Translation qualities of students in translating phrasal verbs






Arifin Aryo Utomo 106026000979




ii A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata 1



ARIFIN ARYO UTOMO 106026000979





Arifin Aryo Utomo, Translation Qualities of Students in Translating Phrasal Verbs. Thesis. Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2010.

This research is aimed to know why the translation of phrasal verbs by English Letters Department students are not in good qualities and to determine what factor is causing problem in translating phrasal verbs.

Moreover, the writer uses qualitative method. The writer gives a test to the respondents then analyzes the mistakes that happened to students in translating phrasal verbs. The writer corrects them then concludes the result.

This research explains about the problem in translating phrasal verbs. The writer finds that only 132 phrasal verbs are translated in not good qualities by thirty students. The translations consist of separable 54 cases and inseparable 78 cases. It means that the participants of this research translate 318 phrasal verbs in good qualities.

After analyzing the translation of phrasal verbs made by students, the writer finds out that mother tongue affect the result of students’ translation both in separable and in inseparable phrasal verbs.


iv A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata 1

Arifin Aryo Utomo 106026000979

Approved by:

Dr. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd NIP. 19650919 200003 1 002






Name : Arifin Aryo Utomo

NIM : 106026000979

Thesis : Translation Qualities of Students in Translating Phrasal Verbs The thesis has been defended before the Faculty of Adab and Humanities’ Examination Committee on February 14, 2011. It has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata 1.

Jakarta, February 14, 2011

Examination Committee

Signature Date 1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (Chair Person) _____________ _________

19640710 199303 1 006

2. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Secretary) _____________ _________ 19781003 200112 2 002

3. Dr. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd (Advisor) _____________ _________ 19650919 200003 1 002

4. Drs. H. Abdul Hamid, M.Ed (Examiner I) _____________ _________ 150 181 922

5. Dr. Frans Sayogie, M.Pd, SH (Examiner II) _____________ _________ 19700310 200003 1 002



knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, January 18, 2011




First of all, the writer would like to express the most gratitude and praise to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe for His help, affection and generosity in completing his study in the State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Then, peace and blessing are upon to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW and all of his family, his disciplines, and his followers.

The thesis is submitted in partial accomplishment of the requirements for the Strata 1 Degree to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, English Letters Department, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

In the terms of completing his study, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to the Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Dr. Abd. Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag; The Head of English Letters Department, Drs. A. Saefuddin, M.Pd; The Secretary of English Letters, Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum; and to all lecturers who have taught him a lot of things during the study.

The writer’s family deserves his deepest esteem more than anyone else does; his lovely parents (Sajiyo and Rubiyati), his younger sisters (Umi and Luthfi), since they always support his financially, morally and spiritually.

In addition, the writer is deeply thankful to the individuals too numerous to mention who have sent him suggestions, corrections, and criticisms, especially Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd as his thesis advisor, whose every guidance, patience, support and encouragement from the first to the final level that enable him to develop an understanding of the subject.



Ayunk), Ulfa, Deni, Indah, Anggi, Jabbar, Jule, Kiky, Mira, Nopita, Nuni, Tirta, Yesika; for his special friend,Ayu Suwandi who gives him an extra spirit to do the thesis; and whom cannot be voiced, for their memories, their laughs, their activities, their supports, their spirit, their souls, their love conveyed him into life-mature. Finally, the writer’s great thanks to the entire place that gave him pleasures within his study process.

Jakarta, January 24, 2011











A. Background of the Study………... 1

B. Focus of the Study ………... 4

C. Research Questions ……… 4

D. Objectives of the Study ………5

E. Significances of the Study………... 5

F. Research Methodology ………..……….. 5

1. Research Methods………… …………..………. 5

2. Data Analysis………..……….5

3. Research Instruments…….………..6

4. Respondents……….……….6


A. Error………...7

1. The Definition of Errors……….. 7

2. The Classification of Errors ………... 8

3. The Causes of Errors………... 8

B. Error Analysis………..………11

1. The Definition of Error Analysis………. 11

2. The Objectives ofError Analysis……… 12

C. Translation……….….……….. 13

1.The Definition of Translation …………...……….. 13

2. Types of Translation………. 14

3. The Method of Translation ...…….………. 15

4. The Procedures of Translation……….……… 17

5. The Qualities of a Good Translation……… 19

D. Phrasal Verbs……… 20

1. TheDefinition of Phrasal Verbs ……….. 20



A. Conclusions………... 61

B. Suggestions……….. 62




A. Background of the Study

The need for information and knowledge influence people to explore science from various sources which are expected to provide new knowledge and information they need. However, in reality, there are many books written in foreign languages, especially English language has not been translated into Indonesian. This could be a major obstacle for those who need information, but lack of the ability to translate. Dick Hartoko in the book by A. Widyamartaya said "The need of translating books is not a sign of backwardness. But, it is a sign of openness to participate in information exchange.”1

Translation is the comprehension of the meaning of a text and the subsequent production of an equivalent text, likewise called a "translation," that communicates the same message in another language. The text that is translated is called the source text, and the language that it is translated into is called the target language. The product is sometimes called the target text.2In other hand, Catford said “Translation is the replacement of textual material in onelanguage (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).”3

1 A. Widyamartaya,Seni Menerjemahkan (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1989), p. 9 2

3 J.C. Catford,A Linguistic Theory of Translation (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p.20.


Translating activities have a broad scope of various purposes. They need not only high level of knowledge in linguistics, but also involve the whole aspects of communication, such as knowledge, culture, belief, class, gender, race and so on. Furthermore, in translating, there are many difficulties because of lack of translating technique, vocabularies, sentence structure or less mastered in English language. According to Gorsy Keraf (15:12) in a book written by Salihen Moentaha said:

"Although Indonesian language can be classified into agglutinative language types, Indonesian language near the analytical language such as English, the fact that both languages have grammatical relationships showed with syntactic words, word order and suprasegmental units (pressure, tone, intonation). Nevertheless, both languages are different in lexical composition system, grammatical system……"4

In this case, the writer wanted to discuss the translation of two word verbs, or also commonly referred as phrasal verbs.

