Background of Study INTRODUCTION



A. Background of Study

Language is the main-communication device in human interaction. It functions to express concepts, ideas, or thought, so that it has meaning. The expression of meaning is not always obvious, sometimes expressed implicitly and vaguely by the speaker, consequently needed imagination and certain knowledge to be apprehended. One of the ways to express the meaning implicitly is by using figurative language. According to Abrams, Figurative language is a conspicuous departure from what users of a language apprehend as the standard meaning of words, or else the standard order of words, in order to achieve some special meaning or effect. 1 There are some kinds of figurative language, however, two kinds of which are attractive to be analyzed and considered having important role in cognitive are metaphor and metonymy. According to Gorys Keraf, metafora adalah semacam analogi yang membandingkan dua hal secara langsung, tetapi dalam bentuk yang singkat. 2 Metaphor is such an analogy that compares two things directly in brief form Metonimi adalah suatu gaya bahasa yang mempergunakan sebuah kata untuk menyatakan suatu hal lain, karena mempunyai pertalian yang sangat 1 Abrams M.H., A Glossary of Literary Terms, Seven Edition Massachusetts: Heinle Heinle. 1999, p. 96. 2 Gorys Keraf, Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 2007, p. 139. dekat. 3 Metonymy is a figure of speech that uses a word to express another, because of close relationship In traditional view, like most of people think that metaphor and metonymy are merely regarded as language matter. They are viewed as decorative device of daily language. They are also viewed as rhetoric that used in certain time to get certain effect that is expected. In this view, they are parts of figurative language, that is, because they are interpreted as words which are not used in daily life. Then, in cognitive linguistics, metaphor and metonymy are properties of concept, not just artistic or esthetic purpose, and conventionally used by ordinary people in daily life. As cognitive linguistics view, in this research, metaphor and metonymy are not considered merely as a language matter or parts of figurative language, but also as language related with cognition. They are part of conceptual system which structures thought and action. Nevertheless, conceptual system is not something we aware of, most of things we do everyday, think and act, occurs automatically. Therefore, metaphor and metonymy are automatic and unconscious. One of the ways to perceive is by viewing the language. Since communication is based on similar conceptual system, which is used to think and act, language is an important source as the evidence how the system is. 4 Metaphor and metonymy are conceptual in nature, however, they experience different conceptual process. According to Lakoff dan Johnson 1980, Metaphor is principally a way of conceiving of one thing in terms of another, and 3 Ibid, p. 140. 4 George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Life By Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1980 , p. 3. its primary function is understanding. Metonymy, on the other hand, has primarily a referential function, that is, it allows us to use one entity to stand for another. But metonymy is not merely a referential device. It also serves the function of providing understanding. 5 Then, according to Jakobson, metaphor is based on similarity, whereas metonymy is based on contiguity. 6 Metaphor expression like “Time is Money”, is an example based on similarity in which Time and Money are two things that are obviously different, but Time is considered as a precious commodity that can be conceptualized with Money. Metonymy expression, such as “I’m reading Shakespeare”, is an example of conceptualization based on contiguity, namely, Producer for Product because Shakespeare in the example re fers to Shakespeare’s work. Since novel is a fiction belles-lettres which represents life of the characters, how they think and act is expressed in language. In this research, the writer analyzes a novel, that is, Breaking Dawn written by Stephenie Meyer, the forth novel of the Twilight Saga’s tetralogys. It is published in 2008 by Little, Brown and Company in New York, USA. Like three novels before Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn is the last part of which also becomes out-world bestseller. It is divided into three parts, they are first book narrated by Bella Swan, second book narrated by Jacob Black, and Third book narrated by Bella Swan. Stephenie Meyer is an author who has high imaginations expressed in attractive language in her novels. The writer finds out many metaphor and metonymy expressions in Breaking Dawn novel, metaphor expressions, such as: 5 Ibid, p. 36. 6 Jakobson, “The Metonymyc and metaphoric Poles.” Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast. Ed. Dirven, René and Ralf Pöring. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, p.42. “I was so fragilely human” In the example above, there is cross-domain mapping in which “I” is a human, and “fragilely” formed from adjective fragile, officially used for „breakable things’ such as glass. However, here, fragile used to I as human, it looks as an anomaly. Actually it is cross-domain mapping of metaphor conceptual system, that is one domain is understood in another domain because there are similarity between character of I and breakable things. Example of metonymy expression in Breaking Dawn novel: “Are you driving a Mercedes Guardian?” In the example of metonymy above, there is mapping of metonymy model in which one entity stands for another that is contiguity. In this case, reader will understand the mean of word „Mercedes Guardian’ stand for a car, in spite of indirectly mentioning, because it is generally known that Mercedes Guardian is a car brand. The position of Mercedes Guardian here as the first entity refers to Car as the second entity. This relationship is called relation of Producer for Product. Beside examples above, the writer finds many other sentences contain metaphor and metonymy in Breaking Dawn novel, so that the writer is attracted to analyze those with theory of conceptual mapping declared by Lakoff and Johnson 1980. Then, the writer also want to know how the influence of metaphor and metonymy usage in giving meaning of the sentences.

B. Focus of Study