult, Humbert married to Valeria. But the marriage only lasted four years because Valeria betrayed. When 1947, Humbert moved to Ramsdale to write. In a house


that he occupied, he found the perfect nymphet, daughter of the owner of the house.

When he was young Humbert fall in love with Annabel Leigh and they are making love. But Annabel finally died cause of typhus and since then, Humbert always liked little girls that love and passion she ever tasted still feels like when together with Annabel.

“…with exclamations of ribald encouragement, and four months later she died of typhus in Corfu” (Nabokov, 2003:6)

When he meets Lolita, Humbert feels that resurrects his dead love and is embodied in the girl, doing everything in his power to possess it. Their relationship is consolidated under the ignorant eyes of Lolita's mother, Charlotte Haze.

As narrator of the story, Humbert Humbert is notable for its sardonic and satirical humor. In Jurgen Bodenstein’s book entitled The Excitement of Verbal Adventure: A Study of Vladimir Nabokov's, there is Nabokov said at one point with regard to the name: "The double rumble is, I think, very nasty, very

suggestive It is a hateful name for a hateful person.". The character's name evokes the word of Spanish man and French ombre, "shadow". Also it suggests that originates from the English words humbug ("farcical") and pervert ("pervert").

By the end of the novel, he realizes the immense pain he has caused Lolita, and repents of what he has done to her. He dies of coronary thrombosis (heart failure) while waiting for his murder trial to begin.


The main discussion here is about efforts focuses on the main character in this novel. This chapter will identified and analyzed the problems about love efforts in main characters found from the novel by Vladimir Nabokov entitled Lolita. The efforts can be seen from sacrifice, care, and responsibility and Humbert showed his efforts on his own way.

1) Sacrifice

In his efforts to get Lolita’s love, Humbert had many sacrifices. When Lolita was sent by her mother, Charlotte Haze, to Summer Camp, Charlotte threatened Humbert to marry her (because she loves Humbert) or he has to go out of his house. Humbert initially disagree, but eventually Humbert willing to marry a respectable widow, Charlotte Haze, the owner of the house he occupied now because he saw the possibilities if he became stepfather Lolita then they will be continue to be together.

“…I told her--trembling and brimming with my mastery over fate—that I was going to marry her mother. I had to repeat it twice because something was preventing her from giving me her attention. "Gee, that's swell," she said laughing. "When is the wedding? Hold on a sec, the pup--…” (Nabokov, 2003:50) Humbert continue to pretend to love Charlotte. Humbert ever had the intention to kill Charlotte, but he did not. Luck as his side. One time, Humbert’s diary that contained his confession to love Lolita read by Charlotte. Charlotte undoubtedly becomes very angry. Humbert find a way so that Charlotte trusts him that what she read only a fragment of an unfinished novel written by him. But unexpectedly, when Humbert wanted to tell that to Charlotte, there was a telephone call from neighbors who said that Charlotte had just killed by. The


incident considered a fate by Humbert and he realized he had a little part in the destiny of execution.

In Humbert eyes Dolores is Lolita, his Annabel and she is a nymphet. Lolita is the second Annabel. She is impolite girl because her mother thinks Lolita is a threat for her life. When her mother still alive Lolita just be a girl like as usual but after her mother died because an accident her life is change.

Lolita turned into a very different girl. Lolita was reported by her teacher as a child who has sexual obsessions are not channeled. Lo started acting suspicious or Humbert feel too suspicious (which in this novel looks as if Humbert experience symptoms of schizophrenia). Humbert hold himself to having sex with Lolita. It's just that Humbert did not want to be called a bastard who having sex with his stepdaughter.

“If I dwell at some length on the tremors and groupings of that distant night, it is because I insist upon proving that I am not, and never was, and never could have been, a brutal scoundrel. The gentle and dreamy regions though which I crept were the patrimonies of poets--not crime's prowling ground.” (Nabokov, 2003:94-95


2) Care

There are many ways to show someone attempt to get love. One of them shows caring to the couple. By way of doing things - little things that can help, this can make the day easier and enjoyable.