“An idiom is a group of words, and often difficult to understand from the individual words. Many of them are phrasal verbs (separable and inseparable). The separable verbs are usually followed with particle expression: up, down, on, off, in, out, away, back, over; while the inseparable ones are followed with prepositional expressions: on, at, to, from, for, of, into.”5

Two word verbs or phrasal verbs themselves are familiar for people or students who like watching movies, reading a novel or a newspaper using English. They were often used in conversation. Two word verbs or phrasal verbs have different meanings of words that formed it, so translators must understand the context, do not immediately translate a word for word or

4 Salihen Moentaha,Bahasa dan Terjemahan (Bekasi: Kesaint Blanc, 2006), p.13. 5 Robert Krohn,English Sentence Structure (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1977), p. 121.



literally. "The difficulties in lexical transfer are caused by Indonesian translators who often divert words, phrases, idiomatic expressions, figurative expressions, and proverbs without context.”6

The writer wants to give some examples or a description of problems that often occur when phrasal verbs are translated from English into Indonesian in English Letters Department students:

1. Johnasked Susiefor a cup of tea.

( Johnmenawarkan secangkir teh kepada Susie.) The correct translation:

(Johnmemintasecangkir teh kepada Susie.) 2. I usuallyget on the bus at the station. ( Saya biasanyamenunggu bis di terminal.) The correct translation:

(Saya biasanyanaik bis di terminal.) 3. If you really like Jane,take herout.

( Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,ambillah dia.) The correct translation:

(Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,ajaklah iakencan. 4. You mustlook afterAndi today.

(Kamu harusmencari Andi hari ini.) The correct translation:

(Kamu harusmenjagaAndi hari ini.)

6Frans Sayogie,Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2008), p. 71.


5. We have a lot of things toanswer for. (Kita punya banyak hal yang harus dijawab.) The correct translation:

(Kita punya banyak hal yang harusdipertanggungjawabkan.

The importance of learning and understanding more about phrasal verbs is the reason for the writer choosing this topic. This study can lead the translators be more observant in translating phrasal verbs.

B. Focus of the Study

To present comprehensive study of the topic, the writer limits the scope of the study. Limitation in this research problem concerns in the translation of phrasal verbs. Sources of data are obtained from respondents; they are students of English Letters Department, majoring in Translation, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

C. Research Questions

Based on the limitation problems above, the writer formulated the following research questions:

1. Why the translations of phrasal verbs by English Letters Department students are not in good qualities?

2. What is factor causing problem in the translation of phrasal verbs by students of English Letters Department Syarif Hidayatullah?



D. Objectives of the Study This study aims:

1. To know why the translation of phrasal verbs by English Letters Department students are not in good qualities,

2. To determine what factor is causing problem in translating phrasal verbs.

E. Significances of the Study

The study is expected to provide benefits to the writer and also the reader. 1. To enrich knowledge about phrasal verbs and their usage,

2. To be more observant in translating phrasal verbs in order not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

F. Research Methodology a. Research Methods

The method used in this research is qualitative method. The writer gives a test to the respondents then analyzes the mistakes that happened to students in translating phrasal verbs. The writer corrects them then concludes the result.

b. Data Analysis

In this research, the writer will analyze the data by using descriptive analysis technique. The writer collecting data from the


respondents by giving a test, then describes the data and analyzes the problem occurred in translating the phrasal verbs.

c. Research Instruments

Instruments used were the writer himself as a tool to obtain data by collecting data obtained from respondents and the theories supporting research. The writer analyzes the data and then concludes them.

d. Respondents

Respondents in this study are thirty English Letters Department students, majoring in Translation, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.




A. Translation

1. The Definition of Translation

In translating activities, the theory of language and general linguistic is always being used. According to experts, there are some definitions of translation as follows:

1. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.7

2. Translation is the replacement of an original text with another text.8

3. Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.9

4. Translation is a craft consisting in attempt to replace a written message and or statement in one language by the same message and or statement in another language.10

7Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. Taber,The Theory and Practice of Translation(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974), p. 12.

8 Juliane House,Translation(New York: Oxford University Press, 2009), p. 3. 9Peter Newmark,A Text Book of Translation (Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall, 1988), p. 5. 10Peter Newmark,Approaches to Translation (England: Pergamon Press, 1981), p. 13.


5. Translation is an operation performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another.11 6. Larson quoted by Choliludin says that “translation consists of

translating the meaning of the source language into receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant. Only the form changes.”12

In conclusion, translation is a process of replacing a text in one language by an equivalent text in another.

2. The Types of Translation

Brislin categorizes translation into four types based on the purposes of translation, namely:13

1. Pragmatic Translation

It refers to the translation of a message with an interest in accuracy of the information that was meant to be conveyed in the source language form and it is not concerned with other aspects of the original language version.

2. Aesthetic-poetic Translation

11J. C Catford (1965),op.cit. p.1.

12Choliludin, The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation (Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc, 2005), p. 4.



This refers to translation in which the translator takes into account the affect, emotion, and feelings of an original agnate version, the aesthetic form used by the original author, as well as any information in the message. The examples of this type are the translation of sonnet, rhyme, heroic couplet, dramatic dialogue, and novel.

3. Ethnographic Translation

The purpose of ethnographic translation is to explicate the cultural context of the source and TL versions. Translators have to be sensitive to the way words are used and must know how the words fit into cultures.

4. Linguistic Translation

This is concerned with equivalent meanings of the constituent morphemes of the source language and grammatical form, an example is language in a computer program and machine translation.

