The Analysis Of Theme Used In Paulo Coelho’ Novel The Winner Stands Alone









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Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatra Utara


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma-III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara.

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I am, ANGGRENI FATIMAH PUTRI TAMBUNAN, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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The title of this paper is The Analysis of Theme used in Paulo Coelho’ Novel The Winner Stands Alone is about an old man decided to win his love again afer two years their separation, he wants to get her back. He calls himself to be on a „mission of love‟, a mission that requires sacrifices- murders. Set against the backdrop of glitz and glamour of the world‟s most famous film festival, what then ensues is a tale of „extraordinary violence‟, lasting just under 24 hours, revealing the evil which hides in each human soul and busting the myths associated with the world of celebrities. The author present the results of thingking about the theme implied in the novel The Winner Stands Alone. Theme in the novel The Winner Stands Alone can be classified into several different categoriez depending on the terms of which it is done. Categorization of themes that will be presented below is based on the classification of 3 dikhotomis perspective that are both traditional and non traditional, seen from the classification level of experience Shipley soul and the classification of the level primacy. The discussion in this paper based on the work of literature as a reference book that can support my ideas or opinions about this topic. After in the analysis, there is use theme in The Winner Stands Alone novel. In working on this paper, the writer used research method such as library research.



Judul kertas karya ini adalah The Analysis of Theme used in Paulo Coelho’ Novel The Winner Stands Alone ini membahas tentang seorang lelaki paruh baya yang memutuskan untuk memenangkan cintanya kembali setelah dua tahun perpisahan mereka, ia ingin kembali pada mantan istrinya. Dia menyebut dirinya berada di sebuah 'misi cinta', sebuah misi yang membutuhkan pengorbanan-pembunuhan. Di dasari oleh latar belakang dari kemewahan dan glamor festival film yang paling terkenal di dunia, kemudian terjadi 'kekerasan yang luar biasa', yang berlangsung hanya di dalam waktu 24 jam, mengungkapkan kejahatan yang bersembunyi di setiap jiwa manusia dan penghilang mitos yang terkait dengan dunia selebriti. Penulis menyampaikan hasil pemikiran tentang tema yang tersirat di dalam novel The Winner Stands Alone. Tema di dalam novel ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam beberapa kategori yang akan dikemukakan berdasarkan tiga sudut pandang yaitu penggolongan dikhotomis yang bersifat tradisional dan non tradisional, penggolongan dilihat dari tingkat pengalaman jiwa menurut Shipley dan penggolongan dari tingkat keutamaannya. Pembahasan dalam kertas karya ini berpedoman pada beberapa buku sastra sebagai referensi yang dapat mendukung ide atau pendapat saya tentang topik ini. Setelah di analisis, terdapat penggunaan tema di dalam novel The Winner Stands Alone. Dalam mengerjakan tulisan ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian seperti penelitian perpustakaan.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God Allah SWT who has given me health and capability to finish this paper as my last assignment to finish my study at Diploma III English Study Program University of Sumatra Utara. And I present shalawat to Prophet Muhammad SAW as my good example in my life and I hope his blessing in the beyond.

I would to express a deep gratitude, love, appreciation, and thanks to :  My beloved parents Lukman Tambunanand Siti Aminah Sinaga SST

for their love and patience, supporting me morally, spiritually, and financially in completing this paper. Thanks for my family my old brothers Mhd. Imam Syahputra Tambunan Amd.and my young brothers Mhd. Anugerah Al-ghani Tambunan. My beloved aunty Santi Kayla Arfa Sinaga. The important person in my life.

Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A as the Head of Diploma III English Study Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

Drs.Siamir Marulafau M.Hum. as my supervisor. Thank you for the valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics in completing this paper.

Dr. Syahron Lubis M.A. as the Dean of Faculty culture Studies University Of Sumatera Utara.

 All lectures in Diploma III English Study Program for giving me advices and knowledge.


 All my friend in Faculty Of Culture Studies.

My best friends, Riska Meilia Siregar Amd. , Supini Amd. for their loyalty, love, and support. Thank you for being my true and my best friends who always care. And also Irnawati Tarihoran, Yuke Okto Edelina Simanjuntak, and Fadhilah Ulfah Simbolon Amd. Thanks for support.

Last but not least, my thank to all my friends in class A and B who I can not mention one by one here.

My lovely, Mhd. Fikri Alfan Syahputrawho always give your time for support me and always beside me when I‟m feeling happy and sad.

Finally , I do realize that paper, this paper still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions toward this paper.

Medan, July 2014 The writer,

Anggreni Fatimah Putri T RegNo :112202051





ABSTRACT………. iii

ABSTRAK……….. iv



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Th e Background of Study……….…….……….. 1

1.2 Th e Scope of Study……….………. 3

1.3 The Problem of Study……….………. 4

1.4 Th e Objective of Study………...………..………... 4

1.5 Th e Significance of Study……… 4

1.6 The Method of Study………..……….. 4


3. THE ANALYSIS ……… 13

4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1 Conclusion………..…….. 27

4.2 Suggestion………..…….. 29 REFERENCES


A. Biography of Paulo Coelho B. Summary of The Novel



The title of this paper is The Analysis of Theme used in Paulo Coelho’ Novel The Winner Stands Alone is about an old man decided to win his love again afer two years their separation, he wants to get her back. He calls himself to be on a „mission of love‟, a mission that requires sacrifices- murders. Set against the backdrop of glitz and glamour of the world‟s most famous film festival, what then ensues is a tale of „extraordinary violence‟, lasting just under 24 hours, revealing the evil which hides in each human soul and busting the myths associated with the world of celebrities. The author present the results of thingking about the theme implied in the novel The Winner Stands Alone. Theme in the novel The Winner Stands Alone can be classified into several different categoriez depending on the terms of which it is done. Categorization of themes that will be presented below is based on the classification of 3 dikhotomis perspective that are both traditional and non traditional, seen from the classification level of experience Shipley soul and the classification of the level primacy. The discussion in this paper based on the work of literature as a reference book that can support my ideas or opinions about this topic. After in the analysis, there is use theme in The Winner Stands Alone novel. In working on this paper, the writer used research method such as library research.



