Population Sample Subjects of the Study

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C. Subjects of the Study

1. Population

Ary 1985: 138 states that the larger group about which the generalization is made is called a population. A population is defined as “all members of any well-defined class of people, events or objects.” Population is the group to which the researcher would like the result of the study to be generalizable Fraenkel and Wallen, 1993:554. Chase 1976: 2 postulates population as a number of individuals which have at least one similar characteristic. Johnson and Christensen 2000: 158 propose that population is the set of all elements. Furthermore, Wiersma 2001: 459 explains population refers to the total of all elements, subjects, or members that possess a specified set of one or more common characteristics. Dealing with those definitions of population, it can be said that the population of this study is the first semester students of Pesantren Kampus Peskam STAIN Samarinda in the academic year of 20092010. They are grouped into 8 classes, namely: Local A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. It consists of 255 students. Each class consists of 30-35 students and each class has its own characteristic.

2. Sample

In Educational Research, Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches , Johnson and Christensen 2000: 158 explain that sample is a set of elements taken from a large population according to a certain rules. In line with them, Fink 1995:1 defines the same opinion that a sample is a set of elements taken from a commit to user 60 large population according to certain rules. Fraenkel and Wallen 1993: 556 state that sample is the group in which information is obtained, preferably selected in such a way that the sample represents the larger group. Ary 1985: 138 states that the small group that is observed is called a sample. In addition, the sample is considerably smaller than the population, though in this case of a relatively small population, the sample maybe nearly the same size Mason and Bramble, 1997: 113. Considering the definitions above, it can be inferred that the sample should represent the population since the research result will be generalized to the population because a sample is a part of population. In this study, the writer only takes two classes of the first semester of P esantren Kampus PESKAM STAIN Samarinda as the sample. One class Class B used as the experimental group and the other one Class C as the control group. Each class consists of 30 students.

3. Sampling