3. The Method of Translation

According to Newmark, there are methods of translation as follows:

1. Word-for-word Translation

This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the TL immediately below the SL words. The SL word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most


common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are translated literally.

2. Literal Translation

The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context. As a pre-translation process, this indicates the problems to be solved.

3. Faithful Translation

A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It ‘transfers’ cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical ‘abnormality’ (deviation from SL norms) in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realisation (sic) of the SL writer.

4. Semantic Translation

Semantic translation differs from ‘faithful translation’ only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value (that is, the beautiful and natural sound) of the SL text, compromising on ’meaning’ where appropriate so that no assonance, word-play or repetition jars in the finished version. 5. Adaptation



This is ‘freest’ form of translation. It is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture converted to the TL culture and text rewritten. The deplorable practice of having a play or poem literally translated and then rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has produced many poor adaptations, but other adaptations have ‘rescued’ period plays.

6. Free Translation

Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a so-called ‘intralingual translation’ often prolix and pretentious, and not translation at all.

7. Idiomatic Translation

Idiomatic translation reproduces the ‘message’ of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.

8. Communicative Translation

Communicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both


content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.14

4. The Procedures of Translation

The following are the translation procedures that Newmark proposes:15

a. Transference: it is the process of transferring an SL word to a TL text. b. Naturalization: it adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation,

then to the normal morphology of the TL.

c. Cultural equivalent: This is an approximately translation where a SL cultural word is translated by a TL cultural word.

d. Functional equivalent: it applied to cultural words, requires the use of a culture free word.

e. Descriptive equivalent: in translation, description sometimes has to be weighed against function.

f. Synonymy: it is near TL equivalent to SL word in a context, where a precise equivalent may or may not exist. This procedure is used for a SL word where there is no clear one-to-one equivalent, and the word not important in the text.

g. Through-translation: it is the literal translation of common collocations, names of organizations and components of compounds.

h. Shifts or transpositions: it involves a change in the grammar from SL to TL, for example, the change from singular to plural, the change required 14Peter Newmark (1988),

op.cit. pp. 45-47. 15Ibid.pp. 81-91.



when a SL grammatical structure does not exist in the TL, the change where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in the TL, and the replacement of a virtual lexical gap by a grammatical structure.

i. Modulation: it occurs when the translator reproduces the message of the original text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms of the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear dissimilar in terms of perspective. j. Recognized translation: it occurs when the translator "normally uses the

official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional term.” k. Compensation: it occurs when loss of meaning, sound effect, methapor or

pragmatic effect in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part. l. Componential analysis: it means "comparing an SL word with a TL word

which has a similar meaning but is not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components.

m. Paraphrase: this is an amplification or explanation of the meaning of a segment of the text.

n. Couplets: it occurs when the translator combines two different procedures. o. Notes: notes are additional information in a translation.

5. The Qualities of a Good Translation


1. Accuracy: Correct exegesis of the source message, and transfer of the meaning of that message as exactly as possible into receptor language.

2. Clarity: There may be several different ways of expressing an idea– choose the way which communicates most clearly; the way which ordinary people will understand.

3. Naturalness: It is important to use the natural form of the receptor language, if the translation is to be effective and acceptable. A translation should not sound foreign.16

There is an important factor which can affect the result of the translation, it stated in Whorfian hypothesis “Our mother tongue shapes and constrains our thoughts and behaviours.”17 Applied to translation, this implies not only that the appropriate meanings in the target language can neither be accessed nor reproduced by the translator because words across languages never exactly correspond as lexical items.

B. Phrasal Verbs

1. The Definition of Phrasal Verbs

Many people think that phrasal verbs are idiom, whereas they are different, despite some similarities. The reason is, as many phrasal verbs are commonly used in idioms. “Phrasal verbs are very characteristic part 16Anonymous,Introduction to Semantics and Translation(Horsley Green: SUMMER INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS, 1980), p. 15.




of good idiomatic English”.18 Furthermore, to give more explanation about phrasal verbs, there are three definitions as follows:

1. Phrasal verbs is a compound word composed by an ordinary verb plus a preposition or an adverb (Verb + Preposition / Adverb), after which, each of the new compound words will have different meaning, diverging one from the others and even sometimes from the original verb.19

2. The construction of verb plus post verbal particle, though it has been variously referred to as “verb-adverb combination” (Kennedy 1920), “verb-particle construction” (Lipka 1972), and “verb-particle combination” (Fraser 1976), is now generally designated the “phrasal verb”.20

3. Phrasal verb is a verb combined with an adverb or a preposition, or sometimes both, to give a new meaning.21 Here are the examples of phrasal verb:

a. Verb + Preposition : look for, look after, go in front etc.

18Bernhard Kettemann and Georg Marko,

Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis (New York: Rodopi, 2002), p. 361.

19Rachmat Effendi P, Cara Mudah Menulis dan Menerjemahkan (Jakarta: HAPSA et STUDIA, 2004), p. 124.

20Laurel J. Brinton and Minoji Akimoto, Collocational and Idiomatic Aspects of Composite Predicates in the History of English (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1999), p. 3.

21Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 988.


go on, go by, hang on, hang over etc.

stand for, stand by, stand out, etc.

b. Verb + Adverb : hang around, hang back, set back, etc.

look up, go away, take a back, take away,etc.

See the newly- modified words, for examples the bare word look first it means see but the newly modified word look for means search, look up = appreciate/upward, andlook after = take care of. Similarly, wordtake. First it meanspick buttake off = leave a place, ‘take a back = astonished; take away = go away. Word stand, first it means take position or abide, butstand for = mean;stand by = be in a place; stand out = seen easily. Any words using adverb is also treated the same:hang around = be in a place;hang back = hesitate;go away = move away;go by = elapse. In treating phrasal verb, the object of sentence is normally inserted between the ordinary verb and the following preposition or adverb, although not absolutely.22”Phrasal verbs may be both intransitive (e.g. take off, touchdown, catch on) and transitive (e.g. look up, live down, put on, call off, turn over, hand in, push through).”23

22Rachmat Effendi P,loc.cit.



