translate the text above into Indonesia find the meaning of these words and make a sentence Translate the text above into Indonesia. B. Find the meaning of this words

Read the text carefully Children games Every one likes playing games. They make us relaxed and happy. Children and adults can play the games indoor or outdoor. We also need partner to play the games, either in pairs or groups. Man y children like playing “hike and seek”. One of the children closes his or her eyes, while the others are hiding. He or she has to find their friends who are hiding. The other game is „mouse and cat‟. Some children like to play it in the yard. Covering his eyes, one of them stands in the middle of circle. The others walk around him, singing a song. When they stop singing and walking he has to find them by touching and mentioning the names.

A. translate the text above into Indonesia

B. Answer the following question according to the text 1. Why does every one like games? 2. Do we need friend to play games? 3. How do the children play „hide and seek‟? 4. What does the word “they” refer to?the second sentence of paragraph 1 5. What does the word “it” refers to? the second sentence of paragraph 3

C. find the meaning of these words and make a sentence

1. game 6. cat 2. hide 7. circle 3. seek 8. touch 4. enjoy 9. yard 5. mouse 10. middle Apendix 5 Read the text carefully Playing Kites Every people like playing a kite. It is very simple game. People usually play kites in the field or in the street. They do it with their friends while they play together. But, to play a kite in the street is very dangerous because there are many vehicles kenderaan in the street. People usually play it in the afternoon. They play it when the wind blows hard. The wind will bring the kite highly in to the air. The kite will be like an airplane. There are usually many kites. They fly and cross to one another. It usually causes one of them cuts its string and falls down. Some children usually run to catch it. They usually run un carelessly and get an accident. To make a kite is very simple. You need only some glue, a piece of paper, a skeleton made of bamboo and some thread. First make the skeleton. Then give the skeleton a piece of thread or string. After that, cut paper according to the shape or the skeleton. The last, paste the paper on the string with some glue.

A. Translate the text above into Indonesia. B.

Answer the following question according to the text 1. Who likes playing kites? 2. What is very dangerous? 3. What will bring the kites into the air? 4. What does the word “it” paragraph 1 refers to? 5. What is a kite like in the air?

C. Find the meaning of this words

1. game 6. play 2. hide and seek 7. football 3. scrabble 8. volleyball 4. snake and ladder 9. sport 5. chess 10. bridge Apendix 6 Read carefully Modern Games Nowadays, there are a lot of modern games. Some of them are bridge, scrabble and computerized chess. Scrabble is very interesting. We can enlarge our English vocabularies. We have to arrange into words in English to win the game. Chess is a very challenging game. Each player needs a very good strategy and skill to win the game.

A. Translate the text above into Indonesia

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