The Reliability of the Instrument.

commit to user 68 tentative theory about why high and low scores should behave differently 2000: 110.

b. The Reliability of the Instrument.

The reliability of a test refers to consistency of the test score. Tuckman 1999: 160 states test reliability means that a test is consistent . Furthermore, he also explains some factors which contribute to the unreliability of a test as follows: 1 familiarity with the particular test form such as a multiple choice question; 2 fatigue; 3 emotional strain; 4 physical conditions of the room in which the test is given; 5 health of the test taker; 6 fluctuations of human memory; 7 amount of practice or experience by the test taker of the specific skill being measured; and 8 specific knowledge that has been gained outside of the experience being evaluated by the test. A test which is overly sensitive to these unpredictable and often uncontrollable sources of error is not a reliable test. Test unreliability creates instrumentations bias, a source of internal validity in an experiment Tuckman, 1999: 162. Ary 1985: 226 propounds that reliability is concerned with how consistently we are measuring whatever we are measuring. Seeing the definition above, it can be said that in this study, a reliable instrument would give the writer a consistent result. The writer uses the Kuder- Richardson procedures in order to get the reliability of the test. It is based on the proportion of correct and incorrect responses to each of the items on a test Ary, 1985: 233. commit to user 69 Here is the formula to count the reliability of the reading comprehension test with the form of objective test: = − 1 1 − ∑ 5 Notes: r kk : the coefficient of the reliability p : the proportion of correct responses on a single item q : the proportion of incorrect responses on the same item S t 2 : the variance of scores on the total test squared standard deviation k : the number of valid items on the test If r o is higher than r t , the item is reliable. From the reliability testing, it is obtained that r o 0.937 exceeds r t 0.361 for the level of significance α = 0.05. It can be concluded that the test is reliable. Besides that, to know the reliability of the learning motivation questionnaire, the formula is as follows: = − 1 1 − ∑ 5 ĸ ∑ 5 m Notes: r kk : the coefficient of the reliability k : the number of valid items on the questionnaire S i 2 : the variance of scores on the items S t 2 : the variance of scores on the total questionnaire commit to user 70 From the reliability testing of the questionnaire, it is obtained that r o = 0.970. It is consulted with r table for N = 30 at the level of significance α = 0.05 which is 0.361. Because r o exceeds r t it can be concluded that the questionnaire is reliable.

3. Documentation