Curiosity Self-efficiency Attitude Need Competence External Motivators

16 Motivation to learn is important for the students ’ success . The sources of motivation are complex . The motivation to learn is personal and comes from within an individual, yet it is influenced by some external factors . Frith 2001, p.3 defines motivation as the internal drive directing behavior towards some end . Frith also explains the components of the learning motivation into six components, they are:

a. Curiosity

Human behavior is far more complex, and people are naturally curious . They tend to seek something new, they find satisfaction when they can finish a puzzle, and they are curious about anything . Providing students with stimuli which are new but not too different from what they already know, will then develop curiosity within the students . Ask the students a question which creates a problem situation rather than presenting statements of fact .

b. Self-efficiency

Dividing tasks into chunks and providing students with early success is a method of developing confidence in the student . Drisscoll as cited in Frith describes this as performance accomplishments, one of four possible sources of self-efficiency . 17

c. Attitude

Attitude is an illusive commodity . According to Frith, the attitude of a student toward learning is very much an intrinsic characteristic and is not always demonstrated through behavior .

d. Need

The most well-known and respected classification of human need is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs . Maslow categorizes the human needs into five levels, psychological lower-level, safety lower-level, love and belongings higher need, esteem higher need, self-Actualization higher need . The importance of this to motivation is the lower-level needs must be satisfied at one level before the next higher order of needs become predominant in influencing behavior .

e. Competence

Competence is an intrinsic motivation for learning which is highly related to self-efficiency . Human being receive more pleasure when doing this well . External support is important for the student to achieve competence, then the achievement of competence will be the intrinsic motivation for the student .

f. External Motivators

In order to create a stimulating environment and combat boredom, an active participation from the students is needed . Therefore learning strategies should be flexible, creative, and constantly applied . Beside a stimulating environment, grades also have a value as an external motivator . 18

B. Review of Related Studies

Atef Saleh Al-Tamini and Munir Shuib was investigating the motivation and attitudes of the students in learning English at Hadhramout University of Sciences and Technology HUST . One of the research objectives of the study was to investigate and identify the students’ attitudes towards learning English as their language course for 2 semester in their first year . The research sample consisted of 81 students who studied in the academic year 2006-2007 in the Department of Petroleum Engineering DPE at HUST . To collect the data, they used questionnaires and interview . The result showed that most of the participants had positive attitudes towards learning English language . There was a research conducted in Japan by Benson 1991 who surveyed over 300 freshmen to investigate their motivation and attitudes towards learning the English language . The results showed that integrative and personal sets of goal were important factors in motivation among Japanese college students . Another study by Sarjit 1993 was carried out to investigate the language needs of the consultants at a company . Learner’s motivation was the main concern in the study . The research participants consisted of 26 consultants, one instructor and four directors . To gather the data, the researcher used questionnaires, interview and field observation . The results of the study showed that instrumental