Stylistic Meaning. Theory of Metaphor

2. After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money. The second sentence, maybe said with the Head of Police in the formal report

4. Affective Meaning.

Affective meaning is one kind of meaning that is used to reflect the personal feeling of the speakers including his attitude to the listener or his attitude to the something he is talking about. For example if A wants to get B quiet the A might says “I’m sorry to interrupt, but would you be so kind as to lower your voices as a little”. The impression of politeness can be respected by tone or biting sarcasm. Factors such as voice andintonation are very important here.

5. Reflected Meaning

Reflective meaning is an interconnection on the lexical level of language.It is also the meaning which arises in cases of multiple conceptual meaning, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense. The Holy Ghost and The Comforter both refer to the Third Person of the Trinity, but The Holy Ghost sounds awesome while The Comforter sounds warm

6. Collocative Meaning.

Collocative meaning is one kind of meaningthat is consist of associations a word acquired on account of the meaning of words , which usually occur in its environment. Handsome and pretty share the similarity in the meaning good looking, but maybe differenced by the range of noun with which they are likely to occur or collocate: Handsome man and pretty woman. The space is well match although they suggest a different kind of attractiveness because of the collocative associations of the two adjectives.

7. Thematic Meaning

This is the final category of meaning, thematic meaning is the meaning that is communicated by the way in which the speaker or writer organizes the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. It is often felt an active sentence such as 1 below has a different meaning from its passive equivalent 2 although in conceptual content they seem to be the same Leech. 1974: 19 1. Mrs. Bessie Smith donated the first prize. 2. The first prize was donated by Mrs. Bessie Smith We can assume that the active sentence answers an implicit question “what did Mrs. Bessie Smith donate?”, while the passive sentence answer the implicit question “who donates the first prize?”, that in other words 1 in contrast to see 2 suggest that we know who Mrs. Bessie Smith.