When Charlotte Haze died in the accident, Humbert take that chance. He told a friend and advisor of Charlotte, John, to pick up his daughter who is on a five-day hike and could not be reached by car.


John initially hesitant, but after Jean convince that Humbert is the real Dolly's father, John finally realized that it would make things easier. So with that, Humbert said it would be immediately pick up his daughter's fragile and will soon go to the cemetery. Then he will do his best to give Lolita a good time and bring Lolita for a trip to New Mexico or California..

“The distraught father went on to say he would go and fetch his delicate daughter immediately after the funeral, and would do his best to give her a good time in totally different surroundings, perhaps a trip to New Mexico or California--granted, of course, he lived.” (Nabokov, 2003:72)

Appears anxiety on Humbert. He was worried if he does not find Lolita or there is a family who met first. Humbert hope, Farlow family did not. Humbert decided to call Holmes, the leader of the camp, using a public phone. Holmes tells that Lolita had been wandering for three days with the group in the hills. And Humbert will pick him up tomorrow afternoon.

Humbert is a very caring father to his daughter. He bought beautiful things to Lo. Listening to every story or joke that Lolita say about the camp, and made a cup of coffee to her, and then deny it until she had done her morning duty.

“She told me the way she had been debauched. We ate flavorless mealybananas, bruised peaches and very palatable potato chips, and die Kleine told me everything.” (Nabokov, 2003: 97)

“In the gay town of Lepingville I bought her four books of comics, a box of candy, a box of sanitary pads, two cokes, a manicure set, a travel clock with a luminous dial, a ring with a real topaz, a tennis racket, roller skates with white high shoes, field glasses, a portable radio set, chewing gum, a transparent raincoat, sunglasses, some more garments--swooners, shorts, all kinds of summer frocks. At the hotel we had separate rooms, but in the middle of the night she came sobbing into


mine, and we made it up very gently. You see, she had absolutely nowhere else to go.” (Nabokov, 2003: 102)

“How sweet it was to bring that coffee to her, and then deny it until she had done her morning duty. And I was such a thoughtful friend, such a passionate father, such a good pediatrician, attending to all the wants of my little auburn brunette's body!” (Nabokov, 2003:117)

Humbert brought Lo touring the United States, the first hotel they visited was The Enchanted Hunters, Charlotte recommended the hotel when they want do a first vacation. For almost a year around, they finally settled for a while in Beardsley. Lolita school there, in the elite and private school for girls. Due to the Humbert attitude too possessive; do not allow Lolita follow Theater, prohibit Lo hang out with boys. Lolita escapes and get away from the hospital when she was hospitalized.

3) Responsibility

Responsibility is a job of being in charge of someone or something and of making sure that what they do or what happens to them is right or satisfactory. The responsibility is also the most important thing in a relationship. Obviously, it is Humbert‘s done for Lolita’s love.

Humbert is responsible for Lolita’s life when her mother died. When Charlotte died, Humbert feels he realized he had a bit part in the destiny of execution. He is hopeful, and fought hard for the court to certify the right of representation to Lolita immediately. Humbert really wanted become a dreams father that protects his dreams princess.

“My chõre Dolorès ! I want to protect you, dear, from all the horrors that happen to little girls in coal sheds and alley ways, and alas, comme vous le savez trop bien, ma gentille, in the


blueberry woods during the bluest of summers. Through thick and thin I will still stay your guardian, and if you are good, I hope a court may legalize that guardianship before long. Let us, however, forget, Dolores Haze, so-called legal terminology, terminology that accepts as rational the term 'lewd and lascivious cohabitation.” (Nabokov, 2003: 106)

Humbert trying to be a responsible father figure in the novel. Even though he keeps a very deep feeling towards Lo. Humbert asked Lo to follow a course playing tennis and until that time comes he taught Lo. Humbert coached Lo in various grounds of the hotel. Humbert always give advice at any time, although in the end Lo became angry and silent. Humbert feels he has done that entire he was able to make Lolita be happy.