2. Kind of Phrasal Verbs

a. Inseparable Phrasal Verbs

Certain prepositions customarily follow certain verbs. These prepositions are sometimes calledparticles. The following is a short list of some common verb + particle combinations in English. These phrasal verbs are “inseparable” because the particle has only one position in the sentence. In most cases, it immediately follows the verb. Following is a short list of inseparable phrasal verbs with their idiomatic meanings.24

Verbs Examples Meanings

Come back Drop (stop) by

Get along with

Get together with

Get up Go over Grow up Live on Look after Look like

Are you going to come back early?

My neighbor

dropped by this afternoon.

The Smiths get along with their neighbors.

Let’s get together with the Nelsons this weekend.

On weekends,

everybody gets up late.

Let’s go over the homework.

I grew up in Wisconsin.

Can you live on $500 a month? Will you look after the boys while I’m out?

You look like your

Return Visit

Be friendly with

Meet socially

Leave one’s bed after sleeping

Review; correct Become an adult Exist; support oneself financially

Supervise; watch


24Patricia K. Werner, et al.,Interactions Grammar 2 (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985), 4th edition, pp.141-143.


Move out of (move into)

Run into Stay up


When are you moving out of your apartment?

When are you moving into your new house?

I ran into an old friend yesterday. How late did you stay up last night?

Leave; relocate

Meet accidentally Remain awake

b. Separable Phrasal Verbs

With inseparable verbs, the verb and particle are a unit; they must be together. However, English also has separable phrasal verbs. With these verb + particle combinations, noun objects may come after the verb + particle or between them. Pronoun objects must come between the verb and particle. Compare:25

Examples Meanings Inseparable My motherran into

Laurie. (noun)

My motherran into her.


My mother saw Laurie.

My mother saw her.

Separable I called up my mother.

(noun) I called my mother up.

(noun) Icalledherup. (pronoun)

I telephoned my mother.

I telephoned my mother.

I telephoned her.



The following are other examples of separable phrasal verbs:

Common Separable Phrasal Verbs

Verbs Examples Meanings

Bring up Call up Drop off Figure out Find out Help out Look over Pick out Pick up Take out Talk over Think over Throw away Try out Wake up Work out

Dawn is bringing her kids up by herself.

Yesterday my son called meup.

Could you drop me off downtown?

I can’t figure out this problem.

Did youfind out her phone number? My mother often helps me out with the kids.

Please look over your paper before you give it to me. Did you pick out a present?

I pick her up after class.

Please take out the garbage.

We talked the situationover. I’ll think over your advice.

Did you throw yesterday’s paper away?

Let’s try out these new skis.

The phone woke me up.

I hope we can work itout.

Raise (a family)

Telephone (verb) Take someone or something (on the way somewhere, often by car)

Understand, solve ( a problem); decide Learn, discover Assist, help

Read quickly; review

Choose, select Go (often by car) to get someone

Take outside Discuss

Think about

something carefully. Discard; put in the garbage

Test, experiment with

Cause someone to stop sleeping

Find a solution, resolve something.


20 A. Data Description

To know the results of the test, the writer tabulates the students’ translations which are not in good qualities and the data are tabulated below.

Table 1

Phrasal verb Name

Separable Inseparable

Student 1 2 cases 4 cases

Student 2 3 cases 3 cases

Student 3 3 cases 4 cases

Student 4 2 cases 3 cases

Student 5 1 case 1 case

Student 6 1 case 4 cases

Student 7 2 cases 2 cases

Student 8 2 cases 1 case

Student 9 1 case 5 cases

Student 10 1 case 6 cases

Student 11 3 cases 1 case

Student 12 1 case 3 cases

Student 13 3 cases 0 case

Student 14 1 case 2 cases

Student 15 1 case 5 cases

Student 16 2 cases 2 cases

Student 17 1 case 1 case

Student 18 2 cases 2 cases

Student 19 4 cases 5 cases

Student 20 0 case 4 cases

Student 21 1 case 2 cases

Student 22 3 cases 1 case

Student 23 3 cases 3 cases

Student 24 2 cases 2 cases

Student 25 2 cases 2 cases

Student 26 0 case 4 cases



Student 28 1 case 1 case

Student 29 1 case 1 case

Student 30 3 cases 3 cases

Total 54 cases 78 cases

Table 2 Data Reconstruction

Student Sentence Students’

Translation Correct Translation JohnaskedSusie

for a cup of tea.

Johnmenanyakan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimtinggal 500 dolar sebulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harusmencari Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Sayapergi ke teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

A beautiful womanwaited on me in the

restaurant yesterday.

Kemarin ada seorang wanita cantik

menungguku di restoran.

Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin.


She hasa new hat on today.

Diamempunyai topi baru sekarang.

Hari ini diamemakai topi baru.

JohnaskedSusie for a cup of tea.

Johnmenanyakan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harusmencari Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Sayamenemui teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

I willcall for you at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!


Putyour toys away, Kid!

Buang semua mainanmu itu, nak!

Simpan kembali mainanmu, Nak! 3 Jimlives on $500

a month.

Jimhidup dengan 500 dolar per bulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.


Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Sayamenemui teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita punya banyak hal yangharus dijawab.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. If you really like

Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,bawalah ia keluar.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ajaklah ia kencan.

The troopsblow up the bridge.

Para pasukan mengepung jembatan itu.

Para pasukan

meledakkan jembatan itu. Heputs his haton

and leaves the room.

Diameletakkan topinya dan meninggalkan ruangan.

Diamemakaitopinya dan meninggalkan ruangan.

