The Problems of the Study

5.2 Suggestions

From the data analysis and conlusion above, the researcher purpose some sugestions as follows: 1. To teacher Teacher need to inform students that phrasal verbs is very important and based on the meaning, phrasal verbs should be recognized as the important element because the meaning of phrasal verbs itself is predictable. 2. To language learner This study can be used by the learners or university students to improve their ability to translate phrasal verbs in sentence. 3. To other researcher To explore a more detailed analysis of translating phrasal verbs in sentences in complex clause. This will be able to help the strengthen the significance of this kind of translation which is to provide a critical tool for the analysis of translating phrasal verbs. 59 REFERENCES Acklam, Richard. 1992. Help with Phrasal Verbs. Oxford: The Bath Press. Barnwell, K. G. L. 1984. Introduction to Semantics and Translation – English. Summer Institute of linguistics Bassnett, Susan. 2002. Translation Studies. London: Routledge Taylor and Francis. Bassnett-McGuire, S. 1980. Translation Studies. London: Methuen. Bogdan, Robert C and Biklen, Sari Knopp. 1882. Qualitative Research For Education: An Introduction. Allyn and Bacon. Bogdan, Robert and Taylor, Steven J. 1975. Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods: A Phenomenological Approach to the Social Science. New York: A Wiley – International Publication. Catford. J. C. 1965. A Linguistics Theory of Translation. England: Oxford Press. Cullen, K Hands, P. 2000. A Guide to Phrasal Verbs. USA: Chambers Harrap Publishers. Donald, A. 2009. Introduction to research in Education, New York: holt, Rinehart and Winston Ghazala, H. 1995. Translation as Problems and Solutions. Lybia: ELGA. Gouadec, Darriel. 2007. Translation as a Profession. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Companny. Harpercollins. 2012. Collins English Dictionary Complete. William Collins Sons Co Random House. 59