Planning Action DATA DESCRIPTION 1. Data of Observation

conducted post-test, to know the i mprovement of students‟ vocabulary ability. The description of each cycle can be explained as follows. This research was held in MTs Nurussalam Pondok Pinang from December 12 th , 2010`to January 20 th , 2011 in two cycles. Every cycle was conducted in three meetings.

a. Cycle One

1. Planning

To find the students‟ vocabulary ability, the writer did pre-test in cycle one. The writer planned a lesson plan and selected the appropriate material. There is one lesson plan in cycle one; the topics are modern games, children games and playing kites. This cycle is begun with the planning process, actuating the learning process, observing and evaluating or reflecting. a. Based on the first condition, the problems can be identified in the English teaching learning processes that must be solved by the writer are: students‟ low motivation and low in remembering the vocabulary that they have learnt. The writer tries to improve their motivation in learning vocabulary and to reinforce their vocabulary through scrabble game activities. b. Planning to make the students group by looking at the total of students. Based on that case, the writer makes the class into six groups; each of group has four students. c. Arranging the English lesson plan with the game topics. The steps of teaching learning process as follows: 1. first activities Apperception and motivation of the students to the aim of teaching learning process. 2. prominent activities The writer divides the students into groups by giving one set of scrabble game in each group. And then, the writer explains the scrabble games and the rules of playing scrabble game. 3. last activity Making evaluation 4. making a paper of evaluation and the paper of observation 5. Preparing the important facility such as the scrabble board games.

2. Action

a. the writer and the students make the class group b. the writer explained the goal of teaching learning process and gave the students‟ paper activities c. the writer and the students did the English learning process with the games subject and scrabble game, gobak sodor game and playing kites sub-topics. The summary of learning that has been done as follows: The writer explained the way how to play scrabble game, assessment and the rules of playing scrabble games. Students implemented the games about 30 minutes. d. after completed, the writer and the students made the summary. The teaching learning activities closed with the evaluation, the writer gave the tasks to the students and the students did it. Doing the tasks such translating the discourse, answering the questions from that discourse and making the sentences after playing scrabble game.

3. Observation

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