Techniques of Data Collection Method of Data Analysis

44 3. Analyzing When the classification was finished, the researcher started to analyze the data. In this study, the data analysis was also employed quantitative method since it involved numbers to get the percentage of each linguistic element in the table in order to draw one of inferences. 4. Discussing After analyzing and getting the data finding, the researcher red those findings in a scientific way. It means that the researcher not only red related findings to some employed theories, but he also explained and elaborated why and how the findings could be so. It was done by answering certain unwritten questions. One of the examples is, why a certain strategy could have the most often of existence while other type could be the rarest one. In addition, this kind of discussion was conducted to the whole findings of each table as well as to the second question in the form of explanation and elaboration. Above all, the analysis and discussion started with an analysis of topics or semantic macrostructures which van Dijk in Wodak and Meyer 2001: 102-103 give a first, overall, idea of what a discourse of texts is all about, and controls many other aspects of discourse and its analysis. Next, the researcher focused on the analysis of local meaning or micro structures such as the meaning of words, the structures of propositions, coherence and other relations between propositions. Then, both analysis at the level of global and local meaning, he recognized an overall strategy of positive 45 self-representation and negative other-representation, in which self-good things and others-bad things were emphasized, and self-bad things and others-good things were de-emphasized. At the end, the researcher also revealed the ideology which underlies its discursive reproduction. 5. Reporting The last step was reporting the findings and the discussions of the findings. In writing the report of the research, the researcher added some points of conclusion and some points of suggestion.

C. Trustworthiness of the Data

The trustworthiness of the data can be gained by conforming four criteria, namely, credibility, dependability, conformability, and transferability Moleong, 2011:173. This research principally applied credibility and conformability. Credibility refers to the richness of the gathered information and on the analytical abilities of the researcher. The findings and the interpretation of the data should accurately describe reality by doing tests. Conformability, in turn, aims to measure how far the researcher demonstrates the neutrality of the research interpretations. The findings and the interpretations of the data should be truly based on the data. In achieving credibility and conformability, there were two techniques employed by the researcher. The techniques were triangulation and inter-rater technique. 46 1. Triangulation It is a technique for checking the trustworthiness of data by utilizing something outside the data to verify the data or to compare them Moleong, 2011: 178. To achieve the credibility of the data, the researcher consulted the findings to his supervisors, Dr. Margana, M. Hum., M.A. and Paulus Kurnianta, M. Hum. Both are the right persons to discuss the data with. The reason is that, they are experts in linguistics. 2. Inter-rater technique It was also used to gain conformability of the research findings. The data were discussed with two colleague researchers at English Language and Literature study program, especially those who is majoring in linguistics. This study is triangulated by Atika Krusdian Sari and Shinta Purnama Sari, since both are students of English Language and Literature study program from Yogyakarta State University. 47


This chapter is divided into two main parts: the data findings and the discussion of the data analysis. The first part consists of the findings of three formulations of the research: the topics which are emphasized in Haller ’s utterances during direct and cross examination in the courtroom trial, the discursive strategies which are employed in the realization of the strategies of positive self-representation and negative other-representation, and the ideological purpose which underlies its discursive representation and how it shatters claims of the prosecutor. The second part consists of the discussion on those all findings.

A. Findings

1. Semantic Macrostructure or Topics which are Emphasized in

Criminal Defense Lawyer ’s Utterances during the Courtroom Trial A topic represents the gist or the most important information of a discourse. It tells us what a discourse is about. To examine the topics, the researcher looks up critically on what is topicalized and de-topicalized in Ha ller’s utterances. In this study, the topicalization is done by emphasizing self-good things and de-emphasizing bad thing in self-representation and vice versa in the other-representation. The utterances of Haller as a criminal defense lawyer in this novel creates a certain global meaning which draws positive self-representation and negative other-representation in each cross and direct examination of courtroom discourse.