While staying at Mrs. Hays’s lodge, Lolita fell ill. Her skin was hot. Humbert gave a mouthful of hot spiced wine and two aspirins so that the fever is gone. Lolita trembling, her spine stiff and sore. Humbert gives up hope for making love, he enveloped her and carried her into a car and brought Lolita to the nearest hospital.

After a few days were treated, without the Humbert’s knowledge, Lolita picked up by her uncle named Gustave with black Caddy Lack car. In a short time Humbert rushed to the hospital and hit the doctor, incubate to those who hide under the seat. He furious and lost control. Humbert feel so lost and sad. Her life became miserable and lonely, he can’t deny that he was so in love with Lolita, her stepdaughter. The year that passed was so heavy, the search does not show results. Three years later, Lo sent a letter to Humbert, stating that she needed money for her family. Humbert was driving to Lolita’s home. He found Lo is pregnant and has not looked like a kid again. Presumably this is where this novel


can be regarded as one of the most novel with the power of love. Humbert still give her money although Lo did not want to live with him and start a new life with him.

"No," I said, "you got it all wrong. I want you to leave your incidental Dick, and this awful hole, and come to live with me, and die with me, and everything with me" (words to that effect).” (Nabokov, 2003:201)

“I handed her an envelope with four hundred dollars in cash and a check for three thousand six hundred more.” (Nabokov, 2003:201)

He doesn’t want anybody to hurt Lolita. At the end of the story when he knows who has kidnapped Lolita is Clare Quilty. Humbert becomes very angry and promises to himself to find him and avenge him. His obsession makes him unable to think clearly, and finally he kills Clare.

3.2 Dolores Haze (Lolita)

Lolita (Dolores Haze) is the novel’s title character, and Humbert Humbert’s great nymphet love. Lolita begins the novel as a flirtatious, energetic twelve-year-old interested in comic books, crooners, and becoming a movie star. Lolita have shoulder fragile and color of honey, silky smooth backs, and hair as red as the color of chestnuts and red lips red as candy that runs licked, lips beneath them beautifully. Lolita is also described as having the characteristics of a nymphet which, according to Humbert has the power 'deadly' and vulgarity strange, scary, and make nervous behind childish figure.

“…the same frail, honey-hued shoulders, the same silky supple bare back, the same chestnut head of hair...” (Nabokov, 2003:25)


“And her lips as red as licked red candy, the lower one prettily plump” (Nabokov, 2003:29)

She initially finds herself attracted to Humbert, competing with her mother for his affections. However, when his demands become more pressing, and as she spends more time with children her own age, she begins to tire of him. Humbert attempts to educate her, but she remains attached to American popular culture and unimpressed with his cultured ideas.

“She was frankly and hugely pregnant. Her head looked smaller (only two seconds had passed really, but let me give them as much wooden duration as life can stand), and her pale-freckled cheeks were hollowed, and her bare shins and arms had lost all their tan, so that the little hairs showed. She wore a brown, sleeveless cotton dress and sloppy felt slippers.” (Nabokov, 2013:194-195)

Her kidnapping and rape by Humbert Humbert—whom she reluctantly comes to view as a father—ruins her childhood. In her adolescence, Lolita learns acting and how to play tennis.

“I tried to teach her to play tennis so we might have more amusements in common; but although I had been a good player in my prime, I proved to be hopeless as a teacher; and so, in California, I got her to take a number of very expensive lessons with a famous coach, a husky, wrinkled old-timer, with a harem of ball boys; he looked an awful wreck off the court, but now and then, when, in the course of a lesson, to keep up the exchange, he would put out as it were an exquisite spring blossom of a stroke and twang the ball back to his pupil, that divine delicacy of absolute power made me recall that, thirty years before, I had seen him in Cannes demolish the great Gobbert! Until she began taking those lessons, I thought she would never learn the game.” (Nabokov, 2013:115)

As she matures, she gets better and better at manipulating Humbert. Eventually, she is able to plan an escape with her lover, the playwright and pornographer Clare Quilty. She leaves Quilty when he asks her to act in his porn


films. She marries Dick Schiller, an engineer, and dies in childbirth on Christmas Day, 1952.