Judul kertas karya ini adalah The Analysis of Theme used in Paulo Coelho’ Novel The Winner Stands Alone ini membahas tentang seorang lelaki paruh baya yang memutuskan untuk memenangkan cintanya kembali setelah dua tahun perpisahan mereka, ia ingin kembali pada mantan istrinya. Dia menyebut dirinya berada di sebuah 'misi cinta', sebuah misi yang membutuhkan pengorbanan-pembunuhan. Di dasari oleh latar belakang dari kemewahan dan glamor festival film yang paling terkenal di dunia, kemudian terjadi 'kekerasan yang luar biasa', yang berlangsung hanya di dalam waktu 24 jam, mengungkapkan kejahatan yang bersembunyi di setiap jiwa manusia dan penghilang mitos yang terkait dengan dunia selebriti. Penulis menyampaikan hasil pemikiran tentang tema yang tersirat di dalam novel The Winner Stands Alone. Tema di dalam novel ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam beberapa kategori yang akan dikemukakan berdasarkan tiga sudut pandang yaitu penggolongan dikhotomis yang bersifat tradisional dan non tradisional, penggolongan dilihat dari tingkat pengalaman jiwa menurut Shipley dan penggolongan dari tingkat keutamaannya. Pembahasan dalam kertas karya ini berpedoman pada beberapa buku sastra sebagai referensi yang dapat mendukung ide atau pendapat saya tentang topik ini. Setelah di analisis, terdapat penggunaan tema di dalam novel The Winner Stands Alone. Dalam mengerjakan tulisan ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian seperti penelitian perpustakaan.



1.1The Background of Study

Literature is creative expression of human imagination or wishes that it is almost impossible to create an exact definition of it. Wellek& Warren (1971:3) say that literature is the mirror of human life that portrays „human feeling, thought, imagination and perception which can be viewed based on personal judgment.

Literature can be divided into three genres, such as prose fiction, poetry and drama. In the sense of literary, prose also called fiction, narrative text, or narrative discourse. Fiction is a narrative work that tells something that is imaginary, something that does not exist and happen in the real world. As a work of imaginary, fiction directs various problems of man and humanity, life and living. Fiction tells the various problems of human life in the interactions with the environment and others. Fiction is the result of dialogue, contemplation, and reactions to the environment and the life of the author.

Novel is fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech and thoughts of the characters. Novel, nearly always an extended fictional prose narrative, although some novel are very short, some are non fictional, some have been written in verse and some not even tell a story, novel is fictitious kind of writing.

Novel is a world specially made in words by an author. A novel exists in the way it does because an author has chosen to put it together in that particularly


way. This means that novels are not real in life. Like all works of art poems, plays, pots or pieces of music – they have been constructed or crafted.

In this paper the writer just explains one of five elements, just focuses on theme. Stanton (1965: 20) and Kenny (1966: 88) say that the meaning contained by a story. But there are many meanings conceived and offered by the story (the novel), then the problem is a special meaning which can be expressed as the theme.

Hartoko and Rahmanto (1986: 142) say that the theme is the ideas of common bases that sustains a work of literature and are contained in the text semantic structure regarding commonality or differences.” Themes distilled from the motifs contained in the relevant work that determines the presence of events.

Theme is the main idea that the writer expresses. Theme can also be defined as the underlying meaning of the story. Theme is another prime element of literature, which contains the central idea of all literary forms such as a novel, drama and short story. It reflects innocence, experience, live, death, reality, fate, madness, sanity, love, society, individual, etc.

Nurgiyantoro, (1965: 70) says that theme is a meaning of story which especially explains a big part of its elements in the simple way. It is more or less synonymous the central idea and central purpose.

Themes can be classified into several different categories depending on the terms of which it is done. Categorization of themes that will be presented below is based on the classification of 3 dikhotomis perspective that is both traditional theme and non traditional theme, seen from the classification level of experience shipley soul are Themes Physical Level, Theme Organic Level, Theme Social Level, Theme


Egoic Level, and Theme Divine Level, and the classification of the level of primacy are Main Theme or Major Theme and Additional Themes or Minor Theme.

In this paper, the writer is interested to described themes and the types of themes a novel which entitled The Winner Stands Alone. The Winner Stands Alone is a book which fills the reader with impending darkness. The portrayal of the world of glamour, largely realistic, is very depressing. It is depicted as an arena in which under the glimmer of stars, what exists is deep darkness, an abyss of depression from which no return is possible. Gabriela, an aspiring and aging actress, and Jasmine, a young and wise model are the characters who are used to convey this aspect of the story, though in a very repetitive fashion. The author uses these 5 characters to narrate a story of people chasing their dreams.

The writer is interested in analyzing the theme used in the novel because it can show the main idea that the writer expresses in the novel. The story is about an old man decided to win his love again afer two years their separation, he wants to get her back. He calls himself to be on a „mission of love‟, a mission that requires sacrifices- murders. Set against the backdrop of glitz and glamour of the world‟s most famous film festival, what then ensues is a tale of „extraordinary violence‟, lasting just under 24 hours, revealing the evil which hides in each human soul and busting the myths associated with the world of celebrities.

1.2 The Scope of Study

There are so many aspects in this novel that can be described, but the writer becomes more interested in describing the theme in the novel. So, the


scope of study is limited only describing the theme is pictured based on The Winner Stands AloneNovel.

1.3 The Problem of Study

How is theme written by Paulo Coelho in the novel The Winner Stands Alone?

1.4 The Objective of Study

The purpose of writing this paper is to find out the theme of the novel The Winner Stands Alone.

1.5 The Significance of Study

The Significance of Study is divide into two sections, they are:

a) Theoretical Significance, the study can be used to enrich the literary study especially in theme.

b) Practical Significance, the reader will understand about theme in a novel and the reader will know the story in the The Winner Stands Alone novel. 1.6The Method of Study

The writer uses qualitative description method in doing in this paper. The primary of data sources is The Winner Stands Alone novel and the secondary of data sources are books and internet. The data in the words, texts and quotations form. The writer reads and notes that data then selects to be interpreted. Having understood the story of the novel, the writer can analyze the theme of the novel and can make the conclusion.



Method of Study’s Chart

The Writer Source of Data

- Novel “The Winner

Stands Alone”

- Books - Internet

The data in words, texts, and quotations.

Read and note to selection then interprete and analyze the data



Jacobs (1993:1-3) says that literature provides the comparative that basic from which we can see worthiness in the aims of all people, and it helps us to see the beauty of the world around us. It is a kind of art which need a creative writing. It is a writing that can describe the real feeling which related to human interest, characterized, full of imaginations, and artistic. Literature in the sense drama, poems, and novel has something different. The writer of this paper is sure that literature is an investment of genius which pays dividends to all subsequent times.

Shaw (1977:162) says that literature is the writing in which expression and form, in connection with ideas and concern of universal and apparently permanent interest are essential features. Literature is frequently, but unwisely applied to any kind of printed material such as circulars, leaflets, and handbills. The term is correctly reserved for prose and verse of acknowledge excellence.

Eagleton (1988:4) says that literature is a delicate piece of writing is the work of the recorded from of language. Daily in the variety of ways with the language compressed, at in the right, lapped, trimmed and reversed in length, uses as odd.

