The Definitions of Internet-Based Material

commit to user 27 professions or jobs can use it as a network of people and information. In addition, a professional teacher is a well-tried and also very rewarding use of this potential exchange. Students feel happy, proud, and motivated to see their work published on the internet.

2. The Definitions of Internet-Based Material

Internet-based material as stated by Somekh 1998 is a learning material taken from various sources in the internet that are given to the students as an innovative learning and it can be considered as a part of teacher professionalism besides the use of the internet shows that the teacher is still up to date Moreover, Tait 1997 postulates that computer technology has made a substantial contribution to higher education, during the present century, and internet technology promises to become even more pervasive in the next one. The emphasis will probably continue to shift from Computer-Based Learning CBL, and its related methods, such as Computer Assisted Instruction CAI, to Internet Based Learning IBL, and its corresponding variants. He also explains that an extension of internet-based material which the sources can be found from the internet in which the learner has access to global rather than local materials. These take the form of data files on an intranet, or the internet, that can be accessed from the campus or from a more distant location. The internet materials cover a wide range of reading, watching, or listening to the news is one way of knowing what may affect them, what may fulfill their commit to user 28 curiosity i.e., the subjects and views, and are quite suitable for exploratory learning but, to be integrated into a taught course, they have to be presented as an information structure that is compatible with constructivist learning http:l.htm . From the ideas above, it can be concluded that internet-based material is material coming from the net which the learners have access to global rather than local materials. Besides, the data files from the internet can be accessed from the campus or from a more distant location.

3. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Internet-Based Material