“Dear Dad:

How's everything? I'm married. I'm going to have a baby. I guess he's going to be a big one. I guess he'll come right for Christmas.” (Nabokov, 2013:192)



After analyzing the Humbert's Efforts through the main character in the novel Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, it can be drawn some conclusion to answer the problems of this paper. In this novel Nabokov wants to show too many people in the world about how much someone efforts just for the sake to get love. And the efforts can be seen from sacrifice, care and responsibility.

Love needs to sacrifice. Cannot be said that love if there is no sacrifice. True love is a love, which is accompanied by sacrifice. Because of the sacrifice, we can show our sense of caring for our loved ones. Therefore, the second way, to show the effort of loving someone is caring. Because affection will be arise from care. And the last is the responsibility because responsibility is the most important things in a relationship. Not only love, but in specific situations.

Finally, the novel itself is a picture and a representative of real human life. Clearly defined, the effort which found from the novel is not much different from real life. It's just that everyone has his/her own way to show affection and love towards someone.

4.2 Sugestion

Having analyzed the main character’s efforts in Vladimir Nabokov’s novel entitled Lolita, I have suggestion, the readers are also expected to understand what love effort meant. Because with the effort, the people we love can know what we feel. And must be known, efforts do not always succeed. As we see in the novel, Humbert has a lot of effort to get Lolita, such as sacrifice,


caring, and responsibility. But in the end his efforts did not succeed because of his selfishness. Humbert had been wrong in doing efforts to get Lolita.

And last, the author hopes, this paper can make the reader know that this novel is very interesting to be read and discussed.



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Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, most famous as the author of Lolita, was born on or about April 23, 1899 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The eldest of five children, he grew up in a wealthy and aristocratic family, moving between two homes (one in St. Petersburg, and an estate fifty miles to the south in the countryside). He enjoyed playing tennis and soccer in his youth, but also spent many hours chasing and collecting butterflies, a passion he apparently learned from his father.

At the time of Nabokov's adolescence, Russia was under the rule of the doomed czar, Nicholas II. The Nabokovs lived largely at piece with the czar's regime, though Nabokov's father, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov, was a famous and controversial liberal politician. He was imprisoned in 1908 for ninety days for his involvement in a political manifesto.

Meanwhile, Nabokov's mother, Elena Ivanova, raised the three boys and two girls in aristocratic fashion, using several governesses and tutors who taught the children French and English along with Russian. In 1911 Nabokov entered the highly regarded Tenishev School. He has been described as an arrogant student who came to school each day in the family's Rolls-Royce. He wrote his first poem at the age of 15 and privately published two books of poetry before leaving the school.

This childhood of privilege ended with the Bolshevik revolution and the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. Political unrest forced the Nabokov family to leave


Russia for England in 1919. Nabokov and his brother subsequently enrolled at Cambridge University, where Nabokov majored in French and Russian literature.

Nabokov's father chose to move the family to Berlin in order to settle down. However, in 1922 he was murdered while attempting to stop an assassination attempt targeting the politician Pavel Miliukov. Nabokov returned to school and graduated later that year, and decided to move to Berlin in 1923. He spent his time writing poetry and short stories for "The Rudder," a Russian newspaper his father founded. Known as VN, he developed a following with fellow Russian emigres for his writings. He also met his future wife, Vera Slonim, a Russian emigre, whom he married in 1925.

Nabokov's first Russian novel, Mary, was published that year, but received little attention. However, the rise of the Nazis interrupted his growing literary career and forced him to move to Paris. He continued to write, publishing the novels King, Queen, Knave in 1928 and The Defense in 1930. He soon developed a Russian and French readership that hailed his genius. The eruption of the war soon caused him to flee Paris for New York in 1940, along with his son Dmitri who had been born in 1934. Thus, at 41 years of age, Nabokov abandoned his budding fame in Europe for obscurity in America. Money was not a problem due to his inheritance, but he nonetheless chose to work. Returning to his passion for butterflies, he succeeded in getting a position at the Museum of Natural History in New York. He was rather successful in his Lepidoptera studies, and his work includes the naming of several butterflies and the publication of scientific studies.