A beautiful womanwaited on me in the

restaurant yesterday.

Seorang wanita cantikmenunggu saya di restoran itu kemarin.

Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin.

JohnaskedSusie for a cup of tea.

Johnmenanyakan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Saya mengunjungi teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

I usuallyget on the bus at the station.

Biasanya saya menunggu bus di terminal.

Saya biasanaik bus di terminal.

The troopsblow up the bridge.

Para pasukan mengepung jembatan itu.

Para pasukan

meledakkan jembatan itu. 4

I willcall for you at 7 tonight.

Aku akan

menghubungimu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harusmencari Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.


Clean the table off, please!

Tolong kamu bersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimhidup dengan 500 dolar per bulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.




after Andi today. menjenguk Andi hari ini.

Andi hari ini. We have a lot of

things toanswer for.

Kita mempunyai banyak hal untuk menjawab itu.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I usuallyget on

the bus at the station.

Saya biasanya menunggu bus di terminal.

Saya biasanaik bus di terminal.

If you really like Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,kejarlah ia.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ajaklah ia kencan.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kami mempunyai banyak alasan untuk menjawab.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

menghubungimu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolong kau

bersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!


Putyour toys away, Kid!

Buang semua mainanmu itu, nak!

Simpan kembali mainanmu, Nak! JohnaskedSusie

for a cup of tea.

Johnmenawarkan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimhidup dengan 500 dolar per bulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.


If you really like Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,bawalah ia pergi.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ajaklah ia kencan.

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harusmencari Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Saya pergi ke teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita memiliki banyak hal untuk dijawab.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Aku akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!



womanwaited on me in the

restaurant yesterday.

wanita cantik menungguku di restoran itu.

melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin.

Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimberpendapatan 500 dolar per bulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harus

mengunjungi Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita punya banyak cara untuk


Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I usuallyget on

the bus at the station.

Saya biasanya mencari bus di terminal.

Saya biasanaik bus di terminal.

I willcall for you at 7 tonight.

Aku akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!


A beautiful womanwaited on me in the

restaurant yesterday.

Seorang wanita cantikmenungguku di restoran itu kemarin.

Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin.

JohnaskedSusie for a cup of tea.

Johnmenawarkan secangkir teh kepada Susie.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

I willcall for you at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!


Putyour toys away, Kid!

Buang semua mainanmu itu, nak!

Simpan kembali mainanmu, Nak! Iran into an old

friend yesterday.

Saya menghampiri teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

If you really like Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,bawalah ia pergi.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ajaklah ia kencan.


I willcall for you at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.



malam. Clean the table

off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

If you really love Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar mencintai Jane,bawalah ia pergi.

Jika kamu benar-benar mencintai Jane, ajak ia berkencan.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolong kau

bersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!


Putyour toys away, Kid!

Buang mainanmu itu, nak!

Simpan kembali mainanmu, Nak! We have a lot of

things toanswer for.

Kita memiliki banyak hal untuk dijawab.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.


Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimhidup dengan 500 dolar per bulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harusmencari Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Saya pergi ke teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita mempunyai banyak hal untuk menjawab itu.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.


Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

JohnaskedSusie for a cup of tea.

Johnmenanyakan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Saya mengunjungi teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

I willcall for you at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.



off, please! meja itu! itu! Jimlives on $500

a month.

Jimtinggal 500 dolar sebulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.

17 If you really like Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,bawalah ia pergi.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ajaklah ia kencan.

JohnaskedSusie for a cup of tea.

Johnmenawarkan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita punya banyak alasan untuk menjawabnya.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

menghubungimu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.


Clean the table off, please!

Tolong kau

bersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

JohnaskedSusie for a cup of tea.

Johnmenanyakan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimtinggal 500 dolar sebulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harusmencari Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Sayapergi ke teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

I willcall for you at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

Putyour toys away, Kid! Buang mainanmu itu, nak! Simpan kembali mainanmu, Nak! A beautiful

womanwaited on me in the

restaurant yesterday.

Seorang wanita cantikmenungguku di restoran itu kemarin.

Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin.


She hasa new hat on today.

Diamempunyai topi baru hari ini.

Hari ini diamemakai topi baru.

20 Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimhidup dengan 500 dolar per bulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.



You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harus menjenguk Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Saya mengunjungi teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

I usuallyget on the bus at the station.

Saya biasanya mencari bus di terminal.

Saya biasanaik bus di terminal.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita punya banyak alasan untuk menjawabnya.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

menghubungimu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.


Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

The troopsblow up the bridge

Para pasukan mengepung jembatan itu.

Para pasukan

meledakkan jembatan itu. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!


She hasa new hat on today.

Diamempunyai topi baru.

Hari ini diamemakai topi baru.

JohnaskedSusie for a cup of tea.

Johnmenawarkan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimhidup dengan 500 dolar per bulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harusmencari Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

If you really like Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,ambillahdia.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ajaklah ia kencan.

The troopsblow up the bridge.

Para pasukan mengepung jembatan itu.

Para pasukan

meledakkan jembatan itu. 23

A beautiful womanwaited on me in the

Seorang wanita cantikmenungguku di restoran itu

Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin.


restaurant yesterday.

kemarin. We have a lot of

things toanswer for.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus dijawab.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. The troopsblow

up the bridge.

Para pasukan mengepung jembatan itu.

Para pasukan

meledakkan jembatan itu. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

menghubungimu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.


Clean the table off, please!

Tolong kau

bersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita punya banyak alasan untuk menjawabnya.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. The troopsblow

up the bridge.

Para pasukan mengepung jembatan itu.

Para pasukan

meledakkan jembatan itu. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

menghubungimu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.


Clean the table off, please!

Tolong kau

bersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

Iran into an old friend yesterday.

Saya menemui teman lama kemarin.

Sayabertemu teman lama kemarin.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita punya banyak persoalan untuk dijawab.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Aku akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.