Taylor (1981:1) says that it is explained that the literature of social institutions use language as a medium. Language itself is a social creation. Literature presents a picture of life, and life itself is a social reality.


language as a medium and has a positive effect on human life (humanity). There have been various attempts to define literature. You can define it, for example as “imaginative” writing in the sense of fiction. Writing which is not really true. But even the briefest refection on what people commonly include under the heading of literature suggests that this will do. Literature as imaginative writing is reflected from people thought, that is not really true.

Fannanie (2000:6) says that literature is a fiction that are created based on emotion spontaneously capable of expressing the ability aspects of beauty are both based aspects of language and aspects of meaning. This human capable of presenting creative ideas and life experiences with literary art from.The form of literary content of thoughts, feelings, experiences, beliefs and spirits of others.

William (1934) says that writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest. Literature is writings in which expression and form in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. Literature in the sense drama, poems, and novel has something different. Literature is human creation in the form of oral and written language that can make you feel good.

Literature formed which has two elements, they are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic elements are included in the content of literary works. And extrinsic elements are elements that originate from outside of literature.

Sumardjo (1998: 29) says that novel is a story with the prose form in long shape, this long shape means the story including the complex plot, many character


and various setting. A novel is a totality, a comprehensiveness that is artistic. As a totality, the novel has passages elements, most related to one another in close and mutually dependent. The elements of a novel-builder that collectively form a totality that-in addition to the formal elements of language, there are many more kinds. The division of the element in question is the intrinsic and extrinsic elements.

Abrams, (1981: 119) says that novel is the name of a literary kind and there is a story to tell about how over the centuries, its substance has widened and its conventions changed. In an excited moment, we can call the novel „independent, elastic prodigious, and its story is as untidy as some of its masterpieces. If Abrams had ever read any novels, he would have needed a far wider canvas than he allowed to tragedy in that surviving fragment of analysis known as the poetics. Novella literally means 'a small new item' and then interpreted as 'a short story in the form of prose'.

Novels and short stories are two forms of literature that once called fiction. Differences between the novel and short stories are a formality in terms of shape, in terms of story length. A long story, let's say hundreds of pages, clearly can no tbe called as a short story, but more appropriately called a novel. Because of its length, the novel can not inherit the solid unity that belongs to the short story. The novel is also not able to make the subject stand out like a microcosmic principle of short stories. Instead the novel is able to present the development of one character, a complicated social situation, relationships that involve many or few


novel is able to create a complete universe at once complicated. This means that the novel is both easy and more difficult to read when compared with the short story. It is said more easily because the novel is not burdened with the responsibility to deliver something quickly or with solid form and said to be more difficult because the novel was written in large scale units that contain a larger organization rather than short stories.

The novel is educating us because novels can inform on some surprising subjects. Like other kinds of story, a novel is a way of learning about how things were cognitive instrument and those who distrust stories as evidence should consider how often in conversation we use them to make points or answer questions. For one thing, a novel is too untidy an object, often, to be seen as regulated in its entirety and the patterns offered can be improvisation the figure in the carpet is not itself the carpet, or anything like it. A novel is a fund of knowledge as well as a literary form and any pure and exclusive formalism whether structuralize or other, flies in the face of much of the ordinary experience of reading fiction. Novel can freely express something, to present something more detailed, and more involving many complex problems. This includes various the story elements that build the novel.

Novel is one of many possible prose narrative forms. Richard Gill (1985:78) says that in the writing, there is a recognition that a novel is something specially made by an author so that a reader will respond to it in a particular way. The good candidate has recognized three things about a novel: the events of the novel, the author who has created them, and the reader for whom the novel is


written. In any good writing about a novel, these three things should be mentioned. They are, however not separable. For instance, the events of a novel are only there because the author has put them there, and they are only recognized as events when read by a reader.The author, of course is the most important element; the events of the novel and the reactions of the reader depend upon what he or she chooses to do. Because without an author there could be no book at all, but there is also a much more important reason: a novel is a world specially made in words by an author.

A novel‟s theme is the main idea that the writer expresses. Theme can also be defined as the action of the characters do. Rarely can a novel‟s theme be interpreted in only one way. Because of the length of novels and the various characters, conflicts and scene found within them, readers can look at different aspect of the work to uncover different interpretations of the meaning of the tale.

Throughout the history of the novels, a major theme has been whether people can change their situations in life or whether they are in the grips of forces beyond their control. A common theme in novels is the conflict between appearance and reality, the search for personal identity. The other common themes in novels include how act and life are reflected in one another, the meaning of the religion, and whether technology helps people or whether it is a harmful aspect of society. However, themes are the “keys” to understanding the novel.


of literature, which contains the central idea of all literary forms such as a novel, drama and short story. It reflects innocence, experience, live, death, reality, fate, madness, sanity, love, society, individual, etc.

Nurgiyantoro, (1965: 70) says that theme is a meaning of story which especially explains a big part of its elements in the simple way. It is more or less synonymous the central idea and central purpose.

Hamalian (1976: 23) says that the expanding of story does not always parallel with the framework because the idea will often develop suitable with the author‟s will. But when he thinks that the idea has become so usual in life and bored, he develops it out of the basic framework and makes his story more interesting to be enjoyed and implemented his readers.

Theme is also a general basic idea that supports a literature, and it implies in the text as semantic structure and connects with the similarities and differences. Themes become basic development of the whole story, so it must represent the whole part of novel.

Theme is one of the fundamental components of fiction. Theme means what the novel can be summed up as saying. Another way of putting it would be to talk of the „ideas‟ of the book. The message may be about life, society or human nature. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and are almost implied rather than stated explicitly.

To determine the main meaning in a novel, we should know the definition of theme itself. Therefore, the theme is the basic common idea that support of


literary work that is contained in the text as a semantic structure and related equations similarities or differences.

Hartoko and Rahmanto, (1986: 142) say that the theme is the ideas of common bases that sustain a work of literature and are contained in the text semantic structure regarding commonality or differences. Themes distilled from the motifs contained in the relevant work that determines the presence of events, conflicts and situations. The theme became the basis of development of the whole story, so he is animating the whole story. A common theme has a generalization, wider, and abstract. Principal themes as the meaning of a work of fiction is not deliberately hidden because precisely this that is offered to the reader.



One of the fiction prose is novel. The word comes from the Italian, Novella, which means the new staff that small. The novel developed in England and America. The novel was originally developed in the region from other forms of narrative nonfiction, such as letters, biographies, and history. But with a shift in society and development time, the novel is not only based on data nonfiction, author of novel can change according to the desired imagination.

Foster (1979) says, “A novel is away learning about how things were or are cognitive instrument, and those whose destructed storied as evidence should consider how often in conservation we use them to make points or answer question. It means that we can learn about how things were or are cognitive instrument from a novel”.