In 1941 Nabokov accepted a position at Wellesley College as a resident lecturer in Comparative Literature. He also published his first English novel, The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, which is full of references to chess. While at Wellesley, he continued to write and to pursue his study of lepidoptery; in addition, he participated in the founding of that school's Russian Department. In fact, between 1944 and 1948, Nabokov was the only lecturer in the Wellesley Russian Department. During this time Nabokov also published in "The New Yorker" and other respected magazines, helping him gain a reputation. He also lectured at Harvard, where he was the curator of lepidoptery at the Museum of Comparative Biology. In 1948, he left Wellesley for Cornell.

During this time he continued collecting butterflies during visits to the Rocky Mountains. While on one of these trips in the early 1950s Nabokov composed his masterpiece, Lolita. The book proved initially difficult to sell to publishers, but within a decade it was such a success that it allowed Nabokov to give up teaching and concentrate solely on writing fiction.

In 1961 he moved to Montreux, Switzerland, in an effort to escape American publicity. He spent his last years publishing several novels, including Pale Fire in 1962. The book left his readers shaking their heads in confusion; it is a 999-line poem written by assassinated American poet John Shade, a poem which is then analyzed by the narrator. His work peaked in 1969 with the publication of Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle, the book he considered his best. He and his son also spent time translating his Russian works into English and his English work into Russian. Nabokov remained in Switzerland until his death in 1977 of a


viral infection, leaving an unfinished manuscript, The Original of Laura. During his life he published eighteen novels, eight books of short stories, seven books of poetry and nine plays.



Humbert Humbert is in jail awaiting trial for murder. While he waits, he presentsus, his readers and potential jurors, with his defense. While we may expect Humbert to spend his time justifying the murder he's accused of, he doesn't.Instead he tells us the story of his obsessive love for a teenage girl he callsLolita, Lo, Lola, Dolly, and in moments of precision and formality, by her givenname, Dolores Haze.

Humbert first tries to put his obsession in context for us, describing his failedromance at age thirteen with a young girl named Annabel Leigh. Their love remains unconsummated and Annabel dies a few months after their summerromance ends. Humbert explains how he spent his adult life trying to recapture the magic of that fatal summer and the lost beauty of that dead girl. He goes to great lengths to define for us a specific type of young girl he calls a "nymphet," who is very different from ordinary, innocent little girls and who stirs great passion in men such as himself. The nymphet is, according to Humbert, between nine and fourteen years old, with an insidious charm much more demonic than childlike. It is this type of girl Humbert lusts after, a desire that finally finds its perfect object in Dolores Haze.

Humbert rents a room in Ramsdale from Charlotte Haze specifically to be near her twelve-year-old daughter Lolita, in whom he believes he sees his lost Annabel Leigh. Charlotte becomes infatuated with her boarder, sending Lolita away to summer camp in order to be alone with Humbert and to declare her feelings for him. Humbert is inconsolable at Lolita's absence, but when Charlotte


professes her love openly, he realizes he has the opportunity to stay near Lolita permanently as her step-father. After he and Charlotte marry, he tries to hide how his new wife repels him, confiding his loathing for Charlotte and his longing for Lolita only to a journal he keeps hidden away. His horror of Charlotte grows when she announces she wants to send Lolita to boarding school, and Humbert finds himself plotting his wife's murder. Ultimately, Humbert finds he can't kill Charlotte, however much he wishes she were dead. Fate intervenes on Humbert's behalf finally when jealous Charlotte finds his secret diary and she stumbles distractedly into the path of a black Packard. After only ten weeks in Ramsdale, Humbert is suddenly a widower, and sole guardian of his precious Lolita, who is still away at summer camp.

Humbert picks Lolita up from camp, and at a hotel called The Enchanted Hunters they become lovers. He claims Lolita actually seduced him and that he was not even her first lover, but he also makes it clear that she participates in their affair more reluctantly as time goes on. The two travel across America, moving from one hotel to the next, enjoying whatever local activities and tourist attractions present themselves as he tries to keep Lolita amused. After a year of traveling, they settle in Beardsley and Humbert enrolls Lolita in an elite private girl’s school. He becomes jealous when Lolita shows any interest in boys her age or other social activities at the school. When pressed by school officials, Humbert allows Lolita to have a party and to participate in the school play, although he is reluctant to do so. After a particularly nasty argument about her whereabouts when she skipped piano lessons, Lolita announces she wants to quit the play, quit


school, and travel with Humbert again, provided he lets her choose the destinations. Surprised and delighted, Humbert agrees and the two set out again.