A beautiful womanwaited on me in the

restaurant yesterday.

Seorang wanita cantikmenunggu saya di restoran itu kemarin.

Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin.

JohnaskedSusie for a cup of tea.

Johnmenawarkan Susie secangkir teh.

Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

Jimlives on $500 a month.

Jimhidup dengan 500 dolar per bulan.

Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.


If you really like Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ajaklah ia



Jane,bawalah ia pergi.

kencan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

meneleponmu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.


Clean the table off, please!

Tolongbersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

You mustlook after Andi today.

Kamu harus

mengunjungi Andi hari ini.

Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.

29 If you really like Jane,take herout.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane,bawalahia keluar.

Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ajaklah ia kencan.

We have a lot of things toanswer for.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus dijawab.

Kita punya banyak hal yang harus

dipertanggungjawabkan. I willcall for you

at 7 tonight.

Saya akan

menghubungimu jam 7 malam.

Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.

Heputs his haton and leaves the room.

Diameletakkan topinya dan meninggalkan ruangan.

Diamemakaitopinya dan meninggalkan ruangan.

Clean the table off, please!

Tolong kau

bersihkan meja itu!

Tolongkosongkan meja itu!

A beautiful womanwaited on me in the

restaurant yesterday.

Seorang wanita cantikmenunggu saya di restoran itu kemarin.

Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin.


She hasa new hat on today.

Diamempunyai topi baru.

Hari ini diamemakai topi baru.

B. Data Analysis

According to two tables of data description above, the writer finds that only 132 phrasal verbs are not translated in good qualities by thirty students. The translations consist of separable (54 cases) and inseparable


(78 cases). It means that the participants of this research translate 318 phrasal verbs in good qualities.

In this analysis the writer will focus on the students’ translations whether in translating separable or inseparable phrasal verbs which are not in good qualities. The analyses can be described as follows:

1. Separable Phrasal Verbs

a. Johnasked Susiefor a cup of tea.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there are two cases of translation which are not in good qualities. Here are the examples:

1. John menanyakan Susie secangkir teh. (student 1,2,4,16,19)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “asked for” in the source language into“menanyakan” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The word “ask” means to say or write something in the form of question, but if it combined with the word“for”, the meaning becomes to request. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.



2. John menawarkan Susie secangkir teh. (student 8,11,18,23,27)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “asked for” in the source language into“menawarkan” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The word “ask” means to say or write something in the form of question, but if it combined with the word“for”, the meaning becomes to request. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Johnmeminta secangkir teh kepada Susie.

b. If you really like Jane,take herout.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there are four cases of translation which are not in good qualities. Here are the examples:

1. Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, bawalah ia keluar.(student 3,29)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The student translated the phrasal verb “take out” in the source language into ”bawalah ia


keluar” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of phrasal verb“take out” is to go to restaurant, theatre, club, dating, etc. with somebody who has invited. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Jika kamu benar-benar mencintai Janeajaklah iakencan. 2. Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, kejarlah ia.

(student 6)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The student translated the phrasal verb “take out” in the source language into”kejarlah ia in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of phrasal verb “take out” is to go to restaurant, theatre, club, dating, etc. with somebody who has invited. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Janeajaklah iakencan.

3. Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, bawalah ia pergi.(student 6,8,12,13,17,27,29)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb



“take out” in the source language into ”bawalah ia pergi” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of phrasal verb“take out” is to go to restaurant, theatre, club, dating, etc. with somebody who has invited. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Janeajaklah iakencan.” 4. Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Jane, ambillah dia.

(student 23)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The student translated the phrasal verb “take out” in the source language into ”ambillah dia” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of phrasal verb“take out” is to go to restaurant, theatre, club, dating, etc. with somebody who has invited. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Jika kamu benar-benar menyukai Janeajaklah iakencan.”


According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there is only one case of translation which is not in good qualities. Here is the example:

1. Para pasukan mengepung jembatan itu. (student 3,4,22,23,24,25)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “blow up” in the source language into”mengepung” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of phrasal verb “blow up” is to destroy something by an explosion. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Para pasukan meledakkan jembatan itu”.

d. Heputs his haton and leaves the room.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there is only one case of translation which is not in good qualities. Here is the example:

1. Dia meletakkan topinya dan meninggalkan ruangan. (student 3,30)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and



naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “put on” in the source language into ”meletakkan” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The word“put” means to place something, but if it combined with the word “on”, the meaning becomes to dress on oneself. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Dia memakai topinya dan meninggalkan ruangan.”

e. Clean the tableoff please!

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there is only one case of translation which is not in good qualities. Here is the example:

1. Tolongbersihkan meja itu! (student

2,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,21,22,24,25,28,30) - The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it

doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “clean off” in the source language into“bersihkan” in the target language. The suitable phrasal verb for the word“bersihkan” is“clean up”. Then, the meaning of


Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Tolongkosongkan meja itu.”

f. Put your toysaway, Kid!

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there is only one case of translation which is not in good qualities. Here is the example:

1. Buang semua mainanmu itu, Nak! (student 2,7,11,13,19)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “put away” in the source language into“buang” in the target language. The suitable phrasal verb for the word

“buang” is “throw away”. “Put away” means put something in the place where it is kept. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be“Simpan kembali mainanmu, Nak!”

g. Shehas a new haton today.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there is only one case of translation which is not in good qualities. Here is the example:



1. Dia mempunyai topi baru sekarang. (student 1,19,22,30)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “has on” in the source language into“mempunyai” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The word “has” means belong, own or possess, but if it combined with the word “on”, the meaning becomes to dress on oneself. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Dia memakai topi baru hari ini.”

2. Inseparable Phrasal Verbs a. Jimlives on $500 a month.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there are three cases of translation which are not in good qualities. Here are the examples:

1. Jimtinggal 500 dolar per bulan. (student 1,17,19) - The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it

doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “live on” in the target language into “tinggal” in the


target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The word“live” combined with the word“on” means to spend or to exist. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.”

