Latar Belakang ASEAN Citation Index

52  Dengan asumsi ketercapaian jumlah 500 journal terindeks di ACI pada tahun 2018, pihak Scopus memberikan komitmen kerjasama dengan ACI dengan membentuk independent CSAB-ASEAN dengan anggota steering committee dari masing-masing member country ASEAN.  Selanjutnya dengan terbentuknya CSAB-ASEAN, mulai tahun 2018 proses aplikasi journal lokal untuk diindeks di Scopus harus dilakukan melalui CSAB-ASEAN. Kriteria penilaian yang digunakan adalah kriteria ACI yang diadopsi dari kriteria penilaian Scopus.  Mekanisme rinci pengajuan ke Scopus melalui CSAB akan dibahas peda pertemuan ACI V tahun 2017 di Kuala Lumpur.  Kewajiban kontribusi tahunan yang dibebankan ke masing-masing member country diharapkan segera dipenuhi. Persiapan di Tim Akreditasi Nasional Indonesia Mengingat pentingnya peran ACI untuk percepatan penginternasionalan journal nasional, perlu kita bangun komitmen bersama untuk berperan aktif di ACI. Beberapa persiapan berikut diharapkan dapat dilakukan dalam waktu dekat ini.  Sosialisasi ACI melalui workshop  Melakukan seleksi journal nasional yang sudah terakreditasi, sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian ACI untuk direkomendasikan ke ACI

C. Kriteria Indeksasi Asean Citation Index

General criteria for journal inclusion in the ACI 1. All articles must be peer reviewed 2. Timeliness one issue delay is allowed Additional Criteria 1. At least 3 years minimum of age or 6 issued published 2. Cited in related index system 3. Good diversity in authorship 4. Good diversity in editorial board members 5. Clear journal concepts and policy 6. Uniform journal format 7. Journal website or online publication update, comprehensive Criteria for de-selection On the bases of “on-complaints”. 53 Tabel 5. 1 Evaluation Criteria of Asean Citation Index Pre-Evaluation http: Total Point Criteria Consideration Points Point 1. Level and indication of peer-review ☐ Double-blind peer-review ☐ Single-blind peer-review ☐ No peer-review 2. Timeliness of Publication ☐ On time ☐ 1 Issue delay ☐ Delay of more than 1 issue 3. Has at least 3 years in publication or has published 6 issues continuously ☐ More than 3 years old ☐ 3 years old ☐ Less than 3 years old 4. Citedness of journal ☐ Citedness above expectations ☐ Citedness at expectations ☐ Citedness below expectations 5. Conformity with the journals stated aims and scope 5.1 Aim and scope of the journal which clearly state discipline of articles ☐ Yes ☐ No 5.2 Name list of the editorial board and their affiliations ☐ Yes ☐ No 5.3 Frequency of publication with specific month, e.g. 2 volumes a year, Volume 1 issue in January – June, Volume 2 issue in July - December ☐ Yes ☐ No 5.4 Statement that indicates peer-review process ☐ Yes ☐ No 5.5 Information for author should have complete and relevant information ☐ Yes ☐ No 6. Diversity in provenance of editors ☐ Experts from other organizations ≥ 50 ☐ Experts from other organizations 50 but ≥ 25 ☐ Experts from other organizations 25 Criteria Consideration Points Point 7. Diversity in origin of authors ☐ Articles from other organizations ≥ 50