Alif. Alif began fall in love with Raisa because they often met on the bus before and after they study. Raisa is also elected to the program of students exchange to Canada. This makes they are increasingly being met, so that Alif become increasingly in love with Raisa. But Randai, his close friends also loves Raisa. So they are involves in a triangle love. Alif often feels jealous when he saw Randai trying to seduce Raisa. But Raisa more pleased to be associated with Randai because Randai could teach her the traditional arts of Indonesia than Alif. Jangan – jangan mereka masih saling kontak sampai sekarang. Ada yang berdenyut keras di jantungku. Aku begitu bodoh selama ini. Aku menekur memandang sepatuku, si hitam yang seperti mencibir mengejek kebodohanku. Tapi, hei, kenapa aku harus merasa cemburu? Bukankah hak Raisa untuk menyebut nama siapa saja, termasuk Randai? Ada apa denganku? Olala. Inikah rasanya jatuh hati ? Fuadi,2011:422 Are they still contact each other until now? There is a loud pulsing in my heart. I am so stupid up till now. I look at my shoes, the black like as sneering mocking my ignorance. But, hei, why should I feel jealous? Raisa may name anyone, including of Randai? What’s wrong with me? Olala. Is this the falling in love? Fuadi, 2011:422

3.2 Plot

In Ranah 3 Warna novel, the author tells the story step by step in a chronologically manner. Thus, Ranah 3 Warna is using progressive plot. The story began when Alif has graduated from boarding school, and he want to attends to Institute of Technology Bandung ITB in accordance with his dream to follow his idol, Mr. Habibie who is former president of Indonesia and graduates of ITB. The conflict occurs when he wants to follow the senior high school equivalence test Universitas Sumatera Utara before he follows UMPTN to enter in his the favorite college. As graduates from boarding school, he had no certificate of senior high school. And he must be following the test to get the certificate. However, he also had no matter in preparing himself to facing the test. He tries to borrow many books from his friend and his neighbors, so he struggles to learn those books intensively round the clock. After passing the exam and be entitled to the certificate of senior high school. He must study hard again to follows the next exam order to get into his favorite college, ITB. He must struggle to pass the UMPTN test was only for two months. He borrows all of senior high school books from his friend and his neighbors. But hopes to be able to pass to ITB must be dashed, because he only had a short time. Alif difficult to learning the lessons of senior high school has never learned during at the boarding school first. So that he could only pursue the lessons of IPS, while ITB only accept new students from IPA pathway. The next conflict is when Alif involved in a triangle love. When Alif secretly loves Raisa, probably his best friend, Randai also loves that girl too. Alif and Raisa selected in the program of student exchange to Canada, while Randai not selected. So it makes Alif be getting close to Raisa. But in fact that is told at the ending of novel, Raisa choose Randai as her boyfriend, because she has a strong principle in finding a partner. Such as that boy must has graduated from the college and already working, while Alif not have a job and he lost quickly with Randai who has graduated from the college earlier than him. However, Alif remain patient in accepting that fact. He let Raisa and Randai live happily, while Universitas Sumatera Utara he still wants to continue his life and still continue to defend his ideals and dreams to become reality. Di panggung, Pak Rektor dan Pak Dekan telah menuggu dengan senyum lebar. Aku menyalami mereka, berterima kasih dengan mengangguk kecil. Dengan cepat, jari Pak Rektor memindahkan seutas benang di topi hitam datarku ke sebelah kanan. Lalu giliran Pak Dekan menggenggam tanganku kuat – kuat sambil menyerahkan sebuah map biru, berisi ijazah sarjanaku. Inilah detik persaksian penting dalam hidupku, ketika impianku telah bertukar menjadi kenyataan. Tuhan, Engkau Sungguh Maha Pengabul Impian. Fuadi,2011:453-454 On the stage, the Rector and the Dean have been waiting with a big smile. I shook their hands, thanked with a small nod. Quickly, The Rector’s finger moves a thread in my flat black hat to the right. Then The Dean’s turn hold my hand strong as he handed a blue folder to me, containing an undergraduate degree. This is the second important testimony in my life, when my dreams has come true exchange. God you really almighty fulfilling dreams. Fuadi,2011:453-454

3.3 Character