ISSN: 2225-2436 Published by Asian Society of Business and Commerce Research 121


This research method uses the case study method and included into the type of qualitative descriptive research. Case study research is research used to investigate phenomenon in the context of real life, when the boundaries between the phenomenon and the context are not firmly seen and are using evidences from various source. In this study, using a single case study for this research focused on the goal by one characteristic that is in one location RK. Yin 1987. In this study, using embedded case study research namely a case study in which the issues and focus of research has been determined from the outsetSugiyono 2005. The data collection techniques in the research is using case study using data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews indepth interviewing, Document Observation and Assessment content analysis. Informants in this study areIbu Susi Sumanti Program Officer PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Cilacap Plant, Mr Moh Nurhidayat Bank Sampah Mandiri Director, Mrs. Rustono Customer Bank Sampah Mandiri, Mrs. Lasmini Management of Bank Sampah Mandiri. While the observations are conducted by the researcher that is directly seeing the activities of Independent Waste Bank and documents assessment were obtained through annual reports document on the progress of Bank Sampah Mandiri Documents etc. In this research the sampling technique used are purposive sampling and snowball sampling. According to Sugiyono 2005, the technique of sampling is a sampling technique that will be used in research. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling. The purposive sampling technique that is by taking a sample based on the specific reasons related to the knowledge acquisition of informants concerning the problems being examined, particularly concerning issues of community development in the CSR program Bank Sampah Mandiri PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Cilacap Plant. While the validity technique of the data that will be used, namely a. Sources triangulation that collects similar data from several different data sources; and b. Method triangulation which collects similar data but using different techniques or methods. The data in this study will be analyzed qualitatively. Qualitative research is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words; written or spoken, people or behaviors observed Lexy J. Moleong. 1989. Data Analysis that is in qualitative nature requires the researcher to undertake activities simultaneously with data collection, data interpretation and research reports writing Cresswell. 2009. Thus the data analysis is not done in isolation with data collection, but it is an activity performed jointly. During data collection, the researcher made interactive moves in the 3 analysis components namely data reduction, data presentation and final conclusions verification.


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