Their second trip is very different from the first. This time Humbert is convinced Lolita is plotting something, and even more certain that they are being followed. After a brief stay in the hospital, Lolita vanishes. The hospital staff can say only that Humbert's brother checked the girl out of the hospital. Humbert tries to track Lolita down, but he is unsuccessful. He follows a trail of tantalizing clues left behind by the man she has run away with, but all he is able to figure out is how similar he and his adversary seem to be. After searching for Lolita for a year, Humbert loses hope that he will find her. He spends the next two years wandering aimlessly in the company of a woman named Rita.

When Humbert unexpectedly receives a letter from Lolita, he leaves Rita to go find her. She is now seventeen, married, and very pregnant, but despite her altered appearance and circumstances, Humbert asks her to run away with him again. She refuses, but when Humbert offers her $4000 to help her and her husband relocate to Alaska, she tells him about the man she ran away with, a famous playwright with a sexual interest in pedophilia and pornography. When Lolita assures him she won't come with him, he leaves to find and kill his nemesis, Clare Quilty.

Humbert arrives at Quilty's house and threatens him before finally shooting him. The murder scene becomes comic, as Humbert shoots Quilty again and again and Quilty continues to stumble around and speak. After a lot of ammunition and a lot of time, Humbert is finally sure that Quilty is dead. He


decides as he leaves that having broken every other moral law, he would now break all the traffic laws as well. He drives on the left side of the road, runs red lights, and it is finally his driving that gets him apprehended by the police. Even as he awaits trial for murder, Humbert assures us that he did the right thing in killing Quilty and that the crime he deserves punishment for is, if anything, his affair with Lolita.


In 1941 Nabokov accepted a position at Wellesley College as a resident lecturer in Comparative Literature. He also published his first English novel, The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, which is full of references to chess. While at Wellesley, he continued to write and to pursue his study of lepidoptery; in addition, he participated in the founding of that school's Russian Department. In fact, between 1944 and 1948, Nabokov was the only lecturer in the Wellesley Russian Department. During this time Nabokov also published in "The New Yorker" and other respected magazines, helping him gain a reputation. He also lectured at Harvard, where he was the curator of lepidoptery at the Museum of Comparative Biology. In 1948, he left Wellesley for Cornell.

During this time he continued collecting butterflies during visits to the Rocky Mountains. While on one of these trips in the early 1950s Nabokov composed his masterpiece, Lolita. The book proved initially difficult to sell to publishers, but within a decade it was such a success that it allowed Nabokov to give up teaching and concentrate solely on writing fiction.

In 1961 he moved to Montreux, Switzerland, in an effort to escape American publicity. He spent his last years publishing several novels, including Pale Fire in 1962. The book left his readers shaking their heads in confusion; it is a 999-line poem written by assassinated American poet John Shade, a poem which is then analyzed by the narrator. His work peaked in 1969 with the publication of Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle, the book he considered his best. He and his son also spent time translating his Russian works into English and his English work into Russian. Nabokov remained in Switzerland until his death in 1977 of a


viral infection, leaving an unfinished manuscript, The Original of Laura. During his life he published eighteen novels, eight books of short stories, seven books of poetry and nine plays.



Humbert Humbert is in jail awaiting trial for murder. While he waits, he presentsus, his readers and potential jurors, with his defense. While we may expect Humbert to spend his time justifying the murder he's accused of, he doesn't.Instead he tells us the story of his obsessive love for a teenage girl he callsLolita, Lo, Lola, Dolly, and in moments of precision and formality, by her givenname, Dolores Haze.

