Background of The Study

literature. And as the object, the writer choosed some of selected poems from Edgar Allan Poe, namely Annabel Lee, The Raven, Alone, A Dream Within a Dream and A Valentine. Based on the previous researchs, the writer would like to do a research on Edgar Allan Poe. The writer choose his poem because he had a poem that always related about what his feel. This study will analyze types of non literal meaning using saeed’s theory.

B. The Problem of Study

Related with the background of the study, the problems are formulated as the following : 1 What types of non-literal meaning are used in Edgar Allan Poe selected Poems? 2 What types of non-literal meaning are dominantly used in Edgar Allan Poe selected poems? 3 What is the implication of the dominant type of non literal meaning used in Edgar Allan Poe selected poems ?

C. The Objective of Study

The objectives of this study are intended to 1 Describe the types of non-literal meaning used in Edgar Allan Poe selected poems 2 Derive the dominant type of non-literal meaning used in Edgar Allan Poe selected poems 3 Describe the implication of the dominant type of non literal meaning in Edgar Allan Poe Selected Poems

D. The Scope of Study

This study is focused on non-literal meaning used in Edgar Allan Poe selected poems, they are Annabel Lee, The Raven, Alone, A Dream Within a Dream and A Valentine. Semantics theory will be used to analyze the non literal meaning.

E. The Significance of Study

The findings of the study are expected to be useful for 1 The researchers to give more contribution or inspiration to conduct further related research. 2 The readers to give more information and knowledge in semantic, especially about non literal meaning. 3 The teachers to teach semantics to especially the non-literal meaning in text.


A. Conclusions

Non literal meaning can be found in literature, especially in poetry. The writer found that there are an famous poet Edgar Allan Poe who has beautiful word in every his poem. So, the writer choose five famous poem from Edgar Allan Poe and used Saaed’s Theory to found the types of non literal meaning in there. After analyzing and determining the types of non literal meaning in five selected poems of Edgar Allan Poe, the conclusions are presented as follows: 1 Only four types from six types of non literal meaning are occurred in the poems :The Raven, Annabel Lee, A Dream Within A Dream, Alone, A Valentine. They are Metaphor 42, Irony 0, Metonymy 12, Synecdoche 7, Hyperbole 15, Litotes 0. 2 The most dominant type of non literal meaning is Metaphor written by author with 42 occurrences 55.3 in five selected poem by Edgar Allan Poe. 3 The writer on this poem want to make his writing more beautifully using metaphor dominantly. There are so many a new word or sentence that created from comparative the two unrelated objects so that make his poem has a good writing style and make the reader fells of many imagination from the word by word that the writer created through the poem.

B. Suggestions

By considering the research finding and the conclusions, there are some suggestions which are presented as follows: 1 Teachers need to improve their knowledge about non literal meaning so that they can teach students with more clearly word and make students easily understanding the purpose of literary works such as poem that usually using non literal meaning. 2 Readers are suggested to enrich their knowledge of non literal meaning so they can become more interested in reading such as literary work and make the better understanding of non literal meaning in poem. 3 Other researchers are suggested to make a more depth analysis of non literal meaning in other objects.