2. Jim hidup dengan 500 dolar per bulan. (student 3,6,8,15,20,23,27)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “live on” in the target language into“hidup dengan” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The word“live” combined with the word“on” means to spend or to exist. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.”

3. Jimberpendapatan 500 dolar per bulan.(student 10) - The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it

doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The student translated the phrasal verb “live on” in the target language into“bependapatan” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The word“live” combined with the word“on”



means to spend or to exist. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Jimmenghabiskan 500 dolar per bulan.”

b. You mustlook after Andi today.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there are three cases of translation which are not in good qualities. Here are the examples:

1. Kamu harus mencari Andi hari ini. (student 1,2,5,9,15,19,23)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “look after” in the source language into”mencari” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word “mencari” is “look for”. “Look after” means to supervise, to take care or to watch. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Kamu harus menjaga Andi hari ini.

2. Kamu harusmenjenguk Andi hari ini.(student 6,20) - The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it


naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “look after” in the source language into ”menjenguk” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word “mengunjungi” is “look in”.Look after” means to supervise, to take care or to watch. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Kamu harus menjaga Andi hari ini.”

3. Kamu harus mengunjungi Andi hari ini. (student 10,29)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it

doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “look after” in the source language into ”mengunjungi” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word“mengunjungi” is“look in”.Look after” means to supervise, to take care or to watch. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Kamu harusmenjaga Andi hari ini.”



According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there are four cases of translation which are not in good qualities. Here are the examples:

1. Sayapergi ke teman lama kemarin.(student 1,9,15,19) - The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it

doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “run into” in the source language into“pergi ke” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of “run into” is meeting somebody accidentally. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be ”Saya bertemu teman lama kemarin.”

2. Sayamenemui teman lama kemarin.(student 2,3,26) - The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it

doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “run into” in the source language into “menemui” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word “menemui” is“look in”. The meaning of “run into” is meeting somebody accidentally. Then, the writer


suggests that the translation should be ”Saya bertemu teman lama kemarin.”

3. Saya mengunjungi teman lama kemarin. (student 4,16,20)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “run into” in the source language into “mengunjungi” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word “mengunjungi” is “look in”. The meaning of “run into” is meeting somebody accidentally. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be ”Saya bertemu teman lama kemarin.

4. Sayamenghampiri teman lama kemarin.(student 12) - The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it

doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The student translated the phrasal verb “run into” in the source language into“menghampiri” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of “run into” is meeting somebody accidentally. Then, the writer suggests that



the translation should be ”Saya bertemu teman lama kemarin.”

d. We have a lot of things toanswer for.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there are two cases of translation which are not in good qualities. Here are the examples:

1. Kita punya banyak hal yang harus dijawab. (student 3,9,24,26,30,14)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “answer for” in the source language into“dijawab” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of “answer for” is to accept responsibility. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be ”Kita punya banyak hal yang harusdipertanggungjawabkan.

2. Kita punya banyak alasan untuk menjawabnya. (6,7,10,15,10,18,21,25)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and


“answer for” in the source language into “menjawabnya” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The meaning of“answer for” is to accept responsibility. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be ”Kita punya banyak hal yang harusdipertanggungjawabkan.

e. I usuallyget on the bus at the station.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there are two cases of translation which are not in good qualities. Here are the examples:

1. Biasanya sayamenunggu bus di terminal.(student 4,6) - The translation aboveisn’t in good qualities because it

doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “get on” in the source language into “menunggu” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word “menunggu” is“wait for”.“Get on” means to enter, or board. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be“Saya biasanaik bus di terminal.”



- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “get on” in the source language into“mencari” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word “mencari” is “look for”. “Get on” means to enter, or board. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be“Saya biasanaik bus di terminal.”

f. I willcall for you at 7 tonight.

According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there are two cases of translation which are not in good qualities. Here are the examples:

1. Saya akan meneleponmu jam 7 malam. (student 2,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,19,22,26,28,30)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “call for” in the source language into “menelepon” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for “menelepon” is


somewhere. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be“Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.”

2. Aku akan menghubungimu jam 7 malam. (student 4,7,18,21,24,25)

- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “call for” in the source language into “menghubungi” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context.The suitable phrasal verb for “menelepon” is

“call up.”Call for” means to collect somebody to go

somewhere. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be“Saya akanmenjemputmu jam 7 malam.”

g. A beautiful womanwaited on me in the restaurant yesterday. According to the sentence above, the writer finds out that there is only one case of translation which are not in good qualities. Here is the example:

1. Kemarin ada seorang wanita cantik menungguku di restoran. (student 1,3,9,10,19,23,26,30)



- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and

naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “wait on” in the source language into “menunggu” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word “menunggu” is“wait for”. “Wait on” means to serve; attend to; in a store or shop. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin”.

After analyzing the translation by students, the writer finds that mother tongue plays an important role in order to produce a good

translation. Mother tongue can affect the result of the students’ translation. Indonesian language as students’ first language imposes their second language learning process. It can lead to a faulty grammatical pattern or wrong choice of vocabulary. Therefore, the students face difficulty to translate the phrasal verbs correctly. Some of them find a problem in identifying the phrasal verbs. It is a natural problem for the students. Learning English in a non-English spoken country as in Indonesia is the reason why the problem happens.



Every language has its own rule and structure. Therefore, the students who learn second language such as English might face many difficulties in expressing idea in written language. Phrasal verb is one of the examples.