Humbert first tries to put his obsession in context for us, describing his failedromance at age thirteen with a young girl named Annabel Leigh. Their love remains unconsummated and Annabel dies a few months after their summerromance ends. Humbert explains how he spent his adult life trying to recapture the magic of that fatal summer and the lost beauty of that dead girl. He goes to great lengths to define for us a specific type of young girl he calls a "nymphet," who is very different from ordinary, innocent little girls and who stirs great passion in men such as himself. The nymphet is, according to Humbert, between nine and fourteen years old, with an insidious charm much more demonic than childlike. It is this type of girl Humbert lusts after, a desire that finally finds its perfect object in Dolores Haze.

Humbert rents a room in Ramsdale from Charlotte Haze specifically to be near her twelve-year-old daughter Lolita, in whom he believes he sees his lost Annabel Leigh. Charlotte becomes infatuated with her boarder, sending Lolita away to summer camp in order to be alone with Humbert and to declare her feelings for him. Humbert is inconsolable at Lolita's absence, but when Charlotte


professes her love openly, he realizes he has the opportunity to stay near Lolita permanently as her step-father. After he and Charlotte marry, he tries to hide how his new wife repels him, confiding his loathing for Charlotte and his longing for Lolita only to a journal he keeps hidden away. His horror of Charlotte grows when she announces she wants to send Lolita to boarding school, and Humbert finds himself plotting his wife's murder. Ultimately, Humbert finds he can't kill Charlotte, however much he wishes she were dead. Fate intervenes on Humbert's behalf finally when jealous Charlotte finds his secret diary and she stumbles distractedly into the path of a black Packard. After only ten weeks in Ramsdale, Humbert is suddenly a widower, and sole guardian of his precious Lolita, who is still away at summer camp.

Humbert picks Lolita up from camp, and at a hotel called The Enchanted Hunters they become lovers. He claims Lolita actually seduced him and that he was not even her first lover, but he also makes it clear that she participates in their affair more reluctantly as time goes on. The two travel across America, moving from one hotel to the next, enjoying whatever local activities and tourist attractions present themselves as he tries to keep Lolita amused. After a year of traveling, they settle in Beardsley and Humbert enrolls Lolita in an elite private girl’s school. He becomes jealous when Lolita shows any interest in boys her age or other social activities at the school. When pressed by school officials, Humbert allows Lolita to have a party and to participate in the school play, although he is reluctant to do so. After a particularly nasty argument about her whereabouts when she skipped piano lessons, Lolita announces she wants to quit the play, quit


school, and travel with Humbert again, provided he lets her choose the destinations. Surprised and delighted, Humbert agrees and the two set out again.

Their second trip is very different from the first. This time Humbert is convinced Lolita is plotting something, and even more certain that they are being followed. After a brief stay in the hospital, Lolita vanishes. The hospital staff can say only that Humbert's brother checked the girl out of the hospital. Humbert tries to track Lolita down, but he is unsuccessful. He follows a trail of tantalizing clues left behind by the man she has run away with, but all he is able to figure out is how similar he and his adversary seem to be. After searching for Lolita for a year, Humbert loses hope that he will find her. He spends the next two years wandering aimlessly in the company of a woman named Rita.

When Humbert unexpectedly receives a letter from Lolita, he leaves Rita to go find her. She is now seventeen, married, and very pregnant, but despite her altered appearance and circumstances, Humbert asks her to run away with him again. She refuses, but when Humbert offers her $4000 to help her and her husband relocate to Alaska, she tells him about the man she ran away with, a famous playwright with a sexual interest in pedophilia and pornography. When Lolita assures him she won't come with him, he leaves to find and kill his nemesis, Clare Quilty.

Humbert arrives at Quilty's house and threatens him before finally shooting him. The murder scene becomes comic, as Humbert shoots Quilty again and again and Quilty continues to stumble around and speak. After a lot of ammunition and a lot of time, Humbert is finally sure that Quilty is dead. He


decides as he leaves that having broken every other moral law, he would now break all the traffic laws as well. He drives on the left side of the road, runs red lights, and it is finally his driving that gets him apprehended by the police. Even as he awaits trial for murder, Humbert assures us that he did the right thing in killing Quilty and that the crime he deserves punishment for is, if anything, his affair with Lolita.

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