70355-0-8. ITBS – University of Angers France; Udayana University; Bali State Polytecnic; Sahid Institute Jakarta, pp.260-272 2 Proceeding Tourism In Indonesia When viewed from the movement of tourists to Bali in the period of 1969 to 2009, it has implications on the development of Bali. Until the year 2009, the amount of accommodation available in Bali was as many as 2,175 units, with the number of rooms as many as 46 014 rooms, which includes star hotels, budget hotels, and cottage. The number of restaurants available was 1,693 units with 82. 663 seats, while the number of travel agents was as many as 635 units. The number of tour guides 14 foreign languages was 8812 persons. In addition, Bali also has 270 tourist attractions, and the number of water tourism business is as much as 188 units [3]. The abundant number of business tourism industry, also has implications for the development of other sectors, such as supermarkets, housing, and other services. Various developments are carried out as an effort to meet the tourism sector, so its implementation also results in positive and negative impacts. The rapid development of tourism in Bali and the implication would be a dilemma to find a format of sustainable tourism in Bali. This section is interesting to be used to explore how is the development of sustainable tourism in Bali? What kind of sustainable development in accordance with Bali?


TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The World Tourism and Travel Council WTTC together with the World Tourism Organization WTO and the Earth Council implement the concept of sustainable tourism in the Agenda 21 for Travel and Tourism Industry. The document states that sustainable tourism is: Tourism that meets the needs of tourists and the region which is visited by tourists at this time, while protecting and enhancing opportunities in the future. The development of the concept of sustainable development is not as simple and linear as those presented above [4], [5]. As described on the above principles, it is indeed very difficult to be implemented. Sustainable development in the context of tourism has been defined as: Tourism which is development and maintained in an area community, environment in such a manner and at such a scale that it remains viable over an indefinite period and does not degrade or alter the environment human and physical in which it exist to such a degree that it prohibits the successful development and wellbeing of other activities and processes [6]. This was the dominant dilemma addressed by the Brundtland Commission, which indicated that sustainable development should, as a minimum, address the following elements: a Maintenance of ecological wholeness and diversity. b The fulfillment of basic human needs. c Keep giving open choices to the future generations. d Reducing inequities, and e Increased independence [7], [8]. Further, it has three key elements which must be considered in the development of tourism, namely: a. Quality of the experience customers b. Quality of the resources cultural and natural environment c. Quality of life for the people [9], [10], [11]. The concept of sustainability is closely related to the management of the natural environment, economy, and social cultural [8];[12]. The goal of sustainability brings many meanings such as income redistribution, ecosystem maintenance, quality of life, the system of natural and human environment, and the redistribution of power. Its benefit are maximizing in order to meet the need of the present generation while protecting and enhancing opportunities for future generations [13]. All of these bring different implications and the different management. The idea of sustainable development simultaneously and sporadically been addressed early on by various parties related to tourism in various parts of the world. According to Dryzek [14], sustainability is viewed from the aspect of ecological rationality policy. Without a good ecological functions within an ecosystem that human life may not be able to run properly. This opinion is based on several cases in North America, in which its tourism much depends on the nature, such as national parks, forests and other wildlife. The development of eco-tourism in this country, has lots of negative impact on the natural ecosystem changes, so it becomes a new problem when it is promoted, and the poor natural resource management. Furthermore, the findings of McCool, Moisey, and Nickerson [15]. in a study in Montana, found that the issue of sustainability as a goal in the development of tourism. Thus, sustainability is defined broadly, and it is as the goal, not the recreational provider. This study tried to describe sustainability with clear indicators. The indicator used was 20 and used to measure the things that must be maintained. Viewed from the tourism industry approach, noted that of the 20 indicators that need to be maintained, only 4 main indicators, namely the natural and cultural heritage, community economic stability, quality of life, and natural uniqueness. The paradox of sustainable development is shown by the paper of Hall [16], entitled Sustainable Tourism Development and Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. The process of sustainable tourism development in Europe cannot be easily implemented. This reflection suggests that after the communists’ era in Europe, it is impossible to implement sustainable tourism. Each country has its own characteristics, goals and priorities. The economic policy that emphasizes the growth of capitalism becomes a big challenge. Political interests and the market are still very strong. The pattern of top-down and centralized planning making the economic policy more dominant. Although it is recognized that sustainable tourism can be implemented with the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, as well as increased community participation. This is in line with the concept of Hardy, Beeton, and Pearson [1], that the emphasis of sustainable tourism applied in industry is more on the impact of the economic aspects and environmental conservation, while the role of the community is still lacking, although already entered explicitly in the economic dimension. These findings recommend the role of the local people as the main actors 70355-0-8. ITBS – University of Angers France; Udayana University; Bali State Polytecnic; Sahid Institute Jakarta, pp.260-272 3 Proceeding Tourism In Indonesia remain a priority, so that it increases the sustainability of the tourism development in the aspects of economic, natural and cultural environment as well as social participation [17]. It can be observed in the above principle that the principle of sustainability development strategy has been adopted in Bali since 1995 that includes human, cultural, environmental, economic as well as social sustainability. These five pillars are an extension of the concept of sustainability of the Earth Summit 2002 in Johannesburg which only includes economic, social and environmental aspects. The cultural aspect is not included explicitly, but implicitly included in the social aspect. Given the important role of culture in development, especially in the context of the Bali development, which is based on the cultural tourism. Djajadiningrat adds one more aspect namely humanity human sustainability [2]. According to him, one that should be sustainable is the future. Development which only includes economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects, is just a tool to seize the future. Based on these principles, the concept of sustainable future was offered, in which includes five dimensions as a basis for the development of tourism in Bali. Based on the above description, the reconstruction needs to be done on several indicators, which in essence became increasingly widened from the initial concept. Actually, of the three aspects that have been offered by the WTO in 2002 already covers of all elements of sustainable tourism development. The important thing is to find the common ground of each slice that in fact interrelated. Bali as an international destination in the world in order to realize the sustainability of tourism needs three elements that play an important role, namely the local communities, the government, and the private sector. The three elements are driven by humans as the main actors in each distinct element which includes the level of knowledge and their interests. Therefore, the understanding and the equalization effort of indicators are very important for the actors human human sustainability who are in that position. All three must be synergized in determining the meaning of sustainability that will be created. The relationship between maintaining the integrity of the environment, community and culture, as well as tourism industry for the people of Bali, however, remains problematic. The first question that arises in this connection is the competition in order to achieve the objectives of the interests of each individual, group or region. However, it should be realized that Bali must have the courage to encourage the development of sustainable tourism by improving the quality of life of its people, protect and maintain the natural and cultural resources with the regulations. Everything is fully supported by the tourism sector as an economic powerhouse 15].These conditions can be illustrated in Figure 1 Figure 1. Scheme of sustainable tourism in Bali Resources management Sustain able Ajeg bali Nature Tourism Opportunity Business Private Sector ECONOMY Local Community SOCIOCULTURE Government NATURE economic and cultural sustainability Sustainability and natural and social proctection Economic sustainability and environmental protection 70355-0-8. ITBS – University of Angers France; Udayana University; Bali State Polytecnic; Sahid Institute Jakarta, pp.260-272 260 Proceeding Tourism In Indonesia