Novels have young people; most of them are the young people who feel them to be most at odd with conventional standards. You will have made considerable progress in understanding the particular novel you are reading. Novel has more of humanity. By reading a novel, we are made acquainted with the motivations, imbibes our notion of virtue and vice from practical examples knowledge of the world. The novelist makes an imitation of life that represents human being, makes certain conclusions about it which are expressed in that novelist creates and the situations which are placed.


which means “a story or piece of news. Some novels have moral lesson as the message of the novels that tell about the update reality in our society. Nowadays, novels do not only tell about the youth relationship but also the moral crisis, education, religion, and other social life. Simply saying that novel is also an instrument how to teach morality to its readers. It is also literary genre that has a main form of prose, with a length of more or less able to fill out one or two small volumes, which depict real life in a fairly complex. The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition of the novel.

Yonathan Culler (1977:59) says, “theme is something which becomes the authors thought. It explains about view of life or the author‟s image, and how they consider the case.” Theme should be universal; it means that the readers understand well. The relation of the story is obviously in message and theme.

Hartoko and Rahmanto (1984:149) say that theme is a general basic idea that supports a literature, and it‟s implied in the text as a semantic structure and connects with similarities and differences. According to the statement above that theme becomes a basic development of the whole story. Therefore, the readers should conclude the whole story to find out a literary work.

In the other words, theme is the main idea or the main point in a story. A theme must represent the whole part of the story, because theme is a basicdevelopment of a whole story. Actually it is not easy to find out the theme in a novel. The reader has to read the novel and understand what the story tells


Stanton (2007:7) says that theme gives a strong explained about the unity of what is happening in the story, and tell about the story of life in a common context. The purpose of theme is to give a shape and effect in our mind, so make the story easy to remember. A good theme has to represent the entire story in the novel. Sometimes the theme shapes in to the fact that comes from the human experience. It is explored by the story and then gives impression for each of event in life. Stanton (1965:21) says that a theme is meaning of a story, but it is sometimes “hidden” and not early illustrated. We can mean the necessary implications of the whole story, not just a part of the story.

Kenney (1966:89) says that a theme is idea, an author‟s view of life which is the background of the literary work. A theme filtered from motives that are in the works in question that determines the presence of the events, conflicts, and situations.

The theme of the novel is more than its subject matter, because an author‟s technique can play as strong a rule in developing a theme as the action of the characters do. Sometimes because of the length of novels and the various characters, conflicts, and scenes, found within them, reader can look at different aspects of the work to uncover different interpretations of the meaning of the tale.

Theme is many ways is “binding” the presence or absence of certain events of the conflict situations, because these things must be supportive of clarity theme to be conveyed. Themes became the basis of the development of the whole story, so he is animating the whole part of the story. It also may mean the meaning which contained by a story. A common theme a novel is the conflict between


appearance and reality, the search for personal identity. And the other common themes in novels include how act and life are reflected in one another, the meaning of the religion, and whether technology helps people or whether it is a harmful aspect of society.

Way (2003) says that word or sentence contains idea. As what is stated in the following: “Although a single word may name an idea, it does not operate as an idea until it is put into a sentence or assertion. In the other words, an idea needs a subject and predicate before we can use it as a basis of understanding. It is important to recognize than an assertion of an idea is not the same as an ordinary sentence.”

Stanford (2003) says that emphasized the all stories should have theme as he said : “All stories have a theme or purpose, no matter how deviously the authors stated their purpose, but such a procedure has become old-fashioned, no self-respecting writer at present will do more than imply this theme. He suggests it through theme is kind of composite statement which requires our comprehensive of numerous other elements.” To show the theme, the writer may tell by the other elements parts of the novel. It could be more interesting to concluding theme if we recognize it. The theme of the novel is more than its subject matter, because a writer‟s technique can play as strong a rule in developing a theme as the action. Sometimes because of the length of novels and various scenes, found within them,reader can look at different aspects of the work to uncover different interpretation the meaning of the tale.


Theme is the abstract subject of a work, its central idea or ideas, which may or may not be explicit or obvious. Theme is something on which to base the story. Theme is always associated with a variety of life experiences, such as issues of love, longing, fear, death, religious, and soon. In certain cases, often the theme can be synonymous with the story‟s main idea or purpose. It is a theme which has a broad idea, message, or lesson conveyed by work. The message is usually about life, society, or human nature.

The theme of a piece of fiction is its view about life and how people behave. In fiction, the theme is not intended to teach or preach. In fact, it is not presented directly at all. In other words, you must figure out the theme yourself. The writer‟s task is to communicate on a common ground with the reader.

Theme as the develop part in novel, must be related with the other elements to build a good story. As a necessary part in a novel, it is important to know clearly what the theme is. Because it just have a little bit different with an ordinary sentence. It refers to result of general and abstract thinking of writing. Story of each novel must have a purpose. It should make the reader think. Most stories have theme, something we might call “the message” or “the moral” of the story. Simply, theme is the meaning of story. Theme is the idea of a literary work abstracted from its details of language, character, action, and cast in the form of a generalization. But in literary study the consideration of themes relates to meaning, explanation, and significance.

The novel The Winner Stands Alone, the writer of this paper can see that it is a good novel to be read because the contents of this novel tells the story of the


important of paying a price for your dreams. This is a book which fills the reader with impending darkness. The portrayal of the world of glamour, largely realistic, is very depressing. It is depicted as an arena in which under the glimmer of stars, what exists is deep darkness, an abyss of depression from which no return is possible. One of the recurrent themes in this novel is the importance of paying a price for your dreams. But to what extent can our dreams be manipulated. For the past few decades, we have lived in a culture that privileged fame, money, power and most people were led to believe that these were the real values that they were to pursue. What we do not know is that, behind the scenes, the real manipulators remain anonymous. They understand that the most effective power is the one that nobody can notice until it is too late, and you are trapped. The Winner Stands Alone is about trap. Igor, a Russian millionaire, who believes that he can kill if he has a good reason for it such as avoiding human suffering, or bringing back the attention of the woman he loves. He was a mirror for all the evil thoughts we allow and justify within ourselves. Igor displays traits of many serial killers. He quantifies his actions, however absurd and morose, in his head by thinking he is committing them for love. For him, there need not be another reason. How slowly his psyche unfolds from a billionaire on a mission to get his wife back, into a serial killer is captivating.

Themes can be classified into several different categories depending on the terms of which it is done. Categorization of themes that will be presented below is based on the classification of 9 dichotomies perspective that are both traditional


Shipley soul are Theme Physical Level, Theme Organic Level, Theme Social Level, Theme Egoist Level, and Theme Divine Level, and the classification of the level of primacy are Main Theme and Additional Themes such as Major Theme and Minor Theme.

1) Traditional Theme

Traditional theme is intended as a theme that points to the only theme that‟s it, in the sense that he has long been used and can be found in a variety of stories, including the story longer. Theme statements that can be viewed as the traditional nature for example:

(1) Truth and justice defeating evil

(2) Although crime is covered up will be uncovered as well

(3) Acts of righteousness or wickedness of each will reap the results (4) True love requires sacrifice

(5) True friend is a friend in times of grief (6) After suffering, the god afterthought

(7) The proverbial rhyme-raft upriver rafting, swimming to shore. Although many variations of the theme traditional said always had something to do with issues of truth and evil.

