Identification of the Problems Limitation of the Problems

commit to user 6 Based on the background of this study and the reason above, the writer in her thesis would like to discuss “The Effectiveness of Internet-Based Material to Teach Reading Comprehension Viewed from Learning Motivation. An Experimental Study at the First Semester of Pesantren Kampus PESKAM STAIN SAMARINDA in the Academic Year of 20092010.

B. Identification of the Problems

Dealing with the background of the study above, the writer identifies some problems, such as: 1. Does teaching reading using internet-based material influence university students’ reading comprehension? 2. Does teaching reading using textbook influence university students’ reading comprehension? 3. Does the university students’ learning motivation influence their reading comprehension? 4. Will the university students who have high learning motivation achieve better result when they are taught using internet-based material? 5. Will the university students’ with low learning motivation achieve better result when they are taught using textbook? 6. Which one is better, university students who have high learning motivation or low learning motivation in their English reading comprehension? 7. What kinds of topics will be used in teaching reading using the internet-based material in university students’? commit to user 7 8. What kinds of topics will be used in teaching reading using textbook in university students’? 9. Is there any interaction between students’ learning motivation and teaching materials in students’ reading comprehension?

C. Limitation of the Problems

Since there are several problems that emerge on the identification of the problems above, the writer is concerned only with some of the problems stated in the identification of the problems. This limitation, however, is taken because of some factors as follows: - The writer does not have the ability to investigate all of the problems thoroughly. - Time allotment and financial allocation are also limited. This study is limited to some related variables. The writer’s problems are only focused on internet-based material and textbook material as the experimental variables. Besides, the teaching reading will be concentrated on the teaching reading to university students, in this case for Pesantren Kampus PESKAM STAIN Samarinda. In Pesantren Kampus PESKAM Samarinda, the internet- based material and textbook material can be applied in teaching and learning reading to university students. In addition, the writer believes that the most influencing factor in determining the success of the teaching and learning process in English reading at the first semester of Pesanten Kampus Peskam STAIN Samarinda is motivation. commit to user 8 Meanwhile, the writer is also eager to find out whether there will be an interaction between types of teaching materials and students’ learning motivation in teaching reading.

D. Statement of the Problems