After analyzing the translation of phrasal verbs made by students, the writer finds out that mother tongue affect the result of students’

translation both in separable and in inseparable phrasal verbs. There are only 132 phrasal verbs which could not be translated in good qualities by the respondents. Indonesian language as students’ first language imposes

their second language learning process. It can lead to a faulty grammatical pattern or wrong choice of vocabulary. Therefore, the students face difficulty to translate the phrasal verbs correctly. Some of them find a problem in identifying the phrasal verbs. It is a natural problem for the students. Learning English in a non-English spoken country as in Indonesia is the reason why the problem happens.


Based on the results of the research, the writer addresses some suggestions as follows:



1. The students should improve their mastery in English especially phrasal verbs not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom since the writer finds that the teaching of phrasal verbs in the classroom is still lack of effectiveness.

2. The lectures should not only give the materials completely and comprehensively but also monitor the students’ understanding towards

those materials.

Finally, the writer hopes that this study will be useful for the future improvement in studying phrasal verbs in English Letters Department, also for the readers who want to do further research of phrasal verbs.




Brinton, Laurel J. and Minoji Akimoto. Collocational and Idiomatic Aspects of Composite Predicates in the History of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1999.

Catford, J.C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.

Choliludin. The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc, 2005.

Effendi P, Rachmat.Cara Mudah Menulis dan Menerjemahkan. Jakarta: HAPSA et STUDIA, 2004.

House, Juliane.Translation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Kettemann, Bernhard and Georg Marko.Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis. New York: Rodopi, 2002.

Krohn, Robert. English Sentence Structure. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1977.

Moentaha, Salihen.Bahasa dan Terjemahan. Bekasi: Kesaint Blanc, 2006. Newmark, Peter. Approaches to Translation.England: Pergamon Press, 1981. _______.A Text Book of Translation.Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall, 1988.

Nida, Eugene A. and Charles R. Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Sayogie, Frans. Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2008. Werner, Patricia K. et. al. Interactions Grammar 2. New York: McGraw-Hill,



Widyamartaya, A.Seni Menerjemahkan.Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1989.



1. John asked Susie for a cup of tea. 2. Jim lives on $500 a month. 3. You must look after Andi today.

4. Would you please add these names on to the list? 5. I ran into an old friend yesterday.

6. We have a lot of things to answer for. 7. I usually get on the bus at the station. 8. If you really love Jane, take her out. 9. The troops blow up the bridge. 10. I will call for you at 7 tonight.

11. He puts his hat on and leaves the room. 12. Clean the table off, please!

13. Put your toys away, Kid!

14. A beautiful woman waited on me in the restaurant yesterday. 15. She has a new hat on today.



- The translation above isn’t in good qualities because it doesn’t have three criteria of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The students translated the phrasal verb “wait on” in the source language into “menunggu” in the target language. It makes the sentence being out of context. The suitable phrasal verb for the word “menunggu” is“wait for”. “Wait on” means to serve; attend to; in a store or shop. Then, the writer suggests that the translation should be “Seorang wanita cantik melayani saya di restoran itu kemarin”.

After analyzing the translation by students, the writer finds that mother tongue plays an important role in order to produce a good translation. Mother tongue can affect the result of the students’ translation. Indonesian language as students’ first language imposes their second language learning process. It can lead to a faulty grammatical pattern or wrong choice of vocabulary. Therefore, the students face difficulty to translate the phrasal verbs correctly. Some of them find a problem in identifying the phrasal verbs. It is a natural problem for the students.



Every language has its own rule and structure. Therefore, the students who learn second language such as English might face many difficulties in expressing idea in written language. Phrasal verb is one of the examples.

After analyzing the translation of phrasal verbs made by students, the writer finds out that mother tongue affect the result of students’ translation both in separable and in inseparable phrasal verbs. There are only 132 phrasal verbs which could not be translated in good qualities by the respondents. Indonesian language as students’ first language imposes their second language learning process. It can lead to a faulty grammatical pattern or wrong choice of vocabulary. Therefore, the students face difficulty to translate the phrasal verbs correctly. Some of them find a problem in identifying the phrasal verbs. It is a natural problem for the students. Learning English in a non-English spoken country as in Indonesia is the reason why the problem happens.


Based on the results of the research, the writer addresses some suggestions as follows:



1. The students should improve their mastery in English especially phrasal verbs not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom since the writer finds that the teaching of phrasal verbs in the classroom is still lack of effectiveness.

2. The lectures should not only give the materials completely and comprehensively but also monitor the students’ understanding towards those materials.




Brinton, Laurel J. and Minoji Akimoto. Collocational and Idiomatic Aspects of Composite Predicates in the History of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1999.

Catford, J.C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.

Choliludin. The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc, 2005.

Effendi P, Rachmat.Cara Mudah Menulis dan Menerjemahkan. Jakarta: HAPSA et STUDIA, 2004.

House, Juliane.Translation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Kettemann, Bernhard and Georg Marko.Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis. New York: Rodopi, 2002.

Krohn, Robert. English Sentence Structure. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1977.

Moentaha, Salihen.Bahasa dan Terjemahan. Bekasi: Kesaint Blanc, 2006. Newmark, Peter. Approaches to Translation.England: Pergamon Press, 1981. _______.A Text Book of Translation.Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall, 1988.

Nida, Eugene A. and Charles R. Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Sayogie, Frans. Penerjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2008. Werner, Patricia K. et. al. Interactions Grammar 2. New York: McGraw-Hill,



Widyamartaya, A.Seni Menerjemahkan.Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1989.



1. John asked Susie for a cup of tea. 2. Jim lives on $500 a month. 3. You must look after Andi today.

4. Would you please add these names on to the list? 5. I ran into an old friend yesterday.

6. We have a lot of things to answer for. 7. I usually get on the bus at the station. 8. If you really love Jane, take her out. 9. The troops blow up the bridge. 10. I will call for you at 7 tonight.

11. He puts his hat on and leaves the room. 12. Clean the table off, please!

13. Put your toys away, Kid!

14. A beautiful woman waited on me in the restaurant yesterday. 15. She has a new hat on today.