In general, Traditional Theme is a theme that favored those with social status whatever, wherever, and whenever. It is because basically everyone will love righteousness and hate everything to the contrary, it may even include people who do not actually quite good though.


“The truth is I didn‟t lose anything. Life sometimes separates people so that they can realize how much they mean to each other. For example, last night, I saw my wife with another man. I know she wants to come back to me, that she still loves me, but she‟s not brave enough to take the first step. Some boiled frogs still think it‟s obedience that counts, not ability: those who can, lead, and those with any sense, obey. So where‟s the truth in all this? It‟s better to emerge from a situations slightly scalded, but alive and ready to act. And I think you can help me in that task." (Paulo Coelho, 2010 : p.16)

2) Non Traditional Theme

Nontraditional theme is such a theme it might not be in accordance with the expectations of the reader is against the current, shocking, perhaps even frustrating, disappointing, or a variety of other affective reactions. Dealing with fiction in general, people expect a good, honest, all the characters are having sex or are classified as an antagonist, although at first experienced the glory, finally defeated or obtain “rewarded” accordingly. If the opposite happens both defeated,the reader may be if only affection. In fact, the reality is likely to happen and it seems quite a lot, such as big time corruptors but survived, abuse of power to oppress the little people, the small displacement is as good as the people themselves. Perpetrators or instigators of the “arbitrariness” are still rich, while ordinary people are also still a group who “defeated”. And there is rarely a hero or a situation that helps “victory”. Entertaining works of fiction it does seem to want to serve as an escape for a moment to forget the bitterness of life experienced or to imagine the achievement of something desired that never achieved in real life. “It all began, they say, with an unknown nineteen-year-old posing a bikini for photographers who had nothing better to do during the 1953 Cannes Festival. She immediately shot to stardom, and her name became legendary: Brigitte Bardot. And now others think they can do the same.


It means that‟s why women with long legs and dyed hair, the bottle blondes of this world, travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to be in Cannes, even if only to spend the whole day on the beach, hoping to be seen, photographed, discovered. They want to escape from the trap that awaits all women: becoming a housewife, who make supper for her husband every evening, takes the children to school every day, and tries to dig up some dirt on her neighbors‟ monotonous lives so as to have something to gossip about with her friends. What thesewomanwant is fame, glory, and glamour, to be the envy of the other people who live in their town and of the boys and girls who always thought of them as ugly ducklings, unaware that they would one day grow up to be a swan or blossom into a flower coveted by everyone. They want a career in the world of dreams even if they have to borrow money to get silicone breast implants or to buy some newer, sexier outfits. Drama school? Forget it, good looks and the right contracts are all you need. The cinema can work miracles, always assuming, of course, you can ever break into the world.

Anything to escape from the prison of the provincial city and the long, dreary repetitive days. There are millions of people who do not mind that kind of life, and they should be left to live their lives as they see fit. However, if you come to the Festival you must leave fear at home and be prepared for anything: making spur-of-the-moment decisions, telling lies if necessary, pretending to be younger than you are, smiling at people you loathe, feigning an interest in people who bore you, saying “I love you” without a thought for the consequences, or stabbing in the back the friend who once helped you out, but who has now


become an undesirable rival. Don‟t let feelings of remorse or shame get in your way. The reward is worth any amount of sacrifice. All of you need are fame, glory, and glamour.

3) Theme Physical Level

Theme Physical Level is theme of man as a psychiatric molecule level, man as molecule. Literary theme at this level suggests more or indicated by the number of physical activity rather than mental. He emphasizes physical mobility rather than psychological conflict of the characters in question. Background elements in the novel by highlighting the theme of this level be emphasized. “Igor has walked past the scene of the crime several times now. At one point, he realized that his comings and goings might arouse suspicion and so decided to remain a prudent two hundred yards from the scene, leaning on the balustrade that looked out over the beach. He‟s wearing dark glasses, but there‟s nothing suspicious about that, not only because it‟s a sunny day, but because in a celebrity town like Cannes, dark glasses are synonymous with status. He‟s surprised to see that it‟s almost midday, and yet no one has realized that there‟s a person lying dead on the main street of a city which, at this time of year, is the focus of the world‟s attention.” (Paulo Coelho, 2010: p.34)

Within this theme suggest more actors or indicated by the amount of physical activity rather than mental. He emphasizes physical mobility rather than psychological conflict of the characters in question. Background elements in this novel is in France in Cannes Film Festival.

4) Theme Organic Level

Theme Organic Level is a theme that concerns or discuss issues that activity can only be made by living things are deviant as a fraud and spousal betrayal or other scandals. It‟s just that in this novel there are several stories about


he has a good reason for it such as avoiding human suffering, or bringing back the attention of the woman he loves.

“I left it all behind,” Ewa said on one of the tapes. “And I don‟t regret it one bit. I would have done the same even if Hamid against my wishes- hadn‟t bought that beautiful estate in Spain and put in my name. I would have made the same decision if Igor, my ex-husband, had offered me half his fortune. I would have taken the same decision because I know that I need to live without fear. If one of the most desirable men in the word wants to be by my side, then I‟m obviously a better person than I thought.” (Paulo Coelho, 2010: p.203)

5) Theme Social Level

Theme social level is about people who are full of dreams and who are going it in an entirely wrong way. However materialistic their goals may seem, they are motivated by something that transcend the material world. I want readers to know that the people they imagine to be all powerful superstars are, in fact, mere cogs in a machine manipulated by the few.

This theme of man an individual, which is means man as individualism. Besides, as social beings humans as well as individual creatures borne in “demanding” recognition of the right of individuality. In his capacity as individual beings, humans also have a lot of problems and conflicts, for example in the form of human reaction to social problems that it faces.

“Look at the Superclass around us. They think they‟re so important, so socially aware, because they‟re willing to pay a fortune for some useless item at a charity auction or to attend a supper organized to raise funds to help the homeless in Rwanda or to save the pandas in China. Pandas and the homeless are all one to them. They feel special, superior to the average person, because they‟re doing something useful. Have they ever fought in a war? No. They create wars, but they don‟t fight in them. If the war turns out well, they get all the credit. If not, others get the blame. They‟re in love with themselves.” (Paulo Coelho, 2010: p.95)


Human as social beings is socials man. Social life, which is where the action-environment interactions with fellow human nature, it contains a lot of problems, conflicts that became the object of the search topic. The social problems which include economic issues, politics, education, culture, struggle, love, propaganda, and the superior-subordinate relationship problems and other social relationship that usually appears in the works contain social criticism. 6) Theme Egoist Level

This novel themed selfish because its tells egoists problem, dignity, self-esteem, or the nature and particular attitude in solving problems life wisely. This theme of man as a creature of high level, which is not necessarily for human experience or achieve.

“The Superclass tries to promote its values. Ordinary people complain of divine injustice, they envy power, and it pains them to see others having fun. They don‟t understand that no one is having fun, that everyone is worried and insecure, and that what the jewels, cars, and fat wallets conceal is a huge inferiority complex.” (Paulo Coelho, 2010 : p.243)

Individuality, among other issues form of egoist‟s problems dignity self -esteem or certain other human nature, which is more generally perceived by the inner and concerned. Individuality usually indicates a problem of identity, self image or figure of a person‟s personality.

Finally it must be stressed that in a work of fiction may be found in more than one theme of the fifth level of the theme. In fact, it‟s rare to find a novel that specifically contains only one level of particular theme, without offending the other tiers theme. However, to determine which are the most dominant theme


7) Theme Divine Level

Theme divine level is a theme that contained meaning which always remember to god. Problems that stand in the theme of this level is a matter of man‟s relationship with the creator, the problem religiosity, or a variety of other problems such philosophical outlook on life, vision and beliefs.

“God thought of everything,” he went on. “We are together because he decided we should be. You may not fully appreciate your importance in my life, but without you, I would never have got where I am today. He placed us side by side and lent me his power to defend you whenever necessary. He taught me that everything is part of a plan, and I must respect that plan down to the last detail. If hadn‟t done so, I would either be dead in Kabul or living in poverty in Moscow.” (Paulo Coelho, 2010: p.94)

Although the difficult circumstances they remain always remember to god. In essence, the theme is the meaning contained short story or meaning of the story.

Meaning in a work of fiction story novel, it may be more than one or rather more than one interpretation. This is why we are not easy to determine the main theme of the story. Determine the main theme of a story is essentially the activity of selecting, consider and assess, among a number of interpreted meaning there contained by the work in question. Basic meaning of the story is implicit in large part to not say a whole the story. Meaning which is only found in certain parts of the story that can be identified as part of meaning extra.

It refers that the theme is a major issue to mind of the writer, in which imagined view of life and the ideals of the writer. Based on these opinions can be concluded that the theme is the topic a story within the most conflict. At the same time one should not look at a literary work in too architectural a sense, other


factors emotional impact for example need to be taken into account. It has been suggested that too much attention has been given in the novel to presenting a picture of station life and other matters not strictly related to the main theme and that the central novel.

The theme serves as a basis for the selection of material in the novel. The theme is particular in so far as it is concerned with the main character and his or her specific problems, but it may also have a general or universal aspect.

A novel‟s theme is the main idea that the writer expresses. Theme can also be defined as the actions of the characters do. Rarely can a novel‟s theme be interpreted on only one way. Because of the length of novels and the various characters, conflicts, and scenes found within them. Readers can look at different aspect of the world to uncover different interpretations the meaning of the tale.

Throughout the history of the novel, a major theme has been weather people can change their situations in life or whether they are in the grips of forces beyond their control.

An additional themes meaning is what can be termed as Minor Theme. Thus, the extent of the minor themes depending on the extent of additional meaning that can be interpreted from a novel. Interpretation of the meaning it had to be limited to the meanings that stood out, besides it has concrete evidence contained in the work that can be used as the basis to account. That is appointment or interpretation of a particular meaning in a work was not done just nonsense.


the story is to summarize the principal special significance, additional meanings contained in the work. Or conversely, additional meanings that is supportive or reflects the primary meaning of the whole story.

Theme in a story is understood as meaning a story that tie up all the story elements into a coherent whole unity. Various elements such as plot, characters, setting, and so on related synergistically support the existence of the theme. If we are questioned about the theme will indirectly implied moral story, the message. Moral in the novel is meant as a suggestion to the audience the captures a view of the playwright through the staged novel.

Moral aspects of the theme in the story sometimes overlap, in the sense of the statement themes presented in the story is also a moral message and vice versa. It is considered unusual as both are the meaning of a story.

Setting is a place, time, and social circumtances into a container where the characters do and is an event. Setting character limit to follow a predetermined conflict. Background will influence the behaviour and way of thingking leaders and because of that background will affect theme.

Setting as well as possible in accordance with the theme of that story in the novel can be digested well by the readers. In this novel the author tells the background of the place is in France, Cannes Film Festival. Set against the backdrop of glitz and glamour of the world‟s most famous film festival, what then ensues is a tale of “extraordinary violence”, lasting just under 24 hours, revealing the evil which hides in each human soul and busting the myths associated with the world of celebrities.



Having analyzed the themeof the novel The Winner Stands Aloneit can be conclude that to understand of the principal theme is the mind, the basic idea or meaning of the story is contained implicity in a work of fiction or novel that has a relationship with elements of the stories. The theme can be classified into three perspectives, namely dichotomous classification that are both traditional and non traditional. Seen from the classification level of experience Shipley soul are Theme Physical Level, Theme Organic Level, Theme Social Level, Theme Egoic Level, and Theme Divine Level.

1) Traditional theme is a theme that favored those with social status whatever, wherever, and whenever. The traditional theme of the story is he realize that he didn‟t lose anything. He thought that life sometimes separates people so that they can realize how much they mean to each other.

2) Non traditional theme is such a theme it might not be in accordance with the expectations of the reader is against the current, shocking, perhaps even frustrating, disappointing, or a variety of other affective reactions. The non traditional theme of the story is what these woman want is fame, glory, and glamour, to be the envy of the other people who live in their town.

3) Theme Physical Level is theme of man as a psychiatric molecule level, man as molecule. Theme physical level of the story is Igor has walked past the


scene of the crime several times now. At one point, he realized that his comings and goings might arouse suspicion.

4) Theme Organic Level is a theme that concerns or discuss issues that activity can only be made by living things are deviant as a fraud and spousal betrayal or other scandals. Theme organic level of the story is Ewa said that she left memory about Igor all behind and she doesn‟t regret it one bit because she needs to live without fear.

5) Theme Social Level is about people who are full of dreams and who are going it in an entirely wrong way. Theme social level of the story is the superclass think they‟re so important, so socially aware, because they‟re willing to pay a fortune for some useless itemat a charity auction or to attend a supper organized to raise funds to help the homeless in Rwanda or to save the pandas in China.

6) Theme Egoist Level is tells about egoists problem, dignity, self-esteem, or the nature and particular attitude in solving problems life wisely. Theme egoist level of the story is the superclass tries to promote its values. Ordinary people complain of divine injustice, they envy power, and it pains them to see others having fun.

7) Theme divine level is a theme that contained meaning which always remember to god. Theme divine level of the story is he is thought that God thought of everything. God taught him that everything is part of a plan, and he must respect that plan down to the last detail.



After completing this paper there are somethings would like to suggest. First, the author would like to recommend the readers to understand what is the literature and a description of the parts of the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of a good novel with a particularly type of theme. The reader should know the theme of the discussion according to the type and meaning. Second, the authors would like to advise the reader to do further research to describe and get more information about the relationship. Third, the author has some advice for all those who are interested in reading and writing, especially the readers, writers, and students to learn about other aspects of literature not just a theme, such as character, plot, and others. It is recomended for students to describe other aspects of the novel.

This paper is far from being perfect, so the writer needs constructive suggestions from readers in order to make this paper perfect. The writer also asks the readers to forgive if there are any mistakes in this paper.



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APPENDICES A. Biography of Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho was born on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He attended Jesuit schools and was raised by devout Catholic parents. He determined early on that he wanted to be a writer but was discouraged by his parents, who saw no future in that profession in Brazil. Coelho's rebellious adolescence spurred his parents to commit him to a mental asylum three times, starting when he was seventeen.

Paulo Coelho is the author of many international best sellers. Aleph is one of bestselling of him. Around 1986, Coelho found himself once more on a state of lacking faith, thus set a journey like he previously did.Coelho said that Aleph is one of his most personal novels to date. The story finds Paulo, which is how Coelho refers to himself in writing, struggling with a serious crisis of faith. It is


the fourteenth major book by him, and touch on the theme of spirituality. It published in 2010 andwas written first in Portuguese language and translated into English by Margaret D. Costa.It has sold its rights to more than 40 languages.

All of Paulo Coelho‟ books have sold more than 130 million copies in 160 countries and have been translated into 72 languagesbestseller lists throughout the world, and scored him such celebrity fans as Julia Roberts, Bill Clinton, and Madonna.

As a youth, Coelho was expected to follow in the footsteps of his father, a professional engineer. When he rebelled, expressing his intentions to become a writer, his parents had him committed to a psychiatric hospital where he was subjected to electro-shock therapy. He left home to join the 1970s countercultural revolution, experimenting with drugs, dabbling in black magic, and getting involved in Brazil's bohemian art and music scene. He teamed with rock musician Raul Seixas for an extremely successful songwriting partnership that changed the face of Brazilian pop and put a lot of money in Coelho's pockets. He also joined an anti-capitalist organization called the Alternative Society which attracted the attention of Brazil's military dictatorship. Marked down as a subversive, he was imprisoned and tortured.

Amazingly, Coelho survived these horrific experiences. He left the hippie lifestyle behind, went to work in the record industry, and began to write, but without much success. Then, in the mid-1980s, during a trip to Europe, he met a man, an unnamed mentor he refers to only as "J," who inducted him into Regnum


mysticism. At J's urging, Coelho journeyed across el Camino de Santiago, the legendary Spanish road traversed by pilgrims since the Middle Ages. He chronicled this lifethe culmination of decades of soul-searching.

In total, Coelho has sold more than 150 million books in over 150 countries worldwide (224 territories), and his works have been translated into 80 languages. He got many In the 2009 edition of the Guiness Book of World Records, Coelho was named the most translated living author. He is the recipient of numerous prestigious international awards, amongst them the Crystal Award by the World Economic Forum and France's Légiond'honneur.

B. Summary of The Novel

The book loosely tells the story of several individuals: Igor, a Russian millionaire; Hamid, a Middle Eastern fashion magnate; American actress Gabriela, eager to land a leading role; ambitious criminal detective Savoy, hoping to resolve the case of his life; and Jasmine, a woman on the brink of a successful modeling career.

Igor Malevis the central character and the very subject of this book. He‟s handsome, rich, and effortlessly personable - but she left him for a successful fashion designer, a sting he's never recovered from. Igor Malev has one thing on his mind - his ex-wife Ewa.

Ewa, who was once the motivation and the very reason for his existence is now married to a couturier, Hamid Hussein- a man as successful as Igor, but a powerful contradiction in character to him. Igor never recovers from the loss of


himself to be on a „mission of love‟, a mission that requires sacrifices- murders. Set against the backdrop of glitz and glamour of the world‟s most famous film festival, what then ensues is a tale of „extraordinary violence‟ (as the book cover puts it), lasting just under 24 hours, revealing the evil which hides in each human soul and busting the myths associated with the world of celebrities.

So he travels to the glamorous Cannes International Film Festival where they'll be appearing, intent on winning back her love. But Igor is a man of rare intensity and cold intelligence - and this is to be no ordinary reconciliation. For Igor made a promise to destroy whole worlds to get to his beloved. Now, the conflict between an individual evil force and society emerges as the novel unfolds, and as morality is derailed.

The sole purpose of Igor is to win back his wife Ewa. He visits Cannes Film Festival with the same intention, being an extremely successful Russian telecom giant, he has no problems getting in. Ewa, the only person he loves and wants, is now married to a fashion mogul, Hamid Hussein.

Hamid himself is almost as successful as him but the contradiction in their characters is very apparent. Igor is still grieving being separated with Ewa, and after two years of separation finally decides to win her back. He convinces himself that his actions are justifiable. His actionsand his mission requiring sacrifices.Murders. The Cannes Film Festival as the backdrop, Paulo Coelho attempts to bust a lot of myths of celebrity lifestyle, its shallowness and superficiality. The story is also about a man who acts and pursues the dark side of


The Winner Stands Alone is a book which fills the reader with impending darkness. The portrayal of the world of glamour, largely realistic, is very depressing. It is depicted as an arena in which under the glimmer of stars, what exists is deep darkness, an abyss of depression from which no return is possible. Gabriela, an aspiring and aging actress, and Jasmine, a young and wise model are the characters who are used to convey this aspect of the story, though in a very repetitive fashion. The author uses these 5 characters to narrate a story of people chasing their dreams. The development of the characters in my opinion is rather lackluster except Igor.

The best character in the book was just the character Igor Malev. He is the character, some would hate a lot, while others would try to justify his actions, though not profess them. He was a mirror for all the evil thoughts we allow and justify within ourselves. Igor displays traits of many serial killers. He quantifies his actions, however absurd and morose, in his head by thinking he is committing them for love. For him, there need not be another reason. How slowly his psyche unfolds from a billionaire on a mission to get his wife back, into a serial killer is captivating.

The shifting of narrative between characters though imperative to the essence of the story did hinder its lucidity. Each character has a dream, as apparently Coelho usually does, this book also explores what price people end up paying in order to pursue them. This novel is examines deeper moral and spiritual questions. It explores basis of a society obsessed with power, fame, celebrity and insatiable need for stardom. The thriller part of the book though disappoints


hugely. Though it was never supposed to be a mystery, but just a foray into a killer‟s mind, The characters besides Igor and Ewa, everyone else just seem an add-on.

This book left a very bitter taste. This book does not offer you any hope and would rather bring you down on a bad day. Love might not be the essence of the book, but it is depicted as the underlying reason for all things evil.

Concluding the book is good . It flows well . Another new theme explored by Coelho .It is one of Coelho‟s book , it is taken to be there , infect , it gels with the theme really well .


APPENDICES A. Biography of Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho was born on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He attended Jesuit schools and was raised by devout Catholic parents. He determined early on that he wanted to be a writer but was discouraged by his parents, who saw no future in that profession in Brazil. Coelho's rebellious adolescence spurred his parents to commit him to a mental asylum three times, starting when he was seventeen.

Paulo Coelho is the author of many international best sellers. Aleph is one of bestselling of him. Around 1986, Coelho found himself once more on a state of lacking faith, thus set a journey like he previously did.Coelho said that Aleph is one of his most personal novels to date. The story finds Paulo, which is how Coelho refers to himself in writing, struggling with a serious crisis of faith. It is


the fourteenth major book by him, and touch on the theme of spirituality. It published in 2010 andwas written first in Portuguese language and translated into English by Margaret D. Costa.It has sold its rights to more than 40 languages.

All of Paulo Coelho‟ books have sold more than 130 million copies in 160 countries and have been translated into 72 languagesbestseller lists throughout the world, and scored him such celebrity fans as Julia Roberts, Bill Clinton, and Madonna.

As a youth, Coelho was expected to follow in the footsteps of his father, a professional engineer. When he rebelled, expressing his intentions to become a writer, his parents had him committed to a psychiatric hospital where he was subjected to electro-shock therapy. He left home to join the 1970s countercultural revolution, experimenting with drugs, dabbling in black magic, and getting involved in Brazil's bohemian art and music scene. He teamed with rock musician Raul Seixas for an extremely successful songwriting partnership that changed the face of Brazilian pop and put a lot of money in Coelho's pockets. He also joined an anti-capitalist organization called the Alternative Society which attracted the attention of Brazil's military dictatorship. Marked down as a subversive, he was imprisoned and tortured.

Amazingly, Coelho survived these horrific experiences. He left the hippie lifestyle behind, went to work in the record industry, and began to write, but without much success. Then, in the mid-1980s, during a trip to Europe, he met a man, an unnamed mentor he refers to only as "J," who inducted him into Regnum Agnus Mundi, a secret society that blends Catholicism with a sort of New Age


mysticism. At J's urging, Coelho journeyed across el Camino de Santiago, the legendary Spanish road traversed by pilgrims since the Middle Ages. He chronicled this lifethe culmination of decades of soul-searching.

In total, Coelho has sold more than 150 million books in over 150 countries worldwide (224 territories), and his works have been translated into 80 languages. He got many In the 2009 edition of the Guiness Book of World Records, Coelho was named the most translated living author. He is the recipient of numerous prestigious international awards, amongst them the Crystal Award by the World Economic Forum and France's Légiond'honneur.

B. Summary of The Novel

The book loosely tells the story of several individuals: Igor, a Russian millionaire; Hamid, a Middle Eastern fashion magnate; American actress Gabriela, eager to land a leading role; ambitious criminal detective Savoy, hoping to resolve the case of his life; and Jasmine, a woman on the brink of a successful modeling career.

Igor Malevis the central character and the very subject of this book. He‟s handsome, rich, and effortlessly personable - but she left him for a successful fashion designer, a sting he's never recovered from. Igor Malev has one thing on his mind - his ex-wife Ewa.

Ewa, who was once the motivation and the very reason for his existence is now married to a couturier, Hamid Hussein- a man as successful as Igor, but a powerful contradiction in character to him. Igor never recovers from the loss of his wife, and after two years of separation, decides to win her back. He calls


himself to be on a „mission of love‟, a mission that requires sacrifices- murders. Set against the backdrop of glitz and glamour of the world‟s most famous film festival, what then ensues is a tale of „extraordinary violence‟ (as the book cover puts it), lasting just under 24 hours, revealing the evil which hides in each human soul and busting the myths associated with the world of celebrities.

So he travels to the glamorous Cannes International Film Festival where they'll be appearing, intent on winning back her love. But Igor is a man of rare intensity and cold intelligence - and this is to be no ordinary reconciliation. For Igor made a promise to destroy whole worlds to get to his beloved. Now, the conflict between an individual evil force and society emerges as the novel unfolds, and as morality is derailed.

The sole purpose of Igor is to win back his wife Ewa. He visits Cannes Film Festival with the same intention, being an extremely successful Russian telecom giant, he has no problems getting in. Ewa, the only person he loves and wants, is now married to a fashion mogul, Hamid Hussein.

Hamid himself is almost as successful as him but the contradiction in their characters is very apparent. Igor is still grieving being separated with Ewa, and after two years of separation finally decides to win her back. He convinces himself that his actions are justifiable. His actionsand his mission requiring sacrifices.Murders. The Cannes Film Festival as the backdrop, Paulo Coelho attempts to bust a lot of myths of celebrity lifestyle, its shallowness and superficiality. The story is also about a man who acts and pursues the dark side of his soul, something all of us possess.


The Winner Stands Alone is a book which fills the reader with impending darkness. The portrayal of the world of glamour, largely realistic, is very depressing. It is depicted as an arena in which under the glimmer of stars, what exists is deep darkness, an abyss of depression from which no return is possible. Gabriela, an aspiring and aging actress, and Jasmine, a young and wise model are the characters who are used to convey this aspect of the story, though in a very repetitive fashion. The author uses these 5 characters to narrate a story of people chasing their dreams. The development of the characters in my opinion is rather lackluster except Igor.

The best character in the book was just the character Igor Malev. He is the character, some would hate a lot, while others would try to justify his actions, though not profess them. He was a mirror for all the evil thoughts we allow and justify within ourselves. Igor displays traits of many serial killers. He quantifies his actions, however absurd and morose, in his head by thinking he is committing them for love. For him, there need not be another reason. How slowly his psyche unfolds from a billionaire on a mission to get his wife back, into a serial killer is captivating.

The shifting of narrative between characters though imperative to the essence of the story did hinder its lucidity. Each character has a dream, as apparently Coelho usually does, this book also explores what price people end up paying in order to pursue them. This novel is examines deeper moral and spiritual questions. It explores basis of a society obsessed with power, fame, celebrity and insatiable need for stardom. The thriller part of the book though disappoints


hugely. Though it was never supposed to be a mystery, but just a foray into a killer‟s mind, The characters besides Igor and Ewa, everyone else just seem an add-on.

This book left a very bitter taste. This book does not offer you any hope and would rather bring you down on a bad day. Love might not be the essence of the book, but it is depicted as the underlying reason for all things evil.

Concluding the book is good . It flows well . Another new theme explored by Coelho .It is one of Coelho‟s book , it is taken to be there , infect , it